Exemple #1
        //protected virtual bool PixelCollusion(MovingObj other)
        //    Color[] bitsThis = new Color[currentTexture.Width * currentTexture.Height];
        //    Color[] bitsOther = new Color[other.currentTexture.Width * other.currentTexture.Height];
        //    Color[] bitsThisScaled = new Color[RoundUp(currentTexture.Width * currentTexture.Height * scale)];
        //    Color[] bitsOtherScaled = new Color[RoundUp(other.currentTexture.Width * other.currentTexture.Height * other.scale)];

        //private Color[] ScaledClrs(Texture2D txtr, float scale)
        //    //NOT WORKING. FK.
        //    Color[] clrs = new Color[txtr.Width * txtr.Height];
        //    int colsInScaled = RoundUp(txtr.Width * scale);
        //    int rowsInScaled = RoundUp(txtr.Height * scale);
        //    Color[] scaled = new Color[colsInScaled * rowsInScaled];
        //    for (int row = 0; row < txtr.Height; row++)
        //    {
        //        int rowStartNonTransperent = -1;
        //        int rowEndNonTransperent = -1;
        //        for (int col = 0; col < txtr.Width; col++)
        //        {
        //            //clrs[row * width + column] how to get to the current cell
        //            if (rowStartNonTransperent == -1 && clrs[row * txtr.Width + col] != Color.Transparent)
        //            {
        //                rowStartNonTransperent = col;
        //            }
        //            if (rowStartNonTransperent != -1 && clrs[row * txtr.Width + col] == Color.Transparent)
        //            {
        //                rowEndNonTransperent = col;
        //            }
        //        }
        //        for (int currColInScaled = 0; currColInScaled < colsInScaled; currColInScaled++)
        //        {
        //            scaled[]
        //        }
        //    }

        //private int RoundUp(float num)
        //    bool a = num - (int)num > 0;
        //    int rounded = Convert.ToInt32(num);
        //    return (num - rounded) > 0 ? rounded + 1 : rounded;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the direction of other realative to this if there's a collusion. Returns Direction.None otherwise
        /// Prefers left/right collusions over up/bottom collusions
        /// </summary>
        public virtual List <Direction> Collusion(MovingObj other)
            return(ProtectedCollusion(other, this.Left, this.Right, this.Top, this.Bottom));
Exemple #2
 public override List <Direction> Collusion(MovingObj other)
     return(ProtectedCollusion(other, Left + speedX, Right + speedX, Top + SpeedY, Bottom + SpeedY));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the directions of the collusion of other with this and invokes handle collusion
        /// </summary>
        protected List <Direction> ProtectedCollusion(MovingObj other, float thisLeft, float thisRight, float thisTop, float thisBottom)
            float            otherTop    = other.Top + other.SpeedY;
            float            otherBottom = other.Bottom + other.SpeedY;
            float            otherLeft   = other.Left + other.SpeedX;
            float            otherRight  = other.Right + other.SpeedX;
            List <Direction> dirs        = new List <Direction>();

            if (!(thisLeft <= otherRight && thisRight >= other.Left && thisBottom >= otherTop && thisTop <= otherBottom))
                //there's no collusion
            if (this is Floor)
                if (otherBottom >= thisTop)
                    other.HandleCollusion((dynamic)this, dirs);
            //other is checking if he is colliding me
            //check collusion from right, speed must be negative cus other must go right
            if (other.SpeedX < 0 && thisRight > otherLeft && thisLeft <= otherLeft)
                //it's in X range of collusion, check Y
                if (thisTop <= otherTop && thisBottom >= otherBottom)
                    //this is Bigger than other (other is inside of this Y)
                else if (otherTop <= thisTop && otherBottom >= thisBottom)
                    //other is bigger than this
                else if (!(this is Floor) && otherTop <= thisTop && otherBottom >= thisTop)
                    //other is in limbo
            if (!dirs.Contains(Direction.Right))
                //check from left, speed must be positive cus other must go left
                if (other.SpeedX > 0 && thisLeft <= otherRight && thisRight >= otherRight)
                    //it's in X range of collusion, check Y
                    if (thisTop <= otherTop && thisBottom >= otherBottom)
                        //this is Bigger than other (other is inside of this Y)
                    else if (otherTop <= thisTop && otherBottom >= thisBottom)
                        //other is bigger than this
                    else if (!(this is Floor) && otherTop <= thisTop && otherBottom >= thisTop)
                        //other is in limbo
            if (thisTop <= otherBottom && thisBottom >= otherTop)
                //in Y range. check if X is in range
                if (thisLeft <= otherLeft && thisRight >= otherRight)  //this is bigger than other
                else if (otherLeft <= thisLeft && otherRight >= thisRight)  //other is bigger than this
                else if ((other.PrevSarfuce == null || this.Equals(other.PrevSarfuce)) && thisLeft >= otherLeft && thisLeft <= otherRight)  //other partially standing on this, other is on right side of this
                else if ((other.PrevSarfuce == null || this.Equals(other.PrevSarfuce)) && thisRight <= otherRight && thisRight >= otherLeft)   //other partially standing on this, other is on left side of this
            if (!dirs.Contains(Direction.Up))
                if (thisBottom >= otherTop && thisTop <= otherBottom)
                    //Y is in range. Check if X is in range
                    if (thisLeft <= otherLeft && thisRight >= otherRight)  //this is bigger than other
                    else if (otherLeft <= thisLeft && otherRight >= thisRight)  //other is bigger than this
            if (dirs.Contains(Direction.Up) && (dirs.Contains(Direction.Left) || dirs.Contains(Direction.Right)))
                if (dirs.Contains(Direction.Left))
                    if (other.Bottom > thisTop)
                        //flip em
                        dirs[0] = Direction.Up;
                        dirs[1] = Direction.Left;
                if (dirs.Contains(Direction.Right))
                    if (other.Bottom > thisTop)
                        //flip em
                        dirs[0] = Direction.Up;
                        dirs[1] = Direction.Right;
            //Checking for a possibilty that "other" was way too fast, and just passed "this" in 1 turn
            if (dirs.Count == 0)
                if (otherBottom <= thisBottom && otherTop >= thisTop)                          //if it's in cullosion range in terms of Y axis
                    if (other.SpeedX > 0 && thisLeft >= other.Right && thisRight <= otherLeft) //if other passed this in the turn (the speed has to be positive)
                        dirs = new List <Direction> {
                    else if (other.SpeedX < 0 && thisRight <= other.Left && thisLeft >= otherRight)
                        dirs = new List <Direction> {
            other.HandleCollusion((dynamic)this, dirs);