        /* Create the viewholder                                             */
        public override RecyclerView.ViewHolder OnCreateViewHolder(
            ViewGroup parent, int viewType)
            /* Inflate the cardview                                          */
            View view = LayoutInflater.From(parent.Context).Inflate(
                Resource.Layout.AnnouncementCardLayout, parent, false);

            /* Create a viewholder to hold view references inside the        */
            /* cardview                                                      */
            RecyclerView.ViewHolder _viewHolder = new announcementViewHolder(view);

            /* Get the current ViewHolder                                    */
            #region NOTE
            // NOTE: keep this as a local variable
            announcementViewHolder _currentHolder =
                _viewHolder as announcementViewHolder;

            /* Expand the touchable area of all views with the specified     */
            /* tag name                                                      */
            #region NOTE
            // NOTE: Eventually ExpandTouchableByTagName() will not have to take the
            // direct parent layout as a parameter. Recursion can be used to loop
            // through the views and find them by tag name. Once this is implemented,
            // the ROOT VIEW can be used as the parameter
            //ExpandTouchableByTagName(_currentHolder.ParentLayout, "ExpandTouchable");

        /* Bind the layout views to the viewholder                           */
        public override void OnBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder,
                                              int position)
            /* Find the current card based off of its position in the        */
            /* recyclerview and set its title and image                      */
            Card card = Announcements[position];

            CurrentHolder = holder as announcementViewHolder;
            _context.RunOnUiThread(() => CurrentHolder.BindCard(card));