public Task LoadContactsAsync(bool checksyncage) { return(Task.Run(() => { Trace.WriteLine("_filePathEsri: " + _filePathEsri); LogOutput.Log("LoadContactsAsync - Task "); LogOutput.Log("LoadContactsAsync - Esri file path : " + _filePathEsri); //ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("LoadContactsAsync Task started..."); FrameworkApplication.State.Activate("sync_contacts_state"); ReloadContacts(checksyncage); FrameworkApplication.State.Deactivate("sync_contacts_state"); })); }
public async void CheckUSEPADir() { //ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("USEPADirAsync - Check if Target US EPA dir: "+ _filePathEme); LogOutput.Log("USEPADirAsync - Check if Target US EPA dir: " + _filePathEme); if (!Directory.Exists(_filePathEme)) { string src = _installPath + "\\EMEdb\\"; //ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("USEPADirAsync - Creating US EPA db dir and copying contents from : " + src); LogOutput.Log("USEPADirAsync - Creating U.S. EPA dir at: " + _filePathEme); LogOutput.Log("USEPADirAsync - Source Dir: " + src); await CopyDir(srcDir : src, targDir : _filePathEme); } }
private void ReloadContacts(bool checkage = true) { #region Load EME Configuration File // Load emeConfig.xml LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - try load eme config: " + _filePathEme + "emeConfig.xml"); try { _emeConfig.Load(_filePathEme + "emeConfig.xml"); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - emeConfig.xml not found, loading template"); //ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Reload Contacts - emeConfig.xml does not exist, loading template..."); _emeConfig.LoadXml( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?> \n" + "<emeConfig> \n" + " <xs:schema id=\"emeConfig\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xs=\"\" xmlns:msdata=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata\"> \n" + " <xs:element name=\"emeControl\"> \n" + " <xs:complexType> \n" + " <xs:sequence> \n" + " <xs:element name=\"controlName\" type=\"xs:string\"/> \n" + " <xs:element name=\"param\" maxOccurs=\"10\" minOccurs=\"0\"> \n" + " <xs:complexType mixed=\"true\"> \n" + " <xs:attribute name=\"label\" type=\"xs:string\" use=\"required\" /> \n" + " </xs:complexType> \n" + " </xs:element> \n" + " <xs:element name=\"url\" maxOccurs=\"10\" minOccurs=\"0\"> \n" + " <xs:complexType mixed=\"true\"> \n" + " <xs:attribute name=\"label\" type=\"xs:string\" use=\"required\" /> \n" + " </xs:complexType> \n" + " </xs:element> \n" + " <xs:element name=\"date\" maxOccurs=\"10\" minOccurs=\"0\"> \n" + " <xs:complexType mixed=\"true\"> \n" + " <xs:attribute name=\"label\" type=\"xs:string\" use=\"required\" /> \n" + " </xs:complexType> \n" + " </xs:element> \n" + " <xs:element name=\"required\" maxOccurs=\"10\" minOccurs=\"0\"> \n" + " <xs:complexType mixed=\"true\"> \n" + " <xs:attribute name=\"label\" type=\"xs:string\" use=\"required\" /> \n" + " </xs:complexType> \n" + " </xs:element> \n" + " </xs:sequence> \n" + " </xs:complexType> \n" + " </xs:element> \n" + " <xs:element name=\"emeControl\"> \n" + " <xs:complexType> \n" + " <xs:choice minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\"> \n" + " <xs:element ref=\"emeControl\" /> \n" + " </xs:choice> \n" + " </xs:complexType> \n" + " </xs:element> \n" + " </xs:schema> \n" + " <emeControl> \n" + " <controlName>Contacts Manager</controlName> \n" + " <param label=\"Contacts Source\">EPA Contact</param> \n" + " <url label=\"Contacts URL\"></url> \n" + " <date label=\"Local Cache\">2010-06-27T12:00:00-07:00</date> \n" + " </emeControl> \n" + "</emeConfig>"); } #endregion var directoryName = _emeConfig.SelectSingleNode("//emeControl[controlName[contains(. , 'Contacts Manager')]]/param").InnerText; var directoryUrl = _emeConfig.SelectSingleNode("//emeControl[controlName[contains(. , 'Contacts Manager')]]/url").InnerText; DateTime lastSync = DateTime.Parse(_emeConfig.SelectSingleNode("//emeControl[controlName[contains(. , 'Contacts Manager')]]/date").InnerText); TimeSpan syncAge = ((DateTime.Now) - lastSync); //var syncDays = syncAge.ToString("d'd 'h'h 'm'm 's's'"); // Check to see if local file is older than 8 hours: //bool dbExpired = syncAge > (new TimeSpan(0, 8, 0, 0)); // Check if contacts.bak exists // this is created during LoadList. If LoadList crashes, then contacts.xml will be corrupted // replace contacts.xml with contacts.bak if (File.Exists(_filePathEsri + "contacts.bak")) { LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - replace contacts.xml with contacts.bak"); LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - contacts.xml: " + _filePathEsri + "contacts.xml"); LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - contacts.bak: " + _filePathEsri + "contacts.bak"); //ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Reload Contacts - replace contacts.bak"); File.Delete(_filePathEsri + "contacts.xml"); File.Copy(_filePathEsri + "contacts.bak", _filePathEsri + "contacts.xml"); File.Delete(_filePathEsri + "contacts.bak"); } HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(directoryUrl); //one minute timeout request.Timeout = 60000; request.Method = "HEAD"; //test URL without downloading the content bool dosync = (!checkage | (checkage & (syncAge > (new TimeSpan(0, 8, 0, 0))))); if (dosync) { LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - syncing contacts... "); Notification syncnotification = new Notification(); //syncnotification.Title = FrameworkApplication.Title; syncnotification.Title = "EPA Metadata Editor Pro"; syncnotification.Message = $"Syncing Online Contacts... \n Last sync was {lastSync.ToString()}"; syncnotification.ImageUrl = @"pack://*****:*****@"pack://application:,,,/ArcGIS.Desktop.Resources;component/Images/GenericOptions32.png"; ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.FrameworkApplication.AddNotification(nosyncnotification); //MessageBoxResult fileCheck = MessageBox.Show("Local cache is " + syncDays + " old.\nContacts will be loaded from local cache.", "EME Contacts Manager", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } //ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Reload Contacts - loading contacts.xml..."); LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - try load contactsBAK from contacts.xml: " + _filePathEsri + "contacts.xml"); if (!File.Exists(_filePathEsri + "contacts.xml")) { LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - loading contactsBAK from template XML "); _contactsBAK.LoadXml( "<contacts> \n" + " <contact> \n" + " <editorSource></editorSource> \n" + " <editorDigest></editorDigest> \n" + " <rpIndName></rpIndName> \n" + " <rpOrgName></rpOrgName> \n" + " <rpPosName></rpPosName> \n" + " <editorSave></editorSave> \n" + " <rpCntInfo></rpCntInfo> \n" + " </contact> \n" + "</contacts>"); } else { LogOutput.Log("Reload Contacts - loading contacts.bak from contacts.xml"); _contactsBAK.Load(_filePathEsri + "contacts.xml"); } // save backup of user contacts.xml LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - save contactsBAK: " + _filePathEsri + "contacts.bak"); _contactsBAK.Save(_filePathEsri + "contacts.bak"); LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - load contacts.xml "); try { _contactsEsri.Load(_filePathEsri + "contacts.xml"); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - contacts.xml not found, loading template xml "); _contactsEsri.LoadXml( "<contacts> \n" + " <contact> \n" + " <editorSource></editorSource> \n" + " <editorDigest></editorDigest> \n" + " <rpIndName></rpIndName> \n" + " <rpOrgName></rpOrgName> \n" + " <rpPosName></rpPosName> \n" + " <editorSave></editorSave> \n" + " <rpCntInfo></rpCntInfo> \n" + " </contact> \n" + "</contacts>"); } LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - load epa contacts: " + _filePathEme + "contacts.xml"); try { _contactsEpa.Load(_filePathEme + "contacts.xml"); } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException) { LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - epa contacts not found loading from template xml "); _contactsEpa.LoadXml( "<contacts> \n" + " <contact> \n" + " <editorSource></editorSource> \n" + " <editorDigest></editorDigest> \n" + " <rpIndName></rpIndName> \n" + " <rpOrgName></rpOrgName> \n" + " <rpPosName></rpPosName> \n" + " <editorSave></editorSave> \n" + " <rpCntInfo></rpCntInfo> \n" + " </contact> \n" + "</contacts>"); } LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - clone merge contacts..."); // new document XmlDocument cloneMerge = new XmlDocument(); #region This method took 8.66 seconds to load contacts //try { cloneMerge.Load(_filePathEsri + "contacts.cfg"); } //catch //{ // MessageBoxResult contactsTest = MessageBox.Show("Could not load contacts.cfg", "EME Contacts Manager", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); //} #endregion //ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Reload Contacts - cloneMerge contacts..."); #region This takes 8.00 seconds to load XmlNode contactsNodeMerge = cloneMerge.CreateElement("contacts"); cloneMerge.AppendChild(contactsNodeMerge); // Populate contacts list with local contacts.xml and Agency Directory var listEsri = _contactsEsri.SelectNodes("//contact"); var listEpa = _contactsEpa.SelectNodes("//contact"); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (XmlNode child in listEsri) { // remove editorSource XmlNode e1 = child.SelectSingleNode("editorSource"); if (null != e1) { e1.InnerText = "My Contacts"; } e1 = child.SelectSingleNode("editorDigest"); if (null != e1) { string digest = Utils.Utils.GeneratePartyKey(child); e1.InnerText = digest; } // save back localuser editorSource sb2.Append("<contact>"); sb2.Append(child.InnerXml); sb2.Append("</contact>"); } foreach (XmlNode child in listEpa) { // remove editorSource XmlNode e2 = child.SelectSingleNode("editorSource"); if (null != e2) { e2.InnerText = directoryName; } e2 = child.SelectSingleNode("editorDigest"); if (null != e2) { string digest = Utils.Utils.GeneratePartyKey(child); e2.InnerText = digest; } e2 = child.SelectSingleNode("editorSave"); if (null != e2) { e2.InnerText = "False"; } // save back epa editorSource sb2.Append("<contact>"); sb2.Append(child.InnerXml); sb2.Append("</contact>"); } // append to clone LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - append to clone"); contactsNodeMerge.InnerXml = sb2.ToString(); #endregion //ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Reload Contacts - merging contacts..."); // save to file LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - save clone to file: " + Utils.Utils.GetContactsFileLocation()); cloneMerge.Save(Utils.Utils.GetContactsFileLocation()); //cloneMerge.Save(_filePathEsri + "contacts.cfg"); LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - restore contacts.xml to og state..."); // restore contacts.xml to original state _contactsBAK.Save(Utils.Utils.GetContactsFileLocation()); // contacts.xml restored successfully. It is now safe to delete BAK file. LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - contacts.xml restored successfully. It is now safe to delete BAK file."); if (File.Exists(_filePathEsri + "contacts.bak")) { //ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Reload Contacts - delete contacts.bak"); File.Delete(_filePathEsri + "contacts.bak"); } LogOutput.Log("ReloadContacts - DONE"); //done notification Notification donenotification = new Notification(); donenotification.Title = "EPA Metadata Editor Pro"; donenotification.Message = "Contacts Loaded"; donenotification.ImageUrl = @"pack://application:,,,/ArcGIS.Desktop.Resources;component/Images/GenericCheckMark32.png"; ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.FrameworkApplication.AddNotification(donenotification); }