Exemple #1
 internal static extern uint SCardTransmit(CardSafeHandler hCard, SCARD_IO_REQUEST pioSendPci, byte[] pbSendBuffer, int cbSendLength, [In, Out] SCARD_IO_REQUEST pioRecvPci, [Out] byte[] pbRecvBuffer, [In, Out] ref int pcbRecvLength);
Exemple #2
        public byte[] ReadBinary(byte[] file)
            uint             retVal;
            uint             attempts;
            SCARD_IO_REQUEST ioReq = new SCARD_IO_REQUEST(protocol);

            attempts = 0;
                retVal = NativeMethods.SCardBeginTransaction(handler);
                if (retVal == 0x80100017)
                    throw new ReaderException("The card reader isn't available any more");
                if (retVal == 0x80100069)
                    throw new NoCardException("The card has been removed");
                if (retVal == 0x80100068 || retVal == 0x8010002F)
                    attempts++;                                               //former is reset (which is fine, we are only starting), the latter is "comm error, retry".
            } while (attempts > 0 && attempts < 5);
            if (retVal != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to start transaction: 0x" + retVal.ToString("X"));

                byte[] cmd;
                int    rspLen = 258;
                byte[] rsp    = new byte[rspLen];

                cmd = new byte[CMD_SELECT_FILE.Length + file.Length];
                Array.Copy(CMD_SELECT_FILE, cmd, CMD_SELECT_FILE.Length);
                cmd[4] = (byte)file.Length;
                Array.Copy(file, 0, cmd, CMD_SELECT_FILE.Length, file.Length);
                attempts = 0;
                    retVal = NativeMethods.SCardTransmit(handler, ioReq, cmd, cmd.Length, null, rsp, ref rspLen);
                    if (retVal == 0x80100017)
                        throw new ReaderException("The card reader isn't available any more");
                    if (retVal == 0x80100069)
                        throw new NoCardException("The card has been removed");
                    if (retVal == 0x8010002F)
                        attempts++;                       //"comm error, retry".
                } while (attempts > 0 && attempts < 5);
                if (retVal != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to select file: 0x" + retVal.ToString("X"));
                if (rspLen < 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to select file SW1=? SW2=?");
                if (rsp[0] != 0x90 || rsp[1] != 0x0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to select file SW1=" + rsp[0].ToString("X") + " SW2=" + rsp[1].ToString("X"));

                int offset = 0;
                cmd = new byte[CMD_READ_BINARY.Length];
                Array.Copy(CMD_READ_BINARY, cmd, cmd.Length);
                MemoryStream bytes = new MemoryStream();
                    cmd[2] = (byte)(offset >> 8);
                    cmd[3] = (byte)(offset & 0xFF);

                    rspLen   = rsp.Length;
                    retVal   = 0x8010002F;//retry
                    attempts = 0;
                        retVal = NativeMethods.SCardTransmit(handler, ioReq, cmd, cmd.Length, null, rsp, ref rspLen);
                        if (retVal == 0x80100017)
                            throw new ReaderException("The card reader isn't available any more");
                        if (retVal == 0x80100069)
                            throw new NoCardException("The card has been removed");
                        if (retVal == 0x8010002F)
                            attempts++;                       //"comm error, retry".
                    } while (attempts > 0 && attempts < 5);
                    if (retVal != 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to read bytes: " + retVal.ToString("X"));
                    if (rspLen < 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to read bytes SW1=? SW2=?");
                    if (rsp[rspLen - 2] == 0x6B && rsp[rspLen - 1] == 0x0)
                        break; // Finished, there where no more bytes
                    if (rsp[rspLen - 2] == 0x6C)
                        cmd[4] = rsp[1];// Almost finished, reading less
                    if (rsp[rspLen - 2] != 0x90 || rsp[rspLen - 1] != 0x0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to read bytes SW1=" + rsp[0].ToString("X") + " SW2=" + rsp[1].ToString("X"));

                    bytes.Write(rsp, 0, rspLen - 2);
                    offset += rspLen - 2;
                } while (rspLen == 258 || rsp[0] == 0x6C);

                retVal = NativeMethods.SCardEndTransaction(handler, CardDisposition.SCARD_LEAVE_CARD);
                if (retVal == 0x80100017)
                    throw new ReaderException("The card reader isn't available any more");
                if (retVal == 0x80100069)
                    throw new NoCardException("The card has been removed");
                if (retVal != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to end transaction: 0x" + retVal.ToString("X"));
Exemple #3
 internal static extern uint SCardTransmit(CardSafeHandler hCard, SCARD_IO_REQUEST pioSendPci, byte[] pbSendBuffer, int cbSendLength, [In, Out] SCARD_IO_REQUEST pioRecvPci, [Out] byte[] pbRecvBuffer, [In, Out] ref int pcbRecvLength);