public int GetPutnamPartDataCount(string yrmo)
            int      count  = 0;
            DateTime _date  = HRA.GetLastDayofYRMO(yrmo);
            string   _qy    = HRA.GetQuarterYear(yrmo);
            string   cmdstr = "SELECT COUNT(*) "
                              + "FROM hra_PartDataInvoice "
                              + "WHERE source = 'ptnm_partdata' "
                              + "AND period = @qy "
                              + "AND termdt <= @date "
                              + "AND balance > 0 "
                              + "AND (LOWER(RTRIM(LTRIM(partStatDesc))) <> 'terminated, paid out') ";

                if (connect == null || connect.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                command = new SqlCommand(cmdstr, connect);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@qy", _qy);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", _date);
                count = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());

        public decimal GetPutnamHRARecordRate(string _qy)
            HRA     hobj   = new HRA();
            decimal rate   = 0;
            string  yrmo   = hobj.GetMaxQuarterYRMO(_qy);
            string  cmdstr = "SELECT rate FROM hra_rates "
                             + "WHERE yrmo = "
                             + "( "
                             + "SELECT MAX(yrmo) FROM hra_rates "
                             + "WHERE yrmo <= @yrmo AND type = 'Putnam' "
                             + ") "
                             + "AND type = 'Putnam'";

                if (connect == null || connect.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                command = new SqlCommand(cmdstr, connect);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@yrmo", yrmo);
                object result = command.ExecuteScalar();
                if ((result == null) || (result == DBNull.Value))
                    throw new Exception("Cannot find Putnam HRA Record Rate for YRMO - " + yrmo + " or less");
                rate = Decimal.Parse(result.ToString());

        public int GetHRAAuditRCount(string yrmo)
            int      count  = 0;
            DateTime date   = HRA.GetLastDayofYRMO(yrmo);
            string   _qy    = HRA.GetQuarterYear(yrmo);
            string   cmdstr = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM hra_AUDITR WHERE modifydt <= @date AND period= @qy";

                if (connect == null || connect.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                command = new SqlCommand(cmdstr, connect);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@qy", _qy);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", date);
                count = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());

        public static Boolean hasPartData_AuditR_Discp(string _qy)
            Boolean  _result;
            HRA      hobj   = new HRA();
            int      count  = 0;
            string   yrmo   = hobj.GetMaxQuarterYRMO(_qy);
            DateTime date   = HRA.GetLastDayofYRMO(yrmo);
            string   cmdstr = "SELECT COUNT(*) "
                              + "FROM hra_PartDataInvoice "
                              + "WHERE source = 'ptnm_partdata' "
                              + "AND period = @qy "
                              + "AND termdt <= @date "
                              + "AND balance <> 0 "
                              + "AND (LOWER(RTRIM(LTRIM(partStatDesc))) <> 'terminated, paid out') "
                              + "AND CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(ssn, '-', '')))) NOT IN "
                              + "( "
                              + "SELECT CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(ssn, '-', '')))) "
                              + "FROM hra_AUDITR "
                              + "WHERE modifydt <= @date "
                              + "AND period= @qy "
                              + ") "
                              + "AND CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(ssn, '-', '')))) NOT IN "
                              + "( "
                              + "SELECT CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(dpnd_ssn, '-', '')))) "
                              + "FROM Dependant "
                              + "WHERE dpnd_owner = 1 AND dpnd_validated = 1 "
                              + ")  ";

                if (connect != null && connect.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                command = new SqlCommand(cmdstr, connect);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@qy", _qy);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", date);
                count = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());
                if (count != 0)
                    _result = true;
                    _result = false;

        public DataSet GetPartData_AuditR_Discp(string yrmo)
            DateTime       date = HRA.GetLastDayofYRMO(yrmo);
            string         _qy  = HRA.GetQuarterYear(yrmo);
            SqlDataAdapter da   = new SqlDataAdapter();
            DataSet        ds   = new DataSet(); ds.Clear();

            string cmdstr = "SELECT ssn AS [SSN], "
                            + "lastname AS [Last Name], "
                            + "firstname AS [First Name], "
                            + "CONVERT(VARCHAR(15),dob,101) AS [Birth Date], "
                            + "CONVERT(VARCHAR(15),termdt,101) AS [Termination Date], "
                            + "balance AS [Total Asset Balance] "
                            + "FROM hra_PartDataInvoice "
                            + "WHERE source = 'ptnm_partdata' "
                            + "AND period = @qy "
                            + "AND termdt <= @date "
                            + "AND balance > 0 "
                            + "AND (LOWER(RTRIM(LTRIM(partStatDesc))) <> 'terminated, paid out') "
                            + "AND CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(ssn, '-', '')))) NOT IN "
                            + "( "
                            + "SELECT CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(ssn, '-', '')))) "
                            + "FROM hra_AUDITR "
                            + "WHERE modifydt <= @date "
                            + "AND period= @qy "
                            + ") "
                            + "AND CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(ssn, '-', '')))) NOT IN "
                            + "( "
                            + "SELECT CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(dpnd_ssn, '-', '')))) "
                            + "FROM Dependant "
                            + "WHERE dpnd_owner = 1 AND dpnd_validated = 1 "
                            + ") "
                            + "ORDER BY lastname, firstname";

                if (connect == null || connect.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                command = new SqlCommand(cmdstr, connect);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@qy", _qy);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", date);
                da.SelectCommand = command;

        string GetEligFileHeader(string hraPlanNum)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(HRA.GetFixedLengthString(hraPlanNum, 6));
            sb.Append(HRA.GetFixedLengthString("CENSUS", 9));
            sb.Append(' ', 60);

        public static Boolean hasWgwkInv_PartData_noBal(string _qy)
            Boolean  _result;
            HRA      hobj     = new HRA();
            int      count    = 0;
            string   yrmo     = hobj.GetMaxQuarterYRMO(_qy);
            string   prevyrmo = hobj.getPrevYRMO(yrmo);
            string   priyrmo  = hobj.getPrevYRMO(prevyrmo);
            DateTime date     = HRA.GetLastDayofYRMO(yrmo);
            string   cmdstr   = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ssn) "
                                + "FROM hra_PartDataInvoice "
                                + "WHERE source = 'wgwk_invoice' "
                                + "AND period IN (@yrmo, @prevyrmo, @priyrmo) "
                                + "AND CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(ssn, '-', '')))) IN "
                                + "( "
                                + "SELECT CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(ssn, '-', '')))) "
                                + "FROM hra_PartDataInvoice "
                                + "WHERE source = 'ptnm_partdata' "
                                + "AND period = @qy "
                                + "AND termdt <= @date "
                                + "AND (balance = 0 OR (LOWER(RTRIM(LTRIM(partStatDesc))) = 'terminated, paid out')) "
                                + ") ";

                if (connect != null && connect.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                command = new SqlCommand(cmdstr, connect);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@qy", _qy);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", date);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@yrmo", yrmo);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@prevyrmo", prevyrmo);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@priyrmo", priyrmo);
                count = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());
                if (count != 0)
                    _result = true;
                    _result = false;

        public DataSet GetWgwkInv_PartData_PaidOut(string yrmo)
            DateTime       date = HRA.GetLastDayofYRMO(yrmo);
            string         _qy  = HRA.GetQuarterYear(yrmo);
            SqlDataAdapter da   = new SqlDataAdapter();
            DataSet        ds   = new DataSet(); ds.Clear();

            string cmdstr = "SELECT "
                            + "lastname AS [Last Name], "
                            + "firstname AS [First Name], "
                            + "ssn AS [SSN], "
                            + "balance AS [Total Asset Balance] "
                            + "FROM hra_PartDataInvoice "
                            + "WHERE source = 'ptnm_partdata' "
                            + "AND balance > 0 "
                            + "AND period = @qy "
                            + "AND termdt <= @date "
                            + "AND (LOWER(RTRIM(LTRIM(partStatDesc))) = 'terminated, paid out') "
                            + "AND CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(ssn, '-', '')))) IN "
                            + "( "
                            + "SELECT CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(ssn, '-', '')))) "
                            + "FROM hra_PartDataInvoice "
                            + "WHERE source = 'wgwk_invoice' "
                            + "AND period = @yrmo "
                            + ") "
                            + "ORDER BY lastname, firstname";

                if (connect == null || connect.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                command = new SqlCommand(cmdstr, connect);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@qy", _qy);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", date);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@yrmo", yrmo);
                da.SelectCommand = command;

        public DataSet GetAuditR_PartData_Discp2(string yrmo)
            DateTime       date = HRA.GetLastDayofYRMO(yrmo);
            string         _qy  = HRA.GetQuarterYear(yrmo);
            SqlDataAdapter da   = new SqlDataAdapter();
            DataSet        ds   = new DataSet(); ds.Clear();

            string cmdstr = "SELECT ssn AS [SSN], "
                            + "empno AS [EE#], "
                            + "substring(name,charindex(',', name)+1,len(name)) AS [Last Name], "
                            + "substring(name,1,charindex(',', name)-1) AS  [First Name], "
                            + "age AS [Age], "
                            + "CONVERT(VARCHAR(15),statusdt,101) AS [Status Date], "
                            + "CONVERT(VARCHAR(15),modifydt,101) AS [Modify Date] "
                            + "FROM hra_AUDITR "
                            + "WHERE modifydt > @date "
                            + "AND period= @qy "
                            + "AND CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(ssn, '-', '')))) NOT IN "
                            + "( "
                            + "SELECT CONVERT(INT, LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(ssn, '-', '')))) "
                            + "FROM hra_PartDataInvoice "
                            + "WHERE source = 'ptnm_partdata' "
                            + "AND period = @qy "
                            + "AND termdt <= @date "
                            + "AND balance > 0 "
                            + "AND (LOWER(RTRIM(LTRIM(partStatDesc))) <> 'terminated, paid out') "
                            + ") "
                            + "ORDER BY [Last Name], [First Name]";

                if (connect == null || connect.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                command = new SqlCommand(cmdstr, connect);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@qy", _qy);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", date);
                da.SelectCommand = command;

Exemple #10
        public void Pass1(String yrmo, Decimal begBal)
            HRASofoDAL sobj = new HRASofoDAL();
            HRA        gobj = new HRA();
            String     priyrmo = gobj.getPrevYRMO(yrmo);
            Decimal    diffamt, prev_endBal;
            String     errMsg = "";

            prev_endBal = sobj.getPrevEndBal(priyrmo);
            diffamt     = begBal - prev_endBal;

            if (diffamt != 0)
                throw new Exception("Previous month ending balance " + prev_endBal.ToString("C") + " does not equal current month beginning balance " + begBal.ToString("C") + " !");
Exemple #11
        string GetEligFileFooter(int counter, string hraPlanNum)
            string strcntr = counter.ToString();

            strcntr = strcntr.PadLeft(11, '0');
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(' ', 1);
            sb.Append(HRA.GetFixedLengthString(hraPlanNum, 6));
            sb.Append(HRA.GetFixedLengthString("CENSUS", 9));
            sb.Append(' ', 29);
            sb.Append(' ', 20);

Exemple #12
        public void CheckRptsImported(string _qy)
            string[] YRMOs  = HRA.GetYRMOs(_qy);
            string   errmsg = "";

            string[]     source = { "ptnm_invoice", "ptnm_partdata", "wgwk_invoice" };
            HRAImportDAL iobj   = new HRAImportDAL();

            if (!HRAAdminDAL.AUDITRInserted(_qy))
                errmsg = "HRAAUDITR data is not present for Quarter/Year - " + _qy + ". Run HRA Operations process!<br/>";

            if (!iobj.PastImport(source[0], _qy))
                errmsg += "Putnam Invoice report not imported for Quarter/Year - " + _qy + "<br />";

            if (!iobj.PastImport(source[1], _qy))
                errmsg += "Putnam's Participant Data report not imported<br />";

            string temp = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (!iobj.PastImport(source[2], YRMOs[i]))
                    temp += YRMOs[i] + ", ";
            if (temp != "")
                errmsg += "Wageworks Invoice report not imported for YRMO(s) - " + temp.Remove(temp.Length - 2) + "<br />";

            if (errmsg != "")
                throw new Exception(errmsg);
Exemple #13
        public static Boolean AUDITRInserted(string _qy)
            HRA    hobj   = new HRA();
            int    count  = 0;
            string cmdstr = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [hra_AUDITR] WHERE [period] = @qy";

                if (connect == null || connect.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                command = new SqlCommand(cmdstr, connect);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@qy", _qy);
                count = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());

                if (count == 0)
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(hobj.GetMaxQuarterYRMO(_qy)) < 200804)
        public int parsePutnamAdj(DataSet ds, string _yrmo)
            DateTime   distdt;
            string     transType = "Adj";
            Decimal    distamt;
            String     ssn, name, lname, fname;
            int        _count = 0;
            List <int> cols;
            string     _tableName = "PutnamAdjTable";

            String[]     colsH = new String[] { "TRADE", "Amount", "SSN", "Name" };
            HRAImportDAL iObj  = new HRAImportDAL();

            cols = getColsIndices(ds, _tableName, colsH);

            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows.Count; i++)
                distdt  = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[0]]);
                distamt = Decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[1]].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
                ssn     = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[2]].ToString();
                if (ssn.Contains("-"))
                    ssn = ssn.Replace("-", "");
                name  = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[3]].ToString();
                lname = name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf(',')).Trim(); lname = HRA.GetProperCase(lname);
                fname = name.Substring(name.IndexOf(',') + 1).Trim(); fname = HRA.GetProperCase(fname);

                if (iObj.insertPutnamAdj(_yrmo, distdt, transType, distamt, ssn, lname, fname))
            iObj.insertImportStatus(_yrmo, "PutnamAdj");
Exemple #15
        public static void InsertAuditR()
            DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Clear();

            ds = GetEligAuditData("HRAAUDITR", String.Empty);
            string cmdstr1, cmdstr2, ssn, name, status, _period;
            int    empno, age, _uid;
            Nullable <DateTime> createdt, statusdt, modifydt, dob;

            if (connect == null || connect.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                _uid     = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
                createdt = DateTime.Today;
                _period  = HRA.GetQuarterYear(DateTime.Today);
                cmdstr1  = "DELETE FROM [hra_AUDITR] WHERE [period] = @period";
                command  = new SqlCommand(cmdstr1, connect);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@period", _period);
                command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Dispose();

                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    empno    = Convert.ToInt32(row["Emp#"]);
                    ssn      = row["SSN"].ToString();
                    name     = row["Name"].ToString();
                    dob      = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Birth Date"]);
                    age      = Convert.ToInt32(row["Age"]);
                    status   = row["Status"].ToString();
                    statusdt = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Status Date"]);
                    modifydt = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Modify Date"]);

                    cmdstr2 = "INSERT INTO [hra_AUDITR] "
                              + "([empno] "
                              + ",[period] "
                              + ",[userID] "
                              + ",[createdt] "
                              + ",[ssn] "
                              + ",[name] "
                              + ",[dob] "
                              + ",[age] "
                              + ",[status] "
                              + ",[statusdt] "
                              + ",[modifydt]) "
                              + "VALUES "
                              + "(@empno "
                              + ",@period "
                              + ",@uid "
                              + ",@createdt "
                              + ",@ssn "
                              + ",@name "
                              + ",@dob "
                              + ",@age "
                              + ",@status "
                              + ",@statusdt "
                              + ",@modifydt)";

                    command = new SqlCommand(cmdstr2, connect);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@empno", empno);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@period", _period);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@uid", _uid);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@createdt", createdt);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ssn", ssn);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", name);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dob", dob);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@age", age);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@status", status);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@statusdt", statusdt);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@modifydt", modifydt);
                    command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Dispose();
        public int parseWageworkInvoice(DataSet ds, string _fname, string source, string yrmo)
            String     last4ssn, lname, fname;
            int        _count = 0;
            List <int> cols;
            String     _tableName = "WgwkInvTable";

            String[]     colsH = new String[] { "Last Name", "First Name", "ID Code" };
            HRAImportDAL iObj  = new HRAImportDAL();

            cols = getColsIndices(ds, _tableName, colsH);

            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows.Count; i++)
                lname = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[0]].ToString().Trim(); lname = HRA.GetProperCase(lname);
                if (lname.Contains("  "))
                    lname = lname.Replace("  ", " ");
                    lname = lname.Replace("'", "");
                fname = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[1]].ToString().Trim(); fname = HRA.GetProperCase(fname);
                if (fname.Contains("  "))
                    fname = fname.Replace("  ", " ");
                    fname = fname.Replace("'", "");
                last4ssn = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[2]].ToString().Trim();

                if (iObj.insertWageworkInvoice(lname, fname, last4ssn, source, yrmo))
            iObj.insertImportStatus(yrmo, "wgwk_invoice");
Exemple #17
        public string GetEligFile()
            DataSet       empds     = new DataSet();
            DataSet       dshrainfo = new DataSet();
            StringBuilder sb        = new StringBuilder();
            HRAOperDAL    dobj      = new HRAOperDAL();

            int    counter = 0;
            string start, end;
            string hraPlanNum = HRAOperDAL.GetHRAPlanNum();

            /**************  Header of Elig File   ************************************/

            sb.Append(GetEligFileHeader(hraPlanNum) + Environment.NewLine);

            /**************  Build Records   ******************************************/

            empds = dobj.GetEmployeeInfo();

            foreach (DataRow row in empds.Tables[0].Rows)
                //start and end of each line
                start = "813" + "  " + hraPlanNum.PadLeft(6, '0') + " " + row["ssn"].ToString().Trim().PadLeft(9, '0');
                end   = "";
                end   = end.PadRight(24, ' ') + Environment.NewLine;

                //participant info
                dshrainfo = getHRaPartInfo(row);

                foreach (DataRow row1 in dshrainfo.Tables[0].Rows)
                    if (row1["codeid"].ToString() != "N/A" && row1["codeid"].ToString() != "RET")
                        sb.Append(start + row1["codeid"].ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + HRA.GetFixedLengthString(row1["value"].ToString(), 32) + end);

            /*****************  (Footer) Trailer Record   *****************************/

            sb.Append(GetEligFileFooter(counter, hraPlanNum));

        public int parseWageworks(DataSet ds, string _yrmo)
            DateTime   createdt;
            Decimal    amt;
            String     transtype, lname, fname, last4ssn;
            int        _count = 0;
            List <int> cols;
            string     _tableName = "WageworksTable";

            String[]     colsH = new String[] { "CREATE_DATE", "Amount", "TRANSACTION_TYPE", "Last_Name", "First_Name", "LAST_4_SSN" };
            HRAImportDAL iObj  = new HRAImportDAL();

            cols = getColsIndices(ds, _tableName, colsH);

            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows.Count; i++)
                createdt  = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[0]]);
                amt       = Decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[1]].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
                transtype = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[2]].ToString();
                lname     = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[3]].ToString().Trim(); lname = HRA.GetProperCase(lname);
                fname     = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[4]].ToString().Trim(); fname = HRA.GetProperCase(fname);
                last4ssn  = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[5]].ToString();
                if (iObj.insertWageworks(_yrmo, createdt, amt, transtype, lname, fname, last4ssn))
            iObj.insertImportStatus(_yrmo, "Wageworks");
        public int parsePutnam(DataSet ds, string _yrmo, string _fname)
            DateTime   distdt;
            Decimal    distamt;
            String     transType, ssn, lname, fname;
            int        _count = 0;
            List <int> cols;
            String     _tableName = "PutnamTable";

            String[]     colsH = new String[] { "First Name", "Last Name", "SSN", "Distribution Date", "Transaction Code", "Distribution Amount" };
            HRAImportDAL iObj  = new HRAImportDAL();

            cols = getColsIndices(ds, _tableName, colsH);

            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows.Count; i++)
                distdt    = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[3]]);
                transType = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[4]].ToString();
                distamt   = Decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[5]].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);
                ssn       = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[2]].ToString();
                if (ssn.Contains("-"))
                    ssn = ssn.Replace("-", "");
                lname = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[1]].ToString().Trim(); lname = HRA.GetProperCase(lname);
                fname = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[0]].ToString().Trim(); fname = HRA.GetProperCase(fname);

                if (iObj.insertPutnam(_yrmo, distdt, transType, distamt, ssn, lname, fname))
            iObj.insertImportStatus(_yrmo, "Putnam");
Exemple #20
        public static string GetReportContent(string _source, string _filename, string yrmo)
            HRASofoDAL     sobj   = new HRASofoDAL();
            HRAEligFile    eobj   = new HRAEligFile();
            HRAAdminBill   hobj   = new HRAAdminBill();
            HRAExcelReport xlObj  = new HRAExcelReport();
            DataSet        ds     = new DataSet(); ds.Clear();
            DataSet        dsTemp = new DataSet(); dsTemp.Clear();

            string[]   sheetnames, titles, YRMOs;
            string[][] colsFormat, colsName;
            int[][]    colsWidth;
            string     _content = "";

            switch (_source)
            case "Recon":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "Summary", "Detail" };
                titles     = new string[] { "HRA Reconciliation Summary Report for YRMO : " + yrmo + " Date Report Run : " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), "HRA Reconciliation Detail Report for YRMO : " + yrmo + " Date Report Run : " + DateTime.Now.ToString() };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "Last Name", "First Name", "Putnam Amount", "Wageworks Amount", "Adjustment Amount", "Current Diff Amount", "Total Diff Amount", "Putnam Record", "Wageworks Record" }, new string[] { "SSN", "Last Name", "First Name", "Transaction", "Transaction Date", "Putnam Amount", "Wageworks Amount", "Adjustment Amount" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "currency", "currency", "currency", "currency", "currency", "number", "number" }, new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "string", "string", "currency", "currency", "currency" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 100, 100, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 45, 60 }, new int[] { 55, 100, 100, 105, 65, 65, 65, 65 } };

                dsTemp = HRA_ReconDAL.GetReconData(yrmo); dsTemp.Tables[0].TableName = "SummaryTable";
                ds.Tables.Add(dsTemp.Tables[0].Copy()); ds.Tables[0].TableName = "SummaryTableF"; dsTemp.Clear();
                dsTemp = HRA_ReconDAL.GetDetailReconData(yrmo); dsTemp.Tables[0].TableName = "DetailTable";
                ds.Tables.Add(dsTemp.Tables[0].Copy()); ds.Tables[1].TableName = "DetailTableF"; dsTemp.Clear();

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "CF":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "Carry_Forwards_" + yrmo };
                titles     = new string[] { "HRA Detail Carry Forward Report for YRMO : " + yrmo + " Date Report Run : " + DateTime.Now.ToString() };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "Last Name", "First Name", "Transaction", "Transaction Date", "Wageworks Amount" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "string", "string", "currency" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 100, 100, 105, 65, 65 } };

                ds = HRA_ReconDAL.GetCFData(yrmo);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "CFnotCleared":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "Prev_Carry_Forwards_" + yrmo };
                titles     = new string[] { "HRA Detail Report of Carry Forwards from prior month that did not clear in YRMO : " + yrmo + " Date Report Run : " + DateTime.Now.ToString() };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "Last Name", "First Name", "Transaction", "Transaction Date", "Wageworks Amount" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "string", "string", "currency" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 100, 100, 105, 65, 65 } };

                ds = HRA_ReconDAL.GetPrevCFRptData(yrmo);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "Transaction":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "Summary", "Detail" };
                titles     = new string[] { "HRA Transaction Summary Report for YRMO : " + yrmo + " Date Report Run : " + DateTime.Now.ToString(), "HRA Transaction Detail Report for YRMO : " + yrmo + " Date Report Run : " + DateTime.Now.ToString() };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "Last Name", "First Name", "Putnam Amount", "Putnam Adj Amount", "Current Wageworks", "Total Diff Amount", "Carry Forward" }, new string[] { "SSN", "Last Name", "First Name", "Transaction", "Transaction Date", "Putnam Amount", "PutnamAdj Amount", "Current Wageworks", "Carry Forward" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "currency", "currency", "currency", "currency", "currency" }, new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "string", "string", "currency", "currency", "currency", "currency" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 100, 100, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65 }, new int[] { 55, 100, 100, 105, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65 } };

                dsTemp = HRA_ReconDAL.GetTransData(yrmo); dsTemp.Tables[0].TableName = "SummaryTable";
                ds.Tables.Add(dsTemp.Tables[0].Copy()); ds.Tables[0].TableName = "SummaryTableF"; dsTemp.Clear();
                dsTemp = HRA_ReconDAL.GetDtlTransData(yrmo); dsTemp.Tables[0].TableName = "DetailTable";
                ds.Tables.Add(dsTemp.Tables[0].Copy()); ds.Tables[1].TableName = "DetailTableF"; dsTemp.Clear();

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "SOFO":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "Summary", "Detail" };
                titles     = new string[] { "Putnam Summary of Fund Operations Reconciliation for YRMO: " + yrmo, "HRA Putnam Balance Detail report for YRMO: " + yrmo };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "Title", "Value" }, new string[] { "SSN", "Last Name", "First Name", "Transaction", "Transaction Date", "Putnam Amount" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "string", "string" }, new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "string", "string", "currency" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 100, 100 }, new int[] { 55, 100, 100, 105, 65, 65 } };

                dsTemp = sobj.getSOFOReconData(yrmo); dsTemp.Tables[0].TableName = "SummaryTable";
                ds.Tables.Add(dsTemp.Tables[0].Copy()); ds.Tables[0].TableName = "SummaryTableF"; dsTemp.Clear();
                dsTemp = sobj.getBalanceDtl(yrmo); dsTemp.Tables[0].TableName = "DetailTable";
                ds.Tables.Add(dsTemp.Tables[0].Copy()); ds.Tables[1].TableName = "DetailTableF"; dsTemp.Clear();

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "Elig":
                _content = eobj.GetEligFile();

            case "EligAudit":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "HRAAUDIT" };
                titles     = new string[] { "HRA Eligibility Audit Report" };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "EE#", "Name", "SubCtr", "CodeID", "Code Desc", "Value" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "number", "string", "number", "string", "string", "string" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 55, 130, 40, 40, 100, 140 } };

                ds = eobj.GetAuditFile();

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "EligTermAudit":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "HRAAUDITR" };
                titles     = new string[] { "Report of Pilots who have Retired/Terminated/Died to date" };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "EE#", "Name", "Birth Date", "Age", "Status", "Status Date", "Modify Date" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "number", "string", "string", "number", "string", "string", "string" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 55, 140, 65, 40, 55, 65, 77 } };

                ds = HRAOperDAL.GetEligAuditData("HRAAUDITR", String.Empty);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "EligAddrChg":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "HRA_Audit_ADDR" };
                titles     = new string[] { "Report of Pilots who have Address Changes from the last time Eligibilty file is Generated" };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "EE#", "Name", "Prior Addr1", "Prior Addr2", "Prior City", "Prior State", "Prior Zip", "New Addr1", "New Addr2", "New City", "New State", "New Zip" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "string", "string", "string", "string", "string", "string", "string", "string", "string" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 140, 100, 50, 65, 50, 50, 100, 50, 65, 50, 50 } };

                ds = HRAOperDAL.GetChgEligData("ChgEligAddr");

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "EligStatChg":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "HRA_Retire" };
                titles     = new string[] { "Report of Pilots who have Status Changes from the last time Eligibilty file is generated" };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "EE#", "Name", "Status Code", "Status Date" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "string" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 140, 40, 65 } };

                ds = HRAOperDAL.GetChgEligData("ChgEligStat");

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "EligNoBen":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "HRA_NoBen" };
                titles     = new string[] { "Report of Pilots who died with no beneficiaries" };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "EE#", "Name", "Death Date" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "number", "string", "string" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 55, 140, 65 } };

                ds = HRAOperDAL.GetEligAuditData("NoBen", String.Empty);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "EligBen24":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "HRA_Ben24" };
                titles     = new string[] { "Report of Benificiaries who turned 24" };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "EE#", "Last Name", "First Name", "HRA Balance" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "number", "string", "string", "currency" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 55, 100, 100, 65 } };

                ds = HRAOperDAL.GetEligAuditData("Ben24", String.Empty);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "EligNoBenOwner":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "HRA_NoBenOwner" };
                titles     = new string[] { "Report of Pilots who died with no owner verified" };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "EE#", "Last Name", "First Name", "Print Date", "HRA Balance", "Death Date" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "number", "string", "string", "string", "currency", "string" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 55, 100, 100, 65, 65, 65 } };

                ds = HRAOperDAL.GetEligAuditData("NoBenOwner", String.Empty);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "EligChildBenLtr":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "HRA_childBenLtr60" };
                titles     = new string[] { "Report on Child Beneficiary letter generated > 60 days ago where a validation date is not been entered" };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "EE#", "Last Name", "First Name", "HRA Balance", "Letter Date" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "number", "string", "string", "currency", "string" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 55, 100, 100, 65, 65 } };

                ds = HRAOperDAL.GetEligAuditData("ChildBenLtr60", String.Empty);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "EligDeathsXdays":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "HRA_deaths" + yrmo + "days" };
                titles     = new string[] { "Report on beneficiary details of pilots who died " + yrmo + " days from today" };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "EE#", "Last Name", "First Name", "Ben Order", "Ben DOB", "Relation", "Validation Date" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "number", "string", "string", "number", "string", "string", "string" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 55, 100, 100, 40, 65, 50, 65 } };

                ds = HRAOperDAL.GetEligAuditData("DeathsXdays", yrmo);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "AdminRecon":
                DataSet dsWgwk = new DataSet(); dsWgwk.Clear();
                DataSet dsPtnm = new DataSet(); dsPtnm.Clear();
                sheetnames = new string[] { "Reconciliation_" + yrmo };
                titles     = new string[] { "HRA Admin Invoice Reconciliation Report for Quarter/Year : " + yrmo };
                string[][] subtitles = { new string[] { "Recon of active HRA(s) managed by Wageworks", "Recon of HRA records that have balance with Putnam" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "string", "number", "number", "number", "number", "number", "number", "number", "currency", "currency", "currency" }, new string[] { "string", "number", "number", "number", "currency", "currency", "currency" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65 } };

                dsWgwk = hobj.GetWageworkSummaryRecon(yrmo);
                dsPtnm = hobj.GetPutnamSummaryRecon(yrmo);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(dsWgwk, dsPtnm, _filename, sheetnames, titles, subtitles, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "AdminDispAP":
                DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); ds1.Clear();
                DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); ds2.Clear();
                YRMOs = HRA.GetYRMOs(yrmo);
                DateTime _date1 = HRA.GetLastDayofYRMO(YRMOs[0]);
                DateTime _date2 = HRA.GetLastDayofYRMO(YRMOs[1]);
                DateTime _date3 = HRA.GetLastDayofYRMO(YRMOs[2]);
                sheetnames = new string[] { YRMOs[0], YRMOs[1], YRMOs[2] };
                titles     = new string[] { "HRAAUDITR to Putnam Discrepancy Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[0], "HRAAUDITR to Putnam Discrepancy Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[1], "HRAAUDITR to Putnam Discrepancy Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[2] };
                string[][] subtitles2 = { new string[] { "Mismatches with Modify Date <= " + _date1.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), "Mismatches with Modify Date > " + _date1.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") }, new string[] { "Mismatches with Modify Date <= " + _date2.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), "Mismatches with Modify Date > " + _date2.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") }, new string[] { "Mismatches with Modify Date <= " + _date3.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), "Mismatches with Modify Date > " + _date3.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "number", "string", "string", "number", "string", "string" }, new string[] { "number", "number", "string", "string", "number", "string", "string" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 55, 100, 100, 55, 65, 65 }, new int[] { 55, 55, 100, 100, 55, 65, 65 }, new int[] { 55, 55, 100, 100, 55, 65, 65 } };

                ds1 = hobj.GetRecon_HRAAUDITR_PartData1(yrmo);
                ds2 = hobj.GetRecon_HRAAUDITR_PartData2(yrmo);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds1, ds2, _filename, sheetnames, titles, subtitles2, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "AdminDispPA":
                YRMOs      = HRA.GetYRMOs(yrmo);
                sheetnames = new string[] { YRMOs[0], YRMOs[1], YRMOs[2] };
                titles     = new string[] { "Putnam to HRAAUDITR Discrepancy Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[0], "Putnam to HRAAUDITR Discrepancy Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[1], "Putnam to HRAAUDITR Discrepancy Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[2] };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "Last Name", "First Name", "Birth Date", "Term Date", "Total Asset Balance" }, new string[] { "SSN", "Last Name", "First Name", "Birth Date", "Term Date", "Total Asset Balance" }, new string[] { "SSN", "Last Name", "First Name", "Birth Date", "Term Date", "Total Asset Balance" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "string", "string", "currency" }, new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "string", "string", "currency" }, new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "string", "string", "currency" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 100, 100, 65, 65, 65 }, new int[] { 55, 100, 100, 65, 65, 65 }, new int[] { 55, 100, 100, 65, 65, 65 } };

                ds = hobj.GetRecon_PartData_HRAAUDITR(yrmo);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "AdminDispWP":
                YRMOs      = HRA.GetYRMOs(yrmo);
                sheetnames = new string[] { YRMOs[0], YRMOs[1], YRMOs[2] };
                titles     = new string[] { "Wageworks to Putnam Discrepancy Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[0], "Wageworks to Putnam Discrepancy Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[1], "Wageworks to Putnam Discrepancy Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[2] };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "Last Name", "First Name", "SSN", "" }, new string[] { "Last Name", "First Name", "SSN", "" }, new string[] { "Last Name", "First Name", "SSN", "" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "string", "string", "number", "string" }, new string[] { "string", "string", "number", "string" }, new string[] { "string", "string", "number", "string" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 100, 100, 65, 92 }, new int[] { 100, 100, 65, 92 }, new int[] { 100, 100, 65, 92 } };

                ds = hobj.GetRecon_WgwkInv_PartData(yrmo);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "AdminDispPW":
                YRMOs      = HRA.GetYRMOs(yrmo);
                sheetnames = new string[] { YRMOs[0], YRMOs[1], YRMOs[2] };
                titles     = new string[] { "Putnam to Wageworks Discrepancy Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[0], "Putnam to Wageworks Discrepancy Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[1], "Putnam to Wageworks Discrepancy Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[2] };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "Last Name", "First Name", "SSN", "Participant Status Description", "Birth Date", "Term Date", "Total Asset Balance" }, new string[] { "Last Name", "First Name", "SSN", "Participant Status Description", "Birth Date", "Term Date", "Total Asset Balance" }, new string[] { "Last Name", "First Name", "SSN", "Participant Status Description", "Birth Date", "Term Date", "Total Asset Balance" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "string", "string", "number", "string", "string", "string", "currency" }, new string[] { "string", "string", "number", "string", "string", "string", "currency" }, new string[] { "string", "string", "number", "string", "string", "string", "currency" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 100, 100, 55, 140, 65, 65, 65 }, new int[] { 100, 100, 55, 140, 65, 65, 65 }, new int[] { 100, 100, 55, 140, 65, 65, 65 } };

                ds = hobj.GetRecon_PartData_WgwkInv(yrmo);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "AdminWPnoBal":
                DataSet ds3 = new DataSet();
                YRMOs      = HRA.GetYRMOs(yrmo);
                sheetnames = new string[] { YRMOs[0], YRMOs[1], YRMOs[2] };
                titles     = new string[] { "Participant(s) in Wageworks Report with paid out in Putnam Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[0], "Participant(s) in Wageworks Report with paid out in Putnam Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[1], "Participant(s) in Wageworks Report with paid out in Putnam Report for YRMO : " + YRMOs[2] };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "string", "string", "number", "currency" }, new string[] { "string", "string", "number", "currency" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 100, 100, 55, 65 }, new int[] { 100, 100, 55, 65 }, new int[] { 100, 100, 55, 65 } };
                string[][] subtitles3 = { new string[] { "Participants with Zero Balance", "Participants with status 'Terminated, Paid Out' and have balance" }, new string[] { "Participants with Zero Balance", "Participants with status 'Terminated, Paid Out' and have balance" }, new string[] { "Participants with Zero Balance", "Participants with status 'Terminated, Paid Out' and have balance" } };

                ds  = hobj.GetNoBal_WgwkInv_PartData(yrmo);
                ds3 = hobj.GetPaidOut_WgwkInv_PartData(yrmo);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, ds3, _filename, sheetnames, titles, subtitles3, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "HRAAUDITR":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "HRAAUDITR" };
                titles     = new string[] { "HRAAUDITR Report used for Admin Bill Reconciliation in Quarter-Year: " + yrmo };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "EE#", "Name", "Birth Date", "Age", "Status", "Status Date", "Modify Date" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "number", "string", "string", "number", "string", "string", "string" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 55, 55, 140, 65, 40, 55, 65, 77 } };

                ds = HRAAdminDAL.GetAUDITR_Data(yrmo);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

            case "PtnmPartData":
                sheetnames = new string[] { "Putnam Participant Data" };
                titles     = new string[] { "Data from Putnam Participant Data Input Report used for Admin Bill Reconciliation in Quarter-Year: " + yrmo };
                colsName   = new string[][] { new string[] { "SSN", "Last Name", "First Name", "Participant Status Description", "Birth Date", "Term Date", "Total Asset Balance" } };
                colsFormat = new string[][] { new string[] { "number", "string", "string", "string", "string", "string", "currency" } };
                colsWidth  = new int[][] { new int[] { 60, 100, 100, 145, 65, 65, 65 } };

                ds = HRAAdminDAL.GetPutnamParticipant_Data(yrmo);

                _content = xlObj.ExcelXMLRpt(ds, _filename, sheetnames, titles, colsName, colsFormat, colsWidth);
                _content = LetterGen.replaceIllegalXMLCharacters(_content);

Exemple #21
        public DataSet GetWageworkSummaryRecon(string _qy)
            HRA         hobj = new HRA();
            HRAAdminDAL dobj = new HRAAdminDAL();

            string[]   YRMOs = HRA.GetYRMOs(_qy);
            int        ptnminv1_cnt, wgwkinv_cnt, hraAuditR_cnt, ptnmPartData_cnt;
            decimal    rate, ptnminv1_amt, ptnminv1_calcamt;
            Decimal    totamt1, totamt2;
            DataSet    ds               = new DataSet(); ds.Clear();
            DataSet    dsWgwkSum        = new DataSet(); dsWgwkSum.Clear();
            DataTable  dsTable; dsTable = dsWgwkSum.Tables.Add("WgwkSummary");
            DataRow    row;
            DataColumn col;

            System.Type typeDecimal = System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal");

            col = new DataColumn("Period"); dsTable.Columns.Add(col);
            col = new DataColumn("Putnam Invoice Count"); dsTable.Columns.Add(col);
            col = new DataColumn("Wageworks Invoice Count"); dsTable.Columns.Add(col);
            col = new DataColumn("Diff(B-C)"); dsTable.Columns.Add(col);
            col = new DataColumn("Putnam Participant Data Count"); dsTable.Columns.Add(col);
            col = new DataColumn("Diff(C-E)"); dsTable.Columns.Add(col);
            col = new DataColumn("HRAAUDITR Count(as of " + DateTime.Today.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + ")"); dsTable.Columns.Add(col);
            col = new DataColumn("Diff(E-G)"); dsTable.Columns.Add(col);
            col = new DataColumn("Rate"); dsTable.Columns.Add(col);
            col = new DataColumn("Putnam Invoice Amount", typeDecimal); dsTable.Columns.Add(col);
            col = new DataColumn("Amount(BxI)", typeDecimal); dsTable.Columns.Add(col);

            foreach (string yrmo in YRMOs)
                ds               = dobj.GetPutnamInvData(_qy); ptnminv1_cnt = GetPutnamInvPart1Count(ds, yrmo);
                wgwkinv_cnt      = dobj.GetWgwkInvCount(yrmo);
                ptnmPartData_cnt = dobj.GetPutnamPartDataCount(yrmo);
                hraAuditR_cnt    = dobj.GetHRAAuditRCount(yrmo);
                rate             = dobj.GetWageworkHeadcountRate(yrmo);
                ptnminv1_amt     = GetPutnamInvPart1Amt(ds, yrmo);
                ptnminv1_calcamt = ptnminv1_cnt * rate;

                row           = dsTable.NewRow();
                row["Period"] = hobj.GetYRMOformated(yrmo);
                row["Putnam Invoice Count"]    = ptnminv1_cnt;
                row["Wageworks Invoice Count"] = wgwkinv_cnt;
                row["Diff(B-C)"] = (ptnminv1_cnt - wgwkinv_cnt);
                row["Putnam Participant Data Count"] = ptnmPartData_cnt;
                row["Diff(C-E)"] = (wgwkinv_cnt - ptnmPartData_cnt);
                row["HRAAUDITR Count(as of " + DateTime.Today.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + ")"] = hraAuditR_cnt;
                row["Diff(E-G)"]             = (ptnmPartData_cnt - hraAuditR_cnt);
                row["Rate"]                  = rate;
                row["Putnam Invoice Amount"] = ptnminv1_amt;
                row["Amount(BxI)"]           = ptnminv1_calcamt;

            totamt1 = Convert.ToDecimal(dsWgwkSum.Tables[0].Compute("SUM([Putnam Invoice Amount])", String.Empty));
            totamt2 = Convert.ToDecimal(dsWgwkSum.Tables[0].Compute("SUM([Amount(BxI)])", String.Empty));

            row         = dsTable.NewRow();
            row["Rate"] = "TOTAL:";
            row["Putnam Invoice Amount"] = totamt1;
            row["Amount(BxI)"]           = totamt2;

        public int parsePutnamPartData(DataSet ds, string _fname, string source, string _qy)
            Decimal       balance;
            String        ssn, lname, fname, partStatDesc, dob, termdt;
            SqlDateTime   dobSql, termdtSql;
            int           _count = 0;
            List <int>    cols;
            List <string> excludeSSNs;
            Boolean       excludeSSNfound;
            String        _tableName = "PutnamPartTable";

            String[]     colsH = new String[] { "SSN", "First Name", "Last Name", "Participant Status Description", "Date of Birth", "Termination Date", "Total Asset Balance" };
            HRAImportDAL iObj  = new HRAImportDAL();

            cols        = getColsIndices(ds, _tableName, colsH);
            excludeSSNs = HRAAdminDAL.GetExcludeSSNs();

            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows.Count; i++)
                ssn = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[0]].ToString().Trim();
                if (ssn.Contains("-"))
                    ssn = ssn.Replace("-", "");
                ssn = ssn.TrimStart('0');

                excludeSSNfound = false;
                foreach (string excludeSSN in excludeSSNs)
                    if (ssn.Equals(excludeSSN))
                        excludeSSNfound = true;
                if (excludeSSNfound)

                fname = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[1]].ToString().Trim(); fname = HRA.GetProperCase(fname);
                if (fname.Contains("  "))
                    fname = fname.Replace("  ", " ");
                    fname = fname.Replace("'", "");

                lname = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[2]].ToString().Trim(); lname = HRA.GetProperCase(lname);
                if (lname.Contains("  "))
                    lname = lname.Replace("  ", " ");
                    lname = lname.Replace("'", "");

                partStatDesc = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[3]].ToString().Trim();

                dob = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[4]].ToString().Trim();
                if (dob != null && dob != string.Empty)
                    dobSql = Convert.ToDateTime(dob);
                    dobSql = SqlDateTime.Null;

                termdt = ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[5]].ToString().Trim();
                if (termdt != null && termdt != string.Empty)
                    termdtSql = Convert.ToDateTime(termdt);
                    termdtSql = SqlDateTime.Null;

                balance = Decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[_tableName].Rows[i][cols[6]].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Currency);

                if (iObj.insertPutnamPartData(ssn, fname, lname, partStatDesc, dobSql, termdtSql, balance, source, _qy))
            iObj.insertImportStatus(_qy, "ptnm_partdata");
