public int parseWageworks(DataSet ds, string _yrmo)
            DateTime   createdt;
            Decimal    amt;
            String     transtype, lname, fname, last4ssn;
            int        _count = 0;
            List <int> cols;
            string     _tableName = "WageworksTable";

            String[]     colsH = new String[] { "CREATE_DATE", "Amount", "TRANSACTION_TYPE", "Last_Name", "First_Name", "LAST_4_SSN" };
            HRAImportDAL iObj  = new HRAImportDAL();

            cols = getColsIndices(ds, _tableName, colsH);

            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows.Count; i++)
                createdt  = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[0]]);
                amt       = Decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[1]].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
                transtype = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[2]].ToString();
                lname     = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[3]].ToString().Trim(); lname = HRA.GetProperCase(lname);
                fname     = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[4]].ToString().Trim(); fname = HRA.GetProperCase(fname);
                last4ssn  = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[5]].ToString();
                if (iObj.insertWageworks(_yrmo, createdt, amt, transtype, lname, fname, last4ssn))
            iObj.insertImportStatus(_yrmo, "Wageworks");
        public int parsePutnam(DataSet ds, string _yrmo, string _fname)
            DateTime   distdt;
            Decimal    distamt;
            String     transType, ssn, lname, fname;
            int        _count = 0;
            List <int> cols;
            String     _tableName = "PutnamTable";

            String[]     colsH = new String[] { "First Name", "Last Name", "SSN", "Distribution Date", "Transaction Code", "Distribution Amount" };
            HRAImportDAL iObj  = new HRAImportDAL();

            cols = getColsIndices(ds, _tableName, colsH);

            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows.Count; i++)
                distdt    = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[3]]);
                transType = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[4]].ToString();
                distamt   = Decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[5]].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
                ssn       = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[2]].ToString();
                if (ssn.Contains("-"))
                    ssn = ssn.Replace("-", "");
                lname = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[1]].ToString().Trim(); lname = HRA.GetProperCase(lname);
                fname = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[0]].ToString().Trim(); fname = HRA.GetProperCase(fname);

                if (iObj.insertPutnam(_yrmo, distdt, transType, distamt, ssn, lname, fname))
            iObj.insertImportStatus(_yrmo, "Putnam");
        public int parseHRAAUDITR(DataSet ds, string _qy)
            Nullable <DateTime> createdt, statusdt, modifydt, dob;
            int        empno, age, _uid;
            string     ssn, name, status, _period;
            int        _count = 0;
            List <int> cols;
            string     _tableName = "AUDITRTable";

            String[]     colsH = new String[] { "ssno", "empno", "name", "dob", "age", "retiredt", "modifydt" };
            HRAImportDAL iObj  = new HRAImportDAL();

            cols = getColsIndices(ds, _tableName, colsH);

            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows.Count; i++)
                ssn      = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[0]].ToString();
                empno    = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[1]].ToString());
                name     = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[2]].ToString().Replace("'", "''");
                dob      = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[3]]);
                age      = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[4]]);
                statusdt = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[5]]);
                modifydt = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[6]]);

                iObj.insertAUDITR(_qy, ssn, empno, name, dob, age, statusdt, modifydt);
            iObj.insertImportStatus(_qy, "HRAAUDITR");
Exemple #4
        public int ImportPtnmInvoice(string filepath, string _qy)
            string       vendor, period;
            int          partcount = 0;
            decimal      amount    = 0;
            HRA          hraobj    = new HRA();
            HRAImportDAL iobj      = new HRAImportDAL();
            FileStream   fs        = File.OpenRead(filepath);
            StreamReader d         = new StreamReader(fs);
            string       pattern   = @"^(?<Vendor>WageWorks|Mercer)\s+(?<Period>(Q[1234]\s+\d{4})|(\w{3}\-\d{2}))\s+(?<Participants>(((\d{1,3},)+\d{3})|\d+))\s+(?<Amount>\$(((\d{1,3},)+\d{3})|\d+)\.\d{2})$";
            Match        match1;
            string       txtline = "";
            int          records = 0;

                d.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                while (d.Peek() > -1)
                    txtline = d.ReadLine();
                    match1  = Regex.Match(txtline, pattern);
                    if (match1.Success)
                        vendor = match1.Groups["Vendor"].Value;
                        period = match1.Groups["Period"].Value;
                        if (vendor.Equals("WageWorks"))
                            period = hraobj.GetYRMO(period);
                        partcount = int.Parse(match1.Groups["Participants"].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowThousands);
                        amount    = Decimal.Parse(match1.Groups["Amount"].Value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
                        iobj.insertPutnamInvoice(_qy, vendor, period, partcount, amount);

                if (records != 4)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot find all required records. Check format of the report");

                iobj.insertImportStatus(_qy, "ptnm_invoice");

        public int parsePutnamAdj(DataSet ds, string _yrmo)
            DateTime   distdt;
            string     transType = "Adj";
            Decimal    distamt;
            String     ssn, name, lname, fname;
            int        _count = 0;
            List <int> cols;
            string     _tableName = "PutnamAdjTable";

            String[]     colsH = new String[] { "TRADE", "Amount", "SSN", "Name" };
            HRAImportDAL iObj  = new HRAImportDAL();

            cols = getColsIndices(ds, _tableName, colsH);

            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows.Count; i++)
                distdt  = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[0]]);
                distamt = Decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[1]].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
                ssn     = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[2]].ToString();
                if (ssn.Contains("-"))
                    ssn = ssn.Replace("-", "");
                name  = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[3]].ToString();
                lname = name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf(',')).Trim(); lname = HRA.GetProperCase(lname);
                fname = name.Substring(name.IndexOf(',') + 1).Trim(); fname = HRA.GetProperCase(fname);

                if (iObj.insertPutnamAdj(_yrmo, distdt, transType, distamt, ssn, lname, fname))
            iObj.insertImportStatus(_yrmo, "PutnamAdj");
        public int parseWageworkInvoice(DataSet ds, string _fname, string source, string yrmo)
            String     last4ssn, lname, fname;
            int        _count = 0;
            List <int> cols;
            String     _tableName = "WgwkInvTable";

            String[]     colsH = new String[] { "Last Name", "First Name", "ID Code" };
            HRAImportDAL iObj  = new HRAImportDAL();

            cols = getColsIndices(ds, _tableName, colsH);

            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows.Count; i++)
                lname = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[0]].ToString().Trim(); lname = HRA.GetProperCase(lname);
                if (lname.Contains("  "))
                    lname = lname.Replace("  ", " ");
                    lname = lname.Replace("'", "");
                fname = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[1]].ToString().Trim(); fname = HRA.GetProperCase(fname);
                if (fname.Contains("  "))
                    fname = fname.Replace("  ", " ");
                    fname = fname.Replace("'", "");
                last4ssn = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[2]].ToString().Trim();

                if (iObj.insertWageworkInvoice(lname, fname, last4ssn, source, yrmo))
            iObj.insertImportStatus(yrmo, "wgwk_invoice");
        public int parsePutnamPartData(DataSet ds, string _fname, string source, string _qy)
            Decimal       balance;
            String        ssn, lname, fname, partStatDesc, dob, termdt;
            SqlDateTime   dobSql, termdtSql;
            int           _count = 0;
            List <int>    cols;
            List <string> excludeSSNs;
            Boolean       excludeSSNfound;
            String        _tableName = "PutnamPartTable";

            String[]     colsH = new String[] { "SSN", "First Name", "Last Name", "Participant Status Description", "Date of Birth", "Termination Date", "Total Asset Balance" };
            HRAImportDAL iObj  = new HRAImportDAL();

            cols        = getColsIndices(ds, _tableName, colsH);
            excludeSSNs = HRAAdminDAL.GetExcludeSSNs();

            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows.Count; i++)
                ssn = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[0]].ToString().Trim();
                if (ssn.Contains("-"))
                    ssn = ssn.Replace("-", "");
                ssn = ssn.TrimStart('0');

                excludeSSNfound = false;
                foreach (string excludeSSN in excludeSSNs)
                    if (ssn.Equals(excludeSSN))
                        excludeSSNfound = true;
                if (excludeSSNfound)

                fname = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[1]].ToString().Trim(); fname = HRA.GetProperCase(fname);
                if (fname.Contains("  "))
                    fname = fname.Replace("  ", " ");
                    fname = fname.Replace("'", "");

                lname = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[2]].ToString().Trim(); lname = HRA.GetProperCase(lname);
                if (lname.Contains("  "))
                    lname = lname.Replace("  ", " ");
                    lname = lname.Replace("'", "");

                partStatDesc = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[3]].ToString().Trim();

                dob = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[4]].ToString().Trim();
                if (dob != null && dob != string.Empty)
                    dobSql = Convert.ToDateTime(dob);
                    dobSql = SqlDateTime.Null;

                termdt = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[5]].ToString().Trim();
                if (termdt != null && termdt != string.Empty)
                    termdtSql = Convert.ToDateTime(termdt);
                    termdtSql = SqlDateTime.Null;

                balance = Decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[6]].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);

                if (iObj.insertPutnamPartData(ssn, fname, lname, partStatDesc, dobSql, termdtSql, balance, source, _qy))
            iObj.insertImportStatus(_qy, "ptnm_partdata");
