Description of MappingSet.
Inheritance: MappingFramework.MappingSet
 public static void exportMappingSet(MappingSet mappingSet, string filePath)
     if (mappingSet != null)
         using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filePath, false, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
             var csv = new CSV.CsvWriter(writer);
             csv.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <CSVMappingRecordMap>();
             csv.Configuration.Delimiter = ";";
             var csvMappingRecords = new List <CSVMappingRecord>();
             //create the CSV mapping records
             foreach (var mapping in mappingSet.mappings)
                 //create the record
                 var mappingRecord = new CSVMappingRecord();
                 mappingRecord.sourcePath   = ((MappingNode)mapping.source).getMappingPathExportString();
                 mappingRecord.targetPath   = ((MappingNode);
                 mappingRecord.mappingLogic = createMappingLogicString(mapping);
                 //add the record to the list
             //write the CSV mapping records to the filename
Exemple #2
        public static MappingSet createMappingSet(ElementWrapper sourceRoot, ElementWrapper targetRoot, MappingSettings settings)
            //first create the root nodes
            var sourceRootNode = createNewRootNode(sourceRoot, settings);
            var targetRootNode = createNewRootNode(targetRoot, settings);
            //then create the new mappingSet
            var mappingSet = new MappingSet(sourceRootNode, targetRootNode, settings);

Exemple #3
 public static void exportMappingSet(MappingSet mappingSet, string filePath)
     if (mappingSet != null)
         var engine = new FileHelperEngine <CSVMappingRecord>();
         List <CSVMappingRecord> csvMappingRecords = new List <CSVMappingRecord>();
         //create the CSV mapping records
         foreach (var mapping in mappingSet.mappings)
             //create the record
             var mappingRecord = new CSVMappingRecord();
             mappingRecord.sourcePath   = mapping.source.fullMappingPath;
             mappingRecord.targetPath   =;
             mappingRecord.mappingLogic = mapping.mappingLogic != null ? mapping.mappingLogic.description : string.Empty;
             //add the record to the list
         //write the CSV mapping records to the filename
         engine.WriteFile(filePath, csvMappingRecords);
        /// <summary>
        /// import the mapings specified in the file into the given mappingSet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mappingSet">the mappingset to import the mappings into</param>
        /// <param name="filePath">the path to the file containing the mappings</param>
        public static void importMappings(MappingSet mappingSet, string filePath, Model model)
            IEnumerable <CSVMappingRecord> mappingRecords;

            //remove all existing mappings
            foreach (var mapping in mappingSet.mappings)
            //map source and target to be sure
            //make sure the target node tree has been build
            //read the csv file
            using (var textReader = new StreamReader(filePath))
                var csv = new CSV.CsvReader(textReader, false);
                csv.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <CSVMappingRecordMap>();
                csv.Configuration.Delimiter = ";";
                mappingRecords = csv.GetRecords <CSVMappingRecord>();
                var sourceNodes = new Dictionary <string, MP.MappingNode>();
                var targetNodes = new Dictionary <string, MP.MappingNode>();
                //now loop the records
                foreach (var csvRecord in mappingRecords)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvRecord.sourcePath) ||
                        (string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvRecord.targetPath) &&
                        //don't even bother if not both fields are filled in
                    //convert any newLines (\n") coming from excel (Alt-Enter) to "real" newlines
                    csvRecord.mappingLogic = csvRecord.mappingLogic.Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine);
                    //find the source
                    //first check if we already known the node
                    MP.MappingNode sourceNode = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvRecord.sourcePath) &&
                        !sourceNodes.TryGetValue(csvRecord.sourcePath, out sourceNode))
                        //find out if we know a parent node of this node
                        var parentNode = findParentNode(sourceNodes, csvRecord.sourcePath);
                        if (parentNode == null)
                            //no parent found, start at the top
                            parentNode = mappingSet.source;
                        //find the node from the parent
                        sourceNode = parentNode.findNode(csvRecord.sourcePath.Split('.').ToList());
                    if (sourceNode == null)
                        EAOutputLogger.log($"Could not find source element corresponding to '{csvRecord.sourcePath}'", 0, LogTypeEnum.warning);
                        //don't bother going any further
                    //find the target
                    MP.MappingNode targetNode = null;
                    //first check if we already known the node
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(csvRecord.targetPath) &&
                        !targetNodes.TryGetValue(csvRecord.targetPath, out targetNode))
                        //find out if we know a parent node of this node
                        var parentNode = findParentNode(targetNodes, csvRecord.targetPath);
                        if (parentNode == null)
                            //no parent found, start at the top
                            parentNode =;
                        //find the node from the parent
                        targetNode = parentNode.findNode(csvRecord.targetPath.Split('.').ToList());
                        if (targetNode == null)
                            EAOutputLogger.log($"Could not find target element corresponding to '{csvRecord.targetPath}'", 0, LogTypeEnum.warning);

                    //if we found both then we map them
                    if (sourceNode != null)
                        if (targetNode != null)
                            var newMapping = sourceNode.mapTo(targetNode);
                            newMapping.mappingLogics = createMappingLogicsFromCSVString(csvRecord.mappingLogic, mappingSet.EAContexts, model);
                            EAOutputLogger.log($"Mapping created from '{csvRecord.sourcePath}' to '{csvRecord.targetPath}'", 0);
                            var newMapping = sourceNode.createEmptyMapping(false);
                            newMapping.mappingLogics = createMappingLogicsFromCSVString(csvRecord.mappingLogic, mappingSet.EAContexts, model);
                            EAOutputLogger.log($"Empty mapping created for '{csvRecord.sourcePath}' ", 0);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// create a mappingSet based on the data in the CSV file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">the model that contains the elements</param>
        /// <param name="filePath">the path to the CSV file</param>
        /// <returns>a mapping set representing the mapping in the file</returns>
        public static MappingSet createMappingSet(Model model, string filePath, MappingSettings settings, ElementWrapper sourceRootElement, ElementWrapper targetRootElement)
            MappingSet newMappingSet = null;
            IEnumerable <CSVMappingRecord> mappingRecords;

            //read the csv file
            using (var textReader = new StreamReader(filePath))
                var csv = new CSV.CsvReader(textReader, false);
                csv.Configuration.RegisterClassMap <CSVMappingRecordMap>();
                csv.Configuration.Delimiter = ";";
                mappingRecords = csv.GetRecords <CSVMappingRecord>();
            //create the new mapping set
            newMappingSet = createMappingSet(sourceRootElement, targetRootElement, settings);
            //remove all existing mappings
            //TODO: warn if mappings exist?
            foreach (var mapping in newMappingSet.mappings)
            //make sure the target node tree has been build
            //now loop the records
            foreach (var csvRecord in mappingRecords)
                EAOutputLogger.log(model, settings.outputName
                                   , $"Parsed source: '{csvRecord.sourcePath}' target: '{csvRecord.targetPath}' logic: '{csvRecord.mappingLogic}'"
                                   , 0, LogTypeEnum.log);
            //         int i = 1;
            //Package rootPackage = null;
            //foreach (CSVMappingRecord mappingRecord in parsedFile)

            //	//find source
            //	var source = findElement(model, mappingRecord.sourcePath, sourceRootElement);
            //	//find target
            //	var target = findElement(model, mappingRecord.targetPath,targetRootElement);
            //	if (source == null )
            //	{
            //		EAOutputLogger.log(model,settings.outputName
            //		                   ,string.Format("Could not find element that matches: '{0}'",mappingRecord.sourcePath)
            //		                   ,0,LogTypeEnum.error);
            //	}
            //	else if( target == null)
            //	{
            //		EAOutputLogger.log(model,settings.outputName
            //		                   ,string.Format("Could not find element that matches: '{0}'",mappingRecord.targetPath)
            //		                   ,0,LogTypeEnum.error);
            //	}
            //	else
            //	{
            //		//first check if the mappingSet is already created
            //		if (newMappingSet == null)
            //		{
            //			//determine if this should be a PackageMappingSet or an ElementMappingSet
            //			if (sourceRootElement is Package)
            //			{
            //				rootPackage = sourceRootElement as Package;
            //				//newMappingSet = new PackageMappingSet(sourceRootElement as Package);
            //			}
            //			else if (sourceRootElement is ElementWrapper)
            //			{
            //				rootPackage = sourceRootElement.owningPackage as Package;
            //				//newMappingSet = new ElementMappingSet(sourceRootElement as ElementWrapper);
            //			}
            //			else
            //			{
            //				rootPackage = source.owningPackage as Package;
            //				//newMappingSet = new PackageMappingSet((Package)source.owningPackage);
            //			}

            //		}
            //		MappingLogic newMappingLogic = null;
            //		//check if there is any mapping logic
            //		if (! string.IsNullOrEmpty(mappingRecord.mappingLogic))
            //		{
            //			if (settings.useInlineMappingLogic)
            //			{
            //				newMappingLogic = new MappingLogic(mappingRecord.mappingLogic);
            //			}
            //			else
            //			{
            //				 //Check fo an existing mapping logic
            //				 newMappingLogic = getExistingMappingLogic(model, settings, mappingRecord.mappingLogic, rootPackage);

            //				 if (newMappingLogic == null)
            //				 {

            //					 var mappingElement = model.factory.createNewElement(rootPackage, "mapping logic " + i,settings.mappingLogicType) as ElementWrapper;
            //					 if (mappingElement != null)
            //					 {
            //					    //increase counter for new mapping element name
            //				        i++;
            //					    mappingElement.notes = mappingRecord.mappingLogic;
            //					    //create the mappingLogic
            //					    newMappingLogic = new MappingLogic(mappingElement);
            //					 }
            //					 else
            //					 {
            //					    //else we create an inline mapping logic anyway
            //					    newMappingLogic = new MappingLogic(mappingRecord.mappingLogic);
            //					 }
            //				 }
            //			}
            //		}
            //		Mapping newMapping = null;
            //		var sourceAssociationEnd = source as AssociationEnd;
            //		var targetAssociationEnd = target as AssociationEnd;
            //		//create the new mapping
            //		//we can't create connector mappings for mappings to or from associations so we have to use tagged value mappings for those.
            //		if (settings.useTaggedValues
            //		   || sourceAssociationEnd != null || targetAssociationEnd != null)
            //		{
            //			//if the source or target are associationEnds then we replace them by their association
            //			if (sourceAssociationEnd != null) source = sourceAssociationEnd.association as Element;
            //			if (targetAssociationEnd != null) target = targetAssociationEnd.association as Element;
            //			//newMapping = new TaggedValueMapping(source,target,mappingRecord.sourcePath,mappingRecord.targetPath,settings);
            //		}
            //		else
            //		{
            //			//newMapping = new ConnectorMapping(source,target,mappingRecord.sourcePath,mappingRecord.targetPath,settings);
            //		}
            //		if (newMappingLogic != null) newMapping.mappingLogic = newMappingLogic;
            //		newMappingSet.addMapping(newMapping);

            //	}
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// create a mappingSet based on the data in the CSV file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">the model that contains the elements</param>
        /// <param name="filePath">the path to the CSV file</param>
        /// <returns>a mapping set representing the mapping in the file</returns>
        public static MappingSet createMappingSet(Model model, string filePath, MappingSettings settings, Element sourceRootElement = null, Element targetRootElement = null)
            MappingSet newMappingSet = null;
            var        engine        = new FileHelperEngine <CSVMappingRecord>();
            var        parsedFile    = engine.ReadFile(filePath);
            int        i             = 1;
            Package    rootPackage   = null;

            foreach (CSVMappingRecord mappingRecord in parsedFile)
                //find source
                var source = findElement(model, mappingRecord.sourcePath, sourceRootElement);
                //find target
                var target = findElement(model, mappingRecord.targetPath, targetRootElement);
                if (source == null)
                    EAOutputLogger.log(model, settings.outputName
                                       , string.Format("Could not find element that matches: '{0}'", mappingRecord.sourcePath)
                                       , 0, LogTypeEnum.error);
                else if (target == null)
                    EAOutputLogger.log(model, settings.outputName
                                       , string.Format("Could not find element that matches: '{0}'", mappingRecord.targetPath)
                                       , 0, LogTypeEnum.error);
                    //first check if the mappingSet is already created
                    if (newMappingSet == null)
                        //determine if this should be a PackageMappingSet or an ElementMappingSet
                        if (sourceRootElement is Package)
                            rootPackage   = sourceRootElement as Package;
                            newMappingSet = new PackageMappingSet(sourceRootElement as Package);
                        else if (sourceRootElement is ElementWrapper)
                            rootPackage   = sourceRootElement.owningPackage as Package;
                            newMappingSet = new ElementMappingSet(sourceRootElement as ElementWrapper);
                            rootPackage   = source.owningPackage as Package;
                            newMappingSet = new PackageMappingSet((Package)source.owningPackage);
                    MappingLogic newMappingLogic = null;
                    //check if there is any mapping logic
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mappingRecord.mappingLogic))
                        if (settings.useInlineMappingLogic)
                            newMappingLogic = new MappingLogic(mappingRecord.mappingLogic);
                            //Check fo an existing mapping logic
                            newMappingLogic = getExistingMappingLogic(model, settings, mappingRecord.mappingLogic, rootPackage);

                            if (newMappingLogic == null)
                                var mappingElement = model.factory.createNewElement(rootPackage, "mapping logic " + i, settings.mappingLogicType) as ElementWrapper;
                                if (mappingElement != null)
                                    //increase counter for new mapping element name
                                    mappingElement.notes = mappingRecord.mappingLogic;
                                    //create the mappingLogic
                                    newMappingLogic = new MappingLogic(mappingElement);
                                    //else we create an inline mapping logic anyway
                                    newMappingLogic = new MappingLogic(mappingRecord.mappingLogic);
                    Mapping newMapping           = null;
                    var     sourceAssociationEnd = source as AssociationEnd;
                    var     targetAssociationEnd = target as AssociationEnd;
                    //create the new mapping
                    //we can't create connector mappings for mappings to or from associations so we have to use tagged value mappings for those.
                    if (settings.useTaggedValues ||
                        sourceAssociationEnd != null || targetAssociationEnd != null)
                        //if the source or target are associationEnds then we replace them by their association
                        if (sourceAssociationEnd != null)
                            source = sourceAssociationEnd.association as Element;
                        if (targetAssociationEnd != null)
                            target = targetAssociationEnd.association as Element;
                        newMapping = new TaggedValueMapping(source, target, mappingRecord.sourcePath, mappingRecord.targetPath, settings);
                        newMapping = new ConnectorMapping(source, target, mappingRecord.sourcePath, mappingRecord.targetPath, settings);
                    if (newMappingLogic != null)
                        newMapping.mappingLogic = newMappingLogic;