private static void Game_OnGameUpdate(EventArgs args) { if (ObjectManager.Player.HasBuff("orianaghostself", true)) { CurrentBallPosition = ObjectManager.Player.ServerPosition; CurrentBallDrawPosition = ObjectManager.Player.Position; IsBallMoving = false; return; } foreach (var ally in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(ally => ally.IsAlly && !ally.IsDead && ally.HasBuff("orianaghost", true))) { CurrentBallPosition = ally.ServerPosition; CurrentBallDrawPosition = ally.Position; IsBallMoving = false; return; } }
public void InitializeComponent() { // Initialize properties LoadedChampionTextures = new Dictionary <Champion, Func <Texture> >(); ChampionSprites = new Dictionary <Champion, Sprite>(); DeadHeroes = new HashSet <int>(); LastSeen = new Dictionary <int, int>(); LastSeenPosition = new Dictionary <int, Vector3>(); LastSeenRange = new Dictionary <int, float>(); EnemySpawnPoint = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_SpawnPoint>().First(o => o.IsEnemy).Position; RecallingHeroes = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, int> >(); TimerText = new Text("30", new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 9, FontStyle.Regular)) { Color = Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Red) }; LastUpdate = Core.GameTickCount; #region Menu Creation Menu = MasterMind.Menu.AddSubMenu("Map Hack"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Information"); Menu.AddLabel("Enabling the Map Hack will allow you to see the last position of the enemy."); Menu.AddLabel("You can also see where the enemy could be with their current movement speed,"); Menu.AddLabel("aswell as recalling and the time they are invisible already."); Menu.AddLabel("As always, everything is highly configureable."); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Options"); DrawGlobal = Menu.Add("global", new CheckBox("Drawing enabled")); DrawRecallCircle = Menu.Add("recall", new CheckBox("Draw recall circle")); PrintRecallStatus = Menu.Add("print", new CheckBox("Print recall status")); DrawMovementCircle = Menu.Add("movement", new CheckBox("Draw movement circle")); DrawInvisibleTime = Menu.Add("time", new CheckBox("Draw time since being invisile")); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Adjustments"); DelayInvisibleTime = Menu.Add("timeDelay", new Slider("Show timer after enemy being invisible for {0} second(s)", 10, 0, 30)); RangeCircleDisableRange = Menu.Add("disableRange", new Slider("Disable range circle after {0}0 range", 800, 200, 2000)); #endregion // Load local champion images LoadChampionImages(); // Create sprite objects from the images CreateSprites(); // Listen to required events Game.OnTick += OnTick; Drawing.OnEndScene += OnDraw; Teleport.OnTeleport += OnTeleport; GameObject.OnCreate += OnCreate; // Initialize version download WebClient = new WebClient(); WebClient.DownloadStringCompleted += DownloadVersionCompleted; try { // Download the version from Rito WebClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(VersionUrl, UriKind.Absolute)); } catch (Exception) { Logger.Info("[MasterMind] Failed to download most recent version."); ContinueInitialization(); } }
public void InitializeComponent() { // Initialize properties LoadedChampionTextures = new Dictionary <Champion, Func <Texture> >(); ChampionSprites = new Dictionary <Champion, Sprite>(); DeadHeroes = new HashSet <int>(); LastSeen = new Dictionary <int, int>(); LastSeenPosition = new Dictionary <int, Vector3>(); LastSeenRange = new Dictionary <int, float>(); EnemySpawnPoint = ObjectManager.Get <Obj_SpawnPoint>().First(o => o.IsEnemy).Position; RecallingHeroes = new Dictionary <int, Tuple <int, int> >(); TimerText = new Text("30", new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 9, FontStyle.Regular)) { Color = Color.FromArgb(150, Color.Red) }; LastUpdate = Core.GameTickCount; #region Menu Creation Menu = MasterMind.Menu.AddSubMenu("Map Hack"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Information"); Menu.AddLabel("Map Hack'i etkinlestirmek, dusmanin son konumunu gormenize olanak tanir."); Menu.AddLabel("Dusmanin mevcut hareket hiziyla nerede olabilecegini de gorebilirsiniz,"); Menu.AddLabel("Hem geri cagirma hem de gorunmez olduklari zaman."); Menu.AddLabel("Her zaman olduğu gibi, her sey son derece yapilandirilabilir."); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Options"); DrawGlobal = Menu.Add("global", new CheckBox("Cizimler Aktif")); DrawRecallCircle = Menu.Add("recall", new CheckBox("Geri donunce cember goster")); DrawMovementCircle = Menu.Add("movement", new CheckBox("Hareket cemberi ciz")); DrawInvisibleTime = Menu.Add("time", new CheckBox("Kayip oldugu sureyi goster")); Menu.AddSeparator(); Menu.AddGroupLabel("Adjustments"); DelayInvisibleTime = Menu.Add("timeDelay", new Slider("Dusmanin gorunmez olmasinin ardindan zamanlayiciyi göster {0} second(s)", 10, 0, 30)); RangeCircleDisableRange = Menu.Add("disableRange", new Slider("Cemberi devre disi birak su {0}0 uzaklikta", 800, 200, 2000)); #endregion // Load local champion images LoadChampionImages(); // Create sprite objects from the images CreateSprites(); // Listen to required events Game.OnTick += OnTick; Drawing.OnEndScene += OnDraw; Teleport.OnTeleport += OnTeleport; GameObject.OnCreate += OnCreate; // Initialize version download WebClient = new WebClient(); WebClient.DownloadStringCompleted += DownloadVersionCompleted; try { // Download the version from Rito WebClient.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(VersionUrl, UriKind.Absolute)); } catch (Exception) { Logger.Info("[MasterMind] Failed to download most recent version."); ContinueInitialization(); } }