public void Save(Person entity)
     if (entity.PersonId != 0)
         _context.Entry(entity).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
Exemple #2
 public Person CreatePerson(string name, string email, string bio, Location location, ICollection<CategoryField> categories = null, ICollection<LinkField> links = null)
     var person = new Person
         Bio = bio,
         Email = email,
         Joined = SystemClock.UtcNow,
         Location = location,
         Name = name,
         Slug = name.ToSlug(),
     if (categories != null && categories.Count > 0)
     if (links != null && links.Count > 0)
     return person;
        public Person GetOrCreatePerson(string name, string imdbId, int tmdbId)
            var person = DbEntities.People.FirstOrDefault(el => el.Name == name);
            if (person == null)
                person = new Person() { Name = name, ImdbId = imdbId, TmdbId = tmdbId };

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imdbId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.ImdbId))
                if (imdbId != person.ImdbId)
                    _log.Error("GetOrCreatePerson: IMDB ID Mismatch. Name: {0} Stored ID: {1} Wanted ID: {2}", person.Name, person.ImdbId, imdbId);

            return person;
 // POST: api/Persons
 public bool Post(Person person)
        return _unitOfWork.Save() > 0;
 public ActionResult Edit(Person entity)
     return RedirectToAction("Index");
Exemple #6
        private void ScriptInString()
            Console.WriteLine("Running script from string...");

            var code = @"
            class script2class:
            def Goodbye(self):
            message = 'Goodbye via the script!'
            return message
            def GoodbyeWithName(self, name):
            message = 'Goodbye ' + name
            return message
            def GoodbyeWithPerson(self, person):
            message = 'Goodbye ' + person.Name
            return message";

            var compiled = new Script();
            Console.WriteLine(compiled.Execute<string>("script2class", "Goodbye"));

            // single param call
            Console.WriteLine(compiled.Execute<string>("script2class", "GoodbyeWithName", "Paulo"));

            // pass instance of complex type
            var person = new Person { Name = "Paulo Mouat", Address = "Boston" };
            Console.WriteLine(compiled.Execute<string>("script2class", "GoodbyeWithPerson", person));

            // duck typing
            var hasNameLikePerson = new HasNameLikePerson { Name = "HAL", Model = 9000 };
            Console.WriteLine(compiled.Execute<string>("script2class", "GoodbyeWithPerson", hasNameLikePerson));
Exemple #7
        private void ScriptInFile()
            Console.WriteLine("Running script from file...");

            var script = new Script();

            // no params call
            Console.WriteLine(script.Execute<string>("script1class", "Hello"));

            // single param call
            Console.WriteLine(script.Execute<string>("script1class", "HelloWithName", "Paulo"));

            // pass instance of complex type
            var person = new Person { Name = "Paulo Mouat", Address = "Boston" };
            Console.WriteLine(script.Execute<string>("script1class", "HelloWithPerson", person));

            // duck typing
            var hasNameLikePerson = new HasNameLikePerson { Name = "HAL", Model = 9000 };
            Console.WriteLine(script.Execute<string>("script1class", "HelloWithPerson", hasNameLikePerson));

            // change field in passed type
            var changeState = new Person { Name = "Paulo Mouat", Address = "Boston" };
            Console.WriteLine("Original state: " + changeState);
            script.Execute<string>("script1class", "ChangeAddress", changeState);
            Console.WriteLine("New state: " + changeState);