public void DoWork(EMode mode = EMode.Default, int scannerFlags = 0) { Stopwatch timerTotal = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch timerStep = new Stopwatch(); timerTotal.Start(); bool debugMode = (mode & EMode.Debug) != EMode.None; activeScanner = null; currentMode = mode; // load input bool hasInputImage = LoadInputImage(mode, timerStep, scanClipBounds); if (hasInputImage) { // convert to HSL representation timerStep.Restart(); cachedFastBitmap = ImageUtils.ConvertToFastBitmap(screenReader.cachedScreenshot); timerStep.Stop(); if (debugMode) { Logger.WriteLine("Screenshot convert: " + timerStep.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"); } if (Logger.IsSuperVerbose()) { Logger.WriteLine("Screenshot: {0}x{1}", screenReader.cachedScreenshot.Width, screenReader.cachedScreenshot.Height); } // reset scanner's intermediate data bool canResetCache = (mode & EMode.NeverResetCache) == EMode.None; if (canResetCache) { bool forceResetCache = (mode & EMode.AlwaysResetCache) != EMode.None; if (forceResetCache) { unknownHashes.Clear(); currentHashMatches.Clear(); } // invalidate scanner's cache if input image size has changed if (forceResetCache || cachedBitmapSize.Width <= 0 || cachedBitmapSize.Width != cachedFastBitmap.Width || cachedBitmapSize.Height != cachedFastBitmap.Height) { cachedBitmapSize = new Size(cachedFastBitmap.Width, cachedFastBitmap.Height); foreach (var kvp in mapScanners) { kvp.Value.InvalidateCache(); } } } currentState = EState.NoScannerMatch; // pass 1: check if cache is still valid for requested scanner foreach (var kvp in mapScanners) { if ((kvp.Key & mode) != EMode.None && kvp.Value.HasValidCache(cachedFastBitmap, scannerFlags)) { bool scanned = false; try { scanned = kvp.Value.DoWork(cachedFastBitmap, scannerFlags, timerStep, debugMode); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteLine("Failed to scan [1] image! {0}", ex); scanned = false; } if (scanned) { activeScanner = kvp.Value; currentState = (currentState == EState.NoScannerMatch) ? EState.NoErrors : currentState; if (debugMode) { Logger.WriteLine("Scan [1] successful, type:{0}, state:{1}", kvp.Key, currentState); } } else { currentState = EState.ScannerErrors; } break; } } // pass 2: all requested if (activeScanner == null) { foreach (var kvp in mapScanners) { if ((kvp.Key & mode) != EMode.None) { bool scanned = false; try { scanned = kvp.Value.DoWork(cachedFastBitmap, scannerFlags, timerStep, debugMode); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.WriteLine("Failed to scan [2] image! {0}", ex); scanned = false; } if (scanned) { activeScanner = kvp.Value; currentState = (currentState == EState.NoScannerMatch) ? EState.NoErrors : currentState; if (debugMode) { Logger.WriteLine("Scan [2] successful, type:{0}, state:{1}", kvp.Key, currentState); } break; } } } } // save debug markup if needed if ((activeScanner != null) && ((mode & EMode.DebugSaveMarkup) != EMode.None)) { List <Rectangle> debugBounds = new List <Rectangle>(); List <ImageUtils.HashPreview> debugHashes = new List <ImageUtils.HashPreview>(); activeScanner.AppendDebugShapes(debugBounds, debugHashes); if (currentScanArea.Width > 0) { debugBounds.Add(currentScanArea); } timerStep.Restart(); string imagePath = GetDefaultScreenshotPath() + "screenshot-markup.png"; if (File.Exists(imagePath)) { File.Delete(imagePath); } using (Bitmap markupBitmap = ImageUtils.ConvertToBitmap(cachedFastBitmap)) { ImageUtils.DrawDebugShapes(markupBitmap, debugBounds); ImageUtils.DrawDebugHashes(markupBitmap, debugHashes); markupBitmap.Save(imagePath, ImageFormat.Png); } timerStep.Stop(); Logger.WriteLine("Screenshot save: " + timerStep.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"); } } else { currentState = EState.NoInputImage; } timerTotal.Stop(); if (debugMode) { Logger.WriteLine("Screenshot TOTAL: " + timerTotal.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms"); } }