public static int Numbers() { Console.WriteLine("You've chosen to play numbers, please choose a " + "number between 0 and 36, or 00"); int num = int.Parse(OtherStuff.GetChoice(Console.ReadLine())); if (Bets.Numbers(num) == 1) { return(1); } else { return(0); } }
public static int Corner() { Console.WriteLine("You've chosen to play Corner. Please pick the " + "bottom left number of the corner you would like to play."); int num = int.Parse(OtherStuff.GetChoice(Console.ReadLine())); if (Bets.Corner(num) == 1) { return(1); } else { return(0); } }
public static int DoubleRows() { Console.WriteLine("You've chosen to play 6 Numbers. Which " + "section would you like to play: Please choose the first number" + " i.e. 1, 7, 13, etc."); int num = int.Parse(OtherStuff.GetChoice(Console.ReadLine())); if (Bets.DoubleRows(num) == 1) { return(1); } else { return(0); } }
public static int Streets() { Console.WriteLine("You've chosen to play Streets. Which " + "street would you like to play: Please choose the first number" + " in the street. i.e. 1, 4, 7, etc."); int num = int.Parse(OtherStuff.GetChoice(Console.ReadLine())); if (Bets.Streets(num) == 1) { return(1); } else { return(0); } }
public static int Split() { Console.WriteLine("You've chosen to play Split. Which " + "number would you like to split?"); int num = int.Parse(OtherStuff.GetChoice(Console.ReadLine())); Console.WriteLine("What number would you like to split that with?"); int num2 = int.Parse(OtherStuff.GetChoice(Console.ReadLine())); if (Bets.Split(num, num2) == 1) { return(1); } else { return(0); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Colores.Board(); int turn = 10; bool won = false; do { string game = OtherStuff.GetGame(); int bet = OtherStuff.GetBet(); if (game == "Numbers") { int result = Games.Numbers(); if (result == 1) { wallet += (bet * 35); won = true; } else { wallet -= bet; won = false; } turn--; } if (game == "Evens or Odds") { int result = Games.EvensOrOdds(); if (result == 1) { wallet += bet; won = true; } else { wallet -= bet; won = false; } turn--; } if (game == "Reds or Blacks") { int result = Games.RedsOrBlacks(); if (result == 1) { wallet += bet; won = true; } else { wallet -= bet; won = false; } turn--; } if (game == "Lows or Highs") { int result = Games.LowsOrHighs(); if (result == 1) { wallet += bet; won = true; } else { wallet -= bet; won = false; } turn--; } if (game == "Dozens") { int result = Games.Dozens(); if (result == 1) { wallet += bet; won = true; } else { wallet -= bet; won = false; } turn--; } if (game == "Columns") { int result = Games.Columns(); if (result == 1) { wallet += (bet * 2); won = true; } else { wallet -= bet; won = false; } turn--; } if (game == "Streets") { int result = Games.Streets(); if (result == 1) { wallet += (bet * 11); won = true; } else { wallet -= bet; won = false; } turn--; } if (game == "6 Numbers") { int result = Games.DoubleRows(); if (result == 1) { wallet += (bet * 5); won = true; } else { wallet -= bet; won = false; } turn--; } if (game == "Split") { int result = Games.Split(); if (result == 1) { wallet += (bet * 17); won = true; } else { wallet -= bet; won = false; } turn--; } if (game == "Corner") { int result = Games.Corner(); if (result == 1) { wallet += (bet * 8); won = true; } else { wallet -= bet; won = false; } turn--; } if (won == true) { Console.WriteLine($"Congrats you won! You now have ${wallet}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Sorry mate you lost, on the bright side you " + $"still have ${wallet}"); } } while (wallet > 0 && turn > 0); if (turn == 0 && wallet >= 1000) { Console.WriteLine($"\n\tCongratulations you won ${wallet - 1000}"); Console.WriteLine($"\n\tYou're leaving the casino with ${wallet}, " + $"feel free to come again!"); } else if (turn == 0 && wallet <= 1000) { Console.WriteLine($"\n\tYou're leaving the casino with ${wallet}, " + $"We're very sorry you didn't have better luck," + " maybe next time!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("\n\tI'm sorry you have nothing more to bet with, " + "Sorry you didn't have much luck. Please come again!"); } }