public void Run() { Int64 now = UtilsCore.UnixTimeStampMs(); m_timeLastStart = now; OnRun(); m_timeLastEnd = now; if (m_thread != null) { m_thread = null; } }
// Note: If cache is expired, but new query don't return IPs, old cache it's returned. public static IpAddresses ResolveDNS(string host, bool nocache) { if (nocache) { return(Platform.Instance.ResolveDNS(host)); } else { DnsManagerEntry entry = null; lock (m_cache) { if (m_cache.ContainsKey(host)) { entry = m_cache[host]; } else { entry = new DnsManagerEntry(); } } Int64 now = UtilsCore.UnixTimeStamp(); Int64 delay = now - entry.TimeStamp; Int64 ttl = 3600; if ((Engine.Instance != null) && (Engine.Instance.Storage != null)) { ttl = Engine.Instance.Storage.GetInt("dns.cache.ttl"); } if (delay >= ttl) { IpAddresses result = Platform.Instance.ResolveDNS(host); if (result.Count != 0) { entry.Response = result; entry.TimeStamp = now; lock (m_cache) { m_cache[host] = entry; } } } return(entry.Response); } }
public string Refresh() { m_lastRefreshTry = UtilsCore.UnixTimeStamp(); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, Messages.ManifestUpdate); string globalResult = ""; // TOOPTIMIZE: Stop at first error foreach (Provider provider in Providers) { if (provider.Enabled) { string result = provider.Refresh(); if (result != "") { if (Engine.Instance.ConnectionActive == null) // Note: only if not connected, otherwise misunderstanding. { if (Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("ui.skip.provider.manifest.failed") == false) { Engine.Instance.OnProviderManifestFailed(provider); } } if (globalResult != "") { globalResult += "; "; } globalResult += result; } } } Engine.Instance.PostManifestUpdate(); if (globalResult == "") { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, Messages.ManifestDone); m_lastRefreshDone = UtilsCore.UnixTimeStamp(); } return(globalResult); }
public bool NeedUpdate(bool recommended) { Int64 refreshInterval = Engine.Instance.Storage.GetInt("advanced.manifest.refresh"); if (refreshInterval == 0) { return(false); } if (refreshInterval < 0) { refreshInterval = 10; // Default } if (m_lastRefreshTry + 60 * refreshInterval < UtilsCore.UnixTimeStamp()) { return(true); } return(false); }
public void DoRefresh(bool force) { bool postRefreshRecompute = force; foreach (Provider provider in Providers) { if (provider.Enabled) { if ((force) || (provider.GetNeedRefresh())) { postRefreshRecompute = true; string result = provider.OnRefresh(); if (result != "") { if (Engine.Instance.ConnectionActive == null) // Note: only if not connected, otherwise misunderstanding. { if (Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("ui.skip.provider.manifest.failed") == false) { Engine.Instance.OnProviderManifestFailed(provider); } } } } } } if (postRefreshRecompute) { Engine.Instance.PostManifestUpdate(); } m_lastRefreshDone = UtilsCore.UnixTimeStamp(); if (InvalidateWithNextRefresh) { InvalidateWithNextRefresh = false; Engine.Instance.InvalidateConnections(); } }
public static string FormatTime(Int64 unix) { if (unix == 0) { return("-"); } string o = ""; Int64 now = UtilsCore.UnixTimeStamp(); if (unix == now) { o = GetText("TimeJustNow"); } else if (unix < now) { o = FormatSeconds(now - unix) + " " + GetText("TimeAgo"); } else { o = FormatSeconds(unix - now) + " " + GetText("TimeRemain"); } return(o); }
public void CheckRun() { if (m_cancelRequested) { return; } Int64 now = UtilsCore.UnixTimeStampMs(); if (m_thread != null) { // Already running } else if ((m_timeLastStart != 0) && (m_timeLastEnd < m_timeLastStart)) { // Already running } else if (now - m_timeLastEnd < m_timeEvery) { // Not need } else { //Engine.Instance.Logs.LogVerbose("Run job " + this.GetType().FullName); if (GetSync()) { Run(); } else { m_thread = new System.Threading.Thread(this.Run); m_thread.Priority = GetPriority(); m_thread.Start(); } } }
public void LogDebug(string message) { long ts = UtilsCore.UnixTimeStampMs(); LogVerbose(ts.ToString() + ":" + message); }
public virtual string OnRefresh() { m_lastTryRefresh = UtilsCore.UnixTimeStamp(); return(""); }
public virtual string HashSHA256(string str) { return(UtilsCore.HashSHA256(ID + "-" + str)); }
private static bool AllowPath(string path) { string sha256 = ""; string signId = ""; if (Platform.Instance.FileExists(path) == false) { return(false); } List <string> trustedPaths = Platform.Instance.GetTrustedPaths(); foreach (string trustedPath in trustedPaths) { if (path.StartsWith(trustedPath, StringComparison.InvariantCulture)) { return(true); } } // Avoid if possible any shell before the storage init. if (Engine.Instance.Storage == null) { return(false); } Json rulesCustom = Engine.Instance.Storage.GetJson("external.rules"); for (int r = 0; r < 2; r++) { Json rules = null; if (r == 0) { if (Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("external.rules.recommended")) { rules = Engine.Instance.Manifest["external-rules-recommended"].Value as Json; } else { continue; } } else if (r == 1) { rules = rulesCustom; } foreach (Json rule in rules.GetArray()) { string type = rule["type"].Value as string; if (type == "all") { return(true); } if (type == "sign") { if (signId == "") { signId = Platform.Instance.FileGetSignedId(path); } if (rule["id"].Value as string == signId) { return(true); } } if (type == "sha256") { if (sha256 == "") { sha256 = UtilsCore.HashSHA256File(path); } if (rule["hash"].Value as string == sha256) { return(true); } } if (type == "path") { if (rule["path"].Value as string == path) { return(true); } } } } // Ensure compute, Report and result if (signId == "") { signId = Platform.Instance.FileGetSignedId(path); } if (sha256 == "") { sha256 = UtilsCore.HashSHA256File(path); } Json askToUi = new Json(); askToUi["sha256"].Value = sha256; askToUi["sign-id"].Value = signId; askToUi["path"].Value = path; // Propose to add rule to UI Json replyUi = Engine.Instance.OnAskShellExternalPermission(askToUi); if (replyUi.HasKey("allow")) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(replyUi["allow"].Value) == false) { return(false); } } if (replyUi.HasKey("type")) { replyUi.RemoveKey("allow"); rulesCustom.Append(replyUi); Engine.Instance.Storage.SetJson("external.rules", rulesCustom); return(AllowPath(path)); } if (replyUi.HasKey("allow")) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(replyUi["allow"].Value) == true) { return(true); } } //Engine.Instance.Storage.SetJson("external.rules", rules); return(false); }
public bool VersionAboveOrEqual(string v) { return(UtilsCore.CompareVersions(Version, v) >= 0); }
public bool VersionUnder(string v) { return(UtilsCore.CompareVersions(Version, v) == -1); }
public static IpAddresses GetGuardIps(bool force) { // This is called a lots of time. Int64 now = UtilsCore.UnixTimeStamp(); if ((force == false) && ((now - m_lastGuardTime < 60))) { return(m_lastGuardIps); } IpAddresses ips = new IpAddresses(); try { string controlHost = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("").ToLowerInvariant().Trim(); if ((controlHost != "") && (controlHost.ToLowerInvariant() != "localhost")) { // Guard IPS are used to avoid routing loop, that occur only if the Tor host is the same machine when OpenVPN run. return(ips); } List <string> ipsMessages = new List <string>(); using (TcpClient s = new TcpClient()) { Connect(s); Write(s, "getinfo circuit-status\n"); Flush(s); string circuits = Read(s); string[] circuitsLines = circuits.Split('\n'); foreach (string circuit in circuitsLines) { string id = circuit.ToLowerInvariant().RegExMatchOne("\\d+\\sbuilt\\s\\$([0-9a-f]+)"); if (id != "") { Write(s, "getinfo ns/id/" + id.ToUpperInvariant() + "\n"); string nodeInfo = Read(s); string[] nodeLines = nodeInfo.Split('\n'); foreach (string line in nodeLines) { string ip = line.RegExMatchOne("r\\s.+?\\s.+?\\s.+?\\s.+?\\s.+?\\s(.+?)\\s"); if ((IpAddress.IsIP(ip)) && (!ips.Contains(ip))) { ips.Add(ip); ipsMessages.Add(ip + " (circuit)"); } } } } Write(s, "getconf bridge\n"); Flush(s); string bridges = Read(s); if (bridges.IndexOf("meek") == -1) //Panic if we have meek enabled, don't yet know what to do :-( { string[] bridgeLines = bridges.Split('\n'); foreach (string bridge in bridgeLines) { List <string> matches = bridge.ToLowerInvariant().RegExMatchSingle("250.bridge=(.+?)\\s([0-9a-f\\.\\:]+?):\\d+\\s"); if ((matches != null) && (matches.Count == 2)) { string bridgeType = matches[0]; string ip = matches[1]; if ((IpAddress.IsIP(ip)) && (!ips.Contains(ip))) { ips.Add(matches[1]); ipsMessages.Add(matches[1] + " (" + bridgeType + ")"); } } } } else { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, LanguageManager.GetText("TorControlMeekUnsupported")); } if (ips.Count == 0) { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, LanguageManager.GetText("TorControlNoIps")); //throw new Exception(Messages.TorControlNoIps); } else { string list = String.Join("; ", ipsMessages.ToArray()); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, LanguageManager.GetText("TorControlGuardIps", list)); } } } catch (Exception e) { //throw new Exception(LanguageManager.GetText("TorControlException, e.Message)); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Warning, LanguageManager.GetText("TorControlException", e.Message)); } m_lastGuardIps = ips; m_lastGuardTime = now; return(ips); }
public void Start() { m_command = new ElevatedProcess.Command(); if (Platform.Instance.NeedExecuteOutsideAppPath(ExePath)) { string tempPathToDelete = UtilsCore.GetTempPath() + "/openvpn-" + RandomGenerator.GetHash(); if (Platform.Instance.FileExists(tempPathToDelete)) { Platform.Instance.FileDelete(tempPathToDelete); } System.IO.File.Copy(ExePath, tempPathToDelete); ExePath = tempPathToDelete; DeleteAfterStart = true; } m_command.Parameters["command"] = "process_openvpn"; m_command.Parameters["path"] = ExePath; m_command.Parameters["airbuild"] = (AirBuild ? "y":"n"); m_command.Parameters["gui-version"] = Constants.Name + Constants.VersionDesc; m_command.Parameters["config"] = ConfigPath; m_command.ExceptionEvent += delegate(ElevatedProcess.Command cmd, string message) { StdErr.Write("Error: " + message); }; m_command.ReceiveEvent += delegate(ElevatedProcess.Command cmd, string data) { string feedbackType = data.Substring(0, 6); string feedbackData = data.Substring(7); if (feedbackType == "stdout") { StdOut.Write(feedbackData); } else if (feedbackType == "stderr") { StdErr.Write(feedbackData); } else if (feedbackType == "procid") { m_pid = Conversions.ToInt32(feedbackData); if (DeleteAfterStart) { Platform.Instance.FileDelete(ExePath); } } else if (feedbackType == "return") { } }; m_command.CompleteEvent += delegate(ElevatedProcess.Command cmd) { StdOut.Stop(); StdErr.Stop(); if (EndEvent != null) { EndEvent(); } }; m_command.DoASync(); }