internal static void HandlePlayerMoving(DataBuffer buffer)
     var id = buffer.ReadInt32();
     if (!Data.TempPlayers.ContainsKey(id)) return;
     for (var i = 0; i < (Int32)Enumerations.Direction.Direction_Count; i++) {
         Data.TempPlayers[id].IsMoving[i] = buffer.ReadBoolean();
 internal static void HandlePlayerMoving(Int32 id, DataBuffer buffer)
     for (var i = 0; i < (Int32)Enumerations.Direction.Direction_Count; i++) {
         Data.TempPlayers[id].IsMoving[i] = buffer.ReadBoolean();
     for (var i = 0; i < Data.Players.Keys.Count; i++) {
         var key = Data.Players.ElementAt(i).Key;
         if (Data.TempPlayers.ContainsKey(key)) {
             if (Data.TempPlayers[key].InGame) {
                 if (Data.Players[id].Characters[Data.TempPlayers[id].CurrentCharacter].Map == Data.Players[key].Characters[Data.TempPlayers[key].CurrentCharacter].Map) {
                     Send.PlayerMoving(key, id);
        public static void HandleLogin(Int32 id, DataBuffer buffer)
            // Handles a user's request to login.
            var username = buffer.ReadString().Trim();
            var password = buffer.ReadString().Trim();
            var isEditor = buffer.ReadBoolean();

            // Check if the user isn't sending too long/short data.
            if (username.Trim().Length < Data.Settings.MinUsernameChar || username.Trim().Length > Data.Settings.MaxUsernameChar || password.Trim().Length < Data.Settings.MinPasswordChar || password.Trim().Length > Data.Settings.MaxPasswordChar) {
                Send.AlertMessage(id, String.Format("Your username must be between {0} and {1} characters long. Your password must be between {2} and {3} characters long.", Data.Settings.MinUsernameChar, Data.Settings.MaxUsernameChar, Data.Settings.MinPasswordChar, Data.Settings.MaxPasswordChar));

            // Check if this account exists.
            if (!File.Exists(String.Format("{0}data files\\accounts\\{1}.xml", Data.AppPath, username.ToLower()))) {
                Send.AlertMessage(id, "Invalid Username/Password!");

            // Load our player!
            Data.LoadPlayer(id, username.ToLower());

            // Compare their passwords!
            if (!Data.Players[id].ComparePassword(password)) {
                Send.AlertMessage(id, "Invalid Username/Password!");
                Data.Players[id] = new Extensions.Database.Player();

            // Is the account allowed to log in?
            if (isEditor && Data.Players[id].UserRank < (Int32)Enumerations.Ranks.Developer) {
                Send.AlertMessage(id, "Invalid Username/Password!");    // We're not going to tell them the real reason.
                Data.Players[id] = new Extensions.Database.Player();

            // Send our OK.
            Logger.Write(String.Format("ID: {0} has logged in as {1}", id, Data.Players[id].Username));

            // Disconnect anyone else logged into this account.
            var oldclient = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < Data.Players.Count; i++) {
                var key = Data.Players.ElementAt(i).Key;
                    if (Data.Players[key].Username.ToLower().Equals(username.ToLower()) && key != id) {
                        oldclient = key;
            if (oldclient != 0) {
                if (!isEditor && Data.TempPlayers[oldclient].InGame) {
                    Send.AlertMessage(oldclient, "Someone else has logged onto your account!");
                    Logger.Write(String.Format("ID: {0} conflicts with a login at ID: {1}, Disconnecting ID: {1}", id, oldclient));
                    // NOTE: the user is still logged on until they get this message, we're saving their data on purpose.
                    // Their data will now be saved twice, but we can safely load it.
                    Data.LoadPlayer(id, username.ToLower());
                    // Now remove the old player from the world by force.
                } else if (isEditor && Data.TempPlayers[oldclient].InEditor) {
                    Send.AlertMessage(oldclient, "Someone else has logged onto your account!");
                    Logger.Write(String.Format("ID: {0} conflicts with a login at ID: {1}, Disconnecting ID: {1}", id, oldclient));
                    // NOTE: the user is still logged on until they get this message, we're saving their data on purpose.
                    // Their data will now be saved twice, but we can safely load it.
                    Data.LoadPlayer(id, username.ToLower());
                    // Now remove the old player from the world by force.
                } else {
                    Logger.Write(String.Format("ID: {0} conflicts with a login at ID: {1}, but are in an editor and client", id, oldclient));

            if (!isEditor) {
                // Check if they have at least one character.
                var haschars = false;
                foreach (var chr in Data.Players[id].Characters) {
                    if (chr.Name.Length > 0) haschars = true;

                // If we have characters, show character select.
                // Otherwise force the user to make a new character.
                if (haschars) {
                } else {
            } else {
                Data.TempPlayers[id].InEditor = true;