        private static XmlToList XmlToDelete(XmlNodeList table, XmlNodeList where)
            XmlToList           model = new XmlToList();
            List <SqlParameter> pars  = new List <SqlParameter>();

            model.SQL = "DELETE FROM  " + table.Item(0).InnerText + " WHERE {0}";

            string result = string.Empty;

            if (where.Count == 1)
                foreach (XmlNode xnode in where.Item(0).ChildNodes)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                        result += " AND ";
                    result += xnode.Name + "=@C_" + xnode.Name;
                    pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@C_" + xnode.Name, xnode.InnerText));
                result = " 1=1 ";

            model.PARS = ConvertSqlParamsListToSqlParameters(pars);
            model.SQL  = string.Format(model.SQL, result);

        private static List <XmlToList> ConvertXmlToSqlCommand(XmlDocument xml)
            List <XmlToList> list = new List <XmlToList>();

                XmlNodeList xmlList = xml.SelectSingleNode("data").ChildNodes;
                foreach (XmlNode node in xmlList)
                    if (node.Name == "item")
                        XmlToList xtl = new XmlToList();
                        xtl.SQL  = node.SelectNodes("cmd")[0].InnerText;
                        xtl.PARS = XmlToParameter(node.SelectNodes("cmdpars"));
                        if (node.SelectNodes("table").Count > 0)
                            xtl.TABLENAME = node.SelectNodes("table")[0].InnerText;
            catch (Exception ex) { }
        /// <summary>
        /// 解析查询条件。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xml"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static XmlToList ConvertXmlToQueryCondition_FullForamt(XmlDocument xml)
            XmlToList model = new XmlToList();

            model.SQL = "";
                List <SqlParameter> pars = new List <SqlParameter>();

                #region 解析xml查询条件

                int conditonrowIndex = 0;

                XmlNodeList xmlList = xml.SelectSingleNode("data").ChildNodes;
                foreach (XmlNode nodeRoot in xmlList)
                    if (nodeRoot.Name == "querycondition")
                        xmlList = nodeRoot.SelectNodes("item");// xml.SelectSingleNode("querycondition").ChildNodes;
                        foreach (XmlNode node in xmlList)
                            //if (node.Name == "item")
                                //XmlToList model = new XmlToList();
                                XmlNodeList xfieldname = node.SelectNodes("fieldname"); //查询条件字段
                                XmlNodeList xfieldtype = node.SelectNodes("fieldtype"); //查询条件字段
                                XmlNodeList xlbrackets = node.SelectNodes("lbrackets"); //左括号
                                XmlNodeList xrbrackets = node.SelectNodes("rbrackets"); //右括号
                                XmlNodeList xjoin      = node.SelectNodes("join");      //连接符
                                XmlNodeList xcompare   = node.SelectNodes("compare");   //比较符
                                XmlNodeList xvalue     = node.SelectNodes("value");     //值

                                if (xfieldname.Count == 1)                              //判断节点信息是否正确;判断依据,有且仅有一个字段节点信息
                                    //if (xvalue1.Count == 1 || xvalue2.Count == 1)

                                    // if (model.SQL.Length > 0)
                                    // ( and xxx  = xxx )
                                    if (xvalue.Item(0).InnerText.Length > 0)
                                        if (xcompare.Item(0).InnerText.ToLower() == "like")
                                            model.SQL += " " + xjoin.Item(0).InnerText + " " + xlbrackets.Item(0).InnerText + " " + xfieldname.Item(0).InnerText + " " + xcompare.Item(0).InnerText + " '%'+@" + xfieldname.Item(0).InnerText + "_" + conditonrowIndex.ToString() + "+'%' " + xrbrackets.Item(0).InnerText;
                                            model.SQL += " " + xjoin.Item(0).InnerText + " " + xlbrackets.Item(0).InnerText + " " + xfieldname.Item(0).InnerText + " " + xcompare.Item(0).InnerText + "     @" + xfieldname.Item(0).InnerText + "_" + conditonrowIndex.ToString() + " " + xrbrackets.Item(0).InnerText;

                                        pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xfieldname.Item(0).InnerText + "_" + conditonrowIndex.ToString(), xvalue.Item(0).InnerText));

                                        conditonrowIndex += 1;


                model.PARS = ConvertSqlParamsListToSqlParameters(pars);
            catch (Exception ex)

        public static XmlToList ConvertXmlToQueryCondition_toString(XmlDocument xml)
            XmlToList model = new XmlToList();

            model.SQL = "";
                #region 解析xml查询条件

                XmlNodeList xmlList = xml.SelectSingleNode("querycondition").ChildNodes;
                foreach (XmlNode node in xmlList)
                    if (node.Name == "item")
                        //XmlToList model = new XmlToList();
                        XmlNodeList xfield  = node.SelectNodes("field");             //字段
                        XmlNodeList xvalue1 = node.SelectNodes("field_value_start"); //
                        XmlNodeList xvalue2 = node.SelectNodes("field_value_end");   //动作
                        if (xfield.Count == 1)
                            if (xvalue1.Count == 1 || xvalue2.Count == 1)
                                if (xvalue1.Count == 1)
                                    if (xvalue1.Item(0).Attributes.Count > 0)
                                        string calculationoperator = xvalue1.Item(0).Attributes["calculationoperator"].Value;
                                        if (calculationoperator == "包含")
                                            calculationoperator = "like";
                                        else if (calculationoperator == "等于")
                                            calculationoperator = "=";
                                        else if (calculationoperator == "大于等于")
                                            calculationoperator = ">=";
                                        else if (calculationoperator == "小于等于")
                                            calculationoperator = "<=";
                                            calculationoperator = "=";

                                        if (calculationoperator == "like")
                                            if (model.SQL.Length > 0)
                                                model.SQL += " and ";
                                            model.SQL += " " + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + " like '%" + xvalue1.Item(0).InnerText.Replace("'", "''") + "%' ";
                                            if (model.SQL.Length > 0)
                                                model.SQL += " and ";
                                            model.SQL += " " + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + "  " + calculationoperator + " '" + xvalue1.Item(0).InnerText.Replace("'", "''") + "' ";
                                if (xvalue2.Count == 1)
                                    if (xvalue2.Item(0).Attributes.Count > 0)
                                        string calculationoperator = xvalue2.Item(0).Attributes["calculationoperator"].Value;

                                        if (calculationoperator == "包含")
                                            calculationoperator = "like";
                                        else if (calculationoperator == "等于")
                                            calculationoperator = "=";
                                        else if (calculationoperator == "大于等于")
                                            calculationoperator = ">=";
                                        else if (calculationoperator == "小于等于")
                                            calculationoperator = "<=";
                                            calculationoperator = "=";
                                        if (calculationoperator == "like")
                                            if (model.SQL.Length > 0)
                                                model.SQL += " and ";
                                            model.SQL += " " + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + " like '%" + xvalue2.Item(0).InnerText.Replace("'", "''") + "%' ";
                                            if (model.SQL.Length > 0)
                                                model.SQL += " and ";
                                            model.SQL += " " + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + " " + calculationoperator + " '" + xvalue2.Item(0).InnerText.Replace("'", "''") + "' ";

            catch (Exception ex)

        public static XmlToList ConvertXmlToQueryCondition(XmlDocument xml)
            XmlToList model = new XmlToList();

            model.SQL = "";
                List <SqlParameter> pars = new List <SqlParameter>();

                #region 解析xml查询条件

                XmlNodeList xmlList = xml.SelectSingleNode("querycondition").ChildNodes;
                foreach (XmlNode node in xmlList)
                    if (node.Name == "item")
                        //XmlToList model = new XmlToList();
                        XmlNodeList xfield  = node.SelectNodes("field");             //字段
                        XmlNodeList xvalue1 = node.SelectNodes("field_value_start"); //
                        XmlNodeList xvalue2 = node.SelectNodes("field_value_end");   //动作
                        if (xfield.Count == 1)
                            if (xvalue1.Count == 1 || xvalue2.Count == 1)
                                if (xvalue1.Count == 1)
                                    if (xvalue1.Item(0).Attributes.Count > 0)
                                        string calculationoperator = xvalue1.Item(0).Attributes["calculationoperator"].Value;
                                        if (calculationoperator == "包含")
                                            calculationoperator = "like";
                                        else if (calculationoperator == "等于")
                                            calculationoperator = "=";
                                        else if (calculationoperator == "大于等于")
                                            calculationoperator = ">=";
                                        else if (calculationoperator == "小于等于")
                                            calculationoperator = "<=";
                                            calculationoperator = "=";

                                        if (calculationoperator == "like")
                                            if (model.SQL.Length > 0)
                                                model.SQL += " and ";
                                            model.SQL += " " + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + " like '%' +@" + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + "_start +'%' ";

                                            pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + "_start", xvalue1.Item(0).InnerText));
                                            if (model.SQL.Length > 0)
                                                model.SQL += " and ";
                                            model.SQL += " " + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + "  " + calculationoperator + " @" + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + "_start ";

                                            pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + "_start", xvalue1.Item(0).InnerText));
                                if (xvalue2.Count == 1)
                                    if (xvalue2.Item(0).Attributes.Count > 0)
                                        string calculationoperator = xvalue2.Item(0).Attributes["calculationoperator"].Value;

                                        if (calculationoperator == "包含")
                                            calculationoperator = "like";
                                        else if (calculationoperator == "等于")
                                            calculationoperator = "=";
                                        else if (calculationoperator == "大于等于")
                                            calculationoperator = ">=";
                                        else if (calculationoperator == "小于等于")
                                            calculationoperator = "<=";
                                            calculationoperator = "=";
                                        if (calculationoperator == "like")
                                            if (model.SQL.Length > 0)
                                                model.SQL += " and ";
                                            model.SQL += " " + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + " like '%' +@" + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + "_end +'%' ";

                                            pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + "_end", xvalue2.Item(0).InnerText));
                                            if (model.SQL.Length > 0)
                                                model.SQL += " and ";
                                            model.SQL += " " + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + " " + calculationoperator + " @" + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + "_end ";

                                            pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xfield.Item(0).InnerText + "_end", xvalue2.Item(0).InnerText));


                model.PARS = ConvertSqlParamsListToSqlParameters(pars);
            catch (Exception ex)

        private static XmlToList XmlToExec(XmlNodeList table, XmlNodeList sqlparameters)
            XmlToList           model = new XmlToList();
            List <SqlParameter> pars  = new List <SqlParameter>();

            model.SQL = table.Item(0).InnerText;

            string result = string.Empty;

            foreach (XmlNode xnode in sqlparameters.Item(0).ChildNodes)
                string type = "string";

                if (xnode.Attributes.Count > 0)
                    type = xnode.Attributes["type"].Value;
                    if (type.Length <= 0 || type == "undefined")
                        type = "string";

                result += "@" + xnode.Name + ",";

                if (type == "date" || type == "datetime")
                    if (xnode.InnerText == "null")
                        pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xnode.Name, DBNull.Value));
                        pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xnode.Name, xnode.InnerText));
                    pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xnode.Name, xnode.InnerText));
            if (result.Length > 0)
                result = result.Remove(result.Length - 1, 1);

            if (pars.Count > 0)
                model.SQL = model.SQL + " {0}";

                model.SQL = string.Format(model.SQL, result);

            model.PARS = ConvertSqlParamsListToSqlParameters(pars);

        private static XmlToList XmlToUpdate(XmlNodeList table, XmlNodeList fields, XmlNodeList where)
            XmlToList           model = new XmlToList();
            List <SqlParameter> pars  = new List <SqlParameter>();

            model.SQL = "UPDATE " + table.Item(0).InnerText + " SET {0} WHERE {1}";

            string field  = string.Empty;
            string result = string.Empty;

            foreach (XmlNode xnode in fields.Item(0).ChildNodes)
                string type = "string";
                if (xnode.Attributes.Count > 0)
                    type = xnode.Attributes["type"].Value;
                    if (type.Length <= 0 || type == "undefined")
                        type = "string";
                type = type.ToLower();

                if (type == "date" || type == "datetime")
                    if (xnode.InnerText == "null")
                        field += xnode.Name + "=" + "@" + xnode.Name + ",";
                        pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xnode.Name, DBNull.Value));
                    else if (xnode.InnerText.ToLower().IndexOf("getdate()") >= 0)
                        //pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xnode.Name, xnode.InnerText));
                        field += xnode.Name + "=" + xnode.InnerText + ",";
                        field += xnode.Name + "=" + "@" + xnode.Name + ",";
                        pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xnode.Name, xnode.InnerText));
                    field += xnode.Name + "=" + "@" + xnode.Name + ",";
                    pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xnode.Name, xnode.InnerText));
                //pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xnode.Name, xnode.InnerText));

            if (where.Count == 1)
                foreach (XmlNode xnode in where.Item(0).ChildNodes)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))
                        result += " AND ";
                    result += xnode.Name + "=@C_" + xnode.Name;
                    pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@C_" + xnode.Name, xnode.InnerText));
                result = " 1=1 ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(field))
                field = field.Remove(field.Length - 1, 1);
                throw new Exception("修改时找不到需要修改的字段.");

            model.PARS = ConvertSqlParamsListToSqlParameters(pars);
            model.SQL  = string.Format(model.SQL, field, result);

        private static XmlToList XmlToInseret(XmlNodeList table, XmlNodeList fields)
            XmlToList           model = new XmlToList();
            List <SqlParameter> pars  = new List <SqlParameter>();

            model.SQL = "INSERT INTO " + table.Item(0).InnerText + " ({0}) VALUES({1});";
            string field  = string.Empty;
            string result = string.Empty;

            foreach (XmlNode xnode in fields.Item(0).ChildNodes)
                string type = "string";

                if (xnode.Attributes.Count > 0)
                    type = xnode.Attributes["type"].Value;
                    if (type.Length <= 0 || type == "undefined")
                        type = "string";
                type = type.ToLower();

                if (type == "date" || type == "datetime")
                    if (xnode.InnerText == "null")
                        field  += xnode.Name + ",";
                        result += "@" + xnode.Name + ",";

                        pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xnode.Name, DBNull.Value));
                    else if (xnode.InnerText.ToLower().IndexOf("getdate()") >= 0)
                        //pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xnode.Name, xnode.InnerText));
                        field  += xnode.Name + ",";
                        result += "" + xnode.InnerText + ",";
                        field  += xnode.Name + ",";
                        result += "@" + xnode.Name + ",";
                        pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xnode.Name, xnode.InnerText));
                    field  += xnode.Name + ",";
                    result += "@" + xnode.Name + ",";

                    pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@" + xnode.Name, xnode.InnerText));
            field  = field.Remove(field.Length - 1, 1);
            result = result.Remove(result.Length - 1, 1);

            model.SQL  = string.Format(model.SQL, field, result);
            model.PARS = ConvertSqlParamsListToSqlParameters(pars);
        public static List <XmlToList> ConvertXmlToSqlCommand(XmlDocument xml)
            List <XmlToList> list = new List <XmlToList>();

                XmlNodeList xmlList = xml.SelectSingleNode("data").ChildNodes;
                foreach (XmlNode node in xmlList)
                    if (node.Name == "assistcmd")
                    else if (node.Name == "item")
                        XmlToList model = new XmlToList();

                        XmlNodeList xtable = node.SelectNodes("table"); //表

                        XmlNodeList cmd = node.SelectNodes("cmd");      //动作
                        if (xtable.Count == 1 && cmd.Count == 1)
                            if (cmd[0].InnerText.ToUpper() == "INSERT")
                                XmlNodeList xfield = node.SelectNodes("fields");//字段
                                //&& xfield.Count == 1
                                model = XmlToInseret(xtable, xfield);
                            else if (cmd[0].InnerText.ToUpper() == "UPDATE")
                                XmlNodeList xfield = node.SelectNodes("fields");//字段
                                XmlNodeList xwhere = node.SelectNodes("conditions");
                                model = XmlToUpdate(xtable, xfield, xwhere);
                            else if (cmd[0].InnerText.ToUpper() == "DELETE")
                                XmlNodeList xwhere = node.SelectNodes("conditions");
                                model = XmlToDelete(xtable, xwhere);
                            else if (cmd[0].InnerText.ToUpper() == "EXEC")
                                XmlNodeList xsqlparameters = node.SelectNodes("sqlparameters");
                                model = XmlToExec(xtable, xsqlparameters);
                        XmlNodeList tablename = node.SelectNodes("tablename");//返回结果的表名
                        if (tablename.Count > 0)
                            model.TABLENAME = cmd[0].InnerText;
                            model.TABLENAME = "";

            catch (Exception ex)