Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports the constellations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcRegion">The source region.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static IEnumerable<SerializableConstellation> ExportConstellations(IHasID srcRegion)
            => Database.MapConstellationsTable
                .Where(x => x.RegionID == srcRegion.ID)
                .Select(srcConstellation =>
                    SerializableConstellation constellation = new SerializableConstellation
                        ID = srcConstellation.ID,
                        Name = srcConstellation.Name

                    // Systems
                    constellation.Systems.AddRange(ExportSystems(srcConstellation).OrderBy(x => x.Name));
                    return constellation;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the geo datafile.
        /// </summary>
        private static void GenerateGeography()
            Console.Write(@"Generated geography datafile... ");

            s_counter = 0;
            s_percentOld = 0;
            s_text = String.Empty;
            s_startTime = DateTime.Now;

            var allSystems = new List<SerializableSolarSystem>();
            var regions = new List<SerializableRegion>();

            // Regions
            foreach (MapRegion srcRegion in s_regions)
                var region = new SerializableRegion
                                     ID = srcRegion.ID,
                                     Name = srcRegion.Name

                // Constellations
                var constellations = new List<SerializableConstellation>();
                foreach (MapConstellation srcConstellation in s_constellations.Where(x => x.RegionID == srcRegion.ID))
                    var constellation = new SerializableConstellation
                                                ID = srcConstellation.ID,
                                                Name = srcConstellation.Name

                    // Systems
                    const double baseDistance = 1.0E14;
                    var systems = new List<SerializableSolarSystem>();
                    foreach (
                        MapSolarSystem srcSystem in s_solarSystems.Where(x => x.ConstellationID == srcConstellation.ID))
                        var system = new SerializableSolarSystem
                                             ID = srcSystem.ID,
                                             Name = srcSystem.Name,
                                             X = (int) (srcSystem.X/baseDistance),
                                             Y = (int) (srcSystem.Y/baseDistance),
                                             Z = (int) (srcSystem.Z/baseDistance),
                                             SecurityLevel = srcSystem.SecurityLevel

                        // Stations
                        var stations = new List<SerializableStation>();
                        foreach (StaStation srcStation in s_stations.Where(x => x.SolarSystemID == srcSystem.ID))

                            // Agents
                            var stationAgents = new List<SerializableAgent>();
                            foreach (AgtAgents srcAgent in s_agents.Where(x => x.LocationID == srcStation.ID))
                                var agent = new SerializableAgent
                                                    ID = srcAgent.ID,
                                                    Level = srcAgent.Level,
                                                    Quality = srcAgent.Quality,
                                                    Name = s_names.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == srcAgent.ID).Name

                            var station = new SerializableStation
                                                  ID = srcStation.ID,
                                                  Name = srcStation.Name,
                                                  CorporationID = srcStation.CorporationID,
                                                  CorporationName = s_names.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == srcStation.CorporationID).Name,
                                                  ReprocessingEfficiency = srcStation.ReprocessingEfficiency,
                                                  ReprocessingStationsTake = srcStation.ReprocessingStationsTake,
                                                  Agents = stationAgents.ToArray()
                        system.Stations = stations.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToArray();
                    constellation.Systems = systems.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToArray();
                region.Constellations = constellations.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToArray();

            // Jumps
            var jumps = new List<SerializableJump>();
            foreach (MapSolarSystemJump srcJump in s_jumps)

                // In CCP tables, every jump is included twice, we only need one.
                if (srcJump.A < srcJump.B)
                    jumps.Add(new SerializableJump {FirstSystemID = srcJump.A, SecondSystemID = srcJump.B});

            s_endTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" in {0}", s_endTime.Subtract(s_startTime)).TrimEnd('0'));

            // Serialize
            var datafile = new GeoDatafile();
            datafile.Regions = regions.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToArray();
            datafile.Jumps = jumps.ToArray();
            Util.SerializeXML(datafile, DatafileConstants.GeographyDatafile);