public static void PerformLocalBlast(string querypath, string ncbipath, string localpath, string outputpath,
            RunCommand command, BlastType blastType, List<FastaObj> fastaSet, string fastaSetPath, bool inclWaitTime)
            var lb = new LocalBlaster(ncbipath, localpath, outputpath);

            lb.CreateLocalBlastDatabase(command, blastType, fastaSet, fastaSetPath, inclWaitTime);

            lb.PerformBlast(querypath, inclWaitTime);

            //var bo = Program.localBlaster.PerformBlast(queryPath, true);
        public void CreateLocalBlastDatabase(RunCommand command, BlastType blastType, List<FastaObj> fastaSet, string fastaSetPath, bool includeWaitTime)
            this._blastType = blastType;
            this._fastaSetPath = fastaSetPath;

            if (this._blastType == BlastType.Null)

            this.command = command;

            //Name for local db
            if (this._localDBPath.EndsWith(@"\"))
                this._localDBPath += @"\";
            var outFilePath = this._localDBPath + @"\~tempLocalBlastDB";

            //Check for part of db, if exists, remove to force new db creation
            if (File.Exists(outFilePath + ".pin"))
                File.Delete(outFilePath + ".pin");

            var btype = DBCommands[(int)blastType];

            if (fastaSet != null)
                this._fastaDBSet = fastaSet;
                FastaObj.CreateMultiFastaFile(fastaSetPath, fastaSet);

            var cs = @"makeblastdb -in " + fastaSetPath + " -dbtype " + btype + " -out " + outFilePath;

            if (!File.Exists(fastaSetPath))

            //Create new Database through c# command line simulator/wrapper. Wait for completion
            command.RunCommandLine(cs, this._NCBIBlasteEXEPath);

            if (includeWaitTime)
                while (command.isRunning)
                { }
        public void Reduce(RunCommand command, string tempDirectory, string queryPath, Dictionary<ArCOGObj, List<FastaObj>> dict)
            for (int i = 0; i < dict.Count; i++)
                List<FastaObj> cl;
                dict.TryGetValue(dict.Keys.ToList<ArCOGObj>()[i], out cl);

                this.CreateLocalBlastDatabase(command, LocalBlaster.BlastType.Protein,
                    cl, tempDirectory + @"\tempFastaDB.fa", true);

                int w = 0;
                var cf = new List<FastaObj>(this.FastaDBSet);
                while (w < cf.Count)
                    var tbo = this.PerformBlast(queryPath, true);
                    this.RemoveDataBaseRedundancy(tbo, .8, false);

