Exemple #1
 public CMoveResponse(CMoveRequest req, Status status)
     this.CommandField              = (ushort)C.C_MOVE_RP;
     this.AffectedSOPClassUID       = req.AffectedSOPClassUID;
     this.MessageIDBeingRespondedTo = req.MessageID;
     this.DataSetType = (ushort)257;
     this.Status      = (ushort)status;
     this.GroupLength = (uint)GroupWriter.WriteGroupBytes(new DICOMObject(this.Elements.Skip <IDICOMElement>(1).Take <IDICOMElement>(6).ToList <IDICOMElement>()), new DICOMIOSettings(), "0000").Length;
Exemple #2
        public IEnumerable<CMoveResponse> GetResponse(CMoveRequest cMove, Entity ae)
            var client = new TcpClient();
            client.Connect(IPAddress.Parse(ae.IpAddress), ae.Port);
            var assoc = new Association(this, client) { AeTitle = ae.AeTitle };
            PDataMessenger.Send(cMove, assoc);
            List<CMoveResponse> responses = new List<CMoveResponse>();

            EvilDICOM.Network.Services.DIMSEService.DIMSEResponseHandler<CMoveResponse> action = null;
            action = (resp, asc) =>
                if (resp.Status != (ushort)Status.PENDING)
                    this.DIMSEService.CMoveResponseReceived -= action;
            this.DIMSEService.CMoveResponseReceived += action;
            return responses;
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Emits a CMove operation to an entity which moves an image from the entity to the specified AETitle
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scp">the provider which will perform the move</param>
 /// <param name="sopUid">the uid of the image to be moved</param>
 /// <param name="patientId">the patient id of the image</param>
 /// <param name="toAETite">the entity title which will receive the image</param>
 /// <param name="msgId">the message id</param>
 /// <returns>the move response</returns>
 public CMoveResponse SendCMoveImage(Entity daemon, CFindImageIOD iod, string toAETite, ref ushort msgId)
     ManualResetEvent mr = new ManualResetEvent(false);
     CMoveResponse resp = null;
     var cr = new EvilDICOM.Network.Services.DIMSEService.DIMSEResponseHandler<CMoveResponse>((res, asc) =>
         if (!(res.Status == (ushort)Status.PENDING))
         resp = res;
     var result = new CMoveIOD() { QueryLevel = QueryLevel.IMAGE, SOPInstanceUID = iod.SOPInstanceUID, PatientId = iod.PatientId, StudyInstanceUID = iod.StudyInstanceUID, SeriesInstanceUID = iod.SeriesInstanceUID };
     var request = new CMoveRequest(result, toAETite, Root.STUDY, EvilDICOM.Core.Enums.Priority.MEDIUM, msgId);
     this.DIMSEService.CMoveResponseReceived += cr;
     this.SendMessage(request, daemon);
     this.DIMSEService.CMoveResponseReceived -= cr;
     msgId += 2;
     return resp;