Exemple #1
        /// \fn private async void BtnCreateMonthlySummary_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        /// \brief  Event handler. Called by BtnCreateMonthlySummary for click events
        /// \author Arie
        /// \date   2019-04-20
        /// \param  sender  Source of the event.
        /// \param  e       Routed event information.
        private async void BtnCreateMonthlySummary_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Get the month and year
            Nullable <DateTime> selectedDate = SelectDate.SelectedDate();

            if (selectedDate != null)
                DateTime date = (DateTime)selectedDate;

                // Create the file
                if (await Task.Run(() => MainWindow.billing.MonthlyBillSummary(date)))
                    // Display results
                    var firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
                    var lastDayOfMonth  = firstDayOfMonth.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

                    //string query = "SELECT attendee_hcn, code, gender, date, DollarAmount " +
                    //                    "FROM BillReport('" +
                    //                    date.Year + "-" + date.Month + "-" + "01 00:00:00', '" +
                    //                    date.Year + "-" + date.Month + "-" + lastDayOfMonth.Day + " 00:00:00')"
                    //                    ;


                    txbFeedBack.Text = "Successfully created billing summary";
                txbFeedBack.Text = "Failed to generate billing summary";

Exemple #2
        /// \fn private async void BtnShowMonthlySummary_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        /// \brief  Event handler. Called by BtnShowMonthlySummary for click events
        /// \author Arie
        /// \date   2019-04-20
        /// \param  sender  Source of the event.
        /// \param  e       Routed event information.
        private async void BtnShowMonthlySummary_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Get the month and year
            Nullable <DateTime> selectedDate = SelectDate.SelectedDate();

            if (selectedDate != null)
                DateTime date = (DateTime)selectedDate;

                DataTable dt = await Task.Run(() => MainWindow.billing.MonthlyBillSummaryTable(date));



                    dgData.DataContext = dt.DefaultView;
                catch (Exception expt)
                    System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Exception : " + expt.Message);
                txbFeedBack.Text = "Failed to generate billing summary. Have you reconciled the MOH file?";
Exemple #3
        /// \fn private async void CreateBillingFile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        /// \brief  Event handler. Called by CreateBillingFile for click events
        /// \author Arie
        /// \date   2019-04-20
        /// \param  sender  Source of the event.
        /// \param  e       Routed event information.
        private async void CreateBillingFile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Get the month and year
            Nullable <DateTime> selectedDate = SelectDate.SelectedDate();

            if (selectedDate != null)
                DateTime date     = (DateTime)selectedDate;
                string   fileName = null;

                // Ask where to save the file.
                Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog();
                saveFileDialog.FileName   = Constants.monthlyBill + date.ToString("yyyyMM"); // The default name of the file
                saveFileDialog.DefaultExt = Constants.fileExt;                               // The default extension
                saveFileDialog.Filter     = "Text documents (.txt)|*.txt";                   // Filter files by extension

                if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                    fileName = saveFileDialog.FileName;
                    // If user cancels, use default file name.
                    fileName = Constants.dbDirectory + @"\" + Constants.monthlyBill + date.ToString("yyyyMM") + Constants.fileExt;

                // Create the file
                if (await Task.Run(() => MainWindow.billing.GenMonthlyBill(date, fileName)))
                    // Display results
                    var firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
                    var lastDayOfMonth  = firstDayOfMonth.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

                    string query = "SELECT attendee_hcn, code, gender, date, DollarAmount " +
                                   "FROM BillReport('" +
                                   firstDayOfMonth + "', '" +
                                   lastDayOfMonth + "')"
                                   //date.Year + "-" + date.Month + "-" + "01 00:00:00', '" +
                                   //date.Year + "-" + date.Month + "-" + lastDayOfMonth.Day + " 00:00:00')"


                    txbFeedBack.Text = "Successfully created billing file";
                txbFeedBack.Text = "Failed to generate billing file";

Exemple #4
        /// \fn private void ViewResponse_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        /// \brief  Event handler. Called by ViewResponse for click events
        /// \author Arie
        /// \date   2019-04-21
        /// \param  sender  Source of the event.
        /// \param  e       Routed event information.
        private void ViewResponse_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Get the month and year
            Nullable <DateTime> selectedDate = SelectDate.SelectedDate();

            if (selectedDate != null)
                DateTime date = (DateTime)selectedDate;

                var firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
                var lastDayOfMonth  = firstDayOfMonth.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

                string query = "SELECT appointmentDate, HCN, gender, Code, fee, encounterState " +
                               "FROM ResponseRecord " +
                               "WHERE appointmentDate >= '" + firstDayOfMonth + "' " +
                               "AND appointmentDate <= '" + lastDayOfMonth + "'";
