public static List <CatchLine> RetriveAllCatchFromTargetArea(string targetAreaGuid)
            List <CatchLine> allCatch = new List <CatchLine>();
            string           sql      = $@"SELECT DISTINCT tblCatchComp.NameType, temp_AllNames.Name1, temp_AllNames.Name2, tblCatchComp.NameGUID,
                            tblAllSpecies.TaxaNo, tblAllSpecies.ListedFB, tblAllSpecies.FBSpNo FROM tblAllSpecies
                            RIGHT JOIN (temp_AllNames
                                INNER JOIN (tblSampling
                                INNER JOIN tblCatchComp
                                    ON tblSampling.SamplingGUID = tblCatchComp.SamplingGUID)
                                    ON temp_AllNames.NameNo = tblCatchComp.NameGUID)
                                    ON tblAllSpecies.SpeciesGUID = tblCatchComp.NameGUID
                            WHERE tblSampling.AOI = {{{targetAreaGuid}}}
                            ORDER BY tblCatchComp.NameType, temp_AllNames.Name1, temp_AllNames.Name2";

            using (var conection = new OleDbConnection(global.ConnectionString))
                DataTable dt      = new DataTable();
                var       adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(sql, conection);
                Identification IdType = Identification.Scientific;
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataRow dr     = dt.Rows[i];
                    int?    taxaNo = dr["TaxaNo"].ToString().Length == 0 ?
                                     taxaNo = null : (int?)dr["TaxaNo"];
                    int?fbNo = dr["FBSpNo"].ToString().Length == 0 ?
                               fbNo = null : (int?)dr["FBSpNo"];
                    IdType          = (Identification)(int)dr["NameType"];
                    CatchLine cl = new CatchLine(dr["NameGUID"].ToString(),
        public static Dictionary <string, CatchLine> RetrieveCatchComposition(string SamplingGUID)
            _CatchCompositionRows = 0;
            Dictionary <string, CatchLine> myCatch = new Dictionary <string, CatchLine>();
            DataTable dt         = new DataTable();
            string    CatchName  = "";
            string    Name1      = "";
            string    Name2      = "";
            int?      CatchCount = null;
            int?      TaxaNumber = null;

            using (var conection = new OleDbConnection(global.ConnectionString))

                    var query = $@"SELECT tblCatchComp.SamplingGUID, tblCatchComp.RowGUID, tblCatchComp.NameGUID, temp_AllNames.Name1, temp_AllNames.Name2, tblAllSpecies.TaxaNo,
                                temp_AllNames.Identification, tblCatchComp.Sequence, tblCatchComp.LFInterval, tblCatchDetail.RowGUID AS CatchDetailRow, tblCatchDetail.wt, tblCatchDetail.ct,
                                tblCatchDetail.swt, tblCatchDetail.sct, tblCatchDetail.FromTotal, tblCatchDetail.Live, tblCatchDetail.Notes FROM tblAllSpecies RIGHT JOIN
                                (temp_AllNames INNER JOIN (tblCatchComp INNER JOIN tblCatchDetail ON tblCatchComp.RowGUID = tblCatchDetail.CatchCompRow)
                                ON temp_AllNames.NameNo = tblCatchComp.NameGUID) ON tblAllSpecies.SpeciesGUID = tblCatchComp.NameGUID WHERE tblCatchComp.SamplingGUID={{{SamplingGUID}}}
                                ORDER BY tblCatchComp.Sequence";

                    var adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, conection);
                    _TotalWtOfFromTotal = 0;
                    Identification IdType = Identification.Scientific;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        DataRow dr = dt.Rows[i];
                        Name1     = dr["Name1"].ToString();
                        Name2     = dr["Name2"].ToString();
                        CatchName = $"{Name1} {Name2}";
                        IdType    = Identification.Scientific;
                        if (dr["Identification"].ToString() == "Local names")
                            IdType = Identification.LocalName;

                        CatchCount = null;
                        if (dr["ct"].ToString().Length > 0)
                            if (int.TryParse(dr["ct"].ToString(), out int myCount))
                                CatchCount = myCount;

                        if (dr["TaxaNo"].ToString().Length > 0)
                            if (int.TryParse(dr["TaxaNo"].ToString(), out int myTaxaNo))
                                TaxaNumber = myTaxaNo;
                                TaxaNumber = null;
                            TaxaNumber = null;

                        //defines a catch line
                        var Sequence = 0;
                        if (int.TryParse(dr["Sequence"].ToString(), out int v))
                            Sequence = v;

                        CatchLine myLine = new CatchLine(Sequence, Name1, Name2, CatchName, dr["SamplingGUID"].ToString(),
                                                         dr["RowGUID"].ToString(), dr["NameGUID"].ToString(),
                                                         Convert.ToDouble(dr["wt"]), CatchCount, TaxaNumber)
                            CatchDetailRowGUID  = dr["CatchDetailRow"].ToString(),
                            CatchSubsampleWt    = null,
                            CatchSubsampleCount = null,
                            NameType            = IdType,
                            dataStatus          = fad3DataStatus.statusFromDB

                        if (dr["swt"] != DBNull.Value)
                            myLine.CatchSubsampleWt = Convert.ToDouble(dr["swt"]);

                        if (dr["sct"] != DBNull.Value)
                            myLine.CatchSubsampleCount = Convert.ToInt32(dr["sct"]);

                        myLine.FromTotalCatch = bool.Parse(dr["FromTotal"].ToString());

                        //add the catch composition row to the dictionary
                        myCatch.Add(dr["RowGUID"].ToString(), myLine);

                        if (dr["FromTotal"].ToString() == "True")
                            _TotalWtOfFromTotal += Convert.ToDouble(dr["wt"].ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Log(ex.Message, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
