Exemple #1
	private void ProcessReadings(WifiPacket packet)
		readingsToProcess.Enqueue (new WifiReading{ timestamp_us = packet.timestamp_us, signal_dbm = packet.signal_dbm });

		bool not_in_history, not_yet;
		Matrix4x4 robotToGlobal = new Matrix4x4();

		while (readingsToProcess.Count > 0)
			WifiReading reading = readingsToProcess.Peek ();
			PositionHistory.PositionSnapshot snapshot= positionHistory.GetPositionSnapshotThreadSafe(reading.timestamp_us, reading.timestamp_us, out not_yet, out not_in_history);
			if (not_in_history)
				print("wifi - ignoring packet (position data not in history) with timestamp " + reading.timestamp_us);
				readingsToProcess.Dequeue ();
			if (not_yet) //wait for position data to arrive				


			float height01 = ((float)reading.signal_dbm - (float)signal.minValueDbm) / ((float)signal.maxValueDbm-(float)signal.minValueDbm);
			float heightm = Mathf.LerpUnclamped(plot.minHeight, plot.maxHeight, height01);	
			Vector3 position = new Vector3(wifiPosition.x, heightm, wifiPosition.z);
			PositionData pos = snapshot.PositionAt (reading.timestamp_us); 

			robotToGlobal.SetTRS(pos.position,  Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, pos.heading, 0.0f), Vector3.one);
			position = robotToGlobal.MultiplyPoint3x4(position);
			wifiReadingsCB.Put (position);
	protected override void Awake()
		lastPosition = new PositionData{position=transform.parent.position, heading=transform.parent.eulerAngles.y};
		initialHeading = lastPosition.heading;
		thread_shared_position = lastPosition;
	protected override void ProcessPacket(DeadReconningPacket packet)
		//First call - set first udp packet with reference encoder positions
		if (lastPacket.timestamp_us == 0)

		// UDP doesn't guarantee ordering of packets, if previous odometry is newer ignore the received
		if (packet.timestamp_us <= lastPacket.timestamp_us)
			print("dead-reconning - ignoring out of time packet (previous, now):" + Environment.NewLine + lastPacket.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + packet.ToString());
		//this is the actual work	
		lastPosition=EstimatePosition(lastPosition, lastPacket, packet);

		// Share the new calculated position estimate with Unity thread
		lock (deadReconningLock)
			thread_shared_averaged_packet_time_ms = AveragedPacketTimeMs();


	private PositionData EstimatePosition(PositionData lastPosition, DeadReconningPacket lastPacket, DeadReconningPacket packet)
		// Calculate the linear displacement since last packet
		float distance_per_encoder_count_mm = Mathf.PI * physics.wheelDiameterMm / physics.encoderCountsPerRotation;
		float ldiff = packet.position_left - lastPacket.position_left;
		float rdiff = packet.position_right - lastPacket.position_right;
		float displacement_m = (ldiff + rdiff) * distance_per_encoder_count_mm / 2.0f / Constants.MM_IN_M;

		if (physics.reverseMotorPolarity)
			displacement_m = -displacement_m;

		// Calculate the average heading from previous and current packet
		float angle_start_deg = lastPacket.HeadingInDegrees;
		float angle_end_deg = packet.HeadingInDegrees;
		float angle_difference_deg = angle_end_deg - angle_start_deg;

		// The tricky case when we cross 0 or -180/180 in packets has to be handled separately
		if (Mathf.Abs(angle_difference_deg) > 180.0f)
			angle_difference_deg = angle_difference_deg -  Mathf.Sign(angle_difference_deg) * 360.0f;

		float average_heading_rad = (angle_start_deg + initialHeading + angle_difference_deg / 2.0f) * Constants.DEG2RAD;

		// Finally update the position and heading
		lastPosition.timestamp = packet.timestamp_us;
		lastPosition.position = new Vector3(lastPosition.position.x + displacement_m * Mathf.Sin(average_heading_rad), lastPosition.position.y, lastPosition.position.z + displacement_m * Mathf.Cos(average_heading_rad));
		lastPosition.heading = angle_end_deg + initialHeading;

		return lastPosition;
	void Update ()
		lock (deadReconningLock)
			actualPosition = thread_shared_position;
			averagedPacketTimeMs = thread_shared_averaged_packet_time_ms;

		transform.parent.transform.rotation=Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, actualPosition.heading, 0.0f);
	public void PutThreadSafe(PositionData pos)
		lock (syncRoot)
			if (history.Size == 0)
			// if we get some UDP packets not in chronological order, ignore them
			if (history.PeekNewest().timestamp >= pos.timestamp)

Exemple #7
	private bool TranslateReadingsToGlobalReferenceFrame(ref int from,ref int len, ulong t_from, ulong t_to)
		bool not_in_history, not_yet;

		if (threadInternal.pending && t_from != threadInternal.t_from)
			AddPendingDataToProcess(ref from, ref len, ref t_from);

		PositionHistory.PositionSnapshot snapshot= positionHistory.GetPositionSnapshotThreadSafe(t_from, t_to, out not_yet, out not_in_history);

		if (not_in_history)
			print("Laser - ignoring packet (position data not in history) with timestamp " + t_from);
			threadInternal.pending = false;
			return false;
		if (not_yet)
			threadInternal.SetPending (from, len, t_from, t_to);
			return false;

		threadInternal.pending = false;

		Matrix4x4 robotToGlobal = new Matrix4x4();
		Vector3 scale = Vector3.one;
		PositionData pos=new PositionData();
		ulong[] timestamps = threadInternal.timestamps;
		Vector3[] readings = threadInternal.readings;

		for (int i = from, ind; i < from+len; ++i)
			ind = i % 360;
			pos = snapshot.PositionAt(timestamps[ind]);

			robotToGlobal.SetTRS(pos.position, Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, pos.heading, 0.0f), scale);
		return true;
		public PositionData PositionAt(ulong timestamp)

				if (timestamp < data[0].timestamp || timestamp > data[data.Length - 1].timestamp)
					throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("timestamp not in snapshot");

				PositionData pos = new PositionData{ timestamp = timestamp };

				int index=System.Array.BinarySearch<PositionData>(data, pos);

				if (index >= 0)
					return data[index];

				int after = ~index;
				int before = after - 1;

				//now interpolate position

				float at=(float)(timestamp-data[before].timestamp)/(float)(data[after].timestamp-data[before].timestamp);
				pos.position=data[before].position + at * (data[after].position - data[before].position);

				//now interpolate heading
				float angle_difference = data[after].heading - data[before].heading;

				//if we are wrapping around -180/180 it's the small angle, not the big one
				if (Mathf.Abs(angle_difference) > 180.0f)
					angle_difference = angle_difference - Mathf.Sign(angle_difference) * 360.0f;

				pos.heading = data[before].heading + at * angle_difference;

				return pos;
			catch(System.Exception) {
				//the whole try catch can be removed, but recall when this was needed

				return new PositionData{heading=0,position=new Vector3(data[0].timestamp, timestamp, data[data.Length-1].timestamp), timestamp=timestamp}; //DUMMY!