public Decoration(Vector3 location, Vector3 scale, bool existsIn2d, bool existsIn3d, ObjMesh mesh, MeshTexture texture) : base() {
			_location = location;
			_scale = scale;
			_existsIn3d = existsIn3d;
			_existsIn2d = existsIn2d;
			_mesh = mesh;
			_texture = texture;
			_sprite = sprite;
			_cycleNum = 0;
			_frameNum = 0;
			_is3dGeo = true;
			_hascbox = false;
			_animDirection = 1;
		public Obstacle(Vector3 location, Vector3 scale, Vector3 pbox, bool existsIn2d, bool existsIn3d, bool collidesIn2d, bool collidesIn3d,
							ObjMesh mesh, MeshTexture texture) : base() {
			_location = location;
            _scale = scale;
            _pbox = pbox;
			_existsIn3d = existsIn3d;
			_existsIn2d = existsIn2d;
			_mesh = mesh;
			_texture = texture;
			_sprite = null;
			_cycleNum = 0;
			_frameNum = 0;
			_frame3d = 0;
			_is3dGeo = true;
            _hascbox = false;
            canSquish = false;
			_collidesIn2d = collidesIn2d;
			_collidesIn3d = collidesIn3d;
			_animDirection = 1;
		public Enemy(Player player, Vector3 location, Vector3 scale, Vector3 pbox, Vector3 cbox, bool existsIn2d, bool existsIn3d, int health, int damage, float speed,
						int AItype, ObjMesh mesh, MeshTexture texture, Effect death) : base() {
			_location = location;
            _scale = scale;
            _pbox = pbox;
            _cbox = cbox;
			_existsIn3d = existsIn3d;
			_existsIn2d = existsIn2d;
            _health = health;
            _damage = damage;
            _speed = speed;
            _alive = true;
            this.AItype = AItype;
            _hascbox = true;
            _type = 1;
            frozen = false;
            maxFreezeTime = 0.7;
            freezetimer = 0;
            attackspeed = 1;
            attacktimer = 0;
			this.player = player;
			_deathAnim = death;

			_mesh = mesh;
			_texture = texture;
			_sprite = null;
			_cycleNum = 0;
			_frameNum = 0;
			_is3dGeo = true;
			_animDirection = 1;

            velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
			accel = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
			kbspeed = new Vector3(70, 100, 70);
			moving = false;
            doesGravity = true;

            CurrentAI = new Stack<Airoutine>();
        private Decoration ParseDecoration(string path, Vector3 loc)
            Decoration dec = null;
            // Instantiate the list
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
            settings.IgnoreComments = true;

            string _d_path = "U5Designs.Resources.Data.Decorations." + path;
            Stream fstream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(_d_path);
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fstream, settings);

            Vector3 scale = LoadLevel.parseVector3(doc.GetElementsByTagName("scale")[0]);

            bool _draw2 = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("draw2")[0].InnerText);
            bool _draw3 = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("draw3")[0].InnerText);

            // Check to see if the current Obstacle is 2D or 3D and handle accordingly
            if (Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("is2d")[0].InnerText))
                // Create the SpriteSheet 
                SpriteSheet ss = LoadLevel.parseSpriteFile(doc.GetElementsByTagName("sprite")[0].InnerText);

                Billboarding bb = Billboarding.Yes;  //Have to put something here for it to compile
                switch (doc.GetElementsByTagName("billboards")[0].InnerText)
                    case "yes":
                    case "Yes":
                        bb = Billboarding.Yes;
                    case "lock2d":
                    case "Lock2d":
                        bb = Billboarding.Lock2d;
                    case "lock3d":
                    case "Lock3d":
                        bb = Billboarding.Lock3d;
                        Console.WriteLine("Bad obstacle file: " + path);
                dec = new Decoration(loc, scale, _draw2, _draw3, bb, ss);
                XmlNodeList _m = doc.GetElementsByTagName("mesh");
                ObjMesh _mesh = new ObjMesh(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Geometry." + _m.Item(0).InnerText));

                XmlNodeList _b = doc.GetElementsByTagName("bmp");
                List<Bitmap> texFrames = new List<Bitmap>();
                foreach (XmlNode n in _b)
                    texFrames.Add(new Bitmap(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures." + n.InnerText)));
                MeshTexture _bmp = new MeshTexture(texFrames);

                dec = new Decoration(loc, scale, _draw2, _draw3, _mesh, _bmp);
            return dec;
        private Obstacle ParseObstacle(string path, Vector3 loc)
            Obstacle o = null;
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
            settings.IgnoreComments = true;
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            string _o_path = "U5Designs.Resources.Data.Obstacles." + path;
            Stream fstream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(_o_path);
            XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fstream, settings);

            Vector3 scale = LoadLevel.parseVector3(doc.GetElementsByTagName("scale")[0]);
            Vector3 pbox = LoadLevel.parseVector3(doc.GetElementsByTagName("pbox")[0]);

            bool _draw2 = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("draw2")[0].InnerText);
            bool _draw3 = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("draw3")[0].InnerText);

            bool _collides2d = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("collidesIn2d")[0].InnerText);
            bool _collides3d = Convert.ToBoolean(doc.GetElementsByTagName("collidesIn3d")[0].InnerText);

            // Check to see if the current Obstacle is 2D or 3D and handle accordingly
            XmlNodeList _type = doc.GetElementsByTagName("is2d");
            if (Convert.ToBoolean(_type.Item(0).InnerText))
                String ss_path = doc.GetElementsByTagName("sprite")[0].InnerText;
                SpriteSheet ss = LoadLevel.parseSpriteFile(ss_path);

                Billboarding bb = Billboarding.Yes;  //Have to put something here for it to compile
                switch (doc.GetElementsByTagName("billboards")[0].InnerText)
                    case "yes":
                    case "Yes":
                        bb = Billboarding.Yes;
                    case "lock2d":
                    case "Lock2d":
                        bb = Billboarding.Lock2d;
                    case "lock3d":
                    case "Lock3d":
                        bb = Billboarding.Lock3d;
                        Console.WriteLine("Bad obstacle file: " + path);
                o = new Obstacle(loc, scale, pbox, _draw2, _draw3, _collides2d, _collides3d, bb, ss);
                XmlNodeList _m = doc.GetElementsByTagName("mesh");
                ObjMesh _mesh = new ObjMesh(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Geometry." + _m.Item(0).InnerText));

                XmlNodeList _b = doc.GetElementsByTagName("bmp");
                List<Bitmap> texFrames = new List<Bitmap>();
                foreach (XmlNode n in _b)
                    texFrames.Add(new Bitmap(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("U5Designs.Resources.Textures." + n.InnerText)));
                MeshTexture _tex = new MeshTexture(texFrames);

                o = new Obstacle(loc, scale, pbox, _draw2, _draw3, _collides2d, _collides3d, _mesh, _tex);

            return o;