Exemple #1
        void DrawOnlineFormula(FormulaData formula)
            var niceName = ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(formula.name);
            //Button is disabled until formula is downloaded
            var guiEnabled = GUI.enabled;

            GUI.enabled = false;
            GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(niceName, niceName), GUILayout.MaxWidth(this.position.width - 60));
            GUI.enabled = guiEnabled;
            DrawDownloadButton(downloadButtonGUIContent, formula);
Exemple #2
        void LoadLocalFormulas()
            var methodList = new List <MethodInfo>(Utils.GetAllFormulaMethodsWithAttribute());

            foreach (var method in methodList)
                //Process only if valid method was found
                if (method != null)
                    var formulaName = method.DeclaringType.Name;
                    var formula     = formulaDataStore.FormulaData.Find(x => x.name == formulaName);
                    //If formula doesn't exist in formulaDataStore
                    if (formula == null)
                        formula                 = new FormulaData();
                        formula.name            = formulaName;
                        formula.projectFilePath = Constants.formulasFolderUnityPath + formulaName + ".cs";
                    //Always write these values, even if formula already exists
                    formula.localFileExists = new FileInfo(Utils.GetFullPathFromAssetsPath(formula.projectFilePath)).Exists;
                    formula.methodInfo      = method;
                    var formulaAttribute = Utils.GetFormulaAttributeForMethodInfo(method);
                    if (formulaAttribute != null)
                        formula.niceName = formulaAttribute.name;
                        formula.tooltip  = formulaAttribute.tooltip;
                        formula.author   = formulaAttribute.author;

            //If there are local formulas in data store that point to local files that don't exist
            //and also don't have downloadURLs, remove them
            for (int i = formulaDataStore.FormulaData.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var formulaData = formulaDataStore.FormulaData[i];
                var fullPath    = Utils.GetFullPathFromAssetsPath(formulaData.projectFilePath);
                var fi          = new FileInfo(fullPath);
                if (!fi.Exists && string.IsNullOrEmpty(formulaData.downloadURL))
Exemple #3
        void LoadLocalFormulas()
            var editorFormulasDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Utils.GetFullPathFromAssetsPath(Constants.formulasFolderUnityPath));
            var files = new List <FileInfo>(editorFormulasDirectory.GetFiles());

            //Remove all files that don't have a .cs extension
            files.RemoveAll(x => !x.Extension.Equals(".cs", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            foreach (var file in files)
                var fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FullName);
                var formula    = formulaDataStore.FormulaData.Find(x => x.name == fileNameWithoutExtension);
                var methodInfo = Utils.GetFormulaMethod(fileNameWithoutExtension);

                //Process only if valid method was found
                if (methodInfo != null)
                    //If formula doesn't exist in formulaDataStore
                    if (formula == null)
                        formula                 = new FormulaData();
                        formula.name            = fileNameWithoutExtension;
                        formula.projectFilePath = Constants.formulasFolderUnityPath + file.Name;
                    formula.localFileExists = new FileInfo(Utils.GetFullPathFromAssetsPath(formula.projectFilePath)).Exists;
                    formula.methodInfo      = methodInfo;

            //If there are local formulas in data store that point to local files that don't exist
            //and also don't have downloadURLs, remove them
            for (int i = formulaDataStore.FormulaData.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var formulaData = formulaDataStore.FormulaData[i];
                var fullPath    = Utils.GetFullPathFromAssetsPath(formulaData.projectFilePath);
                var fi          = new FileInfo(fullPath);
                if (!fi.Exists && string.IsNullOrEmpty(formulaData.downloadURL))
Exemple #4
 void DrawOptionsButton(FormulaData formula)
     if (GUILayout.Button(optionsButtonGUIContent, GUILayout.MaxWidth(20), GUILayout.MaxHeight(18)))
         var menu = new GenericMenu();
         if (formula.localFileExists)
             menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Open in External Script Editor"), false, OpenFormulaInExternalScriptEditor, formula);
         menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Go to GitHub page"), false, GoToFormulaDownloadURL, formula);
         menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Hide"), formula.hidden, ToggleFormulaHidden, formula);
         if (formula.localFileExists)
             menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Delete"), false, DeleteFormula, formula);
        public void DownloadFormula(FormulaData formulaData, bool isUpdateCheck)
            DebugLog("Download Formula: " + formulaData.name + " isUpdateCheck: " + isUpdateCheck);
            if (downloadFormulaActions.Any(x => x.formulaData == formulaData))
                Debug.Log("Formula already being downloaded");
            var urlToUse = isUpdateCheck ? formulaData.apiURL : formulaData.downloadURL;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlToUse))
                formulaData.UpdateCheckTimeUTC = DateTime.UtcNow;
                DebugLog("Formula's url to use is null or empty, not downloading.");

            var downloadFormulaAction = new DownloadFormulaAction();

            downloadFormulaAction.formulaData   = formulaData;
            downloadFormulaAction.isUpdateCheck = isUpdateCheck;
            if (isUpdateCheck)
                formulaData.UpdateCheckTimeUTC = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var request = WebRequest.Create(new Uri(urlToUse)) as HttpWebRequest;

            downloadFormulaAction.request = request;
            request.UserAgent             = "EditorFormulas";
            request.Method          = "GET";
            request.CachePolicy     = new HttpRequestCachePolicy(HttpRequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
            request.IfModifiedSince = formulaData.DownloadTimeUTC;
            request.BeginGetResponse(HandleAsync_DownloadFormula, downloadFormulaAction);

Exemple #6
        void DrawDownloadButton(GUIContent defaultContent, FormulaData formula)
            var  guiContent                    = defaultContent;
            var  diffInMilliseconds            = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(formula.DownloadTimeUTC).TotalMilliseconds;
            bool compilingOrDownloadingFormula = (EditorApplication.isCompiling && diffInMilliseconds < 20000) || webHelper.IsDownloadingFormula(formula);

            //If the formula is in WebHelper's download queue or
            //the editor is compiling and download was less than 20 seconds ago, show spinner
            if (compilingOrDownloadingFormula)
                int waitSpinIndex = Mathf.FloorToInt(((float)(diffInMilliseconds % 2000d) / 2000f) * 12f);
                guiContent = waitSpinGUIContents[waitSpinIndex];
                doRepaint  = true;

            if (GUILayout.Button(guiContent, GUILayout.MaxWidth(24), GUILayout.MaxHeight(18)))
                //Button should do nothing if compiling or downloading formula
                if (!compilingOrDownloadingFormula)
                    webHelper.DownloadFormula(formula, false);
 public bool IsDownloadingFormula(FormulaData formulaData)
     return(downloadFormulaActions.Any(x => x.formulaData == formulaData));
 void ProcessGetOnlineFormulasResponse()
     if (getOnlineFormulasResponse != null || useLastGetOnlineFormulasResponse)
         string responseStreamString = null;
         DebugLog("Get online formulas response");
         if (useLastGetOnlineFormulasResponse)
             DebugLog("Using last response");
             useLastGetOnlineFormulasResponse = false;
             responseStreamString             = formulaDataStore.lastGetOnlineFormulasResponse;
         else if (getOnlineFormulasResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
             DebugLog("Got response with OK status code");
             responseStreamString = new StreamReader(getOnlineFormulasResponse.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
         //Not modified is handled in try/catch so what's the issue here?
             Debug.Log("Something went wrong in get online formulas response: " + getOnlineFormulasResponse.StatusCode);
         DebugLog("Response in next line\n" + responseStreamString);
         if (getOnlineFormulasResponse != null)
             getOnlineFormulasResponse = null;
         if (responseStreamString != null)
             var repositoryContentsList = MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(responseStreamString) as List <object>;
             //If json deserialized into a proper object
             if (repositoryContentsList != null)
                 //Set formulaDataStore.lastGetOnlineFormulasResponse to the response string
                 formulaDataStore.lastGetOnlineFormulasResponse = responseStreamString;
             foreach (Dictionary <string, object> content in repositoryContentsList)
                 var apiURL      = content["url"] as string;
                 var htmlURL     = content["html_url"] as string;
                 var downloadURL = content ["download_url"] as string;
                 var extension   = Path.GetExtension(downloadURL);
                 //If it's a .cs file
                 if (string.Equals(extension, ".cs", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                     var fileName = Path.GetFileName(downloadURL);
                     var fileNameWithoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(downloadURL);
                     //Check to see if it exists in formulaDataStore
                     var formula = formulaDataStore.FormulaData.Find(x => x.name == fileNameWithoutExtension);
                     if (formula == null)
                         formula                 = new FormulaData();
                         formula.name            = fileNameWithoutExtension;
                         formula.projectFilePath = Constants.formulasFolderUnityPath + fileName;
                         formula.localFileExists = new FileInfo(Utils.GetFullPathFromAssetsPath(formula.projectFilePath)).Exists;
                         formula.downloadURL     = downloadURL;
                         formula.htmlURL         = htmlURL;
                         formula.apiURL          = apiURL;
                         //If download URL doesn't match (can happen if file was copied to project, instead of downloaded)
                         if (!string.Equals(formula.downloadURL, downloadURL))
                             //Update download url
                             formula.downloadURL = downloadURL;
             //Update lastUpdateTime if we didn't use last response
             if (!useLastGetOnlineFormulasResponse)
                 formulaDataStore.LastUpdateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
             if (FormulaDataUpdated != null)
Exemple #9
        void DrawUsableFormula(FormulaData formula)
            var niceName = ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(formula.name);
            var method   = formula.methodInfo;

            if (method == null)

            var parameters           = parametersDictionary[method];
            var parameterValuesArray = parameterValuesDictionary[method];

            var hasParameters = parameters.Length > 0;

            if (hasParameters)
                GUILayout.BeginVertical(GUI.skin.box, GUILayout.MaxWidth(this.position.width));


            var formulaButtonWidth = this.position.width - 32;

            if (hasParameters)
                formulaButtonWidth -= 4;
            if (formula.updateAvailable)
                formulaButtonWidth -= 32;

            //Commented out for now, not sure if necessary - Button is only enabled if parameters have been initialized
//			GUI.enabled = parameters.Length == 0 || parameterValuesArray.All(x => x != null);
            if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent(niceName, niceName), GUILayout.Width(formulaButtonWidth)))
                method.Invoke(null, parameterValuesArray);
//			GUI.enabled = true;

            if (formula.updateAvailable)
                DrawDownloadButton(updateButtonGUIContent, formula);


            if (hasParameters)
                //Draw parameter fields
                for (int p = 0; p < parameters.Length; p++)
                    var parameter         = parameters[p];
                    var parameterType     = parameter.ParameterType;
                    var niceParameterName = ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(parameter.Name);
                    var valueObj          = parameterValuesArray[p];
                    object newValue = null;

                    //				if(parameterType.IsClass && parameterType.IsSerializable)
                    //				{
                    //					var fieldInfos = parameterType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
                    //					//TODO: Draw a field for each public instance field of class
                    //				}

                    if (parameterType == typeof(int))
                        newValue = EditorGUILayout.IntField(new GUIContent(niceParameterName, niceParameterName), valueObj != null ? ((int)valueObj) : 0);
                    else if (parameterType == typeof(float))
                        newValue = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent(niceParameterName, niceParameterName), valueObj != null ? ((float)valueObj) : 0f);
                    else if (parameterType == typeof(string))
                        newValue = EditorGUILayout.TextField(new GUIContent(niceParameterName, niceParameterName), valueObj != null ? ((string)valueObj) : string.Empty);
                    else if (parameterType == typeof(bool))
                        newValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent(niceParameterName, niceParameterName), valueObj != null ? ((bool)valueObj) : false);
                    else if (parameterType == typeof(Rect))
                        newValue = EditorGUILayout.RectField(new GUIContent(niceParameterName, niceParameterName), valueObj != null ? ((Rect)valueObj) : new Rect());
                    //TODO: Don't do this, instead use RectOffset as a class
                    else if (parameterType == typeof(RectOffset))
                        //We use a Vector4Field for RectOffset type because there isn't an Editor GUI drawer for rect offset
                        var rectOffset = (RectOffset)valueObj;
                        var vec4       = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field(niceParameterName, valueObj != null ? new Vector4(rectOffset.left, rectOffset.right, rectOffset.top, rectOffset.bottom) : Vector4.zero);
                        newValue = new RectOffset((int)vec4.x, (int)vec4.y, (int)vec4.z, (int)vec4.w);
                    else if (parameterType == typeof(Vector2))
                        var fieldWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth;
                        EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 1f;
                        newValue = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field(new GUIContent(niceParameterName, niceParameterName), valueObj != null ? ((Vector2)valueObj) : Vector2.zero);
                        EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = fieldWidth;
                    else if (parameterType == typeof(Vector3))
                        newValue = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field(new GUIContent(niceParameterName, niceParameterName), valueObj != null ? ((Vector3)valueObj) : Vector3.zero);
                    else if (parameterType == typeof(Vector4))
                        newValue = EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field(niceParameterName, valueObj != null ? ((Vector4)valueObj) : Vector4.zero);
                    else if (parameterType == typeof(Color))
                        newValue = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(new GUIContent(niceParameterName, niceParameterName), valueObj != null ? ((Color)valueObj) : Color.white);
                    else if (parameterType == typeof(UnityEngine.Object))
                        newValue = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(new GUIContent(niceParameterName, niceParameterName), valueObj != null ? ((UnityEngine.Object)valueObj) : null, parameterType, true);
                    else if (parameterType.IsEnum)
                        newValue = EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(new GUIContent(niceParameterName, niceParameterName), valueObj != null ? ((System.Enum)valueObj) : default(System.Enum));
                    else if (parameterType == typeof(LayerMask))
                        newValue = Utils.LayerMaskField(niceParameterName, valueObj != null ? ((LayerMask)valueObj) : default(LayerMask));
                    if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                        parameterValuesArray[p] = newValue;

            if (hasParameters)