Exemple #1
    public static Voice.LocalVoice CreateLocalVoiceShort(Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo, Voice.IBufferReader <float> reader)
        var localVoice = instance.client.VoiceClient.CreateLocalVoiceAudio <short>(voiceInfo);

        localVoice.LocalUserServiceable = new BufferReaderPushAdapterAsyncPoolFloatToShort(localVoice, reader);
Exemple #2
    public void OnRemoteVoiceInfo(int playerId, byte voiceId, Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo)
        var key = new VoiceIdPair(playerId, voiceId);

        if (this.voiceSpeakers.ContainsKey(key))
            Debug.LogWarning("PUNVoice: Info duplicate for voice #" + voiceId + " of player " + playerId);

        PhotonVoiceSpeaker speaker = null;

        PhotonVoiceSpeaker[] speakers = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <PhotonVoiceSpeaker>();
        foreach (var s in speakers)
            if (s.photonView.viewID == (int)voiceInfo.UserData)
                speaker = s;

        if (speaker == null)
            //            Debug.LogWarning("PUNVoice: No PhotonVoiceMic found for info of voice #" + voiceId + " of player " + playerId);
            this.linkVoice(playerId, voiceId, voiceInfo, speaker);
Exemple #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates new local voice (outgoing audio stream).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="voiceInfo">Outgoing audio stream parameters (should be set according to Opus encoder restrictions).</param>
    /// <param name="serviceableFactory">Optional factory called after LovalVoice<T> initialized to create ILocalVoiceServiceable instance attached to the LocalVoice"/>.</param>
    /// <returns>Outgoing stream handler.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// audioStream.SamplingRate and voiceInfo.SamplingRate may do not match. Automatic resampling will occur in this case.
    /// </remarks>
    public static Voice.LocalVoiceAudioFloat CreateLocalVoice(Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo, Voice.IBufferReader <float> reader)
        var localVoice = (Voice.LocalVoiceAudioFloat)instance.client.VoiceClient.CreateLocalVoiceAudio <float>(voiceInfo);

        localVoice.LocalUserServiceable = new Voice.BufferReaderPushAdapterAsyncPool <float>(localVoice, reader);
 protected virtual Voice.LocalVoice createLocalVoiceAudio(Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo, Voice.IAudioSource source)
     if (source is Voice.IAudioPusher <float> )
         if (forceShort)
             throw new NotImplementedException("Voice.IAudioPusher<float> at 'short' voice is not supported currently");
             var localVoice = PhotonVoiceNetwork.VoiceClient.CreateLocalVoiceAudio <float>(voiceInfo);
             ((Voice.IAudioPusher <float>)source).SetCallback(buf => localVoice.PushDataAsync(buf), localVoice);
             localVoice.Encrypt = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.Encrypt;
     else if (source is Voice.IAudioPusher <short> )
         var localVoice = PhotonVoiceNetwork.VoiceClient.CreateLocalVoiceAudio <short>(voiceInfo);
         ((Voice.IAudioPusher <short>)source).SetCallback(buf => localVoice.PushDataAsync(buf), localVoice);
         localVoice.Encrypt = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.Encrypt;
     else if (source is Voice.IAudioReader <float> )
         if (forceShort)
             if (PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.DebugInfo)
                 Debug.LogFormat("PUNVoice: Creating local voice with source samples type conversion from float to short.");
             var localVoice = PhotonVoiceNetwork.VoiceClient.CreateLocalVoiceAudio <short>(voiceInfo);
             localVoice.LocalUserServiceable = new Voice.BufferReaderPushAdapterAsyncPoolFloatToShort(localVoice, source as Voice.IAudioReader <float>);
             localVoice.Encrypt = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.Encrypt;
             var localVoice = PhotonVoiceNetwork.VoiceClient.CreateLocalVoiceAudio <float>(voiceInfo);
             localVoice.LocalUserServiceable = new Voice.BufferReaderPushAdapterAsyncPool <float>(localVoice, source as Voice.IAudioReader <float>);
             localVoice.Encrypt = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.Encrypt;
     else if (source is Voice.IAudioReader <short> )
         var localVoice = PhotonVoiceNetwork.VoiceClient.CreateLocalVoiceAudio <short>(voiceInfo);
         localVoice.LocalUserServiceable = new Voice.BufferReaderPushAdapterAsyncPool <short>(localVoice, source as Voice.IAudioReader <short>);
         localVoice.Encrypt = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.Encrypt;
         Debug.LogErrorFormat("PUNVoice: PhotonVoiceRecorder createLocalVoiceAudio does not support Voice.IAudioReader of type {0}", source.GetType());
    // give user a chance to change MicrophoneDevice in Awake()
    void Start()
        if (photonView.isMine)
            var pvs = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance;

            // put required sample rate into audio source and encoder - both adjust it if needed
            Voice.IBufferReader <float> audioStream;
            int channels           = 0;
            int sourceSamplingRate = 0;
            if (AudioClip == null)
                if (Microphone.devices.Length < 1)
                    // Error already logged in PhotonVoiceNetwork.Awake()

                var micDev = this.MicrophoneDevice != null ? this.MicrophoneDevice : PhotonVoiceNetwork.MicrophoneDevice;
                if (PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.DebugInfo)
                    Debug.LogFormat("PUNVoice: Setting recorder's microphone device to {0}", micDev);
                var mic = new MicWrapper(micDev, (int)pvs.SamplingRate);
                sourceSamplingRate = mic.SourceSamplingRate;
                channels           = mic.Channels;
                audioStream        = mic;
                audioStream        = new AudioClipWrapper(AudioClip);
                sourceSamplingRate = AudioClip.frequency;
                channels           = AudioClip.channels;
                if (this.LoopAudioClip)
                    ((AudioClipWrapper)audioStream).Loop = true;

            Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo = Voice.VoiceInfo.CreateAudioOpus(pvs.SamplingRate, sourceSamplingRate, channels, pvs.FrameDuration, pvs.Bitrate, photonView.viewID);
            this.voice                   = createLocalVoice(voiceInfo, audioStream);
            this.VoiceDetector.On        = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.VoiceDetection;
            this.VoiceDetector.Threshold = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.VoiceDetectionThreshold;
            if (this.voice != Voice.LocalVoiceAudio.Dummy)
                this.voice.Transmit = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.AutoTransmit;
            else if (PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.AutoTransmit)
                Debug.LogWarning("PUNVoice: Cannot Transmit.");
    // give user a chance to change MicrophoneDevice in Awake()
    void Start()
        if (photonView.isMine)
            var pvs = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance;

            if (!this.microphoneDeviceSet)
                this.MicrophoneDevice = PhotonVoiceNetwork.MicrophoneDevice;

            // put required sample rate into audio source and encoder - both adjust it if needed
            Voice.IAudioStream audioStream;
            int channels = 0;
            if (AudioClip == null)
                if (PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.DebugInfo)
                    Debug.Log("PUNVoice: Setting recorder's microphone device to " + this.MicrophoneDevice);
                var mic = new MicWrapper(this.MicrophoneDevice, (int)pvs.SamplingRate);
                this.microphoneDeviceUsed = true;
                channels    = mic.Channels;
                audioStream = mic;
                audioStream = new AudioClipWrapper(AudioClip);
                channels    = AudioClip.channels;
                if (this.LoopAudioClip)
                    ((AudioClipWrapper)audioStream).Loop = true;

            Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo = new Voice.VoiceInfo((int)pvs.SamplingRate, channels, (int)pvs.Delay, pvs.Bitrate, photonView.viewID);
            this.voice = PhotonVoiceNetwork.CreateLocalVoice(audioStream, voiceInfo);

            this.VoiceDetector.On        = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.VoiceDetection;
            this.VoiceDetector.Threshold = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.VoiceDetectionThreshold;
 private void linkVoice(int playerId, byte voiceId, Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo, PhotonVoiceSpeaker speaker)
     speaker.OnVoiceLinked(voiceInfo.SamplingRate, voiceInfo.Channels, voiceInfo.FrameDurationSamples, PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.PlayDelayMs);
     var key = new VoiceIdPair(playerId, voiceId);
     PhotonVoiceSpeaker oldSpeaker;
     if (this.voiceSpeakers.TryGetValue(key, out oldSpeaker))
         if (oldSpeaker == speaker)
             Debug.LogFormat("PUNVoice: Player {0} voice #{1} speaker replaced.", playerId, voiceId);
         Debug.LogFormat("PUNVoice: Player {0} voice #{1} speaker created.", playerId, voiceId);
     this.voiceSpeakers[key] = speaker;
    public void OnRemoteVoiceInfo(int channelId, int playerId, byte voiceId, Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo, ref Voice.RemoteVoiceOptions options)
        options.OnDecodedFrameFloatAction += (frame) => OnAudioFrame(playerId, voiceId, frame);
        options.OnRemoteVoiceRemoveAction += () => OnRemoteVoiceRemove(playerId, voiceId);

        var key = new VoiceIdPair(playerId, voiceId);

        if (this.voiceSpeakers.ContainsKey(key))
            Debug.LogWarningFormat("PUNVoice: Info duplicate for voice #{0} of player {1}", voiceId, playerId);

        PhotonVoiceSpeaker speaker = null;

        PhotonVoiceSpeaker[] speakers = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <PhotonVoiceSpeaker>();
        foreach (var s in speakers)
            if (s.photonView.viewID == (int)voiceInfo.UserData)
                speaker = s;

        if (speaker == null)
            //            Debug.LogWarning("PUNVoice: No PhotonVoiceMic found for info of voice #" + voiceId + " of player " + playerId);
            this.linkVoice(playerId, voiceId, voiceInfo, speaker);

        // do not expose options to user code
        if (this.OnRemoteVoiceInfoAction != null)
            this.OnRemoteVoiceInfoAction(playerId, voiceId, voiceInfo);
Exemple #9
    private void linkVoice(int playerId, byte voiceId, Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo, PhotonVoiceSpeaker speaker)
        speaker.OnVoiceLinked(voiceInfo.SamplingRate, voiceInfo.Channels, voiceInfo.EncoderDelay, PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.PlayDelayMs);
        var key = new VoiceIdPair(playerId, voiceId);
        PhotonVoiceSpeaker oldSpeaker;

        if (this.voiceSpeakers.TryGetValue(key, out oldSpeaker))
            if (oldSpeaker == speaker)
                Debug.Log("PUNVoice: Player " + playerId + " voice #" + voiceId + " speaker replaced");
            Debug.Log("PUNVoice: Player " + playerId + " voice #" + voiceId + " speaker created");
        this.voiceSpeakers[key] = speaker;
    private void InitialVoiceSetUp()
        var pvs = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance;

        // put required sample rate into audio source and encoder - both adjust it if needed
        Voice.IAudioStream audioStream;
        int channels = 0;

        if (AudioClip == null)
            var micDev = microphoneDevice ?? PhotonVoiceNetwork.MicrophoneDevice ?? (Microphone.devices.Any() ? Microphone.devices.First() : null);
            microphoneDevice = micDev;
            if (PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.DebugInfo)
                Debug.LogFormat("PUNVoice: Setting recorder's microphone device to {0}", micDev);
            var mic = new MicWrapper(micDev, (int)pvs.SamplingRate);
            channels    = mic.Channels;
            audioStream = mic;
            audioStream = new AudioClipWrapper(AudioClip);
            channels    = AudioClip.channels;
            if (LoopAudioClip)
                ((AudioClipWrapper)audioStream).Loop = true;

        Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo = new Voice.VoiceInfo((int)pvs.SamplingRate, channels, (int)pvs.Delay, pvs.Bitrate, photonView.viewID);
        voice                   = PhotonVoiceNetwork.CreateLocalVoice(audioStream, voiceInfo);
        VoiceDetector.On        = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.VoiceDetection;
        VoiceDetector.Threshold = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.VoiceDetectionThreshold;
        MicrophoneDevice        = microphoneDevice;
Exemple #11
 public static LocalVoiceAudio <T> Create <T>(VoiceClient voiceClient, byte voiceId, IEncoder encoder, VoiceInfo voiceInfo, int channelId)
     if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
         if (encoder == null || encoder is IEncoderDataFlow <float> )
             return(new LocalVoiceAudioFloat(voiceClient, encoder as IEncoderDataFlow <float>, voiceId, voiceInfo, channelId) as LocalVoiceAudio <T>);
             throw new Exception("[PV] CreateLocalVoice: encoder for IFrameStream<float> is not IBufferEncoder<float>: " + encoder.GetType());
     else if (typeof(T) == typeof(short))
         if (encoder == null || encoder is IEncoderDataFlow <short> )
             return(new LocalVoiceAudioShort(voiceClient, encoder as IEncoderDataFlow <short>, voiceId, voiceInfo, channelId) as LocalVoiceAudio <T>);
             throw new Exception("[PV] CreateLocalVoice: encoder for IFrameStream<short> is not IBufferEncoder<short>: " + encoder.GetType());
         throw new UnsupportedSampleTypeException(typeof(T));
Exemple #12
    private Voice.LocalVoice createLocalVoiceAudioAndSource()
        var pvs = PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance;

        switch (Source)
        case AudioSource.Microphone:
            if (this.MicrophoneType == MicAudioSourceType.Settings && pvs.MicrophoneType == PhotonVoiceSettings.MicAudioSourceType.Photon ||
                this.MicrophoneType == MicAudioSourceType.Photon)
                var hwMicDev = this.PhotonMicrophoneDeviceID != -1 ? this.PhotonMicrophoneDeviceID : PhotonVoiceNetwork.PhotonMicrophoneDeviceID;
                if (PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.DebugInfo)
                    Debug.LogFormat("PUNVoice: Setting recorder's source to Photon microphone device {0}", hwMicDev);

                audioSource = new WindowsAudioInPusher(hwMicDev);
                if (PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.DebugInfo)
                    Debug.LogFormat("PUNVoice: Setting recorder's source to WindowsAudioInPusher");
                audioSource = new AppleAudioInPusher(hwMicDev);
                if (PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.DebugInfo)
                    Debug.LogFormat("PUNVoice: Setting recorder's source to AppleAudioInPusher");
                audioSource = new AndroidAudioInAEC();
                if (PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.DebugInfo)
                    Debug.LogFormat("PUNVoice: Setting recorder's source to AndroidAudioInAEC");
                Debug.LogFormat("PUNVoice: Photon microphone type is not supported for the current platform. Using Unity microphone.");
            if (Microphone.devices.Length < 1)
                // Error already logged in PhotonVoiceNetwork.Start()
            var micDev = this.MicrophoneDevice != null ? this.MicrophoneDevice : PhotonVoiceNetwork.MicrophoneDevice;

            if (PhotonVoiceSettings.Instance.DebugInfo)
                Debug.LogFormat("PUNVoice: Setting recorder's source to microphone device {0}", micDev);
            // mic can ignore passed sampling rate and set it's own
            var mic = new MicWrapper(micDev, (int)pvs.SamplingRate);
            audioSource = mic;

        case AudioSource.AudioClip:
            if (AudioClip == null)
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("PUNVoice: AudioClip property must be set for AudioClip audio source");
            audioSource = new AudioClipWrapper(AudioClip);
            if (this.LoopAudioClip)
                ((AudioClipWrapper)audioSource).Loop = true;

        case AudioSource.Factory:
            if (PhotonVoiceNetwork.AudioSourceFactory == null)
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("PUNVoice: PhotonVoiceNetwork.AudioSourceFactory must be specified if PhotonVoiceRecorder.Source set to Factory");
            audioSource = PhotonVoiceNetwork.AudioSourceFactory(this);

            Debug.LogErrorFormat("PUNVoice: unknown Source value {0}", Source);

        Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo = Voice.VoiceInfo.CreateAudioOpus(pvs.SamplingRate, audioSource.SamplingRate, audioSource.Channels, pvs.FrameDuration, pvs.Bitrate, photonView.viewID);
        return(createLocalVoiceAudio(voiceInfo, audioSource));
Exemple #13
 internal LocalVoiceAudioShort(VoiceClient voiceClient, IEncoderDataFlow <short> encoder, byte id, VoiceInfo voiceInfo, int channelId)
     : base(voiceClient, encoder, id, voiceInfo, channelId)
     // these 2 processors go after resampler
     this.levelMeter    = new AudioUtil.LevelMeterShort(this.info.SamplingRate, this.info.Channels); //1/2 sec
     this.voiceDetector = new AudioUtil.VoiceDetectorShort(this.info.SamplingRate, this.info.Channels);
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates outgoing video stream consuming sequence of image buffers.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="voiceInfo">Outgoing stream parameters. Set applicable fields to read them by encoder and by receiving client when voice created.</param>
 /// <param name="channelId">Transport channel specific to frontend. Set to VoiceClient.ChannelAuto to let frontend automatically assign channel.</param>
 /// <param name="encoder">Encoder compressing video data. Set to null to use default VP8 implementation.</param>
 /// <returns>Outgoing stream handler.</returns>
 public LocalVoiceVideo CreateLocalVoiceVideo(VoiceInfo voiceInfo, int channelId = ChannelAuto, IEncoder encoder = null)
     return((LocalVoiceVideo)createLocalVoice(voiceInfo, channelId, (vId, chId) => new LocalVoiceVideo(this, encoder, vId, voiceInfo, chId)));
Exemple #15
        internal static IDecoder CreateDefaultDecoder(int channelId, int playerId, byte voiceId, VoiceInfo info)
            switch (info.Codec)
            case Codec.AudioOpus:
                return(new OpusCodec.Decoder());

            case Codec.VideoVP8:
                return(new VPxCodec.Decoder());
 protected virtual Voice.LocalVoice createLocalVoice(Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo, Voice.IBufferReader <float> reader)
     return(PhotonVoiceNetwork.CreateLocalVoice(voiceInfo, reader));
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates outgoing audio stream. Adds audio specific features (e.g. resampling, level meter) to processing pipeline and to returning stream handler.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">Element type of audio array buffers.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="voiceInfo">Outgoing audio stream parameters. Set applicable fields to read them by encoder and by receiving client when voice created.</param>
 /// <param name="channelId">Transport channel specific to frontend. Set to VoiceClient.ChannelAuto to let frontend automatically assign channel.</param>
 /// <param name="encoder">Audio encoder. Set to null to use default Opus encoder.</param>
 /// <returns>Outgoing stream handler.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// voiceInfo.sourceSamplingRate and voiceInfo.SamplingRate may do not match. Automatic resampling will occur in this case.
 /// </remarks>
 public LocalVoiceAudio <T> CreateLocalVoiceAudio <T>(VoiceInfo voiceInfo, int channelId = ChannelAuto, IEncoderDataFlow <T> encoder = null)
     return((LocalVoiceAudio <T>)createLocalVoice(voiceInfo, channelId, (vId, chId) => LocalVoiceAudio.Create <T>(this, vId, encoder, voiceInfo, chId)));
 internal RemoteVoice(VoiceClient client, int channelId, int playerId, byte voiceId, VoiceInfo info, byte lastEventNumber)
     this.opusDecoder  = new OpusDecoder((SamplingRate)info.SamplingRate, (Channels)info.Channels);
     this.voiceClient  = client;
     this.channelId    = channelId;
     this.playerId     = playerId;
     this.voiceId      = voiceId;
     this.Info         = info;
     this.lastEvNumber = lastEventNumber;
Exemple #19
 internal EncoderFloat(VoiceInfo i) : base(i)
Exemple #20
 internal EncoderShort(VoiceInfo i) : base(i)
        internal LocalVoice(IVoiceFrontend client, byte id, IAudioStream audioStream, VoiceInfo voiceInfo, int channelId)
            this.info                 = voiceInfo;
            this.channelId            = channelId;
            this.opusEncoder          = new OpusEncoder((SamplingRate)voiceInfo.SamplingRate, (Channels)voiceInfo.Channels, voiceInfo.Bitrate, OpusApplicationType.Voip, (POpusCodec.Enums.Delay)(voiceInfo.FrameDurationUs * 2 / 1000));
            this.frontend             = client;
            this.id                   = id;
            this.audioStream          = audioStream;
            this.sourceSamplingRateHz = audioStream.SamplingRate;
            this.sourceFrameSize      = this.info.FrameSize * this.sourceSamplingRateHz / (int)this.opusEncoder.InputSamplingRate;
            this.frameBuffer          = new float[this.info.FrameSize];
            if (this.sourceFrameSize == this.info.FrameSize)
                this.sourceFrameBuffer = this.frameBuffer;
                this.sourceSamplingRateHz = audioStream.SamplingRate;
                this.sourceFrameBuffer    = new float[this.sourceFrameSize];

                this.frontend.DebugReturn(DebugLevel.WARNING, "[PV] Local voice #" + this.id + " audio source frequency " + this.sourceSamplingRateHz + " and encoder sampling rate " + (int)this.opusEncoder.InputSamplingRate + " do not match. Resampling will occur before encoding.");

            this.LevelMeter    = new LevelMeter(this.sourceSamplingRateHz, this.info.Channels); //1/2 sec
            this.VoiceDetector = new VoiceDetector(this.sourceSamplingRateHz, this.info.Channels);
            //            _debug_decoder = new OpusDecoder(this.InputSamplingRate, this.InputChannels);
 internal LocalVoiceFramed(VoiceClient voiceClient, IEncoder encoder, byte id, VoiceInfo voiceInfo, int channelId, int frameSize)
     : base(voiceClient, encoder, id, voiceInfo, channelId)
     this.FrameSize = frameSize;
 public VoiceCreatedParams(Voice.LocalVoice voice, Voice.VoiceInfo info)
     Voice = voice;
     Info  = info;
 protected virtual void sendVoiceCreatedMessage(Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo)
     gameObject.SendMessage("VoiceCreated", new VoiceCreatedParams(this.voice, voiceInfo), SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
Exemple #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new local voice (outgoing audio stream).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="audioStream">Object providing audio data for the outgoing stream.</param>
 /// <param name="voiceInfo">Outgoing audio stream parameters (should be set according to Opus encoder restrictions).</param>
 /// <returns>Outgoing stream handler.</returns>
 /// <remarks>
 /// audioStream.SamplingRate and voiceInfo.SamplingRate may do not match. Automatic resampling will occur in this case.
 /// </remarks>
 public static Voice.LocalVoice CreateLocalVoice(Voice.IAudioStream audioClip, Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo)
     return(instance.client.CreateLocalVoice(audioClip, voiceInfo));
Exemple #26
 protected override Voice.LocalVoice createLocalVoice(Voice.VoiceInfo voiceInfo, Voice.IBufferReader <float> reader)
     return(PhotonVoiceNetwork.CreateLocalVoiceShort(voiceInfo, reader));
Exemple #27
        internal RemoteVoice(VoiceClient client, RemoteVoiceOptions options, int channelId, int playerId, byte voiceId, VoiceInfo info, byte lastEventNumber)
            this.options      = options;
            this.voiceClient  = client;
            this.channelId    = channelId;
            this.playerId     = playerId;
            this.voiceId      = voiceId;
            this.Info         = info;
            this.lastEvNumber = lastEventNumber;

            if (this.options.Decoder == null) // init fields first for proper logging
                voiceClient.frontend.LogError(LogPrefix + ": decoder is null");
                disposed = true;

            ThreadPool.RunAsync((x) =>
            var t = new Thread(() => decodeThread(this.options.Decoder));
            t.Name = LogPrefix + " decode";
Exemple #28
 // Assigns channel per known voice type reserving channel 0 for user events.
 // For more control, set channel explicitly when creating a voice.
 public int AssignChannel(VoiceInfo v)
     // 0 is for user events
     return(1 + Array.IndexOf(Enum.GetValues(typeof(Codec)), v.Codec));
Exemple #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates outgoing stream consuming sequence of values passed in array buffers of arbitrary length which repacked in frames of constant length for further processing and encoding.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">Type of data consumed by outgoing stream (element type of array buffers).</typeparam>
 /// <param name="voiceInfo">Outgoing stream parameters. Set applicable fields to read them by encoder and by receiving client when voice created.</param>
 /// <param name="channelId">Transport channel specific to frontend. Set to VoiceClient.ChannelAuto to let frontend automatically assign channel.</param>
 /// <param name="encoder">Encoder compressing data stream in pipeline.</param>
 /// <returns>Outgoing stream handler.</returns>
 public LocalVoiceFramed <T> CreateLocalVoiceFramed <T>(VoiceInfo voiceInfo, int frameSize, int channelId = ChannelAuto, IEncoderDataFlow <T> encoder = null)
     return((LocalVoiceFramed <T>)createLocalVoice(voiceInfo, channelId, (vId, chId) => new LocalVoiceFramed <T>(this, encoder, vId, voiceInfo, chId, frameSize)));
Exemple #30
 internal RemoteVoiceInfo(int playerId, byte voiceId, VoiceInfo info)
     this.PlayerId = playerId;
     this.VoiceId  = voiceId;
     this.Info     = info;