Exemple #1
 private static Matrix3D populateArray(int rows, int columns, int slices, float number)
     Matrix3D m = new Matrix3D(columns, rows, slices);
     for (int i = 0; i < m.Matrix.Length; i++) {
         m.Matrix[i] = number;
     return m;
Exemple #2
        public static void padMatrix2D(ref Matrix3D m, int pad)
            //Copy OldValues
            float[] oldMatrix = m.Matrix;
            int rows = m.Rows;
            int columns = m.Columns;

            //Reset Matrix
            m.Rows = m.Rows + 2 * pad;
            m.Columns = m.Columns + 2 * pad;
            m.Matrix = new float[m.Rows * m.Columns * m.Slices];
            //Start of padded image
            int start = pad * m.Columns + pad;

            //Set Voxels of Pad to value
                fixed (float* padP = m.Matrix)
                    for (int i = 0; i < m.Matrix.Length; i++)
                        padP[i] = -1000;

            //Copy Image to Pad
                fixed (float* padP = m.Matrix)
                    fixed (float* matrixP = oldMatrix)
                        for (int s = 0; s < m.Slices; s++)
                            for (int rn = 0; rn < rows; rn++)
                                for (int c = 0; c < columns; c++)
                                    //Since the matrix contains all slices have to target slice with s * (rows * columns)
                                    padP[start + rn * m.Columns + c] = matrixP[rn * columns + c + s * (rows * columns)];
                            start += m.SliceSize;
Exemple #3
        public static void remove2DPad(ref Matrix3D m, int pad)
            //Copy OldValues
            float[] oldMatrix = m.Matrix;
            int rows = m.Rows;
            int columns = m.Columns;

            //Reset Matrix
            m.Rows = m.Rows - 2 * pad;
            m.Columns = m.Columns - 2 * pad;
            m.Matrix = new float[m.Rows * m.Columns * m.Slices];
            //Start of padded image
            int start = pad * columns + pad;

            //Copy Pad to Image
                fixed (float* padP = oldMatrix)
                    fixed (float* matrixP = m.Matrix)
                        for (int s = 0; s < m.Slices; s++)
                            for (int rn = 0; rn < m.Rows; rn++)
                                for (int c = 0; c < m.Columns; c++)
                                    //Since the matrix contains all slices have to target slice with s * (m.Rows * m.Columns)
                                    int indexM = rn * columns + c + s * (m.Rows * m.Columns);
                                    int indexP = start + rn * columns + c;
                                    matrixP[rn * m.Columns + c + s * (m.Rows * m.Columns)] = padP[start + rn * columns + c];
                            start += rows*columns;
Exemple #4
 public static Matrix3D operator +(Matrix3D m1, Matrix3D m2)
     if (m1.matrix.Length != m2.matrix.Length)
         Console.WriteLine("Matrices are different sizes. Addition not possible!");
         return m1;
     Matrix3D newM = new Matrix3D(m1.Columns, m1.Rows, m1.Slices);
         fixed (float* newMP = newM.matrix)
             fixed (float* m1P = m1.matrix)
                 fixed (float* m2P = m2.matrix)
                     for (int i = 0; i < newM.matrix.Length; i++)
                         newMP[i] = m1P[i] + m2P[i];
     return newM;
Exemple #5
        public void convolve2D_GENERIC(Matrix3D kernel)
            if (kernel.Slices != 1 || kernel.Rows != kernel.Columns)
                Console.WriteLine("Only square 2D kernels are allowed!");
            if (kernel.Rows % 2 == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Kernel has to have an odd number of rows and columns!");

            for (int s = 0; s < this.Slices; s++)
                //Break off slice for convolution in 2D
                float[] oldSlice = new float[SliceSize];
                float[] newSlice = new float[SliceSize];
                Stopwatch stop = new Stopwatch();
                Buffer.BlockCopy(matrix, s * sizeof(float) * this.SliceSize, oldSlice, 0, SliceSize * sizeof(float));

                    fixed (float* sliceP = oldSlice)
                        fixed (float* kernelP = kernel.matrix)
                            fixed (float* newSliceP = newSlice)
                                int edgeStop = kernel.Columns - 1;
                                int kernelHalf = kernel.Columns / 2;

                                //Start convolution
                                for (int k = 0; k < oldSlice.Length - edgeStop * Columns; k += kernel.Columns)
                                    //Current row
                                    int cr = k / Columns + 1;
                                    for (int j = k; j < cr * Columns - edgeStop; j++)
                                        for (int m = 0; m < kernel.Columns; m++)
                                            for (int n = 0; n < kernel.Columns; n++)
                                                newSliceP[j + kernelHalf * Columns + kernelHalf] += sliceP[j + m * Columns + n] * kernelP[n];

                //Copy slice back to matrix
                Buffer.BlockCopy(newSlice, 0, matrix, s * sizeof(float) * this.SliceSize, SliceSize * sizeof(float));
Exemple #6
        public void convolve2D_3X3(Matrix3D kernel)
            if (kernel.Slices != 1 || kernel.Rows != kernel.Columns)
                Console.WriteLine("Only square 2D kernels are allowed!");
            if (kernel.Rows != 3)
                Console.WriteLine("Kernel has to be 3 x 3 matrix!");

            for (int s = 0; s < this.Slices; s++)
                //Break off slice for convolution in 2D
                float[] oldSlice = new float[SliceSize];
                float[] newSlice = new float[SliceSize];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(matrix, s * sizeof(float) * this.SliceSize, oldSlice, 0, SliceSize * sizeof(float));

                    fixed (float* sliceP = oldSlice)
                        fixed (float* kernelP = kernel.matrix)
                            fixed (float* newSliceP = newSlice)
                                //Start convolution
                                for (int k = 0; k < oldSlice.Length - 2 * Columns; k += 3)
                                    int cr = k / Columns + 1;
                                    for (int j = k; j < cr * Columns - 2; j++)
                                        newSliceP[j + Columns + 1] = sliceP[j] * kernelP[0] +
                                            sliceP[j + 1] * kernelP[1] + sliceP[j + 2] * kernelP[2] +
                                            sliceP[j + Columns] * kernelP[3] + sliceP[j + Columns + 1] * kernelP[4] +
                                            sliceP[j + Columns + 2] * kernelP[5] + sliceP[j + Columns * 2] * kernelP[6] +
                                            sliceP[j + Columns * 2 + 1] * kernelP[7] + sliceP[j + Columns * 2 + 2] * kernelP[8];

                //Copy slice back to matrix
                Buffer.BlockCopy(newSlice, 0, matrix, s * sizeof(float) * this.SliceSize, SliceSize * sizeof(float));