/// <summary>
        /// Create a new Hyper file with a single table and load data from a CSV file into it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exampleDataDir">Path to the directory with example data.</param>
        public override void Execute(string exampleDataDir)
            Console.WriteLine("EXAMPLE - Load data from a CSV file into a table in a new Hyper file.");

            // Optional process parameters. They are documented in the Tableau Hyper documentation, chapter "Process Settings"
            // (https://help.tableau.com/current/api/hyper_api/en-us/reference/sql/processsettings.html).
            var processParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>
                // Limits the number of Hyper event log files to two.
                { "log_file_max_count", "2" },
                // Limits the size of Hyper event log files to 100 megabytes.
                { "log_file_size_limit", "100M" }

            // Start the Hyper process with telemetry enabled.
            using (HyperProcess hyper = new HyperProcess(Telemetry.SendUsageDataToTableau, "example", processParameters))
                // Optional connection parameters. They are documented in the Tableau Hyper documentation, chapter "Connection Settings"
                // (https://help.tableau.com/current/api/hyper_api/en-us/reference/sql/connectionsettings.html).
                var connectionParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "lc_time", "en_US" }

                // Connect to Hyper and create new Hyper file "customer.hyper".
                // It replaces the file if it already exists when CreateMode.CreateAndReplace is set.
                using (Connection connection = new Connection(hyper.Endpoint, "customer.hyper", CreateMode.CreateAndReplace, connectionParameters))
                    // Table definition - its name and the list of columns.
                    // Since the table name is not prefixed with an explicit schema name, the table will reside in the default "public" namespace.
                    TableDefinition customerTable = new TableDefinition("Customer")
                                                    .AddColumn("Customer ID", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                    .AddColumn("Customer Name", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                    .AddColumn("Loyalty Reward Points", SqlType.BigInt(), Nullability.NotNullable)
                                                    .AddColumn("Segment", SqlType.Text(), Nullability.NotNullable);

                    // Create the table in the Hyper file.

                    string pathToCsv = Path.Join(exampleDataDir, "customers.csv");

                    // Load all rows into "Customers" table from the CSV file.
                    // ExecuteCommand executes a SQL statement and returns the impacted row count.
                    // TableDefinition.Name property is a QualifiedName object which is escaped properly when
                    // converted to a string; but the path to the CSV file needs to be escaped.
                    int countInCustomerTable = connection.ExecuteCommand(
                        $"COPY {customerTable.TableName} from {Sql.EscapeStringLiteral(pathToCsv)} with " +
                        $"(format csv, NULL 'NULL', delimiter ',', header)");

                    Console.WriteLine($"The number of rows in table {customerTable.TableName} is {countInCustomerTable}");

                Console.WriteLine("The connection to the Hyper file has been closed.");

            Console.WriteLine("The Hyper process has been shut down.");
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Open a Hyper file and delete some data from it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exampleDataDir">Path to the directory with example data.</param>
        public override void Execute(string dataDir)
            Console.WriteLine("EXAMPLE - Delete data from an existing Hyper file.");

            // Hyper file containing data in Customer, Product, Orders and LineItems tables.
            string sourceDatabase = Path.Join(dataDir, "superstore_sample.hyper");

            // Make a copy of the Hyper file to modify.
            string database = "superstore_sample_delete.hyper";

            File.Copy(sourceDatabase, database, true);

            // Start Hyper process with telemetry enabled.
            using (HyperProcess hyper = new HyperProcess(Telemetry.SendUsageDataToTableau))
                // Connect to the Hyper file.
                using (Connection connection = new Connection(hyper.Endpoint, database))
                    Console.WriteLine("Delete all rows from customer with the name 'Dennis Kane' from table Orders");
                    // ExecuteCommand executes a SQL statement and returns the impacted row count
                    int deletedRowCount = connection.ExecuteCommand(
                        $"DELETE FROM {Sql.EscapeName("Orders")} " +
                        $"WHERE {Sql.EscapeName("Customer ID")} = ANY(" +
                        $"SELECT {Sql.EscapeName("Customer ID")} FROM {Sql.EscapeName("Customer")} " +
                        $"WHERE {Sql.EscapeName("Customer Name")} = {Sql.EscapeStringLiteral("Dennis Kane")})");
                    Console.WriteLine($"The number of deleted rows in table Orders is {deletedRowCount}\n");

                    Console.WriteLine("Delete all rows from customer with the name 'Dennis Kane' from table Customer");
                    deletedRowCount = connection.ExecuteCommand(
                        $"DELETE FROM {Sql.EscapeName("Customer")} " +
                        $"WHERE {Sql.EscapeName("Customer Name")} = {Sql.EscapeStringLiteral("Dennis Kane")}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"The number of deleted rows in table Customer is {deletedRowCount}\n");

                Console.WriteLine("The connection to the Hyper file has been closed.");

            Console.WriteLine("The Hyper process has been shut down.");
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Open a Hyper file and modify some data in it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exampleDataDir">Path to the directory with example data.</param>
        public override void Execute(string exampleDataDir)
            Console.WriteLine("EXAMPLE - Update data in an existing Hyper file.");

            // Start the Hyper process with telemetry enabled.
            using (HyperProcess hyper = new HyperProcess(Telemetry.SendUsageDataToTableau))
                // Make a copy of the Hyper file to modify.
                string sourceDatabase = Path.Join(exampleDataDir, "superstore_sample.hyper");
                string database       = "superstore_sample_update.hyper";
                File.Copy(sourceDatabase, database, true);

                // Connect to the Hyper file.
                using (Connection connection = new Connection(hyper.Endpoint, database))
                    Console.WriteLine("Pre-Update: Individual rows showing 'Segment' and 'Loyalty Reward Points':");
                    using (Result result = connection.ExecuteQuery(
                               $"SELECT {Sql.EscapeName("Loyalty Reward Points")}, {Sql.EscapeName("Segment")}" +
                               $"FROM {Sql.EscapeName("Customer")}"))
                        while (result.NextRow())
                            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", result.GetValues())}]");

                    Console.WriteLine("Update 'Customers' table by adding 50 Loyalty Reward Points to all Corporate Customers");
                    int updatedRowCount = connection.ExecuteCommand(
                        $"UPDATE {Sql.EscapeName("Customer")} " +
                        $"SET {Sql.EscapeName("Loyalty Reward Points")} = {Sql.EscapeName("Loyalty Reward Points")} + 50 " +
                        $"WHERE {Sql.EscapeName("Segment")} = {Sql.EscapeStringLiteral("Corporate")}");

                    Console.WriteLine($"The number of updated rows in 'Customer' table is {updatedRowCount}");

                    Console.WriteLine("Post-Update: Individual rows showing 'Segment' and 'Loyalty Reward Points':");
                    using (Result result = connection.ExecuteQuery(
                               $"SELECT {Sql.EscapeName("Loyalty Reward Points")}, {Sql.EscapeName("Segment")}" +
                               $"FROM {Sql.EscapeName("Customer")}"))
                        while (result.NextRow())
                            Console.WriteLine($"[{string.Join(", ", result.GetValues())}]");

                Console.WriteLine("The connection to the Hyper file has been closed.");

            Console.WriteLine("The Hyper process has been shut down.");