public void copy(SparseTensor ts)
     foreach (int id in ts.tensor.Keys)
         SparseMatrix mat = new SparseMatrix();
         this.tensor.Add(id, mat);
        public SparseMatrix getSubMatrix(HashSet<int> rowIDSet)
            SparseMatrix submatrix = new SparseMatrix();
            foreach (int ID in rowIDSet)
                SparseVector rowVec = getRow(ID);
                submatrix.setRow(ID, rowVec);

            return submatrix;
 public SparseMatrix getSubMatrix(HashSet<int> rowIDSet, HashSet<int> colIDSet)
     SparseMatrix submatrix = new SparseMatrix();
     foreach (int ID in rowIDSet)
         SparseVector rowVec = getRow(ID);
         SparseVector subRowVec = rowVec.getSubVec(colIDSet);
         if (subRowVec.getCount() > 0)
             submatrix.setRow(ID, rowVec);
     return submatrix;
Exemple #4
        public Cluster(int n)
            objectList = new HashSet<int>();
            clusterList = new HashSet<int>();

            objectClusMat = new SparseMatrix();
            clusObjectMat = new SparseMatrix();

            attriClusMatList = new SparseMatrix[n];
            clusAttriMatList = new SparseMatrix[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                attriClusMatList[i] = new SparseMatrix();
                clusAttriMatList[i] = new SparseMatrix();

            clusterSizeVec = new SparseVector();
            clusterPriorMat = new SparseMatrix();

            clusTypeCountMat = new SparseMatrix();

            typeNum = n;
 public double this[int i, int j, int k]
         if (tensor.ContainsKey(i))
             return tensor[i][j, k];
             return 0;
         if (tensor.ContainsKey(i))
             tensor[i][j, k] = value;
             SparseMatrix mat = new SparseMatrix();
             mat[j, k] = value;
             tensor[i] = mat;
 public static SparseTensor operator -(SparseTensor st1, SparseTensor st2)
     SparseTensor newST = new SparseTensor();
     foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SparseMatrix> kvp in st1.tensor)
         if (st2.tensor.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
             newST.tensor.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value - st2.getMatrix(kvp.Key));
             newST.tensor.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
     foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SparseMatrix> kvp in st2.tensor)
         if (!st1.tensor.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
             SparseMatrix tempMat = new SparseMatrix();
             tempMat = tempMat - kvp.Value;
             newST.tensor.Add(kvp.Key, tempMat);
     return newST;
 public void setMatrix(int i, SparseMatrix matrix)
     tensor[i] = matrix;
 public void setVector(int i, int j, SparseVector vec)
     if (tensor.ContainsKey(i))
         tensor[i].setRow(j, vec);
         SparseMatrix mat = new SparseMatrix();
         mat.setRow(j, vec);
         tensor.Add(i, mat);
        //gamma is second level parameter
        public static Cluster run(Cluster histClus, Network curNet, double alpha, double gamma, double lambda, Dictionary<int, double> betaVec, int typeNum)
            Cluster curClus = new Cluster(typeNum); //clustering for each type

            double log_alpha = Math.Log(alpha);

            SparseVector logPriorPropVec = new SparseVector();
            if (histClus.clusterList.Count != 0 )
                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> kvp in histClus.clusterSizeVec.vector)
                    logPriorPropVec[kvp.Key] = Math.Log(kvp.Value); //log (lambda* pi_k)
            //background 2: uniform background
            Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>> attributeDict = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>();
            for (int type = 0; type < typeNum; type++)
                attributeDict[type] = new HashSet<int>();

            //foreach object in curNet, adjust their cluster membership, until converge
            double epsi = double.MaxValue;
            double EPSI = 0.0001;
            int INITITER = 0;

            HashSet<int> candidateClus = new HashSet<int>();

            //initial clusters are historical clusters. It should be commented if do not need prior clusters
            if (histClus.clusterList.Count != 0)

            int iter = 0;
            int objSize =;

            /******* control types that will be used **************/
            HashSet<int> subTypeSet = new HashSet<int> ();
            subTypeSet.Add(0); //C
            subTypeSet.Add(1); //A
            subTypeSet.Add(2); //T

            /********* calculate the p(oi) under H, and under each possible priors beforehand*/
            //SparseMatrix obj_priorTable_Mat = new SparseMatrix();
            Dictionary<int, int> obj_priorDict = new Dictionary<int,int> ();

            if (histClus.clusterList.Count != 0)
                foreach (int objID in
                    SparseVector clusProbVec = new SparseVector();
                    double log_prob_in_newclus = 0;

                    SparseMatrix typeIDMat =[objID];

                    //prior clusters
                    foreach (int clusID in histClus.clusterList)
                        //double clusSize = /*histClus.clusterSizeVec[clusID] + */curClus.clusterSizeVec[clusID];
                        double clusSize = histClus.clusterSizeVec[clusID];

                        double log_prob_in_clus = 0;

                        for (int type = 0; type < typeNum; type++)
                            if (!subTypeSet.Contains(type))

                            SparseVector IDCountVec = typeIDMat.getRow(type);
                            if (IDCountVec == null)

                            double typeProb = 1;
                            double curObjTotalCount = IDCountVec.getSum();

                            double histClus_total_count = histClus.clusTypeCountMat[clusID, type];
                            //double curClus_total_Count = curClus.clusTypeCountMat[clusID, type];
                            double curClus_total_Count = 0;

                            int i = 1;// record total current count

                            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> kvp in IDCountVec.vector)
                                int ID = kvp.Key;
                                double count = kvp.Value;

                                //if (!attributeDict[type].ContainsKey(ID))
                                //    Console.WriteLine("Type {0} ID {1}is not in dictionary", type, ID);

                                double hist_item_count = histClus.clusAttriMatList[type][clusID, ID];
                                //double cur_item_count = curClus.clusAttriMatList[type][clusID, ID];
                                double cur_item_count = 0;

                                for (int itemCount = 1; itemCount <= count; itemCount++)

                                    //background 1:
                                    //typeProb *= /*Math.Log*/((attributeDict[type][ID] * betaVec[type] + hist_item_count + cur_item_count + count - itemCount)
                                    //    / (typeCount[type] * betaVec[type] + histClus_total_count + curClus_total_Count + curObjTotalCount - i));
                                    //logTypeProb -= Math.Log(attributeDict[type].Count * betaVec[type] + histClus_total_count + curClus_total_Count + curObjTotalCount - i);

                                    //background 2:
                                    typeProb *= /*Math.Log*/((1 * betaVec[type] + hist_item_count + cur_item_count + count - itemCount)
                                        / (attributeDict[type].Count * betaVec[type] + histClus_total_count + curClus_total_Count + curObjTotalCount - i));


                            log_prob_in_clus += Math.Log(typeProb);

                        clusProbVec[clusID] = log_prob_in_clus;

                    //unseen clusters
                    for (int type = 0; type < typeNum; type++)
                        if (!subTypeSet.Contains(type))
                        SparseVector IDCountVec = typeIDMat.getRow(type);
                        if (IDCountVec == null)
                        double typeProb = 1;
                        double curObjTotalCount = IDCountVec.getSum();
                        int i = 1;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> kvp in IDCountVec.vector)
                            int ID = kvp.Key;
                            double count = kvp.Value;

                            for (int itemCount = 1; itemCount <= count; itemCount++)
                                //background 1:
                                //typeProb *= /*Math.Log*/((attributeDict[type][ID] * betaVec[type] + count - itemCount) / (typeCount[type] * betaVec[type] + curObjTotalCount - i));
                                //logTypeProb -= Math.Log(attributeDict[type].Count * betaVec[type] + curObjTotalCount - i);

                                //background 2:
                                typeProb *= /*Math.Log*/((1 * betaVec[type] + count - itemCount) / (attributeDict[type].Count * betaVec[type] + curObjTotalCount - i));

                        log_prob_in_newclus += Math.Log(typeProb);

                    clusProbVec[-1] = log_prob_in_newclus + log_alpha;

                    int curPrior = clusProbVec.getMax_Pos().Key;
                    obj_priorDict.Add(objID, curPrior);

            ////handle middle results of tables
            //int MAXTableID = 0; //start from 1
            //Dictionary<int, Cluster> groupTableDict = new Dictionary<int,Cluster> ();//record tables for each group
            //Dictionary<int, int> tableClusterDict = new Dictionary<int, int>();// record cluster for each table;
            //foreach (int priorID in obj_priorDict)
            //    Cluster TableList = new Cluster();
            //    groupTableDict.Add(priorID, TableList);

            SparseMatrix groupClusSizeMat = new SparseMatrix();
            foreach (int priorID in obj_priorDict.Keys)
                SparseVector vec = new SparseVector();
                groupClusSizeMat.setRow(priorID, vec);

            SparseVector betaCoeffVec = new SparseVector(); //first level component coefficient, non-normalized
            betaCoeffVec[-1] = alpha;
            //betaCoeffVec[-1] = 1; //alpha logn (every one has alpha)
            while (epsi > EPSI && iter < 1000)
                int handledObjNum = 0;
                int clusChangedNum = 0;
                DateTime curTime = DateTime.Now;
                //randomize the network

                //if (histClus.clusterList.Count != 0)
                    //foreach (int objID in
                    //    int priorID = obj_priorDict[objID];
                    //    SparseMatrix typeIDMat =[objID];
                    //    //1. assign tables
                    //    int tID = getTableID(typeIDMat, histClus, curClus, groupTableDict[priorGroup].clusterSizeVec, gamma);

                    //    //2. assign clusters to tables
                    //    if (tID == -1) // a new table
                    //    {
                    //        int kID = getClusterID_new(typeIDMat,candidateClus, histClus, curClus, curClus.clusterSizeVec, alpha);
                    //        // change the clusters for all the objects in the table if needed
                    //        //...
                    //    }
                    //    else // a existing table
                    //    {
                    //        SparseMatrix tableTypeIDMat = new SparseMatrix();
                    //        int kID = getClusterID(tableTypeIDMat, candidateClus, histClus, curClus, curClus.clusterSizeVec, alpha);
                    //        //change the clusters for all the objects in the table if needed
                    //        //...
                    //    }


                    foreach (int objID in
                        //calculate the probability it belongs to each cluster
                        SparseVector clusProbVec = new SparseVector();
                        int newClusID = Cluster.MAXClusID;

                        SparseMatrix typeIDMat =[objID];
                        int priorGroup = -1;
                            priorGroup = obj_priorDict[objID];
                        //existing clusters
                        foreach (int clusID in candidateClus)
                            //double clusSize = /*histClus.clusterSizeVec[clusID] + */curClus.clusterSizeVec[clusID];
                            //double clusSize = histClus.clusterSizeVec[clusID] + curClus.clusterSizeVec[clusID];
                            double clusSize = histClus.clusterSizeVec[clusID] + groupClusSizeMat[priorGroup, clusID] + gamma * betaCoeffVec[clusID]/betaCoeffVec.getSum();//groupClusSize could be zero, that's why we need HDP, or priors for the size

                            double log_prob_in_clus = 0;

                            for (int type = 0; type < typeNum; type++)
                                if (!subTypeSet.Contains(type))

                                SparseVector IDCountVec = typeIDMat.getRow(type);
                                if (IDCountVec == null)

                                double typeProb = 1;
                                double curObjTotalCount = IDCountVec.getSum();

                                double histClus_total_count = histClus.clusTypeCountMat[clusID, type];
                                double curClus_total_Count = curClus.clusTypeCountMat[clusID, type];

                                int i = 1;// record total current count

                                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> kvp in IDCountVec.vector)
                                    int ID = kvp.Key;
                                    double count = kvp.Value;

                                    //if (!attributeDict[type].ContainsKey(ID))
                                    //    Console.WriteLine("Type {0} ID {1}is not in dictionary", type, ID);

                                    double hist_item_count = histClus.clusAttriMatList[type][clusID, ID];
                                    double cur_item_count = curClus.clusAttriMatList[type][clusID, ID];

                                    for (int itemCount = 1; itemCount <= count; itemCount++)
                                        if (curClus.objectClusMat[objID, clusID] == 1)//clusID contains objID, needs to remove it
                                            //background 1:
                                            //typeProb *= /*Math.Log*/((attributeDict[type][ID] * betaVec[type] + hist_item_count + cur_item_count /*- count + count*/ - itemCount)
                                            //    / (typeCount[type] * betaVec[type] + histClus_total_count + curClus_total_Count /*- curObjTotalCount + curObjTotalCount*/ - i));
                                            //logTypeProb -= Math.Log(attributeDict[type].Count * betaVec[type] + histClus_total_count + curClus_total_Count - curClus_total_Count + curObjTotalCount - i);

                                            //background 2:
                                            typeProb *= /*Math.Log*/((1 * betaVec[type] + hist_item_count + cur_item_count /*- count + count*/ - itemCount)
                                                / (attributeDict[type].Count * betaVec[type] + histClus_total_count + curClus_total_Count  /*+ curObjTotalCount - curObjTotalCount*/ - i));
                                            //background 1:
                                            //typeProb *= /*Math.Log*/((attributeDict[type][ID] * betaVec[type] + hist_item_count + cur_item_count + count - itemCount)
                                            //    / (typeCount[type] * betaVec[type] + histClus_total_count + curClus_total_Count + curObjTotalCount - i));
                                            //logTypeProb -= Math.Log(attributeDict[type].Count * betaVec[type] + histClus_total_count + curClus_total_Count + curObjTotalCount - i);

                                            //background 2:
                                            typeProb *= /*Math.Log*/((1 * betaVec[type] + hist_item_count + cur_item_count + count - itemCount)
                                                / (attributeDict[type].Count * betaVec[type] + histClus_total_count + curClus_total_Count + curObjTotalCount - i));

                                log_prob_in_clus += Math.Log(typeProb);
                            if (iter < INITITER)
                                clusProbVec[clusID] = log_prob_in_clus;
                                double tempClusSize = clusSize;
                                if (curClus.objectClusMat[objID, clusID] == 1) //clusID
                                    tempClusSize = tempClusSize - 1;
                                //if (tempClusSize == 0)
                                //    clusProbVec[clusID] = log_prob_in_clus + log_alpha;
                                    clusProbVec[clusID] = log_prob_in_clus + Math.Log(tempClusSize);
                        //new cluster, only calculate if current objID is not the only object in its cluster and with no history
                        int oldClusID = -1;
                        bool needsNewCluster = true;
                        SparseVector assignVec = curClus.objectClusMat.getRow(objID);
                        if (assignVec != null)
                            if (assignVec.vector.Count != 0)
                                oldClusID = assignVec.getMax_Pos().Key;

                            if (oldClusID != -1 && curClus.clusterSizeVec[oldClusID] == 1)
                                needsNewCluster = false;

                            if (histClus.clusterList.Contains(oldClusID))
                                needsNewCluster = true;

                        if (needsNewCluster)
                            double log_prob_in_newclus = 0;

                            for (int type = 0; type < typeNum; type++)
                                if (!subTypeSet.Contains(type))
                                SparseVector IDCountVec = typeIDMat.getRow(type);
                                if (IDCountVec == null)
                                double typeProb = 1;
                                double curObjTotalCount = IDCountVec.getSum();
                                int i = 1;
                                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> kvp in IDCountVec.vector)
                                    int ID = kvp.Key;
                                    double count = kvp.Value;

                                    for (int itemCount = 1; itemCount <= count; itemCount++)
                                        //background 2:
                                        typeProb *= /*Math.Log*/((1 * betaVec[type] + count - itemCount) / (attributeDict[type].Count * betaVec[type] + curObjTotalCount - i));


                                log_prob_in_newclus += Math.Log(typeProb);
                            if (iter < INITITER)
                                clusProbVec[newClusID] = log_prob_in_newclus;
                                clusProbVec[newClusID] = log_prob_in_newclus + Math.Log( gamma * (betaCoeffVec[-1]/betaCoeffVec.getSum()));


                        //pick the cluster with the largest logprob
                        KeyValuePair<int, double> maxClusLogP = clusProbVec.getMax_Pos();

                        if (oldClusID != maxClusLogP.Key)

                            //code for test
                            if (epsi < 0.0001)
                                Console.WriteLine("\tObj {0} from {1} to {2}", objID, oldClusID, maxClusLogP.Key);

                        curClus.assignCluster(objID, typeIDMat, oldClusID, maxClusLogP.Key);


                        //update candidateClus
                        if (oldClusID != -1 && !curClus.clusterList.Contains(oldClusID))
                            // This sentence was originally here.
                            // groupClusSizeMat[priorGroup, oldClusID]--;
                            //betaCoeffVec[oldClusID] = 0;
                        if (maxClusLogP.Key == newClusID)//assign to a new cluster
                            Console.WriteLine("maxClus = {0}, objects handled = {1}", newClusID, handledObjNum);

                        if (maxClusLogP.Key != oldClusID)
                            // We move the sentence here.
                            groupClusSizeMat[priorGroup, oldClusID]--;
                            groupClusSizeMat[priorGroup, maxClusLogP.Key]++;
                            betaCoeffVec[maxClusLogP.Key] = Math.Log(curClus.clusterSizeVec[maxClusLogP.Key]+1);
                TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - curTime;
                epsi = (double)clusChangedNum / objSize;
                Console.WriteLine("Iteration {0}: cluster number = {1}, epsi = {2}, execution time = {3}", ++iter, curClus.clusterList.Count, epsi, timeSpan);
            curClus.clusterPriorMat = groupClusSizeMat.getTranspose();        
            return curClus;
Exemple #10
 public SparseMatrix rowNormalize()
     SparseMatrix newMat = new SparseMatrix();
     foreach (int rowID in matrix.Keys)
         SparseVector rowVec = matrix[rowID];
         if (rowVec != null && rowVec.getCount() != 0)
             double sum = rowVec.getSum();
             SparseVector newVec = rowVec / sum;
             newMat.setRow(rowID, newVec);
     return newMat;
Exemple #11
        public static SparseMatrix operator -(SparseMatrix sm1, SparseMatrix sm2)
            SparseMatrix curMat = new SparseMatrix();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SparseVector> kvp in sm1.matrix)
                SparseVector rowht1 = kvp.Value;
                int rowID = kvp.Key;
                SparseVector rowDiff = new SparseVector();
                if (sm2.matrix.ContainsKey(rowID))
                    rowDiff = rowht1 - sm2.getRow(rowID);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> kvprow in rowht1.vector)
                        rowDiff.vector.Add(kvprow.Key, kvprow.Value);
                curMat.setRow(rowID, rowDiff);

            foreach (int ID in sm2.matrix.Keys)
                if (!sm1.matrix.ContainsKey(ID))
                    SparseVector rowht2 = sm2.getRow(ID);
                    SparseVector rowDiff = new SparseVector();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> kvprow in rowht2.vector)
                        rowDiff.vector.Add(kvprow.Key, -kvprow.Value);
                    curMat.setRow(ID, rowDiff);

            return curMat;
Exemple #12
 public static SparseMatrix operator *(SparseMatrix sm, double weight)
     SparseMatrix curMat = new SparseMatrix();
     foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SparseVector> kvp in sm.matrix)
         SparseVector newVec = kvp.Value * weight;
         curMat.setRow(kvp.Key, newVec);
     return curMat;
Exemple #13
        //propagation calculation
        public static SparseMatrix operator *(SparseMatrix sm1, SparseMatrix sm2)
            SparseMatrix curMat = new SparseMatrix();

            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SparseVector> kvp in sm1.matrix)
                SparseVector rowht1 = kvp.Value;
                int rowID = kvp.Key;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> colVal1 in rowht1.vector)
                    int midID = colVal1.Key;
                    SparseVector rowht2 = sm2.getRow(midID);
                    if (rowht2 == null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> colVal2 in rowht2.vector)
                        int colID = colVal2.Key;
                        curMat[rowID, colID] = curMat[rowID, colID] + colVal1.Value * colVal2.Value;
            return curMat;
Exemple #14
 public void copy(SparseMatrix sm)
     foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SparseVector> kvp in sm.matrix)
         SparseVector vec = new SparseVector();
         matrix.Add(kvp.Key, vec);
Exemple #15
 //get transpose relation
 public SparseMatrix getTranspose()
     SparseMatrix transposeMat = new SparseMatrix();
     foreach (KeyValuePair<int, SparseVector> kvp in matrix)
         SparseVector rowVec = kvp.Value;
         int rowID = kvp.Key;
         foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> kvpVec in rowVec.vector)
             int colID = kvpVec.Key;
             transposeMat[colID, rowID] = rowVec[colID];
     return transposeMat;
Exemple #16
        public void assignCluster(int objID, SparseMatrix typeIDMat, int oldClusID, int newClusID)
            if (newClusID == oldClusID)
            //take care of general information for the clusters
            if (!objectList.Contains(objID))

            if (!clusterList.Contains(newClusID))

            //take care of target objects in the clusters
            if (oldClusID != -1) //no old cluster labels
                objectClusMat[objID, oldClusID] = 0;
                clusObjectMat[oldClusID, objID] = 0;

            objectClusMat[objID, newClusID] = 1;
            clusObjectMat[newClusID, objID] = 1;

            //take care of attribute objects in the clusters
            foreach (int type in typeIDMat.matrix.Keys)
                SparseVector IDCountVec = typeIDMat.getRow(type);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<int, double> kvp in IDCountVec.vector)
                    //remove from old clusters
                    if (oldClusID != -1)
                        attriClusMatList[type][kvp.Key, oldClusID] = attriClusMatList[type][kvp.Key, oldClusID] - kvp.Value;
                        clusAttriMatList[type][oldClusID, kvp.Key] = clusAttriMatList[type][oldClusID, kvp.Key] - kvp.Value;
                        clusTypeCountMat[oldClusID,type] -= kvp.Value; 

                    //add to new clusters
                    attriClusMatList[type][kvp.Key, newClusID] = attriClusMatList[type][kvp.Key, newClusID] + kvp.Value;
                    clusAttriMatList[type][newClusID, kvp.Key] = clusAttriMatList[type][newClusID, kvp.Key] + kvp.Value;
                    clusTypeCountMat[newClusID, type] += kvp.Value;

            //take care of cluster sizes
            if (oldClusID != -1)
                //deal with the situation of removing a cluster
                if (clusterSizeVec[oldClusID] == 0)
