Exemple #1
        public void ScanWithoutRecoverTest([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            // You may also force an iterator to start at the specified begin address, i.e., without recovering: recover parameter = false

            // Create log and device here (not in setup) because using DeviceType Enum which can't be used in Setup
            string filename = path + "LogScanWithoutRecover" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            device = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            log    = new FasterLog(new FasterLogSettings {
                LogDevice = device, SegmentSizeBits = 22, LogCommitDir = path

            // Read the log
            int currentEntry = 9;   // since starting at specified address of 1000, need to set current entry as 9 so verification starts at proper spot

            using (var iter = log.Scan(1000, 100_000_000, recover: false))
                while (iter.GetNext(out byte[] result, out _, out _))
                    if (currentEntry < entryLength)
                        // Span Batch only added first entry several times so have separate verification
                        Assert.AreEqual((byte)entryFlag, result[currentEntry]);

            // Make sure expected length is same as current - also makes sure that data verification was not skipped
            Assert.AreEqual(entryLength, currentEntry);
Exemple #2
        public void ScanByNameTest([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            //You can persist iterators(or more precisely, their CompletedUntilAddress) as part of a commit by simply naming them during their creation.

            // Create log and device here (not in setup) because using DeviceType Enum which can't be used in Setup
            string filename = path + "LogScanByName" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            device = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            log    = new FasterLog(new FasterLogSettings {
                LogDevice = device, SegmentSizeBits = 22, LogCommitDir = path

            // Read the log - Look for the flag so know each entry is unique
            int currentEntry = 0;

            using (var iter = log.Scan(0, 100_000_000, name: "TestScan", recover: true))
                while (iter.GetNext(out byte[] result, out _, out _))
                    if (currentEntry < entryLength)
                        // Span Batch only added first entry several times so have separate verification
                        Assert.AreEqual((byte)entryFlag, result[currentEntry]);

            // Make sure expected length is same as current - also makes sure that data verification was not skipped
            Assert.AreEqual(entryLength, currentEntry);
Exemple #3
        public void UpsertNoRefNoDefaultsTest()
            // Just checking more parameter values so one device is enough
            deviceType = TestUtils.DeviceType.MLSD;

            string filename = path + "UpsertNoRefNoDefaultsTest" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>
                      (128, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 29
            session = fht.For(new Functions()).NewSession <Functions>();

            InputStruct  input  = default;
            OutputStruct output = default;

            var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                kfield1 = 13, kfield2 = 14
            var value = new ValueStruct {
                vfield1 = 23, vfield2 = 24

            session.Upsert(key1, value, Empty.Default, 0);
            var status = session.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0);

            AssertCompleted(Status.OK, status);

            Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield1, output.value.vfield1);
            Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield2, output.value.vfield2);
Exemple #4
        public void ScanUncommittedTest([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            // Create log and device here (not in setup) because using DeviceType Enum which can't be used in Setup
            string filename = path + "LogScan" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            device = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            log    = new FasterLog(new FasterLogSettings {
                LogDevice = device, SegmentSizeBits = 22, LogCommitDir = path

            // Setting scanUnCommitted to true is actual test here.
            // Read the log - Look for the flag so know each entry is unique and still reads uncommitted
            int currentEntry = 0;

            using (var iter = log.Scan(0, 100_000_000, scanUncommitted: true))
                while (iter.GetNext(out byte[] result, out _, out _))
                    if (currentEntry < entryLength)
                        // Span Batch only added first entry several times so have separate verification
                        Assert.AreEqual((byte)entryFlag, result[currentEntry]);

            // Make sure expected length is same as current - also makes sure that data verification was not skipped
            Assert.AreEqual(entryLength, currentEntry);
Exemple #5
        public void ReadBareMinParams([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            string filename = path + "ReadBareMinParams" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>
                      (128, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 22, SegmentSizeBits = 22, PageSizeBits = 10
            session = fht.For(new Functions()).NewSession <Functions>();

            var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                kfield1 = 13, kfield2 = 14
            var value = new ValueStruct {
                vfield1 = 23, vfield2 = 24

            session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, Empty.Default, 0);

            var(status, output) = session.Read(key1);
            AssertCompleted(Status.OK, status);

            Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield1, output.value.vfield1);
            Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield2, output.value.vfield2);
            Assert.AreEqual(key1.kfield1, 13);
            Assert.AreEqual(key1.kfield2, 14);
Exemple #6
        public void UpsertDefaultsTest([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            string filename = path + "UpsertDefaultsTest" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>
                      (128, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 22, SegmentSizeBits = 22, PageSizeBits = 10
            session = fht.For(new Functions()).NewSession <Functions>();

            InputStruct  input  = default;
            OutputStruct output = default;

            var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                kfield1 = 13, kfield2 = 14
            var value = new ValueStruct {
                vfield1 = 23, vfield2 = 24

            Assert.AreEqual(0, fht.EntryCount);

            session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value);
            var status = session.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0);

            AssertCompleted(Status.OK, status);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, fht.EntryCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield1, output.value.vfield1);
            Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield2, output.value.vfield2);
Exemple #7
        public void ReadAtAddressReadFlagsNone()
            // Just functional test of ReadFlag so one device is enough
            deviceType = TestUtils.DeviceType.MLSD;

            string filename = path + "ReadAtAddressReadFlagsNone" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>
                      (128, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 29
            session = fht.For(new Functions()).NewSession <Functions>();

            InputStruct  input  = default;
            OutputStruct output = default;

            var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                kfield1 = 13, kfield2 = 14
            var value = new ValueStruct {
                vfield1 = 23, vfield2 = 24
            var readAtAddress = fht.Log.BeginAddress;

            session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, Empty.Default, 0);
            var status = session.ReadAtAddress(readAtAddress, ref input, ref output, ReadFlags.None, Empty.Default, 0);

            AssertCompleted(Status.OK, status);

            Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield1, output.value.vfield1);
            Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield2, output.value.vfield2);
            Assert.AreEqual(key1.kfield1, 13);
            Assert.AreEqual(key1.kfield2, 14);
Exemple #8
        public void TestDisposeReleasesFileLocksWithCompletedCommit([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            string path     = TestUtils.MethodTestDir + "/";
            string filename = path + "TestDisposeRelease" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            DirectoryInfo di        = Directory.CreateDirectory(path);
            IDevice       device    = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            FasterLog     fasterLog = new FasterLog(new FasterLogSettings {
                LogDevice = device, SegmentSizeBits = 22, LogCommitDir = path, LogChecksum = LogChecksumType.PerEntry

            Assert.IsTrue(fasterLog.TryEnqueue(new byte[100], out _));

            fasterLog.Commit(spinWait: true);
            while (true)
                    di.Delete(recursive: true);
                catch { }
Exemple #9
        public void ScanConsumerTest([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            // Create log and device here (not in setup) because using DeviceType Enum which can't be used in Setup
            string filename = path + "LogScanDefault" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            device = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            log    = new FasterLog(new FasterLogSettings {
                LogDevice = device, SegmentSizeBits = 22, LogCommitDir = path

            // Basic default scan from start to end
            // Indirectly used in other tests, but good to have the basic test here for completeness

            // Read the log - Look for the flag so know each entry is unique
            var consumer = new TestConsumer();

            using (var iter = log.Scan(0, 100_000_000))
                while (iter.TryConsumeNext(consumer))

            // Make sure expected length is same as current - also makes sure that data verification was not skipped
            Assert.AreEqual(entryLength, consumer.currentEntry);
Exemple #10
        public void DiskWriteScanBasicTest([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            log    = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, $"{path}DiskWriteScanBasicTest_{deviceType}.log");
            objlog = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, $"{path}DiskWriteScanBasicTest_{deviceType}.obj.log");
            fht    = new (128,
                          logSettings : new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, ObjectLogDevice = objlog, MutableFraction = 0.1, MemorySizeBits = 15, PageSizeBits = 9, SegmentSizeBits = 22
                          checkpointSettings : new CheckpointSettings {
                CheckPointType = CheckpointType.FoldOver
                          serializerSettings : new SerializerSettings <MyKey, MyValue> {
                keySerializer = () => new MyKeySerializer(), valueSerializer = () => new MyValueSerializer()

            using var session = fht.For(new MyFunctions()).NewSession <MyFunctions>();
            using var s       = fht.Log.Subscribe(new LogObserver());

            var start = fht.Log.TailAddress;

            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i++)
                var _key = new MyKey {
                    key = i
                var _value = new MyValue {
                    value = i
                session.Upsert(ref _key, ref _value, Empty.Default, 0);
                if (i % 100 == 0)

            using (var iter = fht.Log.Scan(start, fht.Log.TailAddress, ScanBufferingMode.SinglePageBuffering))
                int val;
                for (val = 0; iter.GetNext(out RecordInfo recordInfo, out MyKey key, out MyValue value); ++val)
                    Assert.AreEqual(val, key.key, $"log scan 1: key");
                    Assert.AreEqual(val, value.value, $"log scan 1: value");
                Assert.AreEqual(val, totalRecords, $"log scan 1: totalRecords");

            using (var iter = fht.Log.Scan(start, fht.Log.TailAddress, ScanBufferingMode.DoublePageBuffering))
                int val;
                for (val = 0; iter.GetNext(out RecordInfo recordInfo, out MyKey key, out MyValue value); ++val)
                    Assert.AreEqual(val, key.key, $"log scan 2: key");
                    Assert.AreEqual(val, value.value, $"log scan 2: value");
                Assert.AreEqual(val, totalRecords, $"log scan 2: totalRecords");
        private void Setup(long size, LogSettings logSettings, TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            string filename = path + TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Name + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            logSettings.LogDevice = log;
            fht     = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>(size, logSettings);
            session = fht.For(new Functions()).NewSession <Functions>();
Exemple #12
        public void DeltaLogTest1([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            const int TotalCount = 200;
            string    filename   = $"{path}delta_{deviceType}.log";


            device = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            using DeltaLog deltaLog = new DeltaLog(device, 12, 0);
            Random r = new (20);
            int    i;

            SectorAlignedBufferPool bufferPool = new(1, (int)device.SectorSize);

            for (i = 0; i < TotalCount; i++)
                int  _len = 1 + r.Next(254);
                long address;
                while (true)
                    deltaLog.Allocate(out int maxLen, out address);
                    if (_len <= maxLen)
                for (int j = 0; j < _len; j++)
                    unsafe { *(byte *)(address + j) = (byte)_len; }
                deltaLog.Seal(_len, i % 2 == 0 ? DeltaLogEntryType.DELTA : DeltaLogEntryType.CHECKPOINT_METADATA);

            r = new (20);
            for (i = 0; deltaLog.GetNext(out long address, out int len, out var type); i++)
                int _len = 1 + r.Next(254);
                Assert.AreEqual(i % 2 == 0 ? DeltaLogEntryType.DELTA : DeltaLogEntryType.CHECKPOINT_METADATA, type);
                Assert.AreEqual(len, _len);
                for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                    unsafe { Assert.AreEqual((byte)_len, *(byte *)(address + j)); };
            Assert.AreEqual(TotalCount, i, $"i={i} and TotalCount={TotalCount}");
        public void Setup()
            path = TestUtils.MethodTestDir + "/";

            // Clean up log files from previous test runs in case they weren't cleaned up
            TestUtils.DeleteDirectory(path, wait: true);

            if (TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Arguments.Length == 0)
                // Default log creation
                log    = Devices.CreateLogDevice(path + "/GenericLogCompactionTests.log", deleteOnClose: true);
                objlog = Devices.CreateLogDevice(path + "/GenericLogCompactionTests.obj.log", deleteOnClose: true);

                fht = new FasterKV <MyKey, MyValue>
                          logSettings: new LogSettings {
                    LogDevice = log, ObjectLogDevice = objlog, MutableFraction = 0.1, MemorySizeBits = 14, PageSizeBits = 9
                          checkpointSettings: new CheckpointSettings {
                    CheckPointType = CheckpointType.FoldOver
                          serializerSettings: new SerializerSettings <MyKey, MyValue> {
                    keySerializer = () => new MyKeySerializer(), valueSerializer = () => new MyValueSerializer()
                // For this class, deviceType is the only parameter. Using this to illustrate the approach; NUnit doesn't provide metadata for arguments,
                // so for multi-parameter tests it is probably better to stay with the "separate SetUp method" approach.
                var deviceType = (TestUtils.DeviceType)TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.Arguments[0];

                log    = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, $"{path}LogCompactBasicTest_{deviceType}.log");
                objlog = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, $"{path}LogCompactBasicTest_{deviceType}.obj.log");

                fht = new FasterKV <MyKey, MyValue>
                          logSettings: new LogSettings {
                    LogDevice = log, ObjectLogDevice = objlog, MutableFraction = 0.1, MemorySizeBits = 14, PageSizeBits = 9, SegmentSizeBits = 22
                          checkpointSettings: new CheckpointSettings {
                    CheckPointType = CheckpointType.FoldOver
                          serializerSettings: new SerializerSettings <MyKey, MyValue> {
                    keySerializer = () => new MyKeySerializer(), valueSerializer = () => new MyValueSerializer()
            session = fht.For(new MyFunctionsDelete()).NewSession <MyFunctionsDelete>();
Exemple #14
        public void NativeInMemWriteReadDelete([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            string filename = path + "NativeInMemWriteReadDelete" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>
                      (128, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, PageSizeBits = 10, MemorySizeBits = 12, SegmentSizeBits = 22
            session = fht.For(new Functions()).NewSession <Functions>();

            InputStruct  input  = default;
            OutputStruct output = default;

            var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                kfield1 = 13, kfield2 = 14
            var value = new ValueStruct {
                vfield1 = 23, vfield2 = 24

            session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, Empty.Default, 0);
            var status = session.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0);

            AssertCompleted(Status.OK, status);

            session.Delete(ref key1, Empty.Default, 0);

            status = session.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0);
            AssertCompleted(Status.NOTFOUND, status);

            var key2 = new KeyStruct {
                kfield1 = 14, kfield2 = 15
            var value2 = new ValueStruct {
                vfield1 = 24, vfield2 = 25

            session.Upsert(ref key2, ref value2, Empty.Default, 0);
            status = session.Read(ref key2, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0);

            AssertCompleted(Status.OK, status);
            Assert.AreEqual(value2.vfield1, output.value.vfield1);
            Assert.AreEqual(value2.vfield2, output.value.vfield2);
Exemple #15
        public void StringBasicTest([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            string logfilename    = path + "GenericStringTests" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";
            string objlogfilename = path + "GenericStringTests" + deviceType.ToString() + ".obj.log";

            log    = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, logfilename);
            objlog = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, objlogfilename);

            fht = new FasterKV <string, string>(
                1L << 20,     // size of hash table in #cache lines; 64 bytes per cache line
                    new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, ObjectLogDevice = objlog, MutableFraction = 0.1, MemorySizeBits = 14, PageSizeBits = 9, SegmentSizeBits = 22
                    }                                                                                                                                                 // log device

            session = fht.For(new MyFuncs()).NewSession <MyFuncs>();

            const int totalRecords = 200;

            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i++)
                var _key   = $"{i}";
                var _value = $"{i}";;
                session.Upsert(ref _key, ref _value, Empty.Default, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(totalRecords, fht.EntryCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i++)
                string input  = default;
                string output = default;
                var    key    = $"{i}";
                var    value  = $"{i}";

                if (session.Read(ref key, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0) == Status.PENDING)
                    Assert.AreEqual(value, output);
Exemple #16
        public void UpsertSerialNumberTest()
            // Simple Upsert of Serial Number test so one device is enough
            deviceType = TestUtils.DeviceType.MLSD;

            string filename = path + "UpsertSerialNumberTest" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>
                      (128, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 29
            session = fht.For(new Functions()).NewSession <Functions>();

            int          numKeys = 100;
            int          keyMod  = 10;
            int          maxLap  = numKeys / keyMod;
            InputStruct  input   = default;
            OutputStruct output  = default;

            var value = new ValueStruct {
                vfield1 = 23, vfield2 = 24
            var key = new KeyStruct {
                kfield1 = 13, kfield2 = 14

            for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; i++)
                // lap is used to illustrate the changing values
                var lap = i / keyMod;
                session.Upsert(ref key, ref value, serialNo: lap);

            // Now verify
            for (int j = 0; j < numKeys; j++)
                var status = session.Read(ref key, ref input, ref output, serialNo: maxLap + 1);

                AssertCompleted(Status.OK, status);
                Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield1, output.value.vfield1);
                Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield2, output.value.vfield2);
Exemple #17
        public void MemoryLogCompactionTest1([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            string filename = path + "MemoryLogCompactionTests1" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <ReadOnlyMemory <int>, Memory <int> >
                      (1L << 20, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 12, PageSizeBits = 10, SegmentSizeBits = 22

            using var session = fht.For(new MemoryCompaction()).NewSession <MemoryCompaction>();

            var key   = new Memory <int>(new int[20]);
            var value = new Memory <int>(new int[20]);

            const int totalRecords = 200;
            var       start        = fht.Log.TailAddress;

            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i++)
                session.Upsert(key, value);
                if (i < 5)
                    session.Delete(key); // in-place delete

            for (int i = 5; i < 10; i++)
                session.Delete(key); // tombstone inserted

            // Compact log
            var compactUntil = fht.Log.BeginAddress + (fht.Log.TailAddress - fht.Log.BeginAddress) / 5;

            compactUntil = session.Compact(compactUntil, true);

            Assert.AreEqual(compactUntil, fht.Log.BeginAddress);

            // Read total keys - all but first 5 (deleted) should be present
            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i++)

                var(status, output) = session.Read(key, userContext: i < 10 ? 1 : 0);
                if (status == Status.PENDING)
                    if (i < 10)
                        Assert.AreEqual(Status.NOTFOUND, status);
                        Assert.AreEqual(Status.OK, status);
                        Assert.IsTrue(output.Item1.Memory.Span.Slice(0, output.Item2).SequenceEqual(key.Span));

            // Test iteration of distinct live keys
            using (var iter = session.Iterate())
                int count = 0;
                while (iter.GetNext(out RecordInfo recordInfo))
                    var k = iter.GetKey();
                    Assert.GreaterOrEqual(k.Span[0], 10);
                Assert.AreEqual(190, count);

            // Test iteration of all log records
            using (var iter = fht.Log.Scan(fht.Log.BeginAddress, fht.Log.TailAddress))
                int count = 0;
                while (iter.GetNext(out RecordInfo recordInfo))
                    var k = iter.GetKey();
                    Assert.GreaterOrEqual(k.Span[0], 5);
                // Includes 190 live records + 5 deleted records
                Assert.AreEqual(195, count);
Exemple #18
        public void LogReadAsyncBasicTest([Values] ParameterDefaultsIteratorType iteratorType, [Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            int    entryLength = 20;
            int    numEntries  = 500;
            int    entryFlag   = 9999;
            string filename    = path + "LogReadAsync" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            device = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            log    = new FasterLog(new FasterLogSettings {
                LogDevice = device, SegmentSizeBits = 22, LogCommitDir = path

            byte[] entry = new byte[entryLength];

            // Set Default entry data
            for (int i = 0; i < entryLength; i++)
                entry[i] = (byte)i;

            // Enqueue but set each Entry in a way that can differentiate between entries
            for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)
                // Flag one part of entry data that corresponds to index
                if (i < entryLength)
                    entry[i] = (byte)entryFlag;

                // puts back the previous entry value
                if ((i > 0) && (i < entryLength))
                    entry[i - 1] = (byte)(i - 1);


            // Commit to the log

            // Read one entry based on different parameters for AsyncReadOnly and verify
            switch (iteratorType)
            case ParameterDefaultsIteratorType.DefaultParams:
                // Read one entry and verify
                var record       = log.ReadAsync(log.BeginAddress);
                var foundFlagged = record.Result.Item1[0];    // 15
                var foundEntry   = record.Result.Item1[1];    // 1
                var foundTotal   = record.Result.Item2;

                Assert.AreEqual((byte)entryFlag, foundFlagged, $"Fail reading Flagged Entry");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, foundEntry, $"Fail reading Normal Entry");
                Assert.AreEqual(entryLength, foundTotal, $"Fail reading Total");


            case ParameterDefaultsIteratorType.LengthParam:
                // Read one entry and verify
                record       = log.ReadAsync(log.BeginAddress, 208);
                foundFlagged = record.Result.Item1[0];    // 15
                foundEntry   = record.Result.Item1[1];    // 1
                foundTotal   = record.Result.Item2;

                Assert.AreEqual((byte)entryFlag, foundFlagged, $"Fail reading Flagged Entry");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, foundEntry, $"Fail reading Normal Entry");
                Assert.AreEqual(entryLength, foundTotal, $"Fail readingTotal");


            case ParameterDefaultsIteratorType.TokenParam:
                var cts = new CancellationToken();

                // Read one entry and verify
                record       = log.ReadAsync(log.BeginAddress, 104, cts);
                foundFlagged = record.Result.Item1[0];    // 15
                foundEntry   = record.Result.Item1[1];    // 1
                foundTotal   = record.Result.Item2;

                Assert.AreEqual((byte)entryFlag, foundFlagged, $"Fail readingFlagged Entry");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, foundEntry, $"Fail reading Normal Entry");
                Assert.AreEqual(entryLength, foundTotal, $"Fail reading Total");

                // Read one entry as IMemoryOwner and verify
                var recordMemoryOwner = log.ReadAsync(log.BeginAddress, MemoryPool <byte> .Shared, 104, cts);
                var foundFlaggedMem   = recordMemoryOwner.Result.Item1.Memory.Span[0];  // 15
                var foundEntryMem     = recordMemoryOwner.Result.Item1.Memory.Span[1];  // 1
                var foundTotalMem     = recordMemoryOwner.Result.Item2;

                Assert.IsTrue(foundFlagged == foundFlaggedMem, $"MemoryPool-based ReadAsync result does not match that of the byte array one. value: {foundFlaggedMem} expected: {foundFlagged}");
                Assert.IsTrue(foundEntry == foundEntryMem, $"MemoryPool-based ReadAsync result does not match that of the byte array one. value: {foundEntryMem} expected: {foundEntry}");
                Assert.IsTrue(foundTotal == foundTotalMem, $"MemoryPool-based ReadAsync result does not match that of the byte array one. value: {foundTotalMem} expected: {foundTotal}");


                Assert.Fail("Unknown case ParameterDefaultsIteratorType.DefaultParams:");
        public void BlittableIterationTest1([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            string filename = path + "BlittableIterationTest1" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>
                      (1L << 20, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 15, PageSizeBits = 9, SegmentSizeBits = 22

            using var session = fht.For(new FunctionsCompaction()).NewSession <FunctionsCompaction>();

            const int totalRecords = 500;
            var       start        = fht.Log.TailAddress;

            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i++)
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                var value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = i, vfield2 = i + 1
                session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, 0, 0);

            int count = 0;
            var iter  = session.Iterate();

            while (iter.GetNext(out var recordInfo))
                Assert.AreEqual(iter.GetKey().kfield1, iter.GetValue().vfield1);

            Assert.AreEqual(totalRecords, count);

            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i++)
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                var value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = 2 * i, vfield2 = i + 1
                session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, 0);

            count = 0;
            iter  = session.Iterate();
            while (iter.GetNext(out var recordInfo))
                Assert.AreEqual(iter.GetKey().kfield1 * 2, iter.GetValue().vfield1);

            Assert.AreEqual(totalRecords, count);

            for (int i = totalRecords / 2; i < totalRecords; i++)
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                var value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = i, vfield2 = i + 1
                session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, 0);

            count = 0;
            iter  = session.Iterate();
            while (iter.GetNext(out var recordInfo))

            Assert.AreEqual(totalRecords, count);

            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i += 2)
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                var value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = i, vfield2 = i + 1
                session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, 0);

            count = 0;
            iter  = session.Iterate();
            while (iter.GetNext(out var recordInfo))

            Assert.AreEqual(totalRecords, count);

            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i += 2)
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                var value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = i, vfield2 = i + 1
                session.Delete(ref key1, 0);

            count = 0;
            iter  = session.Iterate();
            while (iter.GetNext(out var recordInfo))

            Assert.AreEqual(totalRecords / 2, count);

            for (int i = 0; i < totalRecords; i++)
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                var value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = 3 * i, vfield2 = i + 1
                session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, 0);

            count = 0;
            iter  = session.Iterate();
            while (iter.GetNext(out var recordInfo))
                Assert.AreEqual(iter.GetKey().kfield1 * 3, iter.GetValue().vfield1);

            Assert.AreEqual(totalRecords, count);
Exemple #20
        public unsafe void NativeInMemWriteRead2()
            // Just use this one instead of all four devices since InMemWriteRead covers all four devices
            deviceType = TestUtils.DeviceType.MLSD;

            int count = 200;

            string filename = path + "NativeInMemWriteRead2" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>
                  //                (128, new LogSettings { LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 22, SegmentSizeBits = 22, PageSizeBits = 10 });
                      (128, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 29
            session = fht.For(new Functions()).NewSession <Functions>();

            InputStruct input = default;

            Random r = new Random(10);

            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                var i    = r.Next(10000);
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                var value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = i, vfield2 = i + 1
                session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, Empty.Default, 0);

            r = new Random(10);

            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                var          i      = r.Next(10000);
                OutputStruct output = default;
                var          key1   = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                var value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = i, vfield2 = i + 1

                if (session.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0) == Status.PENDING)

                Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield1, output.value.vfield1);
                Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield2, output.value.vfield2);

            // Clean up and retry - should not find now

            r = new Random(10);
            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                var          i      = r.Next(10000);
                OutputStruct output = default;
                var          key1   = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                Assert.AreEqual(Status.NOTFOUND, session.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0));
Exemple #21
        public unsafe void TestShiftHeadAddress([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            InputStruct input = default;
            int         count = 200;

            string filename = path + "TestShiftHeadAddress" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>
                      (128, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 22, SegmentSizeBits = 22, PageSizeBits = 10
            session = fht.For(new Functions()).NewSession <Functions>();

            Random r = new Random(10);

            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                var i    = r.Next(10000);
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                var value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = i, vfield2 = i + 1
                session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, Empty.Default, 0);

            r = new Random(10);

            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                var          i      = r.Next(10000);
                OutputStruct output = default;
                var          key1   = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                var value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = i, vfield2 = i + 1

                if (session.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0) == Status.PENDING)

                Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield1, output.value.vfield1);
                Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield2, output.value.vfield2);

            // Shift head and retry - should not find in main memory now

            r = new Random(10);
            for (int c = 0; c < count; c++)
                var          i      = r.Next(10000);
                OutputStruct output = default;
                var          key1   = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                Status foundStatus = session.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0);
                Assert.AreEqual(Status.PENDING, foundStatus);
Exemple #22
        public unsafe void NativeInMemRMWNoRefKeys([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            InputStruct input = default;

            string filename = path + "NativeInMemRMWNoRefKeys" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>
                      (128, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 22, SegmentSizeBits = 22, PageSizeBits = 10
            session = fht.For(new Functions()).NewSession <Functions>();

            var nums = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000).ToArray();
            var rnd  = new Random(11);

            for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; ++i)
                int randomIndex = rnd.Next(nums.Length);
                int temp        = nums[randomIndex];
                nums[randomIndex] = nums[i];
                nums[i]           = temp;

            for (int j = 0; j < nums.Length; ++j)
                var i    = nums[j];
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                input = new InputStruct {
                    ifield1 = i, ifield2 = i + 1
                session.RMW(ref key1, ref input, Empty.Default, 0);
            for (int j = 0; j < nums.Length; ++j)
                var i    = nums[j];
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                input = new InputStruct {
                    ifield1 = i, ifield2 = i + 1
                session.RMW(key1, input);  // no ref and do not set any other params

            OutputStruct output = default;
            Status       status;
            KeyStruct    key;

            for (int j = 0; j < nums.Length; ++j)
                var i = nums[j];

                key = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = i + 1
                ValueStruct value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = i, vfield2 = i + 1

                status = session.Read(ref key, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0);

                AssertCompleted(Status.OK, status);
                Assert.AreEqual(2 * value.vfield1, output.value.vfield1);
                Assert.AreEqual(2 * value.vfield2, output.value.vfield2);

            key = new KeyStruct {
                kfield1 = nums.Length, kfield2 = nums.Length + 1
            status = session.Read(ref key, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0);
            AssertCompleted(Status.NOTFOUND, status);
Exemple #23
        public void ReadAtAddressReadFlagsSkipReadCache()
            // Another ReadFlag functional test so one device is enough
            deviceType = TestUtils.DeviceType.MLSD;

            string filename = path + "ReadAtAddressReadFlagsSkipReadCache" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>
                      (128, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 29, ReadCacheSettings = new ReadCacheSettings()

            SkipReadCacheFunctions functions = new();

            using var skipReadCacheSession = fht.For(functions).NewSession <SkipReadCacheFunctions>();

            InputStruct  input  = default;
            OutputStruct output = default;
            var          key1   = new KeyStruct {
                kfield1 = 13, kfield2 = 14
            var value = new ValueStruct {
                vfield1 = 23, vfield2 = 24
            var    readAtAddress = fht.Log.BeginAddress;
            Status status;

            skipReadCacheSession.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, Empty.Default, 0);

            void VerifyOutput()
                Assert.AreEqual(-1, functions.expectedReadAddress);     // make sure the test executed
                Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield1, output.value.vfield1);
                Assert.AreEqual(value.vfield2, output.value.vfield2);
                Assert.AreEqual(13, key1.kfield1);
                Assert.AreEqual(14, key1.kfield2);

            void VerifyResult()
                if (status == Status.PENDING)
                    skipReadCacheSession.CompletePendingWithOutputs(out var completedOutputs, wait: true);
                    (status, output) = TestUtils.GetSinglePendingResult(completedOutputs);
                Assert.AreEqual(Status.OK, status);

            // This will just be an ordinary read, as the record is in memory.
            functions.expectedReadAddress = readAtAddress;
            status = skipReadCacheSession.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output);
            Assert.AreEqual(Status.OK, status);

            // ReadCache is used when the record is read from disk.
            fht.Log.FlushAndEvict(wait: true);

            // SkipReadCache is primarily for indexing, so a read during index scan does not result in a readcache update.
            // Reading at a normal logical address will not use the readcache, because the "readcache" bit is not set in that logical address.
            // And we cannot get a readcache address, since reads satisfied from the readcache pass kInvalidAddress to functions.
            // Therefore, we test here simply that we do not put it in the readcache when we tell it not to.

            // Do not put it into the read cache.
            functions.expectedReadAddress = readAtAddress;
            RecordInfo recordInfo = new() { PreviousAddress = readAtAddress };

            status = skipReadCacheSession.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output, ref recordInfo, ReadFlags.SkipReadCache);

            Assert.AreEqual(fht.ReadCache.BeginAddress, fht.ReadCache.TailAddress);

            // Put it into the read cache.
            functions.expectedReadAddress = readAtAddress;
            recordInfo.PreviousAddress    = readAtAddress; // Read*() sets this to the record's PreviousAddress (so caller can follow the chain), so reinitialize it.
            status = skipReadCacheSession.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output, ref recordInfo);

            Assert.Less(fht.ReadCache.BeginAddress, fht.ReadCache.TailAddress);

            // Now this will read from the read cache.
            functions.expectedReadAddress = Constants.kInvalidAddress;
            status = skipReadCacheSession.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output);
            Assert.AreEqual(Status.OK, status);
Exemple #24
        public void CommitRecordBoundedGrowthTest([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            var cookie = new byte[100];

            new Random().NextBytes(cookie);

            var filename = path + "boundedGrowth" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            device = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename, deleteOnClose: true);
            var logSettings = new FasterLogSettings {
                LogDevice = device, LogChecksum = LogChecksumType.PerEntry, LogCommitManager = manager, FastCommitMode = true

            log = new FasterLog(logSettings);

            byte[] entry = new byte[entryLength];
            for (int i = 0; i < entryLength; i++)
                entry[i] = (byte)i;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5 * numEntries; i++)

            // for comparison, insert some entries without any commit records
            var referenceTailLength = log.TailAddress;

            var enqueueDone   = new ManualResetEventSlim();
            var commitThreads = new List <Thread>();

            // Make sure to not spin up too many commit threads, otherwise we might clog epochs and halt progress
            for (var i = 0; i < Math.Max(1, Environment.ProcessorCount - 1); i++)
                commitThreads.Add(new Thread(() =>
                    // Otherwise, absolutely clog the commit pipeline
                    while (!enqueueDone.IsSet)

            foreach (var t in commitThreads)
            for (int i = 0; i < 5 * numEntries; i++)

            foreach (var t in commitThreads)

            // TODO: Hardcoded constant --- if this number changes in FasterLogRecoverInfo, it needs to be updated here too
            var commitRecordSize = 44;
            var logTailGrowth    = log.TailAddress - referenceTailLength;

            // Check that we are not growing the log more than one commit record per user entry
            Assert.IsTrue(logTailGrowth - referenceTailLength <= commitRecordSize * 5 * numEntries);

            // Ensure clean shutdown
Exemple #25
        public void FasterLogSimpleFastCommitTest([Values] TestUtils.DeviceType deviceType)
            var cookie = new byte[100];

            new Random().NextBytes(cookie);

            var filename = path + "fastCommit" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            device = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename, deleteOnClose: true);
            var logSettings = new FasterLogSettings {
                LogDevice = device, LogChecksum = LogChecksumType.PerEntry, LogCommitManager = manager, FastCommitMode = true, TryRecoverLatest = false

            log = new FasterLog(logSettings);

            byte[] entry = new byte[entryLength];
            for (int i = 0; i < entryLength; i++)
                entry[i] = (byte)i;

            for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)

            var cookie1 = new byte[100];

            new Random().NextBytes(cookie1);
            var commitSuccessful = log.CommitStrongly(out var commit1Addr, out _, true, cookie1, 1);


            for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)

            var cookie2 = new byte[100];

            new Random().NextBytes(cookie2);
            commitSuccessful = log.CommitStrongly(out var commit2Addr, out _, true, cookie2, 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++)

            var cookie6 = new byte[100];

            new Random().NextBytes(cookie6);
            commitSuccessful = log.CommitStrongly(out var commit6Addr, out _, true, cookie6, 6);

            // Wait for all metadata writes to be complete to avoid a concurrent access exception
            log = null;

            // be a deviant and remove commit metadata files

            // Recovery should still work
            var recoveredLog = new FasterLog(logSettings);

            Assert.AreEqual(cookie1, recoveredLog.RecoveredCookie);
            Assert.AreEqual(commit1Addr, recoveredLog.TailAddress);

            recoveredLog = new FasterLog(logSettings);
            Assert.AreEqual(cookie2, recoveredLog.RecoveredCookie);
            Assert.AreEqual(commit2Addr, recoveredLog.TailAddress);

            // Default argument should recover to most recent, if TryRecoverLatest is set
            logSettings.TryRecoverLatest = true;
            recoveredLog = new FasterLog(logSettings);
            Assert.AreEqual(cookie6, recoveredLog.RecoveredCookie);
            Assert.AreEqual(commit6Addr, recoveredLog.TailAddress);
Exemple #26
        public void NativeInMemWriteReadDelete2()
            // Just set this one since Write Read Delete already does all four devices
            deviceType = TestUtils.DeviceType.MLSD;

            const int count = 10;

            string filename = path + "NativeInMemWriteReadDelete2" + deviceType.ToString() + ".log";

            log = TestUtils.CreateTestDevice(deviceType, filename);
            fht = new FasterKV <KeyStruct, ValueStruct>
                  //                (128, new LogSettings { LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 22, SegmentSizeBits = 22, PageSizeBits = 10 });
                      (128, new LogSettings {
                LogDevice = log, MemorySizeBits = 29
            session = fht.For(new Functions()).NewSession <Functions>();

            InputStruct  input  = default;
            OutputStruct output = default;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10 * count; i++)
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = 14
                var value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = i, vfield2 = 24

                session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, Empty.Default, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10 * count; i++)
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = 14
                session.Delete(ref key1, Empty.Default, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10 * count; i++)
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = 14
                var value = new ValueStruct {
                    vfield1 = i, vfield2 = 24

                var status = session.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0);
                AssertCompleted(Status.NOTFOUND, status);

                session.Upsert(ref key1, ref value, Empty.Default, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10 * count; i++)
                var key1 = new KeyStruct {
                    kfield1 = i, kfield2 = 14
                var status = session.Read(ref key1, ref input, ref output, Empty.Default, 0);
                AssertCompleted(Status.OK, status);