Inheritance: ESRIUK.DynamicLocators.Core.LocatorWrapper
        public void TestFindAddressCandidatesWithEmptyInput()

            IPropertySet addressObj = new PropertySetClass();

            BNG_Locator bng = new BNG_Locator();
            IArray matches = bng.FindAddressCandidates(addressObj);
            Assert.IsTrue(matches.Count == 0);
        public void TestGetGridReferenceCorrectValues(double x, double y, string sRef, string expectedRes)
            IPoint testPoint = new PointClass();
            testPoint.PutCoords(x, y);

            if (sRef == "BNG")
                testPoint.SpatialReference = bngSRef;
                testPoint.SpatialReference = wgs84SRef;

            BNG_Locator bng = new BNG_Locator();
            IPropertySet results = bng.ReverseGeocode(testPoint, false);
            object obj = results.GetProperty("BNG");
            Assert.IsTrue(obj.ToString() == expectedRes);
        public void TestFindAddressCandidatesCannotMatchAddress(string address)

            // Get the input from the IPropertySet
            object names = null;
            object values = null;

            IPropertySet addressObj = new PropertySetClass();
            names = new string[] { "Single Line Address" };
            // Get centre point of Envelope for geocode location
            // Workaround for currnet non Point geometry issue
            values = new object[] { address };

            addressObj.SetProperties(names, values);

            BNG_Locator bng = new BNG_Locator();
            IArray matches = bng.FindAddressCandidates(addressObj);
            Assert.IsTrue(matches.Count == 0);