//private static void OnNewPlayerEntity(object sender, PlayerEntityEvent playerEntityEvent)
 //    // delegate event from player info from ram, not required to subsribe
 //    // this is for YOU and includes all your stats and your agro list with hate values as %
 //    // this updates 10x a second and only sends data when the newly read data is differen than what was previously sent
 //    if (sender == null)
 //    {
 //        return;
 //    }
 //    var playerEntity = playerEntityEvent.PlayerEntity;
 private static void OnNewTargetEntity(object sender, TargetEntityEvent targetEntityEvent)
     // delegate event from target info from ram, not required to subsribe
     // this includes the full entities for current, previous, mouseover, focus targets (if 0+ are found)
     // it also includes a list of upto 16 targets that currently have hate on the currently targeted monster
     // these hate values are realtime and change based on the action used
     // this updates 10x a second and only sends data when the newly read data is differen than what was previously sent
     if (sender == null)
     var targetEntity = targetEntityEvent.TargetEntity;
     var emptyEntity = new TargetEntity();
     // assign empty entity
     EnmityWidgetViewModel.Instance.TargetEntity = emptyEntity;
     FocusTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.TargetEntity = emptyEntity;
     CurrentTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.TargetEntity = emptyEntity;
     // assign default current/focus target info
     EnmityWidgetViewModel.Instance.EnmityTargetIsValid = false;
     EnmityWidgetViewModel.Instance.EnmityTargetHPPercent = 0;
     EnmityWidgetViewModel.Instance.EnmityTargetDistance = 0;
     FocusTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.FocusTargetIsValid = false;
     FocusTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.FocusTargetHPPercent = 0;
     FocusTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.FocusTargetDistance = 0;
     CurrentTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.CurrentTargetIsValid = false;
     CurrentTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.CurrentTargetHPPercent = 0;
     CurrentTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.CurrentTargetDistance = 0;
     // if valid assign actual current target info
     if (targetEntity.CurrentTarget != null && targetEntity.CurrentTarget.IsValid && Settings.Default.ShowEnmityWidgetOnLoad)
         EnmityWidgetViewModel.Instance.TargetEntity = targetEntity;
         EnmityWidgetViewModel.Instance.EnmityTargetIsValid = true;
         EnmityWidgetViewModel.Instance.EnmityTargetHPPercent = (double) targetEntity.CurrentTarget.HPPercent;
             EnmityWidgetViewModel.Instance.EnmityTargetDistance = XIVInfoViewModel.Instance.CurrentUser.GetDistanceTo(targetEntity.CurrentTarget);
         catch (Exception ex)
     // if valid assign actual current target info
     if (targetEntity.CurrentTarget != null && targetEntity.CurrentTarget.IsValid && Settings.Default.ShowCurrentTargetWidgetOnLoad)
         CurrentTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.TargetEntity = targetEntity;
         CurrentTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.CurrentTargetIsValid = true;
         CurrentTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.CurrentTargetHPPercent = (double) targetEntity.CurrentTarget.HPPercent;
             CurrentTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.CurrentTargetDistance = XIVInfoViewModel.Instance.CurrentUser.GetDistanceTo(targetEntity.CurrentTarget);
         catch (Exception ex)
     // if valid assign actual focus target info
     if (targetEntity.FocusTarget != null && targetEntity.FocusTarget.IsValid && Settings.Default.ShowFocusTargetWidgetOnLoad)
         FocusTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.TargetEntity = targetEntity;
         FocusTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.FocusTargetIsValid = true;
         FocusTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.FocusTargetHPPercent = (double) targetEntity.FocusTarget.HPPercent;
             FocusTargetWidgetViewModel.Instance.FocusTargetDistance = XIVInfoViewModel.Instance.CurrentUser.GetDistanceTo(targetEntity.FocusTarget);
         catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #2
 public virtual void RaiseNewTargetEntity(TargetEntity e)
     var targetEntityEvent = new TargetEntityEvent(this, e);
     var handler = NewTargetEntity;
     if (handler != null)
         handler(this, targetEntityEvent);
 private void PluginHostOnNewTargetEntity(object sender, TargetEntityEvent targetEntityEvent)
     // delegate event from target info from ram, not required to subsribe
     // this includes the full entities for current, previous, mouseover, focus targets (if 0+ are found)
     // it also includes a list of upto 16 targets that currently have hate on the currently targeted monster
     // these hate values are realtime and change based on the action used
     // this updates 10x a second and only sends data when the newly read data is differen than what was previously sent
     if (sender == null)
     var targetEntity = targetEntityEvent.TargetEntity;
 private static void OnNewTargetEntity(object sender, TargetEntityEvent targetEntityEvent)
     // delegate event from target info from ram, not required to subsribe
     // this includes the full entities for current, previous, mouseover, focus targets (if 0+ are found)
     // it also includes a list of upto 16 targets that currently have hate on the currently targeted monster
     // these hate values are realtime and change based on the action used
     // this updates 10x a second and only sends data when the newly read data is differen than what was previously sent
     if (sender == null)
     var targetEntity = targetEntityEvent.TargetEntity;
     XIVInfoViewModel.Instance.EnmityEntries = new ObservableCollection<EnmityEntry>(targetEntity.EnmityEntries ?? new List<EnmityEntry>());
     XIVInfoViewModel.Instance.CurrentTarget = targetEntity.CurrentTarget ?? new ActorEntity();
     XIVInfoViewModel.Instance.MouseOverTarget = targetEntity.MouseOverTarget ?? new ActorEntity();
     XIVInfoViewModel.Instance.FocusTarget = targetEntity.FocusTarget ?? new ActorEntity();
     XIVInfoViewModel.Instance.PreviousTarget = targetEntity.PreviousTarget ?? new ActorEntity();