Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the SystemManager class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">full config data</param>
        /// <param name="cs">CrestronControlSystem</param>
        public SystemManager(Configuration.ConfigData.Configuration config, CrestronControlSystem cs)
            if (config.Touchpanels != null)
                this.touchpanels = new Dictionary <string, BasicTriListWithSmartObject>();

                // TODO: Level1. Implement touchPanel + sources + destinations
                foreach (var touchPanel in config.Touchpanels)
                    // TODO: Level1. Create new instance of TouchpanelUI
                    // ! Don't forget to use Register() from TouchpanelUI class !
                    string type  = touchPanel.Type;
                    uint   id    = touchPanel.Id;
                    string label = touchPanel.Label;

                    this.tp = new TouchpanelUI(type, id, label, cs);
                    if (this.tp.Register())
                        ErrorLog.Info($"{LogHeader} created and registered tp {label}");

                        // TODO: Level1. Dynamically set up sources using the config file
                        ErrorLog.Info($"{LogHeader} Nbr of Smart Object Sources: {config.Sources.Length}");
                        ErrorLog.Info($"{LogHeader} Nbr of Smart Object Destinations: {config.Destinations.Length}");

                        tp.UserInterface.SmartObjects[1].UShortInput["Set Number of Items"].UShortValue = (ushort)config.Sources.Length;
                        for (var i = 0; i < config.Sources.Length; i++)
                            tp.UserInterface.SmartObjects[1].UShortInput[$"Set Item {i+1} Icon Analog"].UShortValue =
                            tp.UserInterface.SmartObjects[1].StringInput[$"Set Item {i + 1} Text"].StringValue =
                            ErrorLog.Info($"{LogHeader} SOURCE: Set [Item {i+1} Icon Analog/Text] {config.Sources[i].Icon} {config.Sources[i].Label}");

                        // TODO: Level1. Dynamically set up destinations using the config file
                        tp.UserInterface.SmartObjects[2].UShortInput["Set Number of Items"].UShortValue = (ushort)config.Destinations.Length;
                        ErrorLog.Info($"{LogHeader} Nbr of Smart Object Destinations: {config.Destinations.Length}");
                        for (var i = 0; i < config.Destinations.Length; i++)
                            tp.UserInterface.SmartObjects[2].UShortInput[$"Set Item {i+1} Icon Analog"].UShortValue =
                            tp.UserInterface.SmartObjects[2].StringInput[$"Set Item {i + 1} Text"].StringValue =
                            ErrorLog.Info($"{LogHeader} DESTINATION: Set [Item {i+1} Icon Analog] {config.Destinations[i].Icon}");
                        ErrorLog.Error($"{LogHeader} Error created and registering tp {label}");

                    // TODO: Level2. Implement the additional subsystem dynamically.
                    // Please see Student Guide for more explanation.
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a JSON formatted configuration from disc
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configFile">Location and name of the config file</param>
        /// <returns>True or False depending on read success</returns>
        public bool ReadConfig(string configFile)
            // string for file contents
            string configData = string.Empty;

            ErrorLog.Notice(LogHeader + "Started loading config file: {0}", configFile);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configFile))
                this.readSuccess = false;
                ErrorLog.Error(LogHeader + "No File?!?");

            if (!File.Exists(configFile))
                this.readSuccess = false;
                ErrorLog.Error(LogHeader + "Config file doesn't exist");
            else if (File.Exists(configFile))

                // Open, read and close the file
                // If you don't want an exception to be thrown which would potentially stop the program,
                // you could throw a try/catch around the method which loads the configuration file so that
                // the exception can be caught so that you could show the exception message on screen,
                // rather than leaving it be thrown (unhandled)
                    using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(configFile))
                        configData = file.ReadToEnd();

                    // Try to deserialize into a Room object. If this fails, the JSON file is probably malformed
                    this.RoomConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigData.Configuration>(configData);
                    ErrorLog.Notice(LogHeader + "Config file loaded!");
                    this.readSuccess = true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    this.readSuccess = false;
                    ErrorLog.Error(LogHeader + "Exception in reading config file: {0}", e.Message);

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a JSON formatted configuration from disc
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configFile">Location and name of the config file</param>
        /// <returns>True or False depending on read success</returns>
        public bool ReadConfig(string configFile)
            // string for file contents
            string configData = string.Empty;

            ErrorLog.Notice(LogHeader + "Started loading config file: {0}", configFile);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configFile))
                this.readSuccess = false;
                ErrorLog.Error(LogHeader + "No File?!?");

            if (!File.Exists(configFile))
                this.readSuccess = false;
                ErrorLog.Error(LogHeader + "Config file doesn't exist");
            else if (File.Exists(configFile))

                // Open, read and close the file
                using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader(configFile))
                    configData = file.ReadToEnd();

                    // Try to deserialize into a Room object. If this fails, the JSON file is probably malformed
                    this.RoomConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigData.Configuration>(configData);
                    ErrorLog.Notice(LogHeader + "Config file loaded!");
                    this.readSuccess = true;
                catch (Exception e)
                    this.readSuccess = false;
                    ErrorLog.Error(LogHeader + "Exception in reading config file: {0}", e.Message);

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// TouchpanelUI object to use for registration
        /// </summary>
        // PAUL TODO - Revisit this
        // private UI.TouchpanelUI tp;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the SystemManager class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">full config data</param>
        /// <param name="cs">CrestronControlSystem</param>
        public SystemManager(Configuration.ConfigData.Configuration config, CrestronControlSystem cs)
                // Added for Exercise 2.
            catch (Exception e)
                ErrorLog.Error(LogHeader + "Unable to configure publisher: {0}", e.Message);

            if (config.Touchpanels != null)
                // TODO: Level1. Implement touchPanel + sources + destinations
                foreach (var touchpanel in config.Touchpanels)
                    this.touchpanels[touchpanel.Label] = new UI.TouchpanelUI(touchpanel.Type, touchpanel.Id, touchpanel.Label, cs);

                    // TODO: Level1. Create new instance of TouchpanelUI
                    if (this.touchpanels[touchpanel.Label].Register())
                            // Set up touchpanel basics based on configuration
                            this.touchpanels[touchpanel.Label].UserInterface.SmartObjects[1].UShortInput["Set Number of Items"].UShortValue = (ushort)config.Sources.Length;
                            this.touchpanels[touchpanel.Label].UserInterface.SmartObjects[2].UShortInput[4].UShortValue = (ushort)config.Destinations.Length;

                            // set the source labels and dynamic icons
                            foreach (var source in config.Sources)
                                this.touchpanels[touchpanel.Label].UserInterface.SmartObjects[1].StringInput[$"Set Item {source.Id} Text"].StringValue             = source.Label;
                                this.touchpanels[touchpanel.Label].UserInterface.SmartObjects[1].UShortInput["Set Item " + source.Id + " Icon Analog"].UShortValue = source.Icon;

                            foreach (var destination in config.Destinations)
                                this.touchpanels[touchpanel.Label].UserInterface.SmartObjects[2].StringInput[10 + destination.Id].StringValue = destination.Label;
                                this.touchpanels[touchpanel.Label].UserInterface.SmartObjects[2].UShortInput[10 + destination.Id].UShortValue = destination.Icon;

                            // Register event handler
                            this.touchpanels[touchpanel.Label].UserInterface.SigChange += this.UserInterface_SigChange;

                            // Register event handlers for Smart Objects
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, SmartObject> smartObject in this.touchpanels[touchpanel.Label].UserInterface.SmartObjects)
                                smartObject.Value.SigChange += this.SO_Value_SigChange;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            ErrorLog.Error(LogHeader + "Exception trying to set up touchpanel: {0} - {1}", touchpanel.Label, e.Message);

            if (config.Nvx != null)
                foreach (var nvx in config.Nvx)
                        this.nvxUnits = new Video.DmNvx(nvx.Type, nvx.Id, nvx.Name, nvx.Multicast, NvxExchange, cs);

                        if (this.nvxUnits.Register())
                            // Register some events, etc
                            ErrorLog.Notice(LogHeader + "Registered NVX {0} successfully!", nvx.Name);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        ErrorLog.Error(LogHeader + "Error in registering NVX units: {0}", e.Message);