protected void TranslateEdiFiles() { SafeAndEdiFilePath objSafeAndEdiFilePath = new SafeAndEdiFilePath(); EdiFilesPaths EdiFilePath = objSafeAndEdiFilePath.GetFilesAndPaths(); string[] DirectoryList = Directory.GetDirectories(EdiFilePath.sAcceptPath); Translator objTranslator = new Translator(); foreach (var item in DirectoryList) { DirectoryInfo dir_info = new DirectoryInfo(item); switch (dir_info.Name) { case "850": objTranslator.TranslateEdi850File(EdiFilePath.sPath, EdiFilePath.sSefPath, EdiFilePath.sAcceptPath + @"\850\", EdiFilePath.sEdiDonePath); break; case "852": objTranslator.TranslateEdi852File(EdiFilePath.sPath, EdiFilePath.sSefPath, EdiFilePath.sAcceptPath + @"\852\", EdiFilePath.sEdiDonePath); break; case "860": objTranslator.TranslateEdi860File(EdiFilePath.sPath, EdiFilePath.sSefPath, EdiFilePath.sAcceptPath + @"\860\", EdiFilePath.sEdiDonePath); break; default: break; } } }
public EdiFilesPaths GetFilesAndPaths() { EdiFilesPaths List = new EdiFilesPaths() { sPath = @"" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppPath"] + @"\", sInboundPath = @"" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppPath"] + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EDI_Inbound"] + @"\", sOutboundPath = @"" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppPath"] + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EDI_Outbound"] + @"\", sSefPath = @"" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppPath"] + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Seffolder"] + @"\", sAcceptPath = @"" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppPath"] + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EDI_Accepted"] + @"\", sEdiDonePath = @"" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppPath"] + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EDI_DONE"] + @"\", sRejectPath = @"" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppPath"] + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EDI_Rejected"] + @"\", s997Path = @"" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppPath"] + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EDI_997"] + @"\" }; return(List); }
protected void AcknowledgeInboundEDIFiles() { try { ediDocument oEdiDoc = null; ediDataSegment oSegment = null; ediAcknowledgment oAck = null; ediSchemas oSchemas = null; string sSegmentID; string sLoopSection; int nArea; string sPrevEdiFile = ""; bool bInbound997True = false; // string sPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; SafeAndEdiFilePath objSafeAndEdiFilePath = new SafeAndEdiFilePath(); EdiFilesPaths EdiFilePath = objSafeAndEdiFilePath.GetFilesAndPaths(); // string sPath = @"" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppPath"] + @"\"; string sPath = EdiFilePath.sPath; SqlConnection oConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EdiDb"].ConnectionString); string sInboundPath = EdiFilePath.sInboundPath;//sPath + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EDI_Inbound"] + @"\"; string sOutboundPath = EdiFilePath.sOutboundPath;//sPath + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EDI_Outbound"] + @"\"; string sAcceptPath = EdiFilePath.sAcceptPath;//sPath + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EDI_Accepted"] + @"\"; string sRejectPath = EdiFilePath.sRejectPath;//sPath + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EDI_Rejected"] + @"\"; string s997Path = EdiFilePath.s997Path;//sPath + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EDI_997"] + @"\"; string sSefPath = EdiFilePath.sSefPath;//sPath + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Seffolder"] + @"\"; string sEdiDonePath = EdiFilePath.sEdiDonePath;//sPath + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EDI_DONE"] + @"\"; int nFileCount = 0; string[] sEdiPathFiles = Directory.GetFiles(sInboundPath); if (sEdiPathFiles.Length == 0) { //MessageBox.Show("There are no files in the EDI_Inbound folder."); LogLibrary.WriteErrorLog(" on AcknowledgeInboundEDIFiles" + "There are no files in the EDI_Inbound folder."); } else { System.Windows.Forms.Cursor Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor; oConnection.Open(); string sSql = "select * from [Config] "; SqlDataAdapter oDaConfig = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, oConnection); DataSet oConfigDs = new DataSet("dsConfig"); oDaConfig.Fill(oConfigDs, "dsConfig"); DataRow oConfigRow = oConfigDs.Tables["dsConfig"].Rows[0]; string sSenderIdQlfr = oConfigRow["SenderIdQlfr"].ToString(); string sSenderId = oConfigRow["SenderId"].ToString(); string sReceiverIdQlfr = oConfigRow["ReceiverIdQlfr"].ToString(); string sReceiverId = oConfigRow["ReceiverId"].ToString(); string sControlNumber = oConfigRow["ControlNumber"].ToString(); string sAcknowledgmentRequested = oConfigRow["AcknowledgmentRequested"].ToString(); string sUsageIndicator = oConfigRow["UsageIndicator"].ToString(); string sComponentElementSeparator = oConfigRow["ComponentElementSeparator"].ToString(); Int32 nControlNumber = Convert.ToInt32(sControlNumber); ediDocument.Set(ref oEdiDoc, new ediDocument()); //By default, FREDI uses the universal coordinated time (UTC), however you can change it to local time oEdiDoc.set_Option(DocumentOptionIDConstants.OptDocument_UseLocalTime, 1); // Disabling the internal standard reference library to makes sure that // FREDI uses only the SEF file provided ediSchemas.Set(ref oSchemas, (ediSchemas)oEdiDoc.GetSchemas()); oSchemas.EnableStandardReference = false; // This makes certain that the EDI file must use the same version SEF file, otherwise the process will stop. oSchemas.set_Option(SchemasOptionIDConstants.OptSchemas_VersionRestrict, 1); // By setting the cursor type to ForwardOnly, FREDI does not load the entire file into memory, which // improves performance when processing larger EDI files. oEdiDoc.CursorType = DocumentCursorTypeConstants.Cursor_ForwardOnly; // If an acknowledgment file has to be generated, an acknowledgment object must be created, and its // property must be enabled before loading the EDI file. oAck = (ediAcknowledgment)oEdiDoc.GetAcknowledgment(); oAck.EnableFunctionalAcknowledgment = true; // Load all SEF files from SEF folder. FREDI will automaticall select the appropriate one. string[] sSefPathFiles = Directory.GetFiles(sSefPath); foreach (string sSefPathFile in sSefPathFiles) { oEdiDoc.LoadSchema(sSefPathFile, 0); } // foreach string sDestTempFile = "dest_temp.txt"; using (Stream destStream = File.OpenWrite(sDestTempFile)) { foreach (string sEdiPathFile in sEdiPathFiles) { nFileCount = nFileCount + 1; string sEdiFile = Path.GetFileName(sEdiPathFile); DateTime dtEdiFileCreation = File.GetCreationTime(sEdiPathFile); string sEdiFileTranSetNo = ""; string sInbound997GroupContolNo = ""; string sInbound997TranSetNo = ""; string sInbound997Ack501 = ""; // Loads EDI file and the corresponding SEF file oEdiDoc.LoadEdi(sEdiPathFile); // This loop will generate a 997 EDI file if the inbound file is itslef not a 997 // Gets the first data segment in the EDI files ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, (ediDataSegment)oEdiDoc.FirstDataSegment); //oSegment = (ediDataSegment) oEdiDoc.FirstDataSegment // This loop iterates though the EDI file (850 or 997) a segment at a time while (oSegment != null) { // A segment is identified by its Area number, Loop section and segment id. sSegmentID = oSegment.ID; sLoopSection = oSegment.LoopSection; nArea = oSegment.Area; if (nArea == 1) { if (sLoopSection == "") { if (sSegmentID == "ST") { sEdiFileTranSetNo = oSegment.get_DataElementValue(1); if (sEdiFileTranSetNo == "997") { bInbound997True = true; } else { bInbound997True = false; } } else if (sSegmentID == "AK1") { sInbound997GroupContolNo = oSegment.get_DataElementValue(2); } // sSegmentID } else if (sLoopSection == "AK2") { if (sSegmentID == "AK2") { sInbound997TranSetNo = oSegment.get_DataElementValue(2); } else if (sSegmentID == "AK5") { sInbound997Ack501 = oSegment.get_DataElementValue(1); } // sSegmentID } // sLoopSection } // nArea //get next data segment ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, (ediDataSegment)oSegment.Next()); //oSegment = (ediDataSegment) oSegment.Next(); } // This reads the 997 object that was generated in the above loop to tell us // if the EDI file received should be accpeted or rejected. (This does not translate an inbound 997 EDI file.) if (!bInbound997True) // if not an inbound 997 file { // Checks the 997 acknowledgment file just created. // The 997 file is an EDI file, so the logic to read the 997 Functional Acknowledgemnt file is similar // to translating any other EDI file. // Gets the first segment of the 997 acknowledgment file ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, (ediDataSegment)oAck.GetFirst997DataSegment()); //oSegment = (ediDataSegment) oAck.GetFirst997DataSegment(); bool bFileAccepted = true; while (oSegment != null) { nArea = oSegment.Area; sLoopSection = oSegment.LoopSection; sSegmentID = oSegment.ID; if (nArea == 1) { if (sLoopSection == "") { if (sSegmentID == "AK9") { if (oSegment.get_DataElementValue(1, 0) == "R") { bFileAccepted = false; } } } // sLoopSection == "" } //nArea == 1 ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, (ediDataSegment)oSegment.Next()); //oSegment = (ediDataSegment) oSegment.Next(); } //oSegment != null if (bFileAccepted) { // All accepted EDI files are sent to the ACCEPTED folder and in their corresponding subfolders. File.Copy(sInboundPath + sEdiFile, sAcceptPath + "\\" + sEdiFileTranSetNo + "\\" + sEdiFileTranSetNo + "_" + dtEdiFileCreation.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "_" + sEdiFile, true); } else { File.Copy(sInboundPath + sEdiFile, sRejectPath + sEdiFileTranSetNo + "_" + dtEdiFileCreation.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "_" + sEdiFile, true); InsertRejectedFile(sEdiFile, sRejectPath, "EDI_Rejected", sEdiFileTranSetNo, dtEdiFileCreation.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss")); } // Combine all EDI files. This file will be read to create one 997 acknowledgment file for all incoming EDI files. using (Stream ediStream = File.OpenRead(sInboundPath + sEdiFile)) { ediStream.CopyTo(destStream); } } // if !bInbound997True else { File.Copy(sInboundPath + sEdiFile, s997Path + sEdiFileTranSetNo + "_" + dtEdiFileCreation.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "_" + sEdiFile, true); } // if bInbound997True if (File.Exists(sInboundPath + sPrevEdiFile)) { File.Delete(sInboundPath + sPrevEdiFile); } sPrevEdiFile = sEdiFile; } // foreach sEdiPathFile } // using // dispose old ack oAck.Dispose(); // instantiate new ack for combined 997 oAck = (ediAcknowledgment)oEdiDoc.GetAcknowledgment(); oAck.EnableFunctionalAcknowledgment = true; string sIsaControlNoBuff = "000000000" + sControlNumber.Trim(); string sIsaControlNo = sIsaControlNoBuff.Substring(sIsaControlNoBuff.Length - 9); // Set the starting point of the control numbers in the acknowledgment oAck.set_Property(AcknowledgmentPropertyIDConstants.PropertyAck_StartInterchangeControlNum, sIsaControlNo); oAck.set_Property(AcknowledgmentPropertyIDConstants.PropertyAck_StartGroupControlNum, sControlNumber); oAck.set_Property(AcknowledgmentPropertyIDConstants.PropertyAck_StartTransactionSetControlNum, 1); oAck.set_Option(AcknowledgmentOptionIDConstants.OptAcknowledgment_ReportToSingleInterchange, 1); oAck.set_Option(AcknowledgmentOptionIDConstants.OptAcknowledgment_ShowReportingLevel, 0); //create combined acknowledgment oEdiDoc.LoadEdi(sDestTempFile); ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, (ediDataSegment)oEdiDoc.FirstDataSegment); while (oSegment != null) { ediDataSegment.Set(ref oSegment, oSegment.Next()); } oAck.Save(sOutboundPath + "997_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".X12"); //increment Interchange control number sControlNumber = (Convert.ToInt32(sControlNumber) + 1).ToString(); sSql = @"UPDATE [Config] SET ControlNumber = @ControlNumber"; oDaConfig.UpdateCommand = new SqlCommand(sSql, oConnection); oDaConfig.UpdateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ControlNumber", sControlNumber); oDaConfig.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); oConnection.Close(); //Close oEdiDoc to release EDI file oEdiDoc.Close(); File.Delete(sDestTempFile); Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default; if (File.Exists(sInboundPath + sPrevEdiFile)) { File.Delete(sInboundPath + sPrevEdiFile); } //tblMessage.Style.Add("display", "block"); //lblMessage.Text = "Done. " + nFileCount.ToString() + " file(s) received."; } // if sEdiPathFiles.Length } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; LogLibrary.WriteErrorLog("Error = " + ex.Message); } }