public TrainingWorker(AbstractBatchOptimizer _enclosing, T[] dataset, AbstractDifferentiableFunction <T> fn, ConcatVector initialWeights, double l2regularization, double convergenceDerivativeNorm, bool quiet)
     this._enclosing        = _enclosing;
     this.optimizationState = this._enclosing.GetFreshOptimizationState(initialWeights);
     this.weights           = initialWeights.DeepClone();
     this.dataset           = dataset;
     this.fn = fn;
     this.l2regularization          = l2regularization;
     this.convergenceDerivativeNorm = convergenceDerivativeNorm;
     this.quiet = quiet;
 /// <summary>This is the hook for subclassing batch optimizers to override in order to have their optimizer work.</summary>
 /// <param name="weights">the current weights (update these in place)</param>
 /// <param name="gradient">the gradient at these weights</param>
 /// <param name="logLikelihood">the log likelihood at these weights</param>
 /// <param name="state">any saved state the optimizer wants to keep and pass around during each optimization run</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">whether or not to dump output about progress to the console</param>
 /// <returns>whether or not we've converged</returns>
 public abstract bool UpdateWeights(ConcatVector weights, ConcatVector gradient, double logLikelihood, AbstractBatchOptimizer.OptimizationState state, bool quiet);
        // this magic number was arrived at with relation to the CoNLL benchmark, and tinkering
        public override bool UpdateWeights(ConcatVector weights, ConcatVector gradient, double logLikelihood, AbstractBatchOptimizer.OptimizationState optimizationState, bool quiet)
            BacktrackingAdaGradOptimizer.AdaGradOptimizationState s = (BacktrackingAdaGradOptimizer.AdaGradOptimizationState)optimizationState;
            double logLikelihoodChange = logLikelihood - s.lastLogLikelihood;

            if (logLikelihoodChange == 0)
                if (!quiet)
                    log.Info("\tlogLikelihood improvement = 0: quitting");
                // Check if we should backtrack
                if (logLikelihoodChange < 0)
                    // If we should, move the weights back by half, and cut the lastDerivative by half
                    weights.AddVectorInPlace(s.lastDerivative, -1.0);
                    if (!quiet)
                    // if the lastDerivative norm falls below a threshold, it means we've converged
                    if (s.lastDerivative.DotProduct(s.lastDerivative) < 1.0e-10)
                        if (!quiet)
                            log.Info("\tBacktracking derivative norm " + s.lastDerivative.DotProduct(s.lastDerivative) + " < 1.0e-9: quitting");
                    // Apply AdaGrad
                    ConcatVector squared = gradient.DeepClone();
                    s.adagradAccumulator.AddVectorInPlace(squared, 1.0);
                    ConcatVector sqrt = s.adagradAccumulator.DeepClone();
                    weights.AddVectorInPlace(gradient, 1.0);
                    // Setup for backtracking, in case necessary
                    s.lastDerivative    = gradient;
                    s.lastLogLikelihood = logLikelihood;
                    if (!quiet)
                        log.Info("\tLL: " + logLikelihood);