Exemple #1
        public void PrintLabelsFromDevice(string printer, string rdlTemplateName, IList<Label> listOfLabels, string appPath)
            LabelTemplate defTemplate = null;
            Printer objPrinter = null;

            //Si el path viene Empty.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appPath))
                appPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), WmsSetupValues.WebServer);

            try {

                if (printer.Equals(WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT))
                    objPrinter = new Printer { PrinterName = printer };
                    Connection cnnPrinter = Factory.DaoConnection().Select(new Connection { Name = printer }).First();
                    objPrinter = new Printer { PrinterName = cnnPrinter.Name, PrinterPath = cnnPrinter.CnnString };
            catch { }

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rdlTemplateName))
                    defTemplate = Factory.DaoLabelTemplate().Select(
                        new LabelTemplate { Header = rdlTemplateName }).First();
            catch { }

            ReportMngr.PrintLabelsFromFacade(objPrinter, defTemplate, listOfLabels, appPath);
        public void PrintDocument(Document document, LabelTemplate report, string appPath, CustomProcess process)
            curTemplate = report;


                if (curTemplate.DefPrinter == null)
                    throw new Exception("No printer defined for report " + report.Name +".");

                //Save the File printed for Document to show Later. //Solo si no existe.
                        new ProcessEntityResource
                            Entity = new ClassEntity { ClassEntityID = EntityID.Document },
                            EntityRowID = document.DocID,
                            CreatedBy = WmsSetupValues.SystemUser,
                            CreationDate = DateTime.Now,
                            Process = process,
                            Status = new Status { StatusID = EntityStatus.Active },
                            Template = report
                catch { }

                //Usa la default Printer del template
                usePrinter = new Printer { PrinterName = curTemplate.DefPrinter.Name, PrinterPath = curTemplate.DefPrinter.CnnString };              

                //Ejecutar la impresion global en un Hilo            
                //Thread th = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(PrintDocumentThread));

            catch (Exception ex)
                //throw new Exception("Report could not be printed: " + report.Name + ", " + ex.Message);
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("Report could not be printed: " + report.Name + ", " + ex.Message,
                            ListValues.EventType.Error, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.ErpConnection);

        //Imprime en impresora mandando la lineas de comando PCL
        private static void PrintLabelByPL(LabelTemplate template, IList<Label> listLabels, Printer printer )
            LabelMngr lblMngr = new LabelMngr();
            string templateReplaced = lblMngr.GetReplacedTemplateForLabels(listLabels, template, "");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateReplaced))
                //throw new Exception("Error creating Printer Template.");
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("Error creating Printer Template. " + template.Header, ListValues.EventType.Fatal, null, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Printer);


            PrintLabels(templateReplaced, printer.PrinterPath);
        public static void PrintLabelsFromFacade(Printer printer, LabelTemplate defTemplate, IList<Label> listOfLabels, string appPath)

            usePrinter = null;

            if (listOfLabels == null || listOfLabels.Count == 0)

            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(printer))
            //throw new Exception("Printer not found");

            if (printer != null && printer.PrinterName != WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT)
                usePrinter = printer;

            AppPath = appPath;
            m_streams = new Dictionary<LabelTemplate, IList<Stream>>();
            m_currentPageIndex = new Dictionary<LabelTemplate, int>();

            //1. Si viene un template imprime los labes con ese template
            if (defTemplate != null)
                    if (listOfLabels[0].LabelType.DocTypeID == LabelType.ProductLabel)
                        PrintLabelByTemplate(defTemplate, listOfLabels.Where(f => f.Product.PrintLabel != false).ToList());
                        PrintLabelByTemplate(defTemplate, listOfLabels);
                catch { throw; }                

            //Agrupa a los diferentes tipos de label y a los null y los manda por aparte.
            //Filtra los que no imprime label (double check)
            IList<LabelTemplate> templateList = new List<LabelTemplate>();

            //Si el lable es de producto busca las templates del producto.
            if (listOfLabels[0].LabelType.DocTypeID == LabelType.ProductLabel) 
                templateList = listOfLabels.Where(f => f.Product.DefaultTemplate != null)
                    .Select(f => f.Product.DefaultTemplate).Distinct().ToList();

            string error = "";

            //Para cada template mandando la impresion
            foreach (LabelTemplate template in templateList)
                    if (listOfLabels[0].LabelType.DocTypeID == LabelType.ProductLabel)
                        PrintLabelByTemplate(template, listOfLabels.Where(f => f.Product.DefaultTemplate.RowID == template.RowID && f.Product.PrintLabel != false)
                        PrintLabelByTemplate(template, listOfLabels);

                    //tl = new Thread(new ThreadStart(UpdateLabelPrintStatus));

                catch (Exception ex)
                    error += ex.Message;

            //Mandando las labels con template en Null

                defTemplate = (new DaoFactory()).DaoLabelTemplate().Select(new LabelTemplate { 
                    Header = WmsSetupValues.DefaultLabelTemplate}).First();
                List<Label> labelsWoTemplate = null;
                if (listOfLabels[0].LabelType.DocTypeID == LabelType.ProductLabel)
                    labelsWoTemplate = listOfLabels.Where(f => f.Product.DefaultTemplate == null && f.Product.PrintLabel != false).ToList();
                    labelsWoTemplate = listOfLabels.ToList();
                PrintLabelByTemplate(defTemplate, labelsWoTemplate);

                //tl = new Thread(new ThreadStart(UpdateLabelPrintStatus));

            catch (Exception ex) { error += ex.Message; }

            //Final Error
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
                throw new Exception(error);

        public int PrintPackageLabels(Document shipment, string printer, string appPath, string labelcode)

            IList<Label> labelsToPrint = null;
            LabelTemplate defTemplate = null;

            if (shipment != null && shipment.DocID != 0)
                labelsToPrint = Factory.DaoDocumentPackage().Select(
                         new DocumentPackage { PostingDocument = shipment }
                         ).Select(f => f.PackLabel).ToList();

                    defTemplate = Factory.DaoLabelTemplate().Select(
                        new LabelTemplate { Header = WmsSetupValues.DefaultPackLabelTemplate }).First();
                catch { }

            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(labelcode))
                labelsToPrint = Factory.DaoDocumentPackage().Select(
                     new DocumentPackage { PackLabel = new Label { LabelCode = labelcode } }
                     ).Select(f => f.PackLabel).ToList();

                    if (labelsToPrint[0].Package.PackageType == "P" || labelsToPrint[0].Package.Level == 0) // || labelsToPrint[0].Package.ParentPackage == null
                        defTemplate = Factory.DaoLabelTemplate().Select(
                            new LabelTemplate { Header = WmsSetupValues.DefaultPalletTemplate }).First();

                    else if (labelsToPrint[0].Package.PackageType == "B")
                        defTemplate = Factory.DaoLabelTemplate().Select(
                            new LabelTemplate { Header = WmsSetupValues.DefaultPackLabelTemplate }).First();

                catch { }


            if (labelsToPrint == null || labelsToPrint.Count == 0)
                return 0;

            Printer objPrinter = null;

            //Printer - Default for the Template
            objPrinter = new Printer { PrinterName = WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT };

            ReportMngr.PrintLabelsFromFacade(objPrinter, defTemplate, labelsToPrint, appPath);
            return labelsToPrint.Count;

        private static void PrintLabelByTemplate(LabelTemplate rdlTemplateName, IList<Label> listOfLabels)
                if (listOfLabels == null || listOfLabels.Count == 0)

                sListLabels = listOfLabels;

                    //Si viene una impresora definida utiliza esa, si no utiliza la del template
                    if (rdlTemplateName != null)
                        curTemplate = rdlTemplateName;
                        curTemplate = (new DaoFactory()).DaoLabelTemplate().Select(new LabelTemplate { Header = WmsSetupValues.ProductLabelTemplate }).First();

                    usePrinter = (usePrinter == null)
                        ? new Printer { PrinterName = curTemplate.DefPrinter.Name, PrinterPath = curTemplate.DefPrinter.CnnString }
                        : usePrinter;
                catch { throw new Exception("Printer not defined for template " + curTemplate.Name); }

                if (usePrinter == null)
                    throw new Exception("Printer not defined for template " + curTemplate.Name);

                //Revisa si el label imprime por comandos y lo manda a esa ruta.
                if (rdlTemplateName.IsPL == true)
                    PrintLabelByPL(rdlTemplateName, listOfLabels, usePrinter);

                string labelPath = Path.Combine(AppPath, WmsSetupValues.RdlTemplateDir + "\\" + rdlTemplateName.Header);

                if (!File.Exists(labelPath))
                    throw new Exception("Label template " + labelPath + " does not exists.\n");

                localReport = new LocalReport();

                localReport.EnableExternalImages = true;
                localReport.AddTrustedCodeModuleInCurrentAppDomain("Barcode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6dc438ab78a525b3");
                localReport.AddTrustedCodeModuleInCurrentAppDomain("System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a");
                localReport.EnableExternalImages = true;

                localReport.ReportPath = labelPath;
                DataSet ds = ProcessLabels(listOfLabels);
                localReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("Details", ds.Tables["Details"]));

                //Proceso de Creacion de archivos 
                m_streams.Add(curTemplate, new List<Stream>());

                m_currentPageIndex.Add(curTemplate, 0);

                Export(localReport, curTemplate, "IMAGE");  //1 - Document, 2 -  Label

                m_currentPageIndex[curTemplate] = 0;

                //Ejecutar la impresion global en un Hilo            
                Thread th = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Print));

            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionMngr.WriteEvent("PrintLabelByTemplate:" + rdlTemplateName.Name, ListValues.EventType.Error, ex, null, ListValues.ErrorCategory.Business);
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);