Exemple #1
        public static void Run([TimerTrigger("0 */1 * * * *")] TimerInfo myTimer, ILogger log, ExecutionContext executionContext)
            // Create a time span to retreive the elements in the queue
            TimeSpan maxTimeSpanRetreive = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(50);

            string jsonSettingsPath = executionContext.FunctionAppDirectory;

            //App Settings from local.settings.json
            string storageConnectionString = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STRING;
            string teamsQueueName          = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_TEAMS_QUEUE_NAME;

            CloudQueue    cloudQueue          = AzureStorageQueueOperations.CreateAzureQueue(storageConnectionString, teamsQueueName, log);
            List <String> teamPostListStrings = AzureStorageQueueOperations.ReadAllMessageQueue(cloudQueue, maxTimeSpanRetreive, log);

            // Dictionnary (indexed by WebHookURL name) of Lists of emp_queue_log
            Dictionary <string, List <QueueLog> > queueEntries = new Dictionary <string, List <QueueLog> >();

            foreach (string teamsPostString in teamPostListStrings)
                    QueueLog emp;
                    emp = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <QueueLog>(teamsPostString);

                    // check we have a webhook, if not, then use the default one
                    emp.WebhookUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(emp.WebhookUrl) ? Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(DefaultWebhookUrlEnvironmenent) : emp.WebhookUrl;
                    // Test if there is a emp, if not create a standard one
                    emp.LogEntry = emp.LogEntry == null ? new JsonLogEntry()
                        Trigram = NoTrigram
                    } : emp.LogEntry;
                    emp.LogEntry.Trigram = string.IsNullOrEmpty(emp.LogEntry.Trigram) ? NoTrigram : emp.LogEntry.Trigram;

                    // Creates the list for a WebHook if it does not exists yet
                    if (!queueEntries.ContainsKey(emp.WebhookUrl))
                        queueEntries.Add(emp.WebhookUrl, new List <QueueLog>());

                    //Add the log item in the appropriate queue for the Webhook
                    List <QueueLog> WebHookQueue = queueEntries[emp.WebhookUrl];
                catch (JsonException)
                    // Ignore any wrong log
                    log?.LogError($"Queue deserialization not correct");

            // Looping on the list of queues and sending to teams
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <QueueLog> > kvp in queueEntries)
                PostLogQueueToTeams((string)kvp.Key, (List <QueueLog>)kvp.Value, log);
Exemple #2
        public static async Task Run([EventHubTrigger("%EMP_EVENT_HUB_NAME%", Connection = "EMP_EVENTHUB_CONNECTION_STRING")] EventData[] events, ILogger log, ExecutionContext executionContext)
            var    exceptions = new List <Exception>();
            string infoMessage;
            string errorMessage;

            string jsonSettingsPath = executionContext.FunctionAppDirectory;

            //App Settings from local.settings.json
            string storageConnectionString = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STRING;
            string teamsQueueName          = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_TEAMS_QUEUE_NAME;
            string errorQueueName          = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ERROR_QUEUE_NAME;
            string trigramTableName        = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_TRIGRAM_TABLE_NAME;
            string elasticSearchClusterURI = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_ELASTIC_SEARCH_CLUSTER_URI;
            string elasticSearchAPIId      = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_ELASTIC_SEARCH_API_ID;
            string elasticSearchAPIKey     = ApSettings.LoadAppSettings(jsonSettingsPath, log).EMP_ELASTIC_SEARCH_API_KEY;

            foreach (EventData eventData in events)
                JsonLogEntry logEntry     = null;
                string       webhookUrl   = null;
                bool         validTrigram = false;
                string       messageBody  = null;

                    messageBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.Array, eventData.Body.Offset, eventData.Body.Count);
                    log?.LogInformation($"FROM EVENTHUB {messageBody}");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageBody))
                        infoMessage = $"Task Run: Event is null";
                        // Validate semantically the json schema
                        logEntry = JsonLogEntry.DeserializeJsonLogEntry(messageBody, log);
                        var(validJson, errorValidation) = JsonLogEntry.ValidateJsonLogEntry(messageBody, log);
                        //Validate Trigram - compare entry from the json log with the trigram azure table storage
                        (validTrigram, webhookUrl) = Trigram.ValidateTrigram(storageConnectionString, logEntry, trigramTableName, log);

                        if (validJson)
                            infoMessage = $"Task Run: Json Schema valid: {messageBody}";
                            if (validTrigram)
                                //Insert into ElasticSearch Cluster
                                var elasticLowLevelClient = emp_elastic_operations.ElasticConnect(elasticSearchClusterURI, elasticSearchAPIId, elasticSearchAPIKey, log);
                                await emp_elastic_operations.ElasticPutAsync(elasticLowLevelClient, logEntry, log);
                                // If not successful send to the Azure Storage  Teams queue
                                log?.LogInformation($"Task Run: Application Trigram NOT valid: {messageBody}");
                                CloudQueue cloudQueue = AzureStorageQueueOperations.CreateAzureQueue(storageConnectionString, teamsQueueName, log);
                                var        logQueue   = new QueueLog()
                                    ErrorMessage = $"Invalid trigram", LogEntry = logEntry, WebhookUrl = webhookUrl
                                AzureStorageQueueOperations.InsertMessageQueue(cloudQueue, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logQueue), log);
                            // If not valid  send to the Azure Storage Teams queue
                            infoMessage = $"Task Run: Json Schema NOT valid: {messageBody}";
                            CloudQueue cloudQueue = AzureStorageQueueOperations.CreateAzureQueue(storageConnectionString, teamsQueueName, log);
                            var        logQueue   = new QueueLog()
                                ErrorMessage = errorValidation, LogEntry = logEntry, WebhookUrl = webhookUrl
                            AzureStorageQueueOperations.InsertMessageQueue(cloudQueue, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logQueue), log);
                        await Task.Yield();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (logEntry != null)
                        // send to the Azure Storage teams queue
                        log?.LogInformation($"Task Run: exception raised {ex}");
                        CloudQueue cloudQueue = AzureStorageQueueOperations.CreateAzureQueue(storageConnectionString, teamsQueueName, log);
                        var        logQueue   = new QueueLog()
                            ErrorMessage = $"{ex}", LogEntry = logEntry, WebhookUrl = webhookUrl
                        AzureStorageQueueOperations.InsertMessageQueue(cloudQueue, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logQueue), log);

                        // send to the Azure Storage Error queue
                        log?.LogInformation($"Task Run: exception raised {ex}");
                        cloudQueue = AzureStorageQueueOperations.CreateAzureQueue(storageConnectionString, errorQueueName, log);
                        AzureStorageQueueOperations.InsertMessageQueue(cloudQueue, messageBody, log);
            // Once processing of the batch is complete, if any messages in the batch failed processing throw an exception so that there is a record of the failure.
            if (exceptions.Count > 1)
                throw new AggregateException(exceptions);

            if (exceptions.Count == 1)
                throw exceptions.Single();