private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); var visual = new MainVisual(); app.ResourceManager.ShaderChanged += visual.ShaderChanged; LoadResources(app.ResourceManager); Stopwatch globalTime = new Stopwatch(); bool doPostProcessing = false; app.Render += () => { float time = (float)globalTime.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; if (doPostProcessing) { visual.DrawWithPostProcessing(time); } else { visual.Draw(); } }; app.Update += (t) => doPostProcessing = !Keyboard.GetState()[Key.Space]; app.Resize += visual.Resize; app.GameWindow.ConnectEvents(visual.OrbitCamera); globalTime.Start(); app.Run(); }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); GameState gameState; try { gameState = (GameState)Serialize.ObjFromBinFile(GetGameStateFilePath()); //try to load the game state from a file at start of program } catch { gameState = new GameState(); //loading failed -> reset } app.GameWindow.Closing += (s, e) => gameState.ObjIntoBinFile(GetGameStateFilePath()); //save game state at end of program app.GameWindow.KeyDown += (s, e) => { if (e.Key == OpenTK.Input.Key.R) { gameState = new GameState(); } }; //reset app.GameWindow.MouseDown += (s, e) => { var coord = app.CalcNormalized(e.X, e.Y); //convert mouse coordinates from pixel to [0,1]² HandleInput(gameState, (int)e.Button, coord.X, coord.Y); }; //todo student: app.Resize += (width, height) => //todo student: react on window changes (update apsect ratio of game) app.Render += () => Visual.DrawScreen(gameState); //this draws the game using OpenGL //app.Render += () => VisualConsole.DrawScreen(gameState); //this draws the game to the console app.Run(); }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); var visual = new MyVisual(); app.Render += visual.Render; app.Run(); }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); var controller = new Controller(); app.Render += controller.Render; app.Update += controller.Update; app.Run(); }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); var visual = new MyVisual(app.GameWindow.Width, app.GameWindow.Height); app.Render += visual.Render; app.Update += visual.Update; app.Run(); }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); //run the update loop, which calls our registered callbacks var visual = new MyVisual(); app.Render += visual.Render; app.Run(); }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); var visual = new MainVisual(); app.ResourceManager.ShaderChanged += visual.ShaderChanged; LoadResources(app.ResourceManager); app.Render += visual.Render; app.Run(); }
public static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); var canvas = new Canvas(); var rasterizer = new Rasterizer(10, 10, canvas.Draw); app.Render += rasterizer.Render; //app.Render += () => Screenshot(); app.Run(); }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); var visual = new MainVisual(); app.GameWindow.ConnectEvents(visual.OrbitCamera); app.ResourceManager.ShaderChanged += visual.ShaderChanged; LoadResources(app.ResourceManager); app.Render += visual.Render; app.Run(); }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); //app.IsRecording = true; var visual = new MainVisual(); app.ResourceManager.ShaderChanged += visual.ShaderChanged; LoadResources(app.ResourceManager); app.Render += visual.Render; app.Update += visual.Update; app.Run(); }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); var model = new Model(); var visual = new MainVisual(); app.ResourceManager.ShaderChanged += visual.ShaderChanged; LoadResources(app.ResourceManager); app.Render += () => visual.Render(model.Bodies); app.Update += model.Update; app.GameWindow.ConnectEvents(visual.Camera); app.Run(); }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); var controller = new Controller(); var logic = new GameLogic(); var renderer = new Renderer(); logic.NewPosition += (name, x, y) => renderer.UpdateSprites(name, x, y); LoadLevelData(LevelData.level1, logic, renderer); app.Resize += (width, height) => renderer.Resize(width, height); app.Render += () => renderer.Render(logic.Bounds); app.Update += (updatePeriod) => HandleInput(updatePeriod, logic); app.Run(); }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); LoadResources(app.ResourceManager); var controller = new Controller(); var visual = new MainVisual(); app.ResourceManager.ShaderChanged += visual.ShaderChanged; var timeSource = new Stopwatch(); app.GameWindow.ConnectEvents(visual.OrbitCamera); app.Render += visual.Render; app.Update += (t) => visual.Update((float)timeSource.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); timeSource.Start(); app.Run(); }
public MainVisual(ExampleApplication app) { = app; this.timeSource.Start(); // light setup this.lightPosition = new Vector3(0, 1.1f, 0); // wind setup this.windDirection = new Vector3(0.0f); // rain setup this.rainState = false; this.rainPosition = new Vector3(-.5f, 1.2f, -.5f); this.visualRain = new VisualRain(this.rainPosition, this.windDirection); // candle setup this.candleState = true; this.candlePosition = new Vector3(.0f, -.02f, .0f); this.candleThickness = .15f; // cloud setup this.cloudTranslation = new Vector3(.0f, .1f, .0f); // objects setup this.visualObjects = new VisualObjects(this.rainPosition, this.candlePosition, this.lightPosition); // smoke setup this.smokeState = false; this.smokePosition = new Vector3(.0f, .5f, .0f); this.visualSmoke = new VisualSmoke(Vector3.Zero, this.windDirection); // flame setup this.firePosition = new Vector3(.0f, .55f, .0f); this.visualFlame = new VisualFlame(this.firePosition); // camera setup = 80; = 2.5f; = 70; = 15; = 0; }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); Resources.LoadResources(app.ResourceManager); var visual = new MainVisual(); Action <MouseEventArgs> updateMouseState = (a) => { var mouseState = new MouseState(); mouseState.position = app.CalcNormalized(a.X, a.Y); mouseState.drawState = GetDrawState(a.Mouse); visual.MouseState = mouseState; }; app.GameWindow.MouseMove += (s, a) => updateMouseState(a); app.GameWindow.MouseDown += (s, a) => updateMouseState(a); app.Render += visual.Render; app.Run(); }
private static void Main() { var app = new ExampleApplication(); var visual = new MainVisual(); app.ResourceManager.ShaderChanged += visual.ShaderChanged; LoadResources(app.ResourceManager); app.GameWindow.MouseMove += (s, e) => { if (ButtonState.Pressed == e.Mouse.LeftButton) { visual.CameraAzimuth += 300 * e.XDelta / (float)app.GameWindow.Width; visual.CameraElevation += 300 * e.YDelta / (float)app.GameWindow.Height; } }; app.GameWindow.MouseWheel += (s, e) => visual.CameraDistance *= (float)Math.Pow(1.05, e.DeltaPrecise); app.Update += visual.Update; app.Render += visual.Render; app.Run(); }