private void loadPhoto() { d.Lineup lineup = new d.Lineup(LineupId); DataTable dtPhotos = new d.PhotoData().GetPhotosByLineup(LineupId); int lastPhotoPosition = dtPhotos.Rows.Count - 1; if (CurrentPhotoIndex > lastPhotoPosition && SuspectIsProcessed) { pnlPhotoView.Visible = false; pnlFinalComments.Visible = true; } else { if (!SuspectIsProcessed && lineup.SuspectPhotoPosition == CurrentPhotoIndex) { lblPhoto.Text = "<img src='" + b.UrlHelper.GetSuspectImageUrl(lineup.SuspectId, b.ImageHelper.LARGE_PHOTO_SUFFIX) + "' border='1'>"; CurrentPhotoId = -1; CurrentPhotoIsSuspect = true; } else { int photoId = Convert.ToInt32(dtPhotos.Rows[CurrentPhotoIndex][0]); lblPhoto.Text = "<img src='" + b.UrlHelper.GetPhotoImageUrl(photoId, b.ImageHelper.LARGE_PHOTO_SUFFIX) + "' border='1'>"; CurrentPhotoIndex++; CurrentPhotoId = photoId; CurrentPhotoIsSuspect = false; } } }
private void BindData() { int lineupId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["Id"]); d.Lineup lineup = new d.Lineup(lineupId); DataTable dtPhotos = new d.PhotoData().GetPhotosByLineup(lineupId); int photoId; int dtPhotosPosition = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < POSITIONS; i++) { sb.Append("\n\t<td style=\"width:96px;\">"); if (i == lineup.SuspectPhotoPosition) { sb.AppendFormat("<img src='{0}' style=\"border:2px red solid;\">", b.UrlHelper.GetSuspectImageUrl(lineup.SuspectId, b.ImageHelper.SMALL_PHOTO_SUFFIX)); } else { photoId = Convert.ToInt32(dtPhotos.Rows[dtPhotosPosition][0]); sb.AppendFormat("<img src='{0}' style=\"border:1px #666666 solid;\">", b.UrlHelper.GetPhotoImageUrl(photoId, b.ImageHelper.SMALL_PHOTO_SUFFIX)); dtPhotosPosition++; } sb.Append("</td>"); } ltrLineup.Text = sb.ToString(); ltrStart.Text = "<a href=\"javascript:open_win(" + lineupId + ");\">Start Lineup Administration</a>"; }
private void BindData() { int uncat = new d.PhotoData().GetUncategoriedNumber(); ltrUncatPhotos.Text = uncat.ToString(); if (uncat == 0) { lnkNext12.Visible = false; } }
private void BindGrid() { DataSet ds = new d.PhotoData().GetPhotosWithQueryP(makeQuery(), pager.PageSize, pager.CurrentPage); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { pnlGrid.Visible = true; dgrPhotos.Prefix = LinkPrefix; dgrPhotos.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; dgrPhotos.DataBind(); pager.AdjustAfterBinding(Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0])); } else { pnlGrid.Visible = false; } }
public void Run() { string sourcePath = ""; Console.WriteLine("Please provide the path for the directory containing the photos"); try { sourcePath = Console.ReadLine(); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath); d.PhotoData pd = new d.PhotoData(); int total = files.Length; Console.WriteLine("There are " + total + " files in the directory. Process all of them? (y/n)"); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer == "y") { string externalref; FileInfo fi; for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { if (i % 10 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("processing photo " + i + " out of " + total); } fi = new FileInfo(files[i]); externalref = fi.Name; externalref = externalref.Replace(fi.Extension, ""); externalref = externalref.Substring(0, Math.Min(15, externalref.Length)); makeImages(pd.Create(externalref), files[i]); } Console.WriteLine("Completed."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Operation aborted."); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + sourcePath + " does not exist"); } }
protected override int SaveItem() { d.Photo photo; string photoId; DataTable dtPhotos = new d.PhotoData().GetNextNUncategorized(photosToDisplay); foreach (DataRow dr in dtPhotos.Rows) { photo = new d.Photo(Convert.ToInt32(dr[0])); photoId = photo.Id.ToString(); photo.Gender = Page.Request[makeHiddenId(photoId, GENDER_TYPE)].Replace("'", ""); photo.RaceId = Convert.ToInt32(Page.Request[makeHiddenId(photoId, RACE_TYPE)]); photo.HairColorId = Convert.ToInt32(Page.Request[makeHiddenId(photoId, HAIR_TYPE)]); photo.AgeRangeId = Convert.ToInt32(Page.Request[makeHiddenId(photoId, AGE_TYPE)]); photo.WeightRangeId = Convert.ToInt32(Page.Request[makeHiddenId(photoId, WEIGHT_TYPE)]); photo.IsCategorized = true; photo.ModifiedBy = Identity.UserId; photo.Update(); } return(1); }
private void BindPhotos() { int toDisplay = Convert.ToInt32(ddlToDisplay.SelectedValue); DataSet ds = new d.PhotoData().GetPhotosWithQuery(makeQuery(), "order by ", toDisplay); DataTable dtPhotos = ds.Tables[0]; if (dtPhotos.Rows.Count > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataRow dr in dtPhotos.Rows) { sb.AppendFormat("<img src='{0}' style=\"margin:3px;border:1px #666666 solid;\" onClick=\"add({1});\" id='{1}' name='{1}'>", b.UrlHelper.GetPhotoImageUrl(Convert.ToInt32(dr[0]), b.ImageHelper.SMALL_PHOTO_SUFFIX), dr[0]); } ltrPhotos.Text = sb.ToString(); ltrResults.Text = "Displaying <b>" + Math.Min(dtPhotos.Rows.Count, toDisplay) + "</b> photos out of <b>" + ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0] + "</b> matching your search criteria"; } else { ltrResults.Text = "There are no photos in the database that match your criteria"; } }
private void BindData() { int lineupId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["Id"]); d.Lineup lineup = new d.Lineup(lineupId); DataTable dtPhotos = new d.PhotoData().GetPhotosByLineup(lineupId); int photoId; int dtPhotosPosition = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < POSITIONS; i++) { sb.Append("\n\t<td style=\"width:96px;\">"); if (i == lineup.SuspectPhotoPosition) { sb.AppendFormat("<img src='{0}' style=\"border:2px red solid;\">", b.UrlHelper.GetSuspectImageUrl(lineup.SuspectId, b.ImageHelper.SMALL_PHOTO_SUFFIX)); } else { photoId = Convert.ToInt32(dtPhotos.Rows[dtPhotosPosition][0]); sb.AppendFormat("<img src='{0}' style=\"border:1px #666666 solid;\">", b.UrlHelper.GetPhotoImageUrl(photoId, b.ImageHelper.SMALL_PHOTO_SUFFIX)); dtPhotosPosition++; } sb.Append("</td>"); } ltrLineup.Text = sb.ToString(); ltrDescription.Text = lineup.Description; ltrNotes.Text = lineup.Notes; d.CCase ccase = new d.CCase(lineup.CaseId); ltrCase.Text = ccase.Number; d.Suspect suspect = new d.Suspect(lineup.SuspectId); ltrSuspect.Text = suspect.Number; }