private List <MarketCandle> ParseMarketCandle(JToken array) { List <MarketCandle> candles = new List <MarketCandle>(); foreach (JArray item in array) { MarketCandle candle = new MarketCandle { Timestamp = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(item[0].ConvertInvariant <long>()), OpenPrice = item[1].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), HighPrice = item[2].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), LowPrice = item[3].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), ClosePrice = item[4].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), BaseCurrencyVolume = item[5].ConvertInvariant <double>() }; candles.Add(candle); } return(candles); }
/// <summary> /// Get market candles /// </summary> /// <param name="exchange">Exchange name</param> /// <param name="marketName">Market name</param> /// <param name="before">Optional date to restrict data to before this date</param> /// <param name="after">Optional date to restrict data to after this date</param> /// <param name="periods">Periods</param> /// <returns>Market candles</returns> public async Task <IEnumerable <MarketCandle> > GetMarketCandlesAsync(string exchange, string marketName, DateTime?before, DateTime?after, params int[] periods) { await new SynchronizationContextRemover(); List <MarketCandle> candles = new List <MarketCandle>(); string periodString = string.Join(",", periods); string beforeDateString = (before == null ? string.Empty : "&before=" + (long)before.Value.UnixTimestampFromDateTimeSeconds()); string afterDateString = (after == null ? string.Empty : "&after=" + (long)after.Value.UnixTimestampFromDateTimeSeconds()); string url = "/markets/" + exchange + "/" + marketName + "/ohlc?periods=" + periodString + beforeDateString + afterDateString; JToken token = await MakeCryptowatchRequestAsync(url); foreach (JProperty prop in token) { foreach (JToken candleToken in prop.Value) { MarketCandle candle = this.ParseCandle(candleToken, marketName, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, TimestampType.UnixSeconds, 5); candle.PeriodSeconds = prop.Name.ConvertInvariant <int>(); candles.Add(candle); } } return(candles); }
protected override async Task <IEnumerable <MarketCandle> > OnGetCandlesAsync(string symbol, int periodSeconds, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null, int?limit = null) { List <MarketCandle> candles = new List <MarketCandle>(); string periodString = PeriodSecondsToString(periodSeconds); limit = limit ?? (limit > 2160 ? 2160 : limit); endDate = endDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(1.0); startDate = startDate ?? endDate.Value.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0)); //market period(15m, 20m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h, 1d) count(default: 1000, max: 999999) lasthours(default: 24, max: 2160) //"result":[{"TimeStamp":"2014-07-31 10:15:00","Open":"0.00000048","High":"0.00000050","Low":"0.00000048","Close":"0.00000049","Volume":"594804.73036048","BaseVolume":"0.11510368" }, ... JToken result = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>("/public/getcandles?market=" + symbol + "&period=" + periodString + (limit == null ? string.Empty : "&lasthours=" + limit)); foreach (JToken jsonCandle in result) { MarketCandle candle = this.ParseCandle(jsonCandle, symbol, periodSeconds, "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Timestamp", TimestampType.Iso8601, "BaseVolume", "Volume"); if (candle.Timestamp >= startDate && candle.Timestamp <= endDate) { candles.Add(candle); } } return(candles); }
public override IEnumerable <MarketCandle> GetCandles(string symbol, int periodSeconds, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null) { // // pair = asset pair to get OHLC data for, interval = time frame interval in minutes(optional):, 1(default), 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 1440, 10080, 21600, since = return committed OHLC data since given id(optional.exclusive) // array of array entries(<time>, <open>, <high>, <low>, <close>, <vwap>, <volume>, <count>) symbol = NormalizeSymbol(symbol); startDate = startDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0)); endDate = endDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow; JObject json = MakeJsonRequest <JObject>("/0/public/OHLC?pair=" + symbol + "&interval=" + periodSeconds / 60 + "&since=" + startDate); CheckError(json); if (json["result"].Children().Count() != 0) { JProperty prop = json["result"].Children().First() as JProperty; foreach (JArray jsonCandle in prop.Value) { MarketCandle candle = new MarketCandle { ClosePrice = jsonCandle[4].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), ExchangeName = Name, HighPrice = jsonCandle[2].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), LowPrice = jsonCandle[3].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), Name = symbol, OpenPrice = jsonCandle[1].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), PeriodSeconds = periodSeconds, Timestamp = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(jsonCandle[0].ConvertInvariant <long>()), VolumePrice = jsonCandle[6].ConvertInvariant <double>(), VolumeQuantity = jsonCandle[6].ConvertInvariant <double>() * jsonCandle[4].ConvertInvariant <double>(), WeightedAverage = jsonCandle[5].ConvertInvariant <decimal>() }; if (candle.Timestamp >= startDate.Value && candle.Timestamp <= endDate.Value) { yield return(candle); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Parse market candle from JToken /// </summary> /// <param name="named">Named item</param> /// <param name="token">JToken</param> /// <param name="marketSymbol">Symbol</param> /// <param name="periodSeconds">Period seconds</param> /// <param name="openKey">Open key</param> /// <param name="highKey">High key</param> /// <param name="lowKey">Low key</param> /// <param name="closeKey">Close key</param> /// <param name="timestampKey">Timestamp key</param> /// <param name="timestampType">Timestamp type</param> /// <param name="baseVolumeKey">Base currency volume key</param> /// <param name="quoteVolumeKey">Quote currency volume key</param> /// <param name="weightedAverageKey">Weighted average key</param> /// <returns>MarketCandle</returns> internal static MarketCandle ParseCandle(this INamed named, JToken token, string marketSymbol, int periodSeconds, object openKey, object highKey, object lowKey, object closeKey, object timestampKey, TimestampType timestampType, object baseVolumeKey, object quoteVolumeKey = null, object weightedAverageKey = null) { MarketCandle candle = new MarketCandle { ClosePrice = token[closeKey].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), ExchangeName = named.Name, HighPrice = token[highKey].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), LowPrice = token[lowKey].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), Name = marketSymbol, OpenPrice = token[openKey].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), PeriodSeconds = periodSeconds, Timestamp = CryptoUtility.ParseTimestamp(token[timestampKey], timestampType) }; token.ParseVolumes(baseVolumeKey, quoteVolumeKey, candle.ClosePrice, out decimal baseVolume, out decimal convertVolume); candle.BaseCurrencyVolume = (double)baseVolume; candle.QuoteCurrencyVolume = (double)convertVolume; if (weightedAverageKey != null) { candle.WeightedAverage = token[weightedAverageKey].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(); } return(candle); }
protected override async Task <IEnumerable <MarketCandle> > OnGetCandlesAsync(string symbol, int periodSeconds, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null, int?limit = null) { List <MarketCandle> candles = new List <MarketCandle>(); string periodString; if (periodSeconds <= 900) { periodString = "15m"; periodSeconds = 900; } else if (periodSeconds <= 1200) { periodString = "20m"; periodSeconds = 1200; } else if (periodSeconds <= 1800) { periodString = "30m"; periodSeconds = 1800; } else if (periodSeconds <= 3600) { periodString = "1h"; periodSeconds = 3600; } else if (periodSeconds <= 7200) { periodString = "2h"; periodSeconds = 7200; } else if (periodSeconds <= 10800) { periodString = "3h"; periodSeconds = 10800; } else if (periodSeconds <= 14400) { periodString = "4h"; periodSeconds = 14400; } else if (periodSeconds <= 21600) { periodString = "6h"; periodSeconds = 21600; } else if (periodSeconds <= 43200) { periodString = "12h"; periodSeconds = 43200; } else { periodString = "1d"; periodSeconds = 86400; } limit = limit ?? (limit > 2160 ? 2160 : limit); symbol = NormalizeSymbol(symbol); endDate = endDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow; startDate = startDate ?? endDate.Value.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0)); //market period(15m, 20m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h, 1d) count(default: 1000, max: 999999) lasthours(default: 24, max: 2160) //"result":[{"TimeStamp":"2014-07-31 10:15:00","Open":"0.00000048","High":"0.00000050","Low":"0.00000048","Close":"0.00000049","Volume":"594804.73036048","BaseVolume":"0.11510368" }, ... JToken result = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JObject>("/public/getcandles?market=" + symbol + "&period=" + periodString + (limit == null ? string.Empty : "&lasthours=" + limit)); result = CheckError(result); foreach (JToken jsonCandle in result) { MarketCandle candle = new MarketCandle { ExchangeName = this.Name, Name = symbol, Timestamp = jsonCandle["TimeStamp"].ConvertInvariant <DateTime>(), OpenPrice = jsonCandle["Open"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), HighPrice = jsonCandle["High"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), LowPrice = jsonCandle["Low"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), ClosePrice = jsonCandle["Close"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), PeriodSeconds = periodSeconds, VolumePrice = jsonCandle["BaseVolume"].ConvertInvariant <double>(), VolumeQuantity = jsonCandle["Volume"].ConvertInvariant <double>() }; if (candle.Timestamp >= startDate && candle.Timestamp <= endDate) { candles.Add(candle); } } return(candles); }
public override IEnumerable <MarketCandle> GetCandles(string symbol, int periodSeconds, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null, int?limit = null) { if (limit != null) { throw new APIException("Limit parameter not supported"); } // // "{"success":true,"message":"","result":[{"O":0.00011000,"H":0.00060000,"L":0.00011000,"C":0.00039500,"V":5904999.37958770,"T":"2016-06-20T00:00:00","BV":2212.16809610} ] }" string periodString; switch (periodSeconds) { case 60: periodString = "oneMin"; break; case 300: periodString = "fiveMin"; break; case 1800: periodString = "thirtyMin"; break; case 3600: periodString = "hour"; break; case 86400: periodString = "day"; break; case 259200: periodString = "threeDay"; break; case 604800: periodString = "week"; break; default: if (periodSeconds > 604800) { periodString = "month"; } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Period seconds must be 60,300,1800,3600,86400, 259200 or 604800"); } break; } symbol = NormalizeSymbol(symbol); endDate = endDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow; startDate = startDate ?? endDate.Value.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0)); JToken result = MakeJsonRequest <JToken>("pub/market/GetTicks?marketName=" + symbol + "&tickInterval=" + periodString, BaseUrl2); result = CheckError(result); if (result is JArray array) { foreach (JToken jsonCandle in array) { MarketCandle candle = new MarketCandle { ClosePrice = jsonCandle["C"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), ExchangeName = Name, HighPrice = jsonCandle["H"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), LowPrice = jsonCandle["L"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), Name = symbol, OpenPrice = jsonCandle["O"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(), PeriodSeconds = periodSeconds, Timestamp = jsonCandle["T"].ConvertInvariant <DateTime>(), VolumePrice = jsonCandle["BV"].ConvertInvariant <double>(), VolumeQuantity = jsonCandle["V"].ConvertInvariant <double>() }; if (candle.Timestamp >= startDate && candle.Timestamp <= endDate) { yield return(candle); } } } }
public CandleEvent Convert(ExchangeSharp.MarketCandle foreignCandle) { var candle = new Candle(foreignCandle); return(new CandleEvent(candle, foreignCandle.Timestamp.ToNodaTime().ToUnixTimeTicks())); }