Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EntityMapping"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">Type.</param>
 /// <param name="parentMapping">Parent mapping.</param>
 public EntityMapping(string type, Mapping parentMapping)
     _Type = type;
     _Ids = new PrimaryKeyMappingCollection();
     _Attributes = new AttributeMappingCollection();
     _Attributes.TypeName = type;
     _References = new ReferenceMappingCollection();
     _ParentMapping = parentMapping;
        private void ImportAttributes(IDataReader reader, string[] attributes, EntityMapping entityMapping, Entity entity, Hashtable columnAliasMapping)
            if (attributes != null && _Model.GetInheritedAttributes(entity.Type).Count > 0)
                ArrayList attrs = new ArrayList(attributes);
                StringCollection names = new StringCollection();

                AttributeMappingCollection attributeMappings = new AttributeMappingCollection();
                attributeMappings.TypeName = entityMapping.Type;

                // Retrieve attributes of the current entity type and all its sub classes attributes
                foreach (AttributeMapping a in entityMapping.Attributes)

                IList children = _Model.GetTree(entityMapping.Type);

                if (children != null && children.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Evaluant.Uss.Models.Entity e in children)
                        EntityMapping currentEM = _Mapping.Entities[e.Type];
                        if (currentEM == null)
                            throw new SqlMapperException(string.Concat("Cannot find the entity ", e.Type, " in your mapping file"));
                        foreach (Evaluant.Uss.Models.Attribute a in e.Attributes)
                            if (attributeMappings[a.Name] == null)
                                if (currentEM.Attributes[a.Name] != null)

                foreach (AttributeMapping am in attributeMappings)
                    string fullAttributeName = _Model.GetFullAttributeName(am.Name, am.ParentEntity.Type);

                    // load only specified attributes ?
                    if (((attrs.Count > 0) && !attrs.Contains(fullAttributeName)))

                    //Process generic Attributes
                    string name = string.Empty;
                    if (am.Discriminator != null && am.Discriminator != string.Empty)
                        if (reader[am.Discriminator] != DBNull.Value)
                            name = (string)reader[am.Discriminator];

                    if (columnAliasMapping != null && columnAliasMapping[fullAttributeName] == null)

                    object val = columnAliasMapping == null ? reader[fullAttributeName] : reader[columnAliasMapping[fullAttributeName].ToString()];

                    string type = (am.Discriminator != null) ? reader[am.Discriminator].ToString() : am.Name;
                    if (((type != string.Empty) && !names.Contains(type)) && (type == am.Name))
                        Type t = am.Type;

                        Evaluant.Uss.Models.Entity current = _Model.GetEntity(entity.Type);

                        if (t == null && name != null && name != string.Empty)
                            t = _Model.GetAttribute(entity.Type, name).Type;

                        string attributeName = am.Name;

                        if (t == null && entity != null && _Model.GetAttribute(entity.Type, attributeName) != null)
                            t = _Model.GetAttribute(entity.Type, attributeName).Type;

                        if (current != null && t == null)
                            while (_Model.GetParent(current) != null)
                                current = _Model.GetParent(current);
                                if (_Model.GetAttribute(current.Type, attributeName) != null)
                                    t = _Model.GetAttribute(current.Type, attributeName).Type;

                        if (current != null && t == null)
                            foreach (Evaluant.Uss.Models.Entity child in _Model.GetTree(current.Type))
                                if (_Model.GetAttribute(child.Type, attributeName) != null)
                                    t = _Model.GetAttribute(child.Type, attributeName).Type;

                        if (((t == null) || (!t.IsValueType && (t != typeof(string)))) && (am.Name == "*"))
                            object obj2 = Utils.UnSerialize((string)val);
                            t = obj2.GetType();
                        SerializableType serializable = am.GetSerializableType(am.DbType, t);

                        if (val != DBNull.Value)
                            object sValue = null;
                            switch (serializable)

                                case SerializableType.BinarySerialization:
                                    sValue = Utils.UnSerialize((byte[])val);
                                case SerializableType.StringSerialization:
                                    sValue = Utils.UnSerialize((string)val);
                                    t = val.GetType();

                                case SerializableType.Standard:
#if !EUSS11
                                    if ((t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>))))
                                        sValue = new System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter(t).ConvertTo(val, t.GetGenericArguments()[0]);
                                        if (am.DbType == DbType.String)
                                            val = ((string)val).Trim();

                                        sValue = Convert.ChangeType(val, t, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                case SerializableType.String:
                                    if (val.GetType() == t)
                                        sValue = val;
                                        sValue = Utils.StringToObject((string)val, t);
                                case SerializableType.Int:
                                    val = Convert.ToInt32(val);
                                    if (t.IsEnum)
                                        sValue = Enum.ToObject(t, val);
                                        sValue = Convert.ChangeType(val, t, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);


                            if (t == null)
                                t = typeof(object);

                            if (entity.FindEntry(type) == null)
                                entity.AddValue(type, sValue, t, State.UpToDate);
                        entity.State = State.UpToDate;
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="EntityMapping"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public EntityMapping()
     _Ids = new PrimaryKeyMappingCollection();
     _Attributes = new AttributeMappingCollection();
     _References = new ReferenceMappingCollection();