Exemple #1
        public static void setValueToUI(DataGridView dgv, DataGridView dgv1, int well_class_index, string well_num)
            //MessageBox.Show("调用了赋值函数:" + well_class_index.ToString() + " - " + well_num + " - " + well_conc);
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                    if (dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Selected == true)
                        //Info info = tpl[i, j];
                        Info info;
                        if (well_class_index == 2)
                            info = new Info(i, j, "blank", well_num);
                            info = new Info(i, j, "smp", well_num);

                        dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value = info.well_class + " " + info.well_num;

                        DataReadWrite.changeODBackColor(info.well_class, dgv, info.i, info.j);//set板子
                        DataReadWrite.changeODBackColor(info.well_class, dgv1, info.i, info.j);//od板子
Exemple #2
        private void calclateStd(Graphics g)
            List <PointF> stdPoints = new List <PointF>();//保存标准曲线上的点

            //lambda表达式 : double变为float格式
            Func <double, float> double2Float = x => float.Parse(x.ToString());

            int std_count = 0;
            Dictionary <double, List <Info> > std = new Dictionary <double, List <Info> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                    Info        info     = tpl[i, j];
                    List <Info> infoPlus = new List <Info>();
                    if (info != null && info.well_class == "std")
                        info.well_od = od[i, j];
                        if (std.ContainsKey(info.well_conc))
                            infoPlus = std[info.well_conc];
                            std.Add(info.well_conc, infoPlus);
                            std.Add(info.well_conc, infoPlus);
            double[] arr_x = new double[std_count]; //conc
            double[] arr_y = new double[std_count]; //od

            int std_i = 0;                          //最大值为 std_count

            foreach (double conc in std.Keys)
                arr_x[std_i] = conc;
                List <Info> list = std[conc];

                int    od_counter = 0;
                double od_sum     = 0;
                foreach (Info info in list)
                    double temp = double2Float(info.well_od);
                    od_sum += temp;

                    stdPoints.Add(new PointF(double2Float(conc), double2Float(temp)));
                arr_y[std_i] = od_sum / od_counter;//计算od的平均值

            this.richTextBox1.Text += "\r\r";

            int Pointlen = arr_x.Length;

            Double[] paras = CurveFit.MultiLine(arr_x, arr_y, Pointlen, 1);

            //y=a0+a1*x 返回值则为a0 a1
            int len = paras.Length;

            string str = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                str += paras[i].ToString() + "\r\n";
            this.richTextBox1.Text += str;

            double a0 = paras[0], a1 = paras[1];
            double rss = 0, tss = 0;               //残差平方和,总平方和

            double[] arrX2 = new double[Pointlen]; //用于浓度回算
            double[] arrY2 = new double[Pointlen]; //用于计算RSqure
            for (int i = 0; i < Pointlen; i++)
                arrX2[i] = (arr_y[i] - a0) / a1;
                arrY2[i] = a0 + a1 * arr_x[i];

                rss += Math.Pow(arr_y[i] - arrY2[i], 2);
                tss += Math.Pow(arr_y[i], 2);

            double RSqure = 1 - rss / tss;

            //this.richTextBox1.Text += "\r\nRSqure=" + RSqure;
            this.label2.Text = RSqure.ToString();

            //==========================================================画图 basic
            double[] xM = getMinMax(arr_x);
            double[] yM = getMinMax(arr_y);
            double pWidth  = this.pictureBox1.Width;
            double pHeight = this.pictureBox1.Height; //this.richTextBox1.Text += "\r\r画布尺寸(" + pWidth + "," + pHeight + "); \r";
            double x_span = xM[1] - xM[0];
            double y_span = yM[1] - yM[0];

            //lambda表达式 : 做坐标变换,
            Func <double, double> getAjustX = x => 20 + 0.9 * (x - xM[0]) * pWidth / x_span;
            Func <double, double> getAjustY = y => - 20 + pHeight - 0.9 * (y - yM[0]) * pHeight / y_span; //纵轴倒置

            //==========================================================画图 坐标轴
            Pen pen1 = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);     //画坐标轴,带箭头
            Pen pen2 = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);     //画刻度
            Pen pen3 = new Pen(Color.LightGray, 1); //画背景虚线

            pen3.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDot;

            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.AdjustableArrowCap lineArrow =
                new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.AdjustableArrowCap(4, 4, true);
            pen1.CustomEndCap = lineArrow;

            //坐标轴刻度 - 先按照 10格
            double x_kedu = Math.Ceiling(x_span / 10);//刻度
            double y_kedu = Math.Ceiling(y_span / 10);

            double x_o = xM[0] + x_kedu * 0.5;//坐标轴所在位置
            double y_o = yM[0] + y_kedu * 0.6;

            PointF px1 = new PointF(0, double2Float(getAjustY(y_o)));
            PointF px2 = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(xM[1])), double2Float(getAjustY(y_o)));
            PointF py1 = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(x_o)), double2Float(pHeight));
            PointF py2 = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(x_o)), double2Float(getAjustY(yM[1])));

            g.DrawLine(pen1, px1, px2); //x
            g.DrawLine(pen1, py1, py2); //y

            double x_axis    = xM[0];
            double y_axis    = yM[0];
            int    ke_height = 6;                           //刻度尺寸
            int    font_size = 8;
            Font   font      = new Font("微软雅黑", font_size); //刻度字体
            Brush  brush     = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); //用笔刷定义刻度字体颜色
            PointF kedu_point;                              // = new PointF();//刻度的坐标

            Func <double, string> num2String = d => Int64.Parse(d.ToString()).ToString("E2"); //保留4位有效数字

            while (x_axis < xM[1])
                x_axis += x_kedu;
                PointF px_k1 = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(x_axis)), double2Float(getAjustY(y_o)) - ke_height);
                PointF px_k2 = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(x_axis)), double2Float(getAjustY(y_o)));
                g.DrawLine(pen2, px_k1, px_k2);

                PointF px_k3 = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(x_axis)), double2Float(getAjustY(yM[0])));
                PointF px_k4 = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(x_axis)), double2Float(getAjustY(yM[1])));
                g.DrawLine(pen3, px_k3, px_k4);

                kedu_point = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(x_axis)) - font_size, double2Float(getAjustY(y_o)));
                g.DrawString(x_axis.ToString(), font, brush, kedu_point);

                if (x_axis > 1000)
                    g.DrawString(num2String(x_axis), font, brush, kedu_point);
                    g.DrawString(x_axis.ToString(), font, brush, kedu_point);

            while (y_axis < yM[1])
                y_axis += y_kedu;
                PointF py_k1 = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(x_o)) + ke_height, double2Float(getAjustY(y_axis)));
                PointF py_k2 = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(x_o)), double2Float(getAjustY(y_axis)));
                g.DrawLine(pen2, py_k1, py_k2);

                PointF py_k3 = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(xM[0])), double2Float(getAjustY(y_axis)));
                PointF py_k4 = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(xM[1])), double2Float(getAjustY(y_axis)));
                g.DrawLine(pen3, py_k3, py_k4);

                int y_axis_len = y_axis.ToString().Length;
                //kedu_point = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(x_o)) - y_axis_len * font_size, double2Float(getAjustY(y_axis)));
                kedu_point = new PointF(double2Float(getAjustX(x_o)), double2Float(getAjustY(y_axis)));

                if (y_axis > 1000)
                    g.DrawString(num2String(y_axis), font, brush, kedu_point);
                    g.DrawString(y_axis.ToString(), font, brush, kedu_point);//num2String

            //==========================================================画标注 主标题和坐标注释
            g.DrawString("线性拟合标准曲线", new Font("宋体", 10), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), new Point(Width / 4, 10));

            //==========================================================画图 拟合曲线
            int           dot_num    = 10;
            List <PointF> pointFList = new List <PointF>();

            double[] xp = new double[dot_num];
            double[] yp = new double[dot_num];
            for (int i = 0; i < dot_num; i++)
                xp[i] = xM[0] + i * x_span / dot_num;
                yp[i] = a0 + a1 * xp[i];

                xp[i] = double2Float(getAjustX(xp[i]));
                yp[i] = double2Float(getAjustY(yp[i]));

                pointFList.Add(new PointF(double2Float(xp[i]), double2Float(yp[i])));

            //画很多线 - 很多点连起来就是一条直线
            myDraw.DrawLine(g, pointFList);

            //==========================================================画图 std原始点
            //myDraw.DrawPoints(g, xp, yp,1,true);
            PointF p          = new PointF();
            int    dot_radius = 6;//空心点的大小

            for (int i = 0; i < stdPoints.Count; i++)
                p   = stdPoints[i];
                p.X = double2Float(getAjustX(p.X));
                p.Y = double2Float(getAjustY(p.Y));
                g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Green), p.X, p.Y, dot_radius, dot_radius);
Exemple #3
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            Stream         myStream;
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();

            saveFileDialog1.Filter           = "*.mub(模板文件)|*.mub|*.dat(数据文件)|*.dat|txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            saveFileDialog1.FilterIndex      = 2;
            saveFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true;

            if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                if ((myStream = saveFileDialog1.OpenFile()) != null)
                    // Code to write the stream goes here.

                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(saveFileDialog1.FileName, true))
                        foreach (string k in plate_info.Keys)
                            writer.WriteLine(k + ":" + plate_info[k]);
                        writer.WriteLine("[OD Value]");

                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                                //writer.Write(i + "\t");
                                //if (od[i, j] != null && od[i, j].ToString() != "")
                                if (od[i, j] >= 0)
                                    writer.Write(od[i, j] + "\t");


                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                                Info info = tpl[i, j];
                                if (info != null)
                                    writer.Write(info.well_class + " " + info.well_num + "#" + info.well_conc + "\t");

                        writer.WriteLine("Curve:" + getRadioIndex().ToString());
                        writer.WriteLine("Note:" + this.richTextBox1.Text);
                        //plate_info["Note"] = this.richTextBox1.Text;


Exemple #4
        public static void readIntoUI(Info[,] tpl, DataGridView dgv, DataGridView dgv1)
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
                    if (tpl[i, j] != null)
                        Info info = tpl[i, j];
                        //textDebug += "(" + info.i + "," + info.j + ")," + info.well_class + "(" + info.well_num + "): " + " conc=" + info.well_conc + "\n";
                        //dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value = info.well_class + " " + info.well_num + System.Environment.NewLine + info.well_conc;
                        dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value = info.well_class + " " + info.well_num + '\r' + info.well_conc;

                        changeODBackColor(info.well_class, dgv, info.i, info.j);//set板子
                        changeODBackColor(info.well_class, dgv1, info.i,info.j);//od板子

Exemple #5
        public Info[,] readFromUI(DataGridView dgv, bool isContrl)
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)

                    //if (dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value != null)
                    if ((dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value != null) && (dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString() != ""))
                        string[] info = new string[2];
                        string[] info2 = new string[2];
                        Info wi;

                        string txt = dgv.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString();
                        info = txt.Split(' ');

                        if (info[1].IndexOf('\r') != -1)
                            info2 = info[1].Split('\r');
                            //if (i < 2 && j < 2) MessageBox.Show(info[0] + " " + info2[0] + "#" + info2[1]);//todo
                            wi = new Info(i, j, info[0], info2[0], double.Parse(info2[1]));

                            //if (i < 2 && j < 2) MessageBox.Show(info[0] + " " + info[1]);//todo
                            wi = new Info(i, j, info[0], info[1]);


                        tpl[i, j] = wi;
                        tpl[i, j] = null;
            return tpl;
Exemple #6
        public Dictionary<string, string> readFromFile(string fileName)
            string txt = "";
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName, true))

                bool flag_head = true;//文件头部信息是否完整
                bool flag_Value = false; //值开始
                bool flag_Layout = false;//模板开始
                bool flag_Curve = false;//拟合曲线类型开始
                bool flag_MD5 = false;//文件sha1编码

                int i = 0;
                int iM = 0;

                while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
                    txt = sr.ReadLine().ToString();

                    if (txt == "") continue;

                    if (txt == "[OD Value]")
                        flag_head = false;
                        flag_Value = true;
                        flag_Layout = false;
                        flag_Curve = false;
                        flag_MD5 = false;


                    if (txt == "[Layout]")
                        flag_head = false;
                        flag_Value = false;
                        flag_Layout = true;
                        flag_Curve = false;
                        flag_MD5 = false;


                    if (txt.Contains("Curve"))
                        flag_head = false;
                        flag_Value = false;
                        flag_Layout = false;
                        flag_Curve = true;
                        flag_MD5 = false;


                    if (txt.Contains("-END-"))
                        flag_head = false;
                        flag_Value = false;
                        flag_Layout = false;
                        flag_Curve = false;
                        flag_MD5 = true;



                    if (flag_head)
                        //MessageBox.Show(txt, "Head");
                        if (txt.Contains("SaveTime"))
                            string[] info = txt.Split(':');
                            plate_Info.Add(info[0], info[1] + ':' + info[2] + ':' + info[3]);
                        } if (txt.Contains("Name"))
                            string[] info = txt.Split(':');
                            plate_Info.Add(info[0], info[1]);
                        if (txt.Contains("Lot"))
                            string[] info = txt.Split(':');
                            plate_Info.Add(info[0], info[1]);
                        if (txt.Contains("LabDate"))
                            string[] info = txt.Split(':');
                            plate_Info.Add(info[0], info[1]);
                        if (txt.Contains("Unit"))
                            string[] info = txt.Split(':');
                            plate_Info.Add(info[0], info[1]);
                        if (txt.Contains("Notice"))
                            string[] info = txt.Split(':');
                            plate_Info.Add(info[0], info[1]);

                    //if (flag_Value && false)//先跳过OD data
                    if (flag_Value)
                        //MessageBox.Show(i + "[]" + txt, "OD data");
                        string[] d_value = txt.Split('\t');

                        //string Location = "";
                        for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                            if (d_value[j]!=null)
                                if (d_value[j].Trim() != "")
                                    od[i, j] = Double.Parse(d_value[j]);
                                    od[i, j] = -10000;

                        if (i > 7)
                            flag_Value = false;

                    //if (flag_Layout && false)//先跳过模板data
                    if (flag_Layout)
                        //MessageBox.Show(iM+"[]"+txt, "Layout");
                        string[] d_value = txt.Split('\t');

                        //string Location = "";
                        //string MuBan_info = "";
                        string[] info = new string[2];
                        string[] info2 = new string[2];
                        for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
                            //MuBan_info = d_value[j] + "  \n";
                            if ( d_value[j]!=null && d_value[j].Trim() != "")
                                if (d_value[j].Contains("std") || d_value[j].Contains("ctr") )
                                    info = d_value[j].Split('#');
                                    info2 = info[0].Split(' ');
                                    //tpl.std.Add(info2[1], Convert.ToDouble(info[1]) );
                                    //MuBan_info += "标准品" + info2[0] + ", 编号" + info2[1] + ", 浓度" + info[1];
                                    //Info wi = new Info(Convert.ToDouble(info[1]), iM, j);
                                    Info wi = new Info(iM, j, info2[0], info2[1], Convert.ToDouble(info[1]) );
                                else if (d_value[j].Contains("smp"))
                                    info = d_value[j].Split(' ');
                                    //MuBan_info += "待测样品" + info[0] + ", 编号" + info[1];
                                    Info wi = new Info(iM, j, info[0], info[1]);
                                    tpl[iM, j] = wi;

                        if (iM >= 7)
                            flag_Layout = false;
                            flag_Curve = true;

                    if (flag_Curve)
                        //MessageBox.Show(txt, "Curve");
                        //if (txt.Contains("Curve"))
                        //    string[] info = txt.Split(':');
                       //     plate_Info.Add(info[0], info[1]);
                        if (txt.Contains("Note"))
                            string[] info = txt.Split(':');
                            plate_Info.Add(info[0], info[1]);

                    if (flag_MD5)
                        plate_Info.Add("MD5", txt.ToString().Trim());
            return plate_Info;
Exemple #7
        private void setTpls()
            Info[,] tpl=new Info[8,12];

            tpls.Add("自定义模板", tpl);

            tpl=new Info[8,12];
            tpl[0, 0] = new Info(0, 0, "std", "0", 0);
            tpl[1, 0] = new Info(1, 0, "std", "1", 10);
            tpl[2, 0] = new Info(2, 0, "std", "2", 20);
            tpl[3, 0] = new Info(3, 0, "std", "3", 30);
            tpl[4, 0] = new Info(4, 0, "std", "4", 40);
            tpl[5, 0] = new Info(5, 0, "std", "5", 50);
            tpl[6, 0] = new Info(6, 0, "std", "6", 60);
            tpl[7, 0] = new Info(7, 0, "std", "7", 70);
            tpls.Add("瘦肉精", tpl);

            tpl = new Info[8, 12];
            tpl[0, 0] = new Info(0, 0, "std", "0", 0);
            tpl[1, 0] = new Info(1, 0, "std", "1", 20);
            tpl[2, 0] = new Info(2, 0, "std", "2", 40);
            tpl[3, 0] = new Info(3, 0, "std", "3", 60);
            tpl[4, 0] = new Info(4, 0, "std", "4", 80);
            tpl[5, 0] = new Info(5, 0, "std", "5", 100);
            tpl[6, 0] = new Info(6, 0, "std", "6", 120);
            tpl[7, 0] = new Info(7, 0, "std", "7", 140);
            tpl[0, 1] = new Info(0,1, "ctr", "1", 100);
            tpls.Add("霉菌毒素", tpl);

            tpl = new Info[8, 12];
            tpl[0, 0] = new Info(0, 0, "std", "0", 0);
            tpl[0, 1] = new Info(0, 1, "std", "1", 30);
            tpl[0, 2] = new Info(0, 2, "std", "2", 60);
            tpl[0, 3] = new Info(0, 3, "std", "3", 90);
            tpl[0, 4] = new Info(0, 4, "std", "4", 120);
            tpl[0, 5] = new Info(0, 5, "std", "5", 150);
            tpl[0, 6] = new Info(0, 6, "std", "6", 180);
            tpl[0, 7] = new Info(0, 7, "std", "7", 210);
            tpl[1, 0] = new Info(1, 0,"ctr","1",100);
            tpl[1, 1] = new Info(1, 1, "ctr", "2", 200);
            tpls.Add("黄曲霉毒素B1", tpl);

            tpl = new Info[8, 12];
            tpl[0, 0] = new Info(0, 0, "std", "0", 0);
            tpl[0, 1] = new Info(0, 1, "std", "1", 30);
            tpl[0, 2] = new Info(0, 2, "std", "2", 60);
            tpl[0, 3] = new Info(0, 3, "std", "3", 90);
            tpl[0, 4] = new Info(0, 4, "std", "4", 120);
            tpl[0, 5] = new Info(0, 5, "std", "5", 150);
            tpl[0, 6] = new Info(0, 6, "std", "6", 180);
            tpl[1, 0] = new Info(1, 0, "ctr", "1", 100);
            tpl[1, 1] = new Info(1, 1, "ctr", "2", 200);
            tpl[1, 2] = new Info(1, 2, "ctr", "3", 300);
            tpls.Add("干豆腐黄色素", tpl);