public void addBooking(Booking b) { MBooking bk = new MBooking(); bk.cId = b.cId; bk.createDate = DateTime.ParseExact(b.createDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); bk.creaditCard = b.payStatus; bk.tripStart = DateTime.ParseExact(b.tripStart, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); bk.totalPrice = b.totalPrice; List<MBookingLine> bkls = new List<MBookingLine>(); List<BookingLine> bls = b.bookinglines.ToList<BookingLine>(); for (int i = 0; i < bls.Count; i++) { MBookingLine bl = new MBookingLine(); bl.price = bls[i].price; bl.quantity = bls[i].quantity; bl.Station.Id = bls[i].station.Id; bl.time = bls[i].time; = bls[i].BatteryType.ID; bkls.Add(bl); } bk.bookinglines = bkls; BookingCtr bCtr = new BookingCtr(); if (!bCtr.addBooking(bk)) { FaultException f = new FaultException("Booking failed because one of the station is fully booked"); throw f; } }
public void updateBooking(Booking b) { MBooking bk = new MBooking(); bk.Id = b.Id; bk.cId = b.cId; bk.createDate = Convert.ToDateTime(b.createDate); bk.creaditCard = b.payStatus; bk.totalPrice = b.totalPrice; bk.tripStart = DateTime.ParseExact(b.createDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); bk.tripStart = DateTime.ParseExact(b.tripStart, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); BookingCtr bCtr = new BookingCtr(); bCtr.updateBooking(bk); }
public Booking getBooking(int id) { Booking bk = new Booking(); BookingCtr bCtr = new BookingCtr(); MBooking b = bCtr.getBooking(id, true); if (bk != null) { foreach (MBookingLine bl in b.bookinglines) { BookingLine l = new BookingLine(); l.price = bl.price.Value; l.quantity = bl.quantity.Value; l.time = bl.time.Value; bk.bookinglines.Add(l); BatteryType bt = new BatteryType(); bt.ID =; =; l.BatteryType = bt; Station s = new Station(); s.Id = bl.Station.Id; s.Name =; s.Address = bl.Station.address; s.Country =; l.station = s; } bk.startStationId = b.bookinglines.First().Station.Id; } return bk; }
public List<Booking> getAllBookings() { List<Booking> bookings = new List<Booking>(); BookingCtr bCtr = new BookingCtr(); List<MBooking> bs = bCtr.getAllBooking(); if (bs.Count != 0) { foreach (MBooking b in bs) { Booking bk = new Booking(); bk.Id = b.Id; bk.createDate = b.createDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); Customer cust = new Customer() { ID = b.customer.ID, name = b.customer.FName + " " + b.customer.LName }; bk.customer = cust; bk.cId = b.customer.ID; bk.payStatus = b.creaditCard; bk.totalPrice = b.totalPrice.Value; bk.tripStart = b.tripStart.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); if (b.bookinglines.Count != 0) { foreach (MBookingLine bl in b.bookinglines) { BookingLine l = new BookingLine(); l.price = bl.price.Value; l.quantity = bl.quantity.Value; l.time = bl.time.Value; bk.bookinglines.Add(l); BatteryType bt = new BatteryType(); bt.ID =; =; l.BatteryType = bt; Station s = new Station(); s.Id = bl.Station.Id; s.Name =; s.Address = bl.Station.address; s.Country =; l.station = s; } bk.startStationId = b.bookinglines.First().Station.Id; } bookings.Add(bk); } } return bookings; }