Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            dynamic d = new Duck();

            int x = 3, y = 4;
            Console.WriteLine(Mean(x, y));

            // Runtime Representation of Dynamic
            Console.WriteLine(typeof(List<dynamic>) == typeof(List<object>));
            Console.WriteLine(typeof(dynamic[]) == typeof(object[]));
            object o = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            dynamic dy = o;

            // Dynamic Conversions
            dynamic dx = "hello";
            dx = 123; // No error (despite same variable)
Exemple #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Dynamic Binding: Dynamic binding is useful when at compile time
            //you know that a certain function, member, or operation exists,
            //but the compiler does not.

            //Static Binding vs Dynamic Binding:
            //static Binding: the binding is done by the compiler, and the binding
            //utterly depends on statically knowing the types of the operands

            //Dynamic Binding: A dynamic object binds at runtime based on its
            //runtime type, not its compile - time type.

            //Custom Binding: Custom binding occurs when a dynamic object implements
            //IDynamicMetaObject Provider(IDMOP).
            //The Duck class doesn’t actually have a Quack method. Instead, it uses
            //custom binding to intercept and interpret all method calls.
            dynamic d = new Duck();


            //Language Binding: Language binding occurs when a dynamic object does not
            //implement IDynamicMet aObjectProvider.

            /*The benefit is obvious—you don’t have to duplicate code for each numeric type.
             * However, you lose static type safety, risking runtime exceptions rather than
             * compile-time errors.*/
            int x = 3, y = 4;

            Console.WriteLine(Mean(x, y));

            //If a member fails to bind, a RuntimeBinderException is thrown. You can think of
            //this like a compile - time error at runtime.
            //dynamic d = 5;
            //d.Hello(); // throws RuntimeBinderException

            //Runtime Representation of Dynamic
            //There is a deep equivalence between the dynamic and object types.
            dynamic x1 = "hello";


            x1 = 123;
            //dynamic reference simply enables dynamic operations on the object it
            //points to. You can convert from object to dynamic to perform any
            //dynamic operation you want on an object:
            object  o  = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            dynamic d1 = o;


            //Dynamic Conversions: dynamic type has implicit conversions to and from all
            //to and from all other types
            //For the conversion to succeed, the runtime type of the dynamic object must be
            //implicitly convertible to the target static type.
            int     i  = 7;
            dynamic d2 = i;
            long    j  = d2;//NO cast required (implicit conversion)
            //above works because int is implicitly convertible to long

            /*The following example throws a RuntimeBinderException because an int is not
             * implicitly convertible to a short:
             * int i = 7;
             * dynamic d = i;
             * short j = d; // throws RuntimeBinderException*/

            //var vs dynamic
            //var and dynamic types bear a superficial resemblance, but the
            //difference is deep
            //• var says, “Let the compiler figure out the type.”
            //• dynamic says, “Let the runtime figure out the type.”
            dynamic xd = "hello"; //static type is dynamic, runtime type is string
            var     yd = "hello"; //static tyoe us string, run time type is string
            //int id = xd;//Runtime error(cant convert string to int)
            //int jd = yd;//Compile time error (cant convert string to int)

            dynamic xd1 = "hello";
            var     yd1 = xd1; //static type of yd1 is dynamic
            //int z = yd1;//Run time error(cant convert string to int)

            //Dynamic Calls without Dynamic Receivers
            //The dynamic object is the receiver of a dynamic function call
            dynamic a = 5;
            dynamic b = "watermelon";


            //static types in dynamic expression
            object  os = "hello";
            dynamic dt = "goodbye";

            Foo(os, dt);//os

            /*The call to Foo(o,d) is dynamically bound because one of its arguments, d, is
             * dynamic. But since o is statically known, the binding—even though it occurs
             * dynamically—will make use of that. In this case, overload resolution will pick the
             * second implementation of Foo due to the static type of o and the runtime type of d.
             * In other words, the compiler is “as static as it can possibly be.*/

            //Uncallable Functions
            IFoo f = new Foo(); // Implicit cast to interface

            //Now consider the situation with dynamic typing:
            IFoo    fg = new Foo();
            dynamic dg = fg;

            //dg.Test(); // Exception thrown runtime

            /*The implicit cast shown in bold tells the compiler to bind subsequent member calls
             * on f to IFoo rather than Foo—in other words, to view that object through the lens
             * of the IFoo interface. However, that lens is lost at runtime, so the DLR cannot complete
             * the binding.The loss is illustrated as follows:*/
            Console.WriteLine(f.GetType().Name); // Foo
