public static object standard_clone(object Current, object other)
 // Void if `other' is void; otherwise new object
 // field-by-field identical to `other'.
 // Always uses default copying semantics.
     return(ANY.standard_clone(Current, other));
 public static bool standard_equal(object Current, object some, object other)
 // Are `some' and `other' either both void or attached to
 // field-by-field identical objects of the same type?
 // Always uses default object comparison criterion.
     return(ANY.standard_equal(Current, some, other));
 public static object clone(object Current, object other)
 // Void if `other' is void; otherwise new object
 // equal to `other'
 // For non-void `other', `clone' calls `copy';
 // to change copying/cloning semantics, redefine `copy'.
     return(ANY.clone(Current, other));
 public static String generator(object o)
 // Generator class name of `o'.
 public static bool equal(object Current, object some, object other)
 // Are `some' and `other' either both void or attached
 // to objects considered equal?
     return(ANY.equal(Current, some, other));
 public static object deep_twin(object Current)
 // New object structure recursively duplicated from Current.
 public static bool is_deep_equal(object Current, object other)
 // Are `Current' and `other' attached to isomorphic object structures?
     return(ANY.deep_equal(Current, Current, other));
 public static bool deep_equal(object Current, object some, object other)
 // Are `some' and `other' either both void
 // or attached to isomorphic object structures?
     return(ANY.deep_equal(Current, some, other));
 public static String @out(object o)
 // `out' of `o'
 public static void copy(object Current, object other)
 // Update current object using fields of object attached
 // to `other', so as to yield equal objects.
     ANY.copy(Current, other);
#pragma warning restore 1718

 * feature -- Redirection to feature of ANY class
        public static bool conforms_to(Object obj1, Object obj2)
        // Does dynamic type of object attached to `obj1' conform to
        // dynamic type of object attached to `obj2'?
            return(ANY.conforms_to(obj1, obj2));
 public static object twin(object Current)
 // New object equal to `Current'
 // `twin' calls `copy'; to change copying/twining semantics, redefine `copy'.
 public static String tagged_out(object o)
 // `out' of `o'
 public static object standard_twin(object Current)
 // New object field-by-field identical to `other'.
 // Always uses default copying semantics.
 public static bool standard_is_equal(object Current, object other)
 // Is `other' attached to an object of the same type
 // as current object, and field-by-field identical to it?
     return(ANY.standard_is_equal(Current, other));
 public static String generating_type(object o)
 // Generating type name of `o'.
 public static bool is_equal(object Current, object other)
 // Is `other' attached to an object considered
 // equal to current object?
     return(ANY.is_equal(Current, other));
 public static object deep_clone(object Current, object other)
 // Obsolete use `deep_twin' instead.
     return(ANY.deep_clone(Current, other));
 public static bool same_type(object Current, object other)
 // Is type of current object identical to type of `other'?
     return(ANY.same_type(Current, other));
 public static void deep_copy(object Current, object other)
 // Effect equivalent to that of:
 //		`copy' (`other' . `deep_twin')
     ANY.deep_copy(Current, other);