/// <summary>
        /// Loads stringID set definitions from an XML container.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container">The XML container to load set definitions from.</param>
        /// <param name="resolver">The StringIDSetResolver to store sets to.</param>
        public static void LoadAllStringIDSets(XContainer container, StringIDSetResolver resolver)
            // Make sure there is a root <layouts> tag
            XContainer stringIDContainer = container.Element("stringIDs");
            if (stringIDContainer == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid stringID definition document");

            // Process <set> elements
            foreach (XElement element in stringIDContainer.Elements("set"))
                ProcessSetElement(element, resolver);
        private static void ProcessSetElement(XElement element, StringIDSetResolver resolver)
            // Get the set's ID from the "id" attribute
            XAttribute idAttribute = element.Attribute("id");
            if (idAttribute == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("StringID set tags must have an \"id\" attribute");
            short id = (short)ParseNumber(idAttribute.Value);

            // Get the set's min index from the "min" attribute (optional, defaults to 0)
            ushort min = 0;
            XAttribute minAttribute = element.Attribute("min");
            if (minAttribute != null)
                min = (ushort)ParseNumber(minAttribute.Value);

            // Get the set's global index from the "startIndex" attribute
            XAttribute startIndexAttribute = element.Attribute("startIndex");
            if (startIndexAttribute == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("String id set tags must have a \"startIndex\" attribute");
            int globalIndex = ParseNumber(startIndexAttribute.Value);

            // Register the set
            resolver.RegisterSet(id, min, globalIndex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all of the structure layouts defined for a specified build.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buildName">The build version to load structure layouts for.</param>
        /// <returns>The build's information.</returns>
        public BuildInformation LoadBuild(string buildName)
            // Build tags have the format:
            // <build name="(name of this build of the engine)"
            //        version="(build version string)"
            //        localeKey="(key used to decrypt the locales)" // Optional
            //        requiresTaglist="bool indication if the build requires a taglist)" // Optional
            //        headerSize="(size of the header, in hex)"
            //        filename="(filename containing layouts)" />
            // Just find the first build tag whose version matches and load its file.
            XElement buildElement = _builds.Elements("build").FirstOrDefault(e => e.Attribute("version") != null && e.Attribute("version").Value == buildName);
            if (buildElement == null)
                return null;
            XAttribute gameNameAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("name");
            XAttribute localeKeyAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("localeKey");
            XAttribute stringidKeyAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("stringidKey");
            XAttribute stringidModifiersAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("stringidModifiers"); // NOTE: Deprecated - use stringidDefinitions instead!
            XAttribute stringidDefinitionsAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("stringidDefinitions");
            XAttribute filenameKeyAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("filenameKey");
            XAttribute headerSizeAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("headerSize");
            XAttribute loadStringsAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("loadStrings");
            XAttribute shortNameAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("shortName");
            XAttribute filenameAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("filename");
            XAttribute localeSymbolsAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("localeSymbols");
            XAttribute pluginFolderAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("pluginFolder");
            XAttribute scriptDefinitionsAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("scriptDefinitions");
            XAttribute localeAlignmentAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("localeAlignment");
            if (gameNameAttrib == null || filenameAttrib == null || headerSizeAttrib == null || shortNameAttrib == null || pluginFolderAttrib == null)
                return null;

            bool loadStrings = true;
            string localeKey = null;
            string stringidKey = null;
            string filenameKey = null;
            string localeSymbols = null;
            string scriptOpcodes = null;
            int localeAlignment = 0x1000;
            int headerSize = ParseNumber(headerSizeAttrib.Value);

            if (filenameKeyAttrib != null)
                filenameKey = filenameKeyAttrib.Value;
            if (localeSymbolsAttrib != null)
                localeSymbols = localeSymbolsAttrib.Value;
            if (stringidKeyAttrib != null)
                stringidKey = stringidKeyAttrib.Value;
            if (localeKeyAttrib != null)
                localeKey = localeKeyAttrib.Value;
            if (loadStringsAttrib != null)
                loadStrings = Convert.ToBoolean(loadStringsAttrib.Value);
            if (scriptDefinitionsAttrib != null)
                scriptOpcodes = _basePath + @"Scripting\" + scriptDefinitionsAttrib.Value;
            if (localeAlignmentAttrib != null)
                localeAlignment = ParseNumber(localeAlignmentAttrib.Value);

            // StringID Modifers, this is a bitch
            IStringIDResolver stringIdResolver = null;
            if (stringidModifiersAttrib != null)
                StringIDModifierResolver modifierResolver = new StringIDModifierResolver();
                stringIdResolver = modifierResolver;

                string[] sets = stringidModifiersAttrib.Value.Split('|');
                foreach (string set in sets)
                    string[] parts = set.Split(',');
                     * Identifier
                     * Modifier
                     * MathSymbol (+/-)
                     * Direction (>/<)

                    int identifier = int.Parse(parts[0].Replace("0x", ""), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                    int modifier = int.Parse(parts[1].Replace("0x", ""), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                    bool isAddition = parts[2] == "+";
                    bool isGreaterThan = parts[3] == ">";

                    modifierResolver.AddModifier(identifier, modifier, isGreaterThan, isAddition);
            else if (stringidDefinitionsAttrib != null)
                StringIDSetResolver setResolver = new StringIDSetResolver();
                stringIdResolver = setResolver;

                XDocument stringIdDocument = XDocument.Load(_basePath + @"StringIDs\" + stringidDefinitionsAttrib.Value);
                StringIDSetLoader.LoadAllStringIDSets(stringIdDocument, setResolver);
                // Use a blank modifier
                stringIdResolver = new StringIDModifierResolver();

            BuildInformation info = new BuildInformation(gameNameAttrib.Value, localeKey, stringidKey, stringIdResolver, filenameKey, headerSize, loadStrings, filenameAttrib.Value, shortNameAttrib.Value, pluginFolderAttrib.Value, scriptOpcodes, localeAlignment);
            XDocument layoutDocument = XDocument.Load(_basePath + filenameAttrib.Value);
            LoadAllLayouts(layoutDocument, info);

            if (localeSymbols != null)
                XDocument localeSymbolDocument = XDocument.Load(_basePath + @"LocaleSymbols\" + localeSymbols);
                LoadAllLocaleSymbols(localeSymbolDocument, info);

            return info;