public EdifactModel(EdifactSegmentModel segment) : this() { this.Segments.Add(segment); }
public EdifactModel Read(StreamReader sr, EdifactParseSettings defaultSettings) { var model = new EdifactModel(); /* the current model, start with a new edifact model */ var segment = new EdifactSegmentModel(); /* the current segment, start with a new segment */ var dataElement = new EdifactDataElement(); /* the current dataElement, start with a new data element */ bool isEscaped = false; /* true, if the last character was a ReleaseCharacter */ ParserState state = ParserState.Tag; /* start in SegmentTag mode */ StringBuilder textbuffer = new StringBuilder(); /* text buffer */ /* try to read the parse settings by looking for the UNA element at the start of the stream */ Queue <char> unprocessedChars; EdifactParseSettings settings = ReadUNA(sr, out unprocessedChars); model.UNA = settings; /* store the UNA parse settings of the model */ if (settings == null) /* if the stream does not contain settings (it is missing the UNA segment) */ { settings = defaultSettings; /* then use the provided defaultSettings for parsing the model */ } int r; /* start with the unprocessedChars from the ReadUNA read attempt, then switch to the rest of the stream */ while ((r = (unprocessedChars.Count > 0 ? unprocessedChars.Dequeue() : sr.Read())) != -1) { char c = (char)r; bool add = false; if (isEscaped) /* if the previous character was an escape */ { add = true; /* then add it to the text buffer */ isEscaped = false; /* and stop the escaping */ } else { if (c == settings.ReleaseCharacter) /* if it's an escape character, escape the next char */ { isEscaped = true; } else if (c == settings.SegmentTagDataElementSeparator) /* if segment tag / data element change occurs */ { switch (state) { case ParserState.Tag: segment.SegmentType = textbuffer.Cut(); /* set the collected text as the segments type and reset the buffer */ state = ParserState.DataElement; /* the next separators will separate data elements */ break; case ParserState.DataElement: dataElement.Components.Add(textbuffer.Cut()); /* complete the component */ segment.DataElements.Add(dataElement); /* add the completed dataElement to segment */ dataElement = new EdifactDataElement(); /* start a new dataElement */ break; } } else if (c == settings.ComponentDataElementSeparator) { dataElement.Components.Add(textbuffer.Cut()); /* complete the component */ } else if (c == settings.SegmentTerminator) /* if it's the end of the segment */ { if (segment.SegmentType == null) /* complete the segment if it's not completed yet */ { segment.SegmentType = textbuffer.Cut(); } else { dataElement.Components.Add(textbuffer.Cut()); /* complete the component */ segment.DataElements.Add(dataElement); /* add the completed dataElement to the segment */ dataElement = new EdifactDataElement(); /* and start a new dataElement */ } model.Segments.Add(segment); /* add the completed segment to the model */ segment = new EdifactSegmentModel(); /* and start a new segment */ state = ParserState.Tag; /* switch back to the SegmentTag state */ } else if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { } /* ignore line breaks */ else { add = true; /* if this was no special character, add it to the buffer */ } } if (add) { textbuffer.Append(c); /* collect it in the text buffer */ } } return(model); }
public EdifactModel Read(StreamReader sr, EdifactParseSettings defaultSettings) { var model = new EdifactModel(); /* the current model, start with a new edifact model */ var segment = new EdifactSegmentModel(); /* the current segment, start with a new segment */ var dataElement = new EdifactDataElement(); /* the current dataElement, start with a new data element */ bool isEscaped = false; /* true, if the last character was a ReleaseCharacter */ ParserState state = ParserState.Tag; /* start in SegmentTag mode */ StringBuilder textbuffer = new StringBuilder(); /* text buffer */ /* try to read the parse settings by looking for the UNA element at the start of the stream */ Queue<char> unprocessedChars; EdifactParseSettings settings = ReadUNA(sr, out unprocessedChars); model.UNA = settings; /* store the UNA parse settings of the model */ if (settings == null) /* if the stream does not contain settings (it is missing the UNA segment) */ settings = defaultSettings; /* then use the provided defaultSettings for parsing the model */ int r; /* start with the unprocessedChars from the ReadUNA read attempt, then switch to the rest of the stream */ while ( (r = (unprocessedChars.Count > 0 ? unprocessedChars.Dequeue() : sr.Read())) != -1) { char c = (char)r; bool add = false; if (isEscaped) /* if the previous character was an escape */ { add = true; /* then add it to the text buffer */ isEscaped = false; /* and stop the escaping */ } else { if (c == settings.ReleaseCharacter) /* if it's an escape character, escape the next char */ isEscaped = true; else if (c == settings.SegmentTagDataElementSeparator) /* if segment tag / data element change occurs */ { switch (state) { case ParserState.Tag: segment.SegmentType = textbuffer.Cut(); /* set the collected text as the segments type and reset the buffer */ state = ParserState.DataElement; /* the next separators will separate data elements */ break; case ParserState.DataElement: dataElement.Components.Add(textbuffer.Cut()); /* complete the component */ segment.DataElements.Add(dataElement); /* add the completed dataElement to segment */ dataElement = new EdifactDataElement(); /* start a new dataElement */ break; } } else if (c == settings.ComponentDataElementSeparator) { dataElement.Components.Add(textbuffer.Cut()); /* complete the component */ } else if (c == settings.SegmentTerminator) /* if it's the end of the segment */ { if (segment.SegmentType == null) /* complete the segment if it's not completed yet */ segment.SegmentType = textbuffer.Cut(); else { dataElement.Components.Add(textbuffer.Cut()); /* complete the component */ segment.DataElements.Add(dataElement); /* add the completed dataElement to the segment */ dataElement = new EdifactDataElement(); /* and start a new dataElement */ } model.Segments.Add(segment); /* add the completed segment to the model */ segment = new EdifactSegmentModel(); /* and start a new segment */ state = ParserState.Tag; /* switch back to the SegmentTag state */ } else if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { } /* ignore line breaks */ else add = true; /* if this was no special character, add it to the buffer */ } if (add) textbuffer.Append(c); /* collect it in the text buffer */ } return model; }