Exemple #1
        public static Response GetItemsByName(string name, string league, int from, int size, ElasticsearchClient client)
            string query = QueryStringItemByName(name, league, from, size);
            var result = client.Search<string>(query);
            Response response = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Response>(result.Response);

            return response;
        static public bool ShouldAdd(ElasticsearchClient client, ref CandidateFile candidate)
            var searchQuery = new { query = new { term = new { _id = candidate.AliasedPath } } };
            ElasticsearchResponse<string> response;
            var timer = new ScopedTimer();
            using (timer)
                response = client.Search<string>(Media.IndexName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(searchQuery));

            if (!FirstSearchMsec.HasValue)
                FirstSearchMsec = timer.TotalMilliseconds;

            if (!response.Success)
                return false;

            candidate.Signature = CalculateSignature(candidate.FullFilename);
            candidate.LengthInBytes = new FileInfo(candidate.FullFilename).Length;

            var searchResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SearchResponse>(response.Response);

//            if ((timer.TotalMilliseconds - searchResponse.Took) > 200)
//            {
//                logger.Warn("Search took {1} milliseconds for: {0}", candidate.AliasedPath, timer.TotalMilliseconds);
//            }

            // If there's more than one matching path or the signature is different, go through the add process
            // If it's not already in the index, add it.
            if (searchResponse.Hits.Total != 1)
                return true;

            var media = searchResponse.Hits.Hits.First().Media;
            if (media.Signature != candidate.Signature || media.LengthInBytes != candidate.LengthInBytes)
                logger.Error("Add {0} due to mis-match ({0}, {1} -- {2}, {3})", candidate.AliasedPath,
                    media.Signature, media.LengthInBytes,
                    candidate.Signature, candidate.LengthInBytes);
                return true;

            return false;
        public void Calling_A_Null_Field_Should_Not_Throw_With_ElasticsearchNet_Serializer()
            var client = new ElasticsearchClient();
            var result = client.Search("{ size: 10}");
            var hit = result.Response["hits"]["hits"][0];

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { var x = hit["testfield"]; });
            var exists = false;
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { exists = hit["testfield"] != null; });
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { exists = hit["_index"] != null; });

            var source = hit["_source"];
            ((object) source).Should().NotBeNull();
            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { var x = source["name"]; });
            string field = source["name"];

		 * The following is a list of available connection configuration options:

		public void AvailableOptions()
			var client = new ElasticsearchClient();

			var config = new ConnectionConfiguration()

				/** Disable automatic proxy detection.  Defaults to true. */

				 * Enable compressed request and reesponses from Elasticsearch (Note that nodes need to be configured 
				 * to allow this.  See the [http module settings](http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-http.html) for more info).

				  * By default responses are deserialized off stream to the object you tell it to.
				  * For debugging purposes it can be very useful to keep a copy of the raw response on the result object. 

			var result = client.Search<SearchResponse<object>>(new { size = 12 });
			var raw = result.ResponseBodyInBytes;
			/** This will only have a value if the client configuration has ExposeRawResponse set */

			 * Please note that this only make sense if you need a mapped response and the raw response at the same time. 
			 * If you need a `string` or `byte[]` response simply call:
			var stringResult = client.Search<string>(new { });

			config = config
				.GlobalQueryStringParameters(new NameValueCollection())
				* Allows you to set querystring parameters that have to be added to every request. For instance, if you use a hosted elasticserch provider, and you need need to pass an `apiKey` parameter onto every request.

				.Proxy(new Uri("http://myproxy"), "username", "pass")
				/** Sets proxy information on the connection. */

				* Sets the global maximum time a connection may take.
				 * Please note that this is the request timeout, the builtin .NET `WebRequest` has no way to set connection timeouts 
				 * (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.httpwebrequest.timeout(v=vs.110).aspx).

				* As an alternative to the C/go like error checking on `response.IsValid`, you can instead tell the client to throw 
				* exceptions. 
				* There are three category of exceptions thay may be thrown:
				* 1) ElasticsearchClientException: These are known exceptions, either an exception that occurred in the request pipeline
				* (such as max retries or timeout reached, bad authentication, etc...) or Elasticsearch itself returned an error (could 
				* not parse the request, bad query, missing field, etc...). If it is an Elasticsearch error, the `ServerError` property 
				* on the response will contain the the actual error that was returned.  The inner exception will always contain the 
				* root causing exception.
				* 2) UnexpectedElasticsearchClientException:  These are unknown exceptions, for instance a response from Elasticsearch not
				* properly deserialized.  These are usually bugs and should be reported.  This excpetion also inherits from ElasticsearchClientException
				* so an additional catch block isn't necessary, but can be helpful in distinguishing between the two.
				* 3) Development time exceptions: These are CLR exceptions like ArgumentException, NullArgumentException etc... that are thrown
				* when an API in the client is misused.  These should not be handled as you want to know about them during development.

				* Forces all serialization to be indented and appends `pretty=true` to all the requests so that the responses are indented as well

				.BasicAuthentication("username", "password")
				/** Sets the HTTP basic authentication credentials to specify with all requests. */;

			* **Note:** This can alternatively be specified on the node URI directly:

			var uri = new Uri("http://*****:*****@localhost:9200");
			var settings = new ConnectionConfiguration(uri);

			*  ...but may become tedious when using connection pooling with multiple nodes.
        public async Task SearchAllElasticSearch()
            var node = new Uri("http://localhost:9200");
            var settings = new ConnectionConfiguration(node);
            var client = new ElasticsearchClient(settings);

            var query = "{\"query\" : { \"term\": { \"name\" : \"safale\"}}}";
            var res = client.Search<string>(Setting.ElasticSearchIndex, query);
            dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(res.Response);
            var result = json.hits.hits; 
		 * The following is a list of available connection configuration options:

		public void AvailableOptions()
			var client = new ElasticsearchClient();

			var config = new ConnectionConfiguration()

				/** Disable automatic proxy detection.  Defaults to true. */

				 * Enable compressed request and reesponses from Elasticsearch (Note that nodes need to be configured 
				 * to allow this.  See the [http module settings](http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-http.html) for more info).

				/** Enable more meta data to be returned per API call about requests (ping, sniff, failover, and general stats). */

				* Will cause `Elasticsearch.Net` to write connection debug information on the TRACE output of your application.

				 * By default responses are deserialized off stream to the object you tell it to.
				 * For debugging purposes it can be very useful to keep a copy of the raw response on the result object. 

			var result = client.Search<SearchResponse<object>>(new { size = 12 });
			var raw = result.ResponseBodyInBytes;
			/** This will only have a value if the client configuration has ExposeRawResponse set */

			 * Please note that this only make sense if you need a mapped response and the raw response at the same time. 
			 * If you need a `string` or `byte[]` response simply call:
			var stringResult = client.Search<string>(new { });

			config = config
				.SetConnectionStatusHandler(s => { })
				* Allows you to pass a `Action&lt;IElasticsearchResponse&gt;` that can eaves drop every time a response (good or bad) is created. If you have complex logging needs 
				* this is a good place to add that in.

				.SetGlobalQueryStringParameters(new NameValueCollection())
				* Allows you to set querystring parameters that have to be added to every request. For instance, if you use a hosted elasticserch provider, and you need need to pass an `apiKey` parameter onto every request.

				.SetProxy(new Uri("http://myproxy"), "username", "pass")
				/** Sets proxy information on the connection. */

				* Sets the global maximum time a connection may take.
				 * Please note that this is the request timeout, the builtin .NET `WebRequest` has no way to set connection timeouts 
				 * (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.net.httpwebrequest.timeout(v=vs.110).aspx).

				//TODO document this properly once we figure out exceptions
				* As an alternative to the C/go like error checking on `response.IsValid`, you can instead tell the client to always throw 
				 * an `ElasticsearchServerException` when a call resulted in an exception on the Elasticsearch server. Reasons for 
				 * such exceptions could be search parser errors and index missing exceptions.

				* Forces all serialization to be indedented and appends `pretty=true` to all the requests so that the responses are indented as well

				.SetBasicAuthentication("username", "password")
				/** Sets the HTTP basic authentication credentials to specify with all requests. */;

			* **Note:** This can alternatively be specified on the node URI directly:

			var uri = new Uri("http://*****:*****@localhost:9200");
			var settings = new ConnectionConfiguration(uri);

			*  ...but may become tedious when using connection pooling with multiple nodes.