public override void Update(DwarfTime time) { if (ValueFn != null) { float value = ValueFn(); if (value.CompareTo(LastValue) != 0) { string operand = "-"; Color color = Color.Red; if (value.CompareTo(LastValue) > 0) { operand = "+"; color = Color.Green; } IndicatorManager.DrawIndicator(operand + (value - LastValue).ToString(Format) + Postfix, new Vector3(GlobalBounds.Center.X, GlobalBounds.Center.Y, 0), 1.0f, color, Indicator.IndicatorMode.Indicator2D); LastValue = value; Text = Prefix + value.ToString(Format) + Postfix; } } base.Update(time); }
public override void Update(DwarfTime time) { base.Update(time); Animation.Update(time); Image = new ImageFrame(Animation.SpriteSheet.GetTexture(), Animation.GetCurrentFrameRect()); }
public virtual void Update(DwarfTime t) { Time.Update(t); if(IsDone()) { OnComplete.Invoke(); } }
public override void Update(DwarfTime time) { if (Animation != null) { Animation.Update(time, Timer.TimerMode.Real); Image.Image = Animation.SpriteSheet.GetTexture(); Image.SourceRect = Animation.GetCurrentFrameRect(); } base.Update(time); }
public override void Render(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Effect effect, bool renderingForWater) { base.Render(gameTime, chunks, camera, spriteBatch, graphicsDevice, effect, renderingForWater); effect.Parameters["xTexture"].SetValue(Texture); effect.Parameters["xWorld"].SetValue(GlobalTransform); foreach(EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); Primitive.Render(graphicsDevice); } }
public override void Render(DwarfTime time, SpriteBatch batch) { if(!IsVisible) { return; } if(DrawBounds) { GUI.Skin.RenderGroup(GlobalBounds, batch); } Drawer2D.DrawAlignedText(batch, Title, GUI.DefaultFont, Color.Black, Drawer2D.Alignment.Top | Drawer2D.Alignment.Left, GlobalBounds); base.Render(time, batch); }
public override void Render(DwarfTime time, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch batch) { Drawer2D.FillRect(batch, GlobalBounds, CurrentColor); if (BorderWidth > 0) { Drawer2D.DrawRect(batch, GlobalBounds, BorderColor, BorderWidth); } if (IsMouseOver) { Color highlightColor = new Color(255 - CurrentColor.R, 255 - CurrentColor.G, 255 - CurrentColor.B); Drawer2D.DrawRect(batch, GlobalBounds, highlightColor, BorderWidth * 2 + 1); } base.Render(time, batch); }
override public void Render(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Shader effect, bool renderingForWater) { if (!IsVisible) { return; } foreach (var layer in Layers) { if (layer.Verticies == null) { float normalizeX = layer.Sheet.FrameWidth / (float)(layer.Sheet.Width); float normalizeY = layer.Sheet.FrameWidth / (float)(layer.Sheet.Height); List <Vector2> uvs = new List <Vector2> { new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f), new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f) }; Vector2 pixelCoords = new Vector2(layer.Frame.X * layer.Sheet.FrameWidth, layer.Frame.Y * layer.Sheet.FrameHeight); Vector2 normalizedCoords = new Vector2(pixelCoords.X / (float)layer.Sheet.Width, pixelCoords.Y / (float)layer.Sheet.Height); var bounds = new Vector4(normalizedCoords.X + 0.001f, normalizedCoords.Y + 0.001f, normalizedCoords.X + normalizeX - 0.001f, normalizedCoords.Y + normalizeY - 0.001f); for (int vert = 0; vert < 4; vert++) { uvs[vert] = new Vector2(normalizedCoords.X + uvs[vert].X * normalizeX, normalizedCoords.Y + uvs[vert].Y * normalizeY); } Vector3 topLeftFront = new Vector3(-0.5f * WorldWidth, 0.5f * WorldHeight, 0.0f); Vector3 topRightFront = new Vector3(0.5f * WorldWidth, 0.5f * WorldHeight, 0.0f); Vector3 btmRightFront = new Vector3(0.5f * WorldWidth, -0.5f * WorldHeight, 0.0f); Vector3 btmLeftFront = new Vector3(-0.5f * WorldWidth, -0.5f * WorldHeight, 0.0f); layer.Verticies = new[] { new ExtendedVertex(topLeftFront, Color.White, Color.White, uvs[0], bounds), // 0 new ExtendedVertex(topRightFront, Color.White, Color.White, uvs[1], bounds), // 1 new ExtendedVertex(btmRightFront, Color.White, Color.White, uvs[2], bounds), // 2 new ExtendedVertex(btmLeftFront, Color.White, Color.White, uvs[3], bounds) // 3 }; layer.Indicies = new int[] { 0, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3 }; } } // Everything that draws should set it's tint, making this pointless. Color origTint = effect.VertexColorTint; ApplyTintingToEffect(effect); var currDistortion = VertexNoise.GetNoiseVectorFromRepeatingTexture(GlobalTransform.Translation); var distortion = currDistortion * 0.1f + prevDistortion * 0.9f; prevDistortion = distortion; switch (OrientationType) { case OrientMode.Spherical: { Matrix bill = Matrix.CreateBillboard(GlobalTransform.Translation, camera.Position, camera.UpVector, null) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(distortion); effect.World = bill; break; } case OrientMode.Fixed: { Matrix rotation = GlobalTransform; rotation.Translation = rotation.Translation + distortion; effect.World = rotation; break; } case OrientMode.YAxis: { Matrix worldRot = Matrix.CreateConstrainedBillboard(GlobalTransform.Translation, camera.Position, Vector3.UnitY, null, null); worldRot.Translation = worldRot.Translation + distortion; effect.World = worldRot; break; } } effect.EnableWind = EnableWind; foreach (var layer in Layers) { effect.MainTexture = layer.Sheet.GetTexture(); if (DrawSilhouette) { Color oldTint = effect.VertexColorTint; effect.VertexColorTint = SilhouetteColor; graphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.None; var oldTechnique = effect.CurrentTechnique; effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques[Shader.Technique.Silhouette]; foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); graphicsDevice.DrawUserIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, layer.Verticies, 0, 4, layer.Indicies, 0, 2); } graphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default; effect.VertexColorTint = oldTint; effect.CurrentTechnique = oldTechnique; } foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); graphicsDevice.DrawUserIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, layer.Verticies, 0, 4, layer.Indicies, 0, 2); } } effect.VertexColorTint = origTint; effect.EnableWind = false; EndDraw(effect); }
public override void Render(DwarfTime gameTime) { DrawGUI(gameTime, 0); base.Render(gameTime); }
override public void Update(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera) { base.Update(gameTime, chunks, camera); if (Active) { DeathTimer.Update(gameTime); switch (_state) { case State.Initializing: if (PrepThread != null) { PrepThread.Abort(); } PrepThread = new Thread(PrepareForExplosion) { IsBackground = true }; _state = State.Prep; PrepThread.Start(); foreach (GameComponent body in Manager.World.EnumerateIntersectingObjects( new BoundingBox(LocalPosition - new Vector3(VoxelRadius * 2.0f, VoxelRadius * 2.0f, VoxelRadius * 2.0f), LocalPosition + new Vector3(VoxelRadius * 2.0f, VoxelRadius * 2.0f, VoxelRadius * 2.0f)), CollisionType.Both)) { var distance = (body.Position - LocalPosition).Length(); if (distance < (VoxelRadius * 2.0f)) { var creature = body.EnumerateAll().OfType <CreatureAI>().FirstOrDefault(); if (creature != null) { creature.ChangeTask(new FleeEntityTask(this, VoxelRadius * 2)); } } } break; case State.Prep: if (PrepThread == null) // Must have been saved mid-prep. { _state = State.Initializing; } break; case State.Ready: if (OrderedExplosionList == null) // Just a failsafe. { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } float timeLeft = (float)(DeathTimer.TargetTimeSeconds - DeathTimer.CurrentTimeSeconds); float pulseRate = 15 - 2 * timeLeft; float pulse = (float)Math.Sin(timeLeft * pulseRate); this.SetVertexColorRecursive(new Color(1.0f, 1.0f - pulse * pulse, 1.0f - pulse * pulse, 1.0f)); if (DeathTimer.HasTriggered) { _state = State.Exploding; Manager.World.ParticleManager.Effects["explode"].Trigger(10, Position, Color.White); SoundManager.PlaySound(ContentPaths.Audio.Oscar.sfx_trap_destroyed, 0.5f); foreach (GameComponent body in Manager.World.EnumerateIntersectingObjects( new BoundingBox(LocalPosition - new Vector3(VoxelRadius * 2.0f, VoxelRadius * 2.0f, VoxelRadius * 2.0f), LocalPosition + new Vector3(VoxelRadius * 2.0f, VoxelRadius * 2.0f, VoxelRadius * 2.0f)), CollisionType.Both)) { var distance = (body.Position - LocalPosition).Length(); if (distance <= (VoxelRadius * 2.0f)) { var health = body.EnumerateAll().OfType <Health>().FirstOrDefault(); if (health != null) { health.Damage(DamageAmount * (1.0f - (distance / (VoxelRadius * 2.0f)))); // Linear fall off on damage. } } } } break; case State.Exploding: SetFlagRecursive(Flag.Visible, false); if (OrderedExplosionList == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } var voxelsExploded = 0; while (true) { if (voxelsExploded >= VoxelsPerTick) { break; } if (ExplosionProgress >= OrderedExplosionList.Count) { GetRoot().Delete(); _state = State.Done; foreach (var vox in OrderedExplosionList) { if (!vox.IsValid) { continue; } var under = VoxelHelpers.GetVoxelBelow(vox); if (under.IsValid && !under.IsEmpty && MathFunctions.RandEvent(0.5f)) { EntityFactory.CreateEntity <Fire>("Fire", vox.GetBoundingBox().Center()); } } break; } var nextVoxel = OrderedExplosionList[ExplosionProgress]; ExplosionProgress += 1; if (nextVoxel.IsValid) { if (!nextVoxel.Type.IsInvincible && !nextVoxel.IsEmpty) { voxelsExploded += 1; nextVoxel.Type = Library.EmptyVoxelType; Manager.World.ParticleManager.Effects["explode"].Trigger(1, nextVoxel.Coordinate.ToVector3() + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), Color.White); Manager.World.ParticleManager.Effects["dirt_particle"].Trigger(3, nextVoxel.Coordinate.ToVector3() + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), Color.White); Manager.World.OnVoxelDestroyed(nextVoxel); } } } break; case State.Done: default: if (PrepThread != null) { PrepThread.Abort(); } break; } } }
public void Update(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera) { var body = Parent as Body; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(body != null); Vector3 targetVelocity = TargetPosition - body.GlobalTransform.Translation; if (targetVelocity.LengthSquared() > 0.0001f) { targetVelocity.Normalize(); targetVelocity *= MaxVelocity; } Matrix m = body.LocalTransform; m.Translation += targetVelocity * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; body.LocalTransform = m; body.HasMoved = true; switch (State) { case BalloonState.DeliveringGoods: { var voxel = new VoxelHandle(chunks.ChunkData, GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(body.GlobalTransform.Translation)); if (voxel.IsValid) { var surfaceVoxel = VoxelHelpers.FindFirstVoxelBelow(voxel); var height = surfaceVoxel.Coordinate.Y + 1; TargetPosition = new Vector3(body.GlobalTransform.Translation.X, height + 5, body.GlobalTransform.Translation.Z); Vector3 diff = body.GlobalTransform.Translation - TargetPosition; if (diff.LengthSquared() < 2) { State = BalloonState.Waiting; } } else { State = BalloonState.Leaving; } } break; case BalloonState.Leaving: TargetPosition = Vector3.UnitY * 100 + body.GlobalTransform.Translation; if (body.GlobalTransform.Translation.Y > 300) { Die(); } break; case BalloonState.Waiting: TargetPosition = body.GlobalTransform.Translation; if (!shipmentGiven) { shipmentGiven = true; } else { State = BalloonState.Leaving; } break; } }
public override void Update(DwarfTime time) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentValue)) { if(Selector != null) Selector.CurrentValue = Values[CurrentIndex]; CurrentValue = Values[CurrentIndex]; } base.Update(time); }
public virtual void Update(DwarfTime gameTime, Timer.TimerMode mode = Timer.TimerMode.Game) { if(IsPlaying) { float dt = mode == Timer.TimerMode.Game ? (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds : (float)gameTime.ElapsedRealTime.TotalSeconds; FrameTimer += dt; float time = FrameHZ; if (Speeds.Count > 0) { time = Speeds[Math.Min(CurrentFrame, Speeds.Count - 1)]; } if(FrameTimer * SpeedMultiplier >= 1.0f / time) { NextFrame(); FrameTimer = 0.0f; } } }
public void Update(DwarfTime time, DateTime currentDate) { foreach (var mypolitics in FactionPolitics) { Pair<Faction> pair = mypolitics.Key; if (!pair.IsSelfPair() && pair.Contains(PlayState.PlayerFaction)) { Faction otherFaction = null; otherFaction = pair.First.Equals(PlayState.PlayerFaction) ? pair.Second : pair.First; Race race = otherFaction.Race; Politics relation = mypolitics.Value; if (race.IsIntelligent && race.IsNative && !otherFaction.IsRaceFaction && !relation.HasMet && MathFunctions.RandEvent(1e-2f)) { SendTradeEnvoy(otherFaction); } if (race.IsIntelligent && race.IsNative && !otherFaction.IsRaceFaction && relation.GetCurrentRelationship() == Relationship.Hates && MathFunctions.RandEvent(1e-7f)) { SendWarParty(otherFaction); } } mypolitics.Value.UpdateEvents(currentDate); } }
override public void Update(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera) { base.Update(gameTime, chunks, camera); Storm.InitializeStatics(); BoundingBox box = chunks.Bounds; box.Expand(10.0f); if (GlobalTransform.Translation.X < box.Min.X || GlobalTransform.Translation.X > box.Max.X || GlobalTransform.Translation.Z < box.Min.Z || GlobalTransform.Translation.Z > box.Max.Z) { Die(); } bool generateRainDrop = MathFunctions.RandEvent(Raininess * 0.75f); if (generateRainDrop) { for (int i = 0; i < MaxRainDrops; i++) { if (!RainDrops[i].IsAlive) { RainDrops[i].IsAlive = true; RainDrops[i].Pos = MathFunctions.RandVector3Box(BoundingBox.Expand(5)); RainDrops[i].Pos = new Vector3(RainDrops[i].Pos.X, BoundingBox.Min.Y - 1, RainDrops[i].Pos.Z); RainDrops[i].Vel = Vector3.Down * Storm.Properties[TypeofStorm].RainSpeed + Velocity; break; } } } Storm.StormProperties stormProperties = Storm.Properties[TypeofStorm]; var rainEmitter = World.ParticleManager.Effects[stormProperties.RainEffect]; var hitEmitter = World.ParticleManager.Effects[stormProperties.HitEffect]; for (int i = 0; i < MaxRainDrops; i++) { if (!RainDrops[i].IsAlive) { continue; } RainDrops[i].Pos += RainDrops[i].Vel * DwarfTime.Dt; if (stormProperties.RainRandom > 0) { RainDrops[i].Vel.X += MathFunctions.Rand(-1, 1) * stormProperties.RainRandom * DwarfTime.Dt; RainDrops[i].Vel.Z += MathFunctions.Rand(-1, 1) * stormProperties.RainRandom * DwarfTime.Dt; } if (RainDrops[i].Pos.Y < 0) { RainDrops[i].IsAlive = false; } if (!RainDrops[i].IsAlive && RainDrops[i].Particle != null) { RainDrops[i].Particle.LifeRemaining = -1; RainDrops[i].Particle = null; } else if (RainDrops[i].IsAlive && RainDrops[i].Particle == null) { RainDrops[i].Particle = rainEmitter.Emitters[0].CreateParticle(RainDrops[i].Pos, RainDrops[i].Vel, Color.White); } else if (RainDrops[i].IsAlive && RainDrops[i].Particle != null) { RainDrops[i].Particle.Position = RainDrops[i].Pos; RainDrops[i].Particle.Velocity = RainDrops[i].Vel; } var test = new VoxelHandle(chunks.ChunkData, GlobalVoxelCoordinate.FromVector3(RainDrops[i].Pos)); if (!test.IsValid || test.IsEmpty || test.LiquidLevel > 0) { continue; } RainDrops[i].IsAlive = false; hitEmitter.Trigger(1, RainDrops[i].Pos + Vector3.UnitY * 0.5f, Color.White); //if (!MathFunctions.RandEvent(0.1f)) continue; var above = test.IsEmpty ? test : VoxelHelpers.GetVoxelAbove(test); if (!above.IsValid || !above.IsEmpty) { continue; } if (TypeofStorm == StormType.RainStorm && (above.LiquidLevel < WaterManager.maxWaterLevel && (above.LiquidType == LiquidType.Water))) { above.LiquidLevel = (byte)Math.Min(WaterManager.maxWaterLevel, above.LiquidLevel + WaterManager.rainFallAmount); above.LiquidType = stormProperties.LiquidToCreate; } else if (TypeofStorm == StormType.SnowStorm && above.IsEmpty && above.LiquidLevel == 0) { if (test.GrassType == 0) { test.GrassType = GrassLibrary.GetGrassType("snow").ID; test.GrassDecay = GrassLibrary.GetGrassType("snow").InitialDecayValue; } else { var existingGrass = GrassLibrary.GetGrassType((byte)test.GrassType); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(existingGrass.BecomeWhenSnowedOn)) { var newGrass = GrassLibrary.GetGrassType(existingGrass.BecomeWhenSnowedOn); test.GrassType = newGrass.ID; test.GrassDecay = newGrass.InitialDecayValue; } } } } Matrix tf = LocalTransform; tf.Translation += Velocity * DwarfTime.Dt; LocalTransform = tf; }
public void Render(DwarfTime gameTime, GraphicsDevice graphics, Effect effect) { }
// Find a path from the start to the goal by computing an inverse path from goal to the start. Should only be used // if the forward path fails. private static PlanResult InversePath(CreatureMovement mover, VoxelHandle startVoxel, GoalRegion goal, ChunkManager chunks, int maxExpansions, ref List <MoveAction> toReturn, float weight, Func <bool> continueFunc) { // Create a local clone of the octree, using only the objects belonging to the player. var octree = new OctTreeNode <Body>(mover.Creature.World.ChunkManager.Bounds.Min, mover.Creature.World.ChunkManager.Bounds.Max); List <Body> playerObjects = new List <Body>(mover.Creature.World.PlayerFaction.OwnedObjects); List <Body> teleportObjects = mover.Creature.World.PlayerFaction.OwnedObjects.Where(o => o.Tags.Contains("Teleporter")).ToList(); foreach (var obj in playerObjects) { octree.Add(obj, obj.GetBoundingBox()); } MoveState start = new MoveState() { Voxel = startVoxel }; var startTime = DwarfTime.Tick(); if (mover.IsSessile) { return(new PlanResult() { Result = PlanResultCode.Invalid, Expansions = 0, TimeSeconds = 0 }); } if (!start.IsValid) { return(new PlanResult() { Result = PlanResultCode.Invalid, Expansions = 0, TimeSeconds = 0 }); } // Sometimes a goal may not even be achievable a.priori. If this is true, we know there can't be a path // which satisifies that goal. // It only makes sense to do inverse plans for goals that have an associated voxel. if (!goal.IsPossible() || !goal.GetVoxel().IsValid) { toReturn = null; return(new PlanResult() { Result = PlanResultCode.Invalid, Expansions = 0, TimeSeconds = 0 }); } if (goal.IsInGoalRegion(start.Voxel)) { toReturn = new List <MoveAction>(); return(new PlanResult() { Result = PlanResultCode.Success, Expansions = 0, TimeSeconds = 0 }); } // Voxels that have already been explored. var closedSet = new HashSet <MoveState>(); // Voxels which should be explored. var openSet = new HashSet <MoveState>(); // Dictionary of voxels to the optimal action that got the mover to that voxel. var cameFrom = new Dictionary <MoveState, MoveAction>(); // Optimal score of a voxel based on the path it took to get there. var gScore = new Dictionary <MoveState, float>(); // Expansion priority of voxels. var fScore = new PriorityQueue <MoveState>(); var goalVoxels = new List <VoxelHandle>(); goalVoxels.Add(goal.GetVoxel()); // Starting conditions of the search. foreach (var goalVoxel in VoxelHelpers.EnumerateCube(goal.GetVoxel().Coordinate) .Select(c => new VoxelHandle(start.Voxel.Chunk.Manager.ChunkData, c))) { if (!goalVoxel.IsValid) { continue; } var goalState = new MoveState() { Voxel = goalVoxel }; if (goal.IsInGoalRegion(goalVoxel)) { goalVoxels.Add(goalVoxel); openSet.Add(goalState); gScore[goalState] = 0.0f; fScore.Enqueue(goalState, gScore[goalState] + weight * (goalVoxel.WorldPosition - start.Voxel.WorldPosition).LengthSquared()); } } // Keep count of the number of expansions we've taken to get to the goal. int numExpansions = 0; // Loop until we've either checked every possible voxel, or we've exceeded the maximum number of // expansions. while (openSet.Count > 0 && numExpansions < maxExpansions) { if (numExpansions % 10 == 0 && !continueFunc()) { return new PlanResult { Result = PlanResultCode.Cancelled, Expansions = numExpansions, TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime) } } ; // Check the next voxel to explore. var current = GetStateWithMinimumFScore(fScore); if (!current.IsValid) { continue; } //Drawer3D.DrawBox(current.GetBoundingBox(), Color.Blue, 0.1f); numExpansions++; // If we've reached the goal already, reconstruct the path from the start to the // goal. if (current.Equals(start)) { toReturn = ReconstructInversePath(goal, cameFrom, cameFrom[start]); return(new PlanResult() { Result = PlanResultCode.Success, Expansions = numExpansions, TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime) }); } // We've already considered the voxel, so add it to the closed set. openSet.Remove(current); closedSet.Add(current); IEnumerable <MoveAction> neighbors = null; // Get the voxels that can be moved to from the current voxel. neighbors = mover.GetInverseMoveActions(current, octree, teleportObjects); // Otherwise, consider all of the neighbors of the current voxel that can be moved to, // and determine how to add them to the list of expansions. foreach (MoveAction n in neighbors) { //Drawer3D.DrawBox(n.SourceVoxel.GetBoundingBox(), Color.Red, 0.1f); // If we've already explored that voxel, don't explore it again. if (closedSet.Contains(n.SourceState)) { continue; } // Otherwise, consider the case of moving to that neighbor. float tenativeGScore = gScore[current] + GetDistance(current.Voxel, n.SourceState.Voxel, n.MoveType, mover); // IF the neighbor can already be reached more efficiently, ignore it. if (openSet.Contains(n.SourceState) && gScore.ContainsKey(n.SourceState) && !(tenativeGScore < gScore[n.SourceState])) { continue; } // Otherwise, add it to the list of voxels for consideration. openSet.Add(n.SourceState); // Add an edge to the voxel from the current voxel. var cameAction = n; cameFrom[n.SourceState] = cameAction; // Update the expansion scores for the next voxel. gScore[n.SourceState] = tenativeGScore; fScore.Enqueue(n.SourceState, gScore[n.SourceState] + weight * ((n.SourceState.Voxel.WorldPosition - start.Voxel.WorldPosition).LengthSquared() + (!n.SourceState.VehicleState.IsRidingVehicle ? 100.0f : 0.0f))); } // If we've expanded too many voxels, just give up. if (numExpansions >= maxExpansions) { return(new PlanResult() { Result = PlanResultCode.MaxExpansionsReached, Expansions = numExpansions, TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime) }); } } // Somehow we've reached this code without having found a path. Return false. toReturn = null; return(new PlanResult() { Result = PlanResultCode.NoSolution, Expansions = numExpansions, TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime) }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a path from the start voxel to some goal region, returning a list of movements that can /// take a mover from the start voxel to the goal region. /// </summary> /// <param name="mover">The agent that we want to find a path for.</param> /// <param name="startVoxel"></param> /// <param name="goal">Goal conditions that the agent is trying to satisfy.</param> /// <param name="chunks">The voxels that the agent is moving through</param> /// <param name="maxExpansions">Maximum number of voxels to consider before giving up.</param> /// <param name="toReturn">The path of movements that the mover should take to reach the goal.</param> /// <param name="weight"> /// A heuristic weight to apply to the planner. If 1.0, the path is garunteed to be optimal. Higher values /// usually result in faster plans that are suboptimal. /// </param> /// <param name="continueFunc"></param> /// <returns>True if a path could be found, or false otherwise.</returns> private static PlanResult Path( CreatureMovement mover, VoxelHandle startVoxel, GoalRegion goal, ChunkManager chunks, int maxExpansions, ref List <MoveAction> toReturn, float weight, Func <bool> continueFunc) { // Create a local clone of the octree, using only the objects belonging to the player. var octree = new OctTreeNode <Body>(mover.Creature.World.ChunkManager.Bounds.Min, mover.Creature.World.ChunkManager.Bounds.Max); List <Body> playerObjects = new List <Body>(mover.Creature.World.PlayerFaction.OwnedObjects); List <Body> teleportObjects = playerObjects.Where(o => o.Tags.Contains("Teleporter")).ToList(); foreach (var obj in playerObjects) { octree.Add(obj, obj.GetBoundingBox()); } var storage = new MoveActionTempStorage(); var start = new MoveState() { Voxel = startVoxel }; var startTime = DwarfTime.Tick(); if (mover.IsSessile) { return(new PlanResult() { Expansions = 0, Result = PlanResultCode.Invalid, TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime) }); } // Sometimes a goal may not even be achievable a.priori. If this is true, we know there can't be a path // which satisifies that goal. if (!goal.IsPossible()) { toReturn = null; return(new PlanResult() { Expansions = 0, Result = PlanResultCode.Invalid, TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime) }); } // Voxels that have already been explored. var closedSet = new HashSet <MoveState>(); // Voxels which should be explored. var openSet = new HashSet <MoveState> { start }; // Dictionary of voxels to the optimal action that got the mover to that voxel. var cameFrom = new Dictionary <MoveState, MoveAction>(); // Optimal score of a voxel based on the path it took to get there. var gScore = new Dictionary <MoveState, float>(); // Expansion priority of voxels. var fScore = new PriorityQueue <MoveState>(); // Starting conditions of the search. gScore[start] = 0.0f; fScore.Enqueue(start, gScore[start] + weight * goal.Heuristic(start.Voxel)); // Keep count of the number of expansions we've taken to get to the goal. int numExpansions = 0; // Check the voxels adjacent to the current voxel as a quick test of adjacency to the goal. //var manhattanNeighbors = new List<VoxelHandle>(6); //for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) //{ // manhattanNeighbors.Add(new VoxelHandle()); //} // Loop until we've either checked every possible voxel, or we've exceeded the maximum number of // expansions. while (openSet.Count > 0 && numExpansions < maxExpansions) { if (numExpansions % 10 == 0 && !continueFunc()) { return new PlanResult { Result = PlanResultCode.Cancelled, Expansions = numExpansions, TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime) } } ; // Check the next voxel to explore. var current = GetStateWithMinimumFScore(fScore); if (!current.IsValid) { // If there wasn't a voxel to explore, just try to expand from // the start again. numExpansions++; continue; } numExpansions++; // If we've reached the goal already, reconstruct the path from the start to the // goal. if (goal.IsInGoalRegion(current.Voxel) && cameFrom.ContainsKey(current)) { toReturn = ReconstructPath(cameFrom, cameFrom[current], start); return(new PlanResult() { Result = PlanResultCode.Success, Expansions = numExpansions, TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime) }); } // We've already considered the voxel, so add it to the closed set. openSet.Remove(current); closedSet.Add(current); // Get the voxels that can be moved to from the current voxel. var neighbors = mover.GetMoveActions(current, octree, teleportObjects, storage).ToList(); var foundGoalAdjacent = neighbors.FirstOrDefault(n => !n.DestinationState.VehicleState.IsRidingVehicle && goal.IsInGoalRegion(n.DestinationState.Voxel)); // A quick test to see if we're already adjacent to the goal. If we are, assume // that we can just walk to it. if (foundGoalAdjacent.DestinationState.IsValid && foundGoalAdjacent.SourceState.IsValid) { if (cameFrom.ContainsKey(current)) { toReturn = ReconstructPath(cameFrom, foundGoalAdjacent, start); return(new PlanResult() { Result = PlanResultCode.Success, Expansions = numExpansions, TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime) }); } } // Otherwise, consider all of the neighbors of the current voxel that can be moved to, // and determine how to add them to the list of expansions. foreach (MoveAction n in neighbors) { // If we've already explored that voxel, don't explore it again. if (closedSet.Contains(n.DestinationState)) { continue; } // Otherwise, consider the case of moving to that neighbor. float tenativeGScore = gScore[current] + GetDistance(current.Voxel, n.DestinationState.Voxel, n.MoveType, mover); // IF the neighbor can already be reached more efficiently, ignore it. if (openSet.Contains(n.DestinationState) && !(tenativeGScore < gScore[n.DestinationState])) { continue; } // Otherwise, add it to the list of voxels for consideration. openSet.Add(n.DestinationState); // Add an edge to the voxel from the current voxel. var cameAction = n; cameFrom[n.DestinationState] = cameAction; // Update the expansion scores for the next voxel. gScore[n.DestinationState] = tenativeGScore; fScore.Enqueue(n.DestinationState, gScore[n.DestinationState] + weight * (goal.Heuristic(n.DestinationState.Voxel) + (!n.DestinationState.VehicleState.IsRidingVehicle ? 100.0f : 0.0f))); } // If we've expanded too many voxels, just give up. if (numExpansions >= maxExpansions) { return(new PlanResult() { Expansions = numExpansions, Result = PlanResultCode.MaxExpansionsReached, TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime) }); } } // Somehow we've reached this code without having found a path. Return false. toReturn = null; return(new PlanResult() { Expansions = numExpansions, Result = PlanResultCode.NoSolution, TimeSeconds = DwarfTime.Tock(startTime) }); }
override public void Update(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera) { //base.Update(gameTime, chunks, camera); if (!Active) { return; } Creature.NoiseMaker.BasePitch = Stats.VoicePitch; AutoGatherTimer.Update(gameTime); IdleTimer.Update(gameTime); SpeakTimer.Update(gameTime); if (AutoGatherTimer.HasTriggered) { foreach (var body in World.EnumerateIntersectingObjects(Physics.BoundingBox.Expand(3.0f)).OfType <ResourceEntity>().Where(r => r.Active && r.AnimationQueue.Count == 0)) { Creature.GatherImmediately(body, Inventory.RestockType.RestockResource); } OrderEnemyAttack(); } DeleteBadTasks(); PreEmptTasks(); if (CurrentTask != null) { Stats.Boredom.CurrentValue -= (float)(CurrentTask.BoredomIncrease * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds); if (Stats.Boredom.IsCritical()) { Creature.AddThought("I have been overworked recently.", new TimeSpan(0, 4, 0, 0), -2.0f); } Stats.Energy.CurrentValue += (float)(CurrentTask.EnergyDecrease * gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds); } // Heal thyself if (Stats.Health.IsDissatisfied()) { Task toReturn = new GetHealedTask(); if (!Tasks.Contains(toReturn) && CurrentTask != toReturn) { AssignTask(toReturn); } } // Try to go to sleep if we are low on energy and it is night time. if (Stats.Energy.IsCritical()) { Task toReturn = new SatisfyTirednessTask(); if (!Tasks.Contains(toReturn) && CurrentTask != toReturn) { AssignTask(toReturn); } } // Try to find food if we are hungry. if (Stats.Hunger.IsDissatisfied() && World.CountResourcesWithTag(Resource.ResourceTags.Edible) > 0) { Task toReturn = new SatisfyHungerTask() { MustPay = true }; if (Stats.Hunger.IsCritical()) { toReturn.Priority = TaskPriority.Urgent; } if (!Tasks.Contains(toReturn) && CurrentTask != toReturn) { AssignTask(toReturn); } } if (Stats.Boredom.IsDissatisfied()) { if (!Tasks.Any(task => task.BoredomIncrease < 0)) { Task toReturn = SatisfyBoredom(); if (toReturn != null && !Tasks.Contains(toReturn) && CurrentTask != toReturn) { AssignTask(toReturn); } } } restockTimer.Update(DwarfTime.LastTime); if (restockTimer.HasTriggered && Creature.Inventory.Resources.Count > 10) { Creature.RestockAllImmediately(); } if (CurrentTask == null) // We need something to do. { if (Stats.Happiness.IsSatisfied()) // We're happy, so make sure we aren't on strike. { Stats.IsOnStrike = false; UnhappinessTime = 0.0f; } if (Stats.IsOnStrike) // We're on strike, so track how long this job has sucked. { UnhappinessTime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMinutes; if (UnhappinessTime > GameSettings.Default.HoursUnhappyBeforeQuitting) // If we've been unhappy long enough, quit. { if (GetRoot().GetComponent <DwarfThoughts>().HasValue(out var thoughts)) { Manager.World.MakeAnnouncement( // Can't use a popup because the dwarf will soon not exist. Also - this is a serious event! Message: String.Format("{0} has quit! The last straw: {1}", Stats.FullName, thoughts.Thoughts.Last(t => t.HappinessModifier < 0.0f).Description), ClickAction: null, logEvent: true, eventDetails: String.Join("\n", thoughts.Thoughts.Where(t => t.HappinessModifier < 0.0f).Select(t => t.Description))); thoughts.Thoughts.Clear(); } else { Manager.World.MakeAnnouncement( // Can't use a popup because the dwarf will soon not exist. Also - this is a serious event! Message: String.Format("{0} has quit!", Stats.FullName), ClickAction: null, logEvent: true, eventDetails: "So sick of this place!"); } LeaveWorld(); if (GetRoot().GetComponent <Inventory>().HasValue(out var inv)) { inv.Die(); } if (GetRoot().GetComponent <SelectionCircle>().HasValue(out var sel)) { sel.Die(); } Faction.Minions.Remove(this); World.PersistentData.SelectedMinions.Remove(this); return; } } else if (Stats.Happiness.IsDissatisfied()) // We aren't on strike, but we hate this place. { if (MathFunctions.Rand(0, 1) < 0.25f) // We hate it so much that we might just go on strike! This can probably be tweaked. As it stands, // dorfs go on strike almost immediately every time. { Manager.World.UserInterface.MakeWorldPopup(String.Format("{0} ({1}) refuses to work!", Stats.FullName, Stats.CurrentClass.Name), Creature.Physics, -10, 10); Manager.World.Tutorial("happiness"); SoundManager.PlaySound(ContentPaths.Audio.Oscar.sfx_gui_negative_generic, 0.25f); Stats.IsOnStrike = true; } } if (!Stats.IsOnStrike) // We aren't on strike, so find a new task. { var goal = GetEasiestTask(Tasks); if (goal == null) { goal = World.TaskManager.GetBestTask(this); } if (goal != null) { IdleTimer.Reset(IdleTimer.TargetTimeSeconds); ChangeTask(goal); } else { var newTask = ActOnIdle(); if (newTask != null) { ChangeTask(newTask); } } } else { ChangeTask(ActOnIdle()); } } else { if (!CurrentAct.HasValue()) // Should be impossible to have a current task and no current act. { // Try and recover the correct act. // <blecki> I always run with a breakpoint set here... just in case. ChangeAct(CurrentTask.CreateScript(Creature)); // This is a bad situation! if (!CurrentAct.HasValue()) { ChangeTask(null); } } if (CurrentAct.HasValue(out Act currentAct)) { var status = currentAct.Tick(); bool retried = false; if (CurrentAct.HasValue(out Act newCurrentAct) && CurrentTask != null) { if (status == Act.Status.Fail) { LastFailedAct = newCurrentAct.Name; if (!FailedTasks.Any(task => task.TaskFailure.Equals(CurrentTask))) { FailedTasks.Add(new FailedTask() { TaskFailure = CurrentTask, FailedTime = World.Time.CurrentDate }); } if (CurrentTask.ShouldRetry(Creature)) { if (!Tasks.Contains(CurrentTask)) { ReassignCurrentTask(); retried = true; } } } } if (CurrentTask != null && CurrentTask.IsComplete(World)) { ChangeTask(null); } else if (status != Act.Status.Running && !retried) { ChangeTask(null); } } } // With a small probability, the creature will drown if its under water. if (MathFunctions.RandEvent(0.01f)) { var above = VoxelHelpers.GetVoxelAbove(Physics.CurrentVoxel); var below = VoxelHelpers.GetVoxelBelow(Physics.CurrentVoxel); bool shouldDrown = (above.IsValid && (!above.IsEmpty || above.LiquidLevel > 0)); if ((Physics.IsInLiquid || (!Movement.CanSwim && (below.IsValid && (below.LiquidLevel > 5)))) && (!Movement.CanSwim || shouldDrown)) { Creature.Damage(Movement.CanSwim ? 1.0f : 30.0f, Health.DamageType.Normal); } } if (PositionConstraint.Contains(Physics.LocalPosition) == ContainmentType.Disjoint) { Physics.LocalPosition = MathFunctions.Clamp(Physics.Position, PositionConstraint); Physics.PropogateTransforms(); } }
override public void Update(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera) { ImplementUpdate(gameTime, chunks); base.Update(gameTime, chunks, camera); }
public override void UpdatePaused(DwarfTime Time, ChunkManager Chunks, Camera Camera) { ImplementUpdate(Time, Chunks); base.UpdatePaused(Time, Chunks, Camera); }
public override void Render(DwarfGame game, GraphicsDevice graphics, DwarfTime time) { Color drawColor = DesignationColor; float alpha = (float)Math.Abs(Math.Sin(time.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds * GlowRate)); drawColor.R = (byte)(Math.Min(drawColor.R * alpha + 50, 255)); drawColor.G = (byte)(Math.Min(drawColor.G * alpha + 50, 255)); drawColor.B = (byte)(Math.Min(drawColor.B * alpha + 50, 255)); foreach (BoundingBox box in Player.Faction.AttackDesignations.Select(d => d.GetBoundingBox())) { Drawer3D.DrawBox(box, drawColor, 0.05f * alpha + 0.05f, true); } }
public override void Render(DwarfTime time, SpriteBatch batch) { if(!IsVisible) { return; } base.Render(time, batch); }
override public void Render(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Shader effect, bool renderingForWater) { base.Render(gameTime, chunks, camera, spriteBatch, graphicsDevice, effect, renderingForWater); }
public void Splash(DwarfTime time) { while(Splashes.Count > 0) { SplashType splash; if(!Splashes.TryDequeue(out splash)) { break; } PlayState.ParticleManager.Trigger(, splash.position + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), Color.White, splash.numSplashes); if(splashNoiseLimiter[].HasTriggered) { SoundManager.PlaySound(splash.sound, splash.position + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), true); } } foreach(Timer t in splashNoiseLimiter.Values) { t.Update(time); } }
public override void Update(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera) { base.Update(gameTime, chunks, camera); }
public override void Update(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera) { if(IsActive) { if(CurrentAnimation != null) { CurrentAnimation.Update(gameTime); } } base.Update(gameTime, chunks, camera); }
public override void Render(DwarfTime time) { if (Voxel != null) { } base.Render(time); }
public void Update(Creature creature, DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera) { float dt = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; Hunger.CurrentValue -= dt * creature.Stats.HungerGrowth; Health.CurrentValue = (creature.Hp - creature.MinHealth) / (creature.MaxHealth - creature.MinHealth); if(creature.Stats.CanSleep) Energy.CurrentValue = (float) (100*Math.Sin(PlayState.Time.GetTotalHours()*Math.PI / 24.0f)); else { Energy.CurrentValue = 100.0f; } if(Energy.IsUnhappy()) { creature.DrawIndicator(IndicatorManager.StandardIndicators.Sleepy); } if(creature.Stats.CanEat && Hunger.IsUnhappy()) { creature.DrawIndicator(IndicatorManager.StandardIndicators.Hungry); if(Hunger.CurrentValue <= 1e-12 && (DateTime.Now - LastHungerDamageTime).TotalSeconds > HungerDamageRate) { creature.Damage(1.0f / (creature.Stats.HungerResistance) * HungerDamageRate); LastHungerDamageTime = DateTime.Now; } } }
public void Render(DwarfTime game, GraphicsDevice graphics) { foreach(Room room in DesignatedRooms) { if(room.IsBuilt) Drawer3D.DrawBox(room.GetBoundingBox(), Color.White, 0.1f, true); } foreach(BuildRoomOrder roomDesignation in BuildDesignations) { BoundingBox roomBox = roomDesignation.GetBoundingBox(); roomBox.Max = new Vector3(roomBox.Max.X, roomBox.Max.Y + 0.1f, roomBox.Max.Z); Drawer3D.DrawBox(roomBox, Color.White, 0.1f, true); List<BuildVoxelOrder> removals = new List<BuildVoxelOrder>(); foreach(BuildVoxelOrder des in roomDesignation.VoxelOrders) { Drawer3D.DrawBox(des.Voxel.GetBoundingBox(), Color.LightBlue, 0.05f, true); BoundingBox centerBox = des.Voxel.GetBoundingBox(); centerBox.Min += new Vector3(0.7f, 1.1f, 0.7f); centerBox.Max += new Vector3(-0.7f, 0.2f, -0.7f); Drawer3D.DrawBox(centerBox, Color.LightBlue, 0.01f, true); if (des.Voxel.IsEmpty) { removals.Add(des); } } foreach(BuildVoxelOrder des in removals) { roomDesignation.VoxelOrders.Remove(des); } Vector3 textLocation = (roomBox.Max - roomBox.Min) / 2.0f + roomBox.Min + new Vector3(0, 2.0f, 0); Drawer2D.DrawTextBox(roomDesignation.GetTextDisplay(), textLocation); } }
public override void Update(DwarfTime time) { Scroll += ScrollSpeed * (float)time.ElapsedRealTime.TotalSeconds; base.Update(time); }
public override void Update(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera) { if (ShouldDie) { DeathTimer.Update(gameTime); if (DeathTimer.HasTriggered) { Die(); } } base.Update(gameTime, chunks, camera); }
public abstract void Update(DwarfGame game, DwarfTime time);
public override void Update(DwarfTime time, Creature creature) { base.Update(time, creature); }
public abstract void Render(DwarfGame game, GraphicsDevice graphics, DwarfTime time);
public void Update(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera) { Vector3 targetVelocity = TargetPosition - Body.GlobalTransform.Translation; if (targetVelocity.LengthSquared() > 0.0001f) { targetVelocity.Normalize(); targetVelocity *= MaxVelocity; } Matrix m = Body.LocalTransform; m.Translation += targetVelocity * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; Body.LocalTransform = m; Body.HasMoved = true; switch (State) { case BalloonState.DeliveringGoods: VoxelChunk chunk = chunks.ChunkData.GetVoxelChunkAtWorldLocation(Body.GlobalTransform.Translation); if (chunk != null) { Vector3 gridPos = chunk.WorldToGrid(Body.GlobalTransform.Translation); float height = chunk.GetFilledVoxelGridHeightAt((int)gridPos.X, (int)gridPos.Y, (int)gridPos.Z) + chunk.Origin.Y; TargetPosition = new Vector3(Body.GlobalTransform.Translation.X, height + 5, Body.GlobalTransform.Translation.Z); Vector3 diff = Body.GlobalTransform.Translation - TargetPosition; if (diff.LengthSquared() < 2) { State = BalloonState.Waiting; } } else { State = BalloonState.Leaving; } break; case BalloonState.Leaving: TargetPosition = Vector3.UnitY * 100 + Body.GlobalTransform.Translation; if (Body.GlobalTransform.Translation.Y > 300) { Die(); } break; case BalloonState.Waiting: TargetPosition = Body.GlobalTransform.Translation; if (!shipmentGiven) { shipmentGiven = true; } else { State = BalloonState.Leaving; } break; } }
public bool Update(DwarfTime t) { if(null == t) { return false; } float seconds = (float)(Mode == TimerMode.Game ? t.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds : t.TotalRealTime.TotalSeconds); if(!TriggerOnce && HasTriggered) { HasTriggered = false; CurrentTimeSeconds = 0.0f; StartTimeSeconds = -1; } if (HasTriggered && TriggerOnce) { return true; } if(StartTimeSeconds < 0) { StartTimeSeconds = seconds; } CurrentTimeSeconds = seconds - StartTimeSeconds; if(CurrentTimeSeconds > TargetTimeSeconds) { HasTriggered = true; CurrentTimeSeconds = TargetTimeSeconds; return true; } return false; }
public override void Render3D(DwarfGame game, DwarfTime time) { }
public void Update(MouseState mouseState, KeyboardState keyState, DwarfGame game, DwarfTime time) { PlayState.GUI.IsMouseVisible = true; }
public override void Render(DwarfTime time) { }
public override void Render(DwarfTime time, SpriteBatch batch) { string text = Text; if(WordWrap) { text = DwarfGUI.WrapLines(Text, LocalBounds, TextFont); } Drawer2D.DrawAlignedStrokedText(batch, text, TextFont, TextColor, StrokeColor, Alignment, GlobalBounds); base.Render(time, batch); }
public override void Update(DwarfTime time) { base.Update(time); }
public override void Render(DwarfTime time, SpriteBatch batch) { if(!IsVisible) { return; } if(Mode == PanelMode.Fancy) { GUI.Skin.RenderPanel(GlobalBounds, batch); } else if(Mode == PanelMode.Simple) { GUI.Skin.RenderToolTip(GlobalBounds, batch, new Color(255, 255, 255, 150)); } else if (Mode == PanelMode.SpeechBubble) { GUI.Skin.RenderSpeechBubble(GlobalBounds, batch); } else { GUI.Skin.RenderWindow(GlobalBounds, batch, Mode == PanelMode.WindowEx); } base.Render(time, batch); }
public override void Render(DwarfTime time, SpriteBatch batch) { if (!IsVisible) { return; } Rectangle globalBounds = GlobalBounds; Color imageColor = Color.White; Color textColor = TextColor; Color strokeColor = GUI.DefaultStrokeColor; if (IsLeftPressed) { imageColor = PressedTint; textColor = PressedTextColor; } else if (IsMouseOver) { imageColor = HoverTint; textColor = HoverTextColor; } if (CanToggle && IsToggled) { imageColor = ToggleTint; } imageColor.A = Transparency; Rectangle imageBounds = GetImageBounds(); switch (Mode) { case ButtonMode.ImageButton: if (DrawFrame) { GUI.Skin.RenderButtonFrame(imageBounds, batch); } Rectangle bounds = imageBounds; if (Image != null && Image.Image != null) { batch.Draw(Image.Image, bounds, Image.SourceRect, imageColor); } Drawer2D.DrawAlignedText(batch, Text, TextFont, textColor, Drawer2D.Alignment.Under | Drawer2D.Alignment.Center, new Rectangle(bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 4, bounds.Width, bounds.Height), true); if (IsToggled) { Drawer2D.DrawRect(batch, GetImageBounds(), Color.White, 2); } break; case ButtonMode.PushButton: GUI.Skin.RenderButton(GlobalBounds, batch); Drawer2D.DrawAlignedStrokedText(batch, Text, TextFont, textColor, strokeColor, Drawer2D.Alignment.Center, GlobalBounds, true); break; case ButtonMode.ToolButton: GUI.Skin.RenderButton(GlobalBounds, batch); if (Image != null && Image.Image != null) { Rectangle imageRect = GetImageBounds(); Rectangle alignedRect = Drawer2D.Align(GlobalBounds, imageRect.Width, imageRect.Height, Drawer2D.Alignment.Left); alignedRect.X += 5; batch.Draw(Image.Image, alignedRect, Image.SourceRect, imageColor); } Drawer2D.DrawAlignedStrokedText(batch, Text, TextFont, textColor, strokeColor, Drawer2D.Alignment.Center, GlobalBounds, true); if (IsToggled) { Drawer2D.DrawRect(batch, GetImageBounds(), Color.White, 2); } break; case ButtonMode.TabButton: GUI.Skin.RenderTab(GlobalBounds, batch, IsToggled ? Color.White : Color.LightGray); Drawer2D.DrawAlignedStrokedText(batch, Text, TextFont, textColor, strokeColor, Drawer2D.Alignment.Top, new Rectangle(GlobalBounds.X, GlobalBounds.Y + 2, GlobalBounds.Width, GlobalBounds.Height), true); break; } base.Render(time, batch); }
public override void Update(DwarfGame game, DwarfTime time) { if (Player.IsCameraRotationModeActive()) { Player.VoxSelector.Enabled = false; Player.BodySelector.Enabled = false; PlayState.GUI.IsMouseVisible = false; return; } Player.VoxSelector.Enabled = false; Player.BodySelector.Enabled = true; Player.BodySelector.AllowRightClickSelection = true; PlayState.GUI.IsMouseVisible = true; if (PlayState.GUI.IsMouseOver()) { PlayState.GUI.MouseMode = GUISkin.MousePointer.Pointer; } else { PlayState.GUI.MouseMode = GUISkin.MousePointer.Attack; } }
public override void Render(DwarfGame game, GraphicsDevice graphics, DwarfTime time) { }
public override void Update(DwarfTime time) { if(IsModal && !isClosed && IsVisible) { GUI.FocusComponent = this; } else if(GUI.FocusComponent == this) { GUI.FocusComponent = null; } base.Update(time); }
public override void Render(DwarfTime time) { base.Render(time); }
public void HandleTransfers(DwarfTime time) { Voxel atPos = new Voxel(); while(Transfers.Count > 0) { Transfer transfer; if(!Transfers.TryDequeue(out transfer)) { break; } if(transfer.cellFrom.Type == LiquidType.Lava && transfer.cellTo.Type == LiquidType.Water || (transfer.cellFrom.Type == LiquidType.Water && transfer.cellTo.Type == LiquidType.Lava)) { bool success = Chunks.ChunkData.GetVoxel(transfer.worldLocation, ref atPos); if(success) { Voxel v = atPos; VoxelLibrary.PlaceType(VoxelLibrary.GetVoxelType("Stone"), v); VoxelChunk chunk = Chunks.ChunkData.ChunkMap[v.ChunkID]; chunk.Data.Water[v.Index].Type = LiquidType.None; chunk.Data.Water[v.Index].WaterLevel = 0; chunk.ShouldRebuild = true; chunk.ShouldRecalculateLighting = true; } } } }
public void Render(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Effect effect, WaterRenderType waterRenderMode, float waterLevel) { bool renderForWater = (waterRenderMode != WaterRenderType.None); if (!renderForWater) { visibleComponents.Clear(); componentsToDraw.Clear(); List <Body> list = FrustrumCullLocatableComponents(camera); foreach (Body component in list) { visibleComponents.Add(component); } ComponentManager.Camera = camera; foreach (GameComponent component in Components.Values) { bool isLocatable = component is Body; if (isLocatable) { Body loc = (Body)component; if (((loc.GlobalTransform.Translation - camera.Position).LengthSquared() < chunks.DrawDistanceSquared && visibleComponents.Contains(loc) || !(loc.FrustrumCull) || !(loc.WasAddedToOctree) && !loc.IsAboveCullPlane) ) { componentsToDraw.Add(component); } } else { componentsToDraw.Add(component); } } } effect.Parameters["xEnableLighting"].SetValue(GameSettings.Default.CursorLightEnabled ? 1 : 0); graphicsDevice.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullNone; foreach (GameComponent component in componentsToDraw) { if (waterRenderMode == WaterRenderType.Reflective && !RenderReflective(component, waterLevel)) { continue; } else if (waterRenderMode == WaterRenderType.Refractive && !RenderRefractive(component, waterLevel)) { continue; } component.Render(gameTime, chunks, camera, spriteBatch, graphicsDevice, effect, renderForWater); } effect.Parameters["xEnableLighting"].SetValue(0); }
public override void Update(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera) { SenseTimer.Update(gameTime); if (SenseTimer.HasTriggered) { Sense(); } Enemies.RemoveAll(ai => ai.IsDead); base.Update(gameTime, chunks, camera); }
public override void Render(DwarfGame game, GraphicsDevice graphics, DwarfTime time) { Player.Faction.RoomBuilder.Render(time, Player.World.ChunkManager.Graphics); }
public override void Render(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Effect effect, bool renderingForWater) { base.Render(gameTime, chunks, camera, spriteBatch, graphicsDevice, effect, renderingForWater); if(!IsVisible) { return; } if (CurrentAnimation != null && CurrentAnimation.CurrentFrame >= 0 && CurrentAnimation.CurrentFrame < CurrentAnimation.Primitives.Count) { CurrentAnimation.PreRender(); SpriteSheet = CurrentAnimation.SpriteSheet; effect.Parameters["xTexture"].SetValue(SpriteSheet.GetTexture()); if(OrientationType != OrientMode.Fixed) { if(camera.Projection == Camera.ProjectionMode.Perspective) { if(OrientationType == OrientMode.Spherical) { float xscale = GlobalTransform.Left.Length(); float yscale = GlobalTransform.Up.Length(); float zscale = GlobalTransform.Forward.Length(); Matrix rot = Matrix.CreateRotationZ(BillboardRotation); Matrix bill = Matrix.CreateBillboard(GlobalTransform.Translation, camera.Position, camera.UpVector, null); Matrix noTransBill = bill; noTransBill.Translation = Vector3.Zero; Matrix worldRot = Matrix.CreateScale(new Vector3(xscale, yscale, zscale)) * rot * noTransBill; worldRot.Translation = bill.Translation; effect.Parameters["xWorld"].SetValue(worldRot); } else { Vector3 axis = Vector3.Zero; switch(OrientationType) { case OrientMode.XAxis: axis = Vector3.UnitX; break; case OrientMode.YAxis: axis = Vector3.UnitY; break; case OrientMode.ZAxis: axis = Vector3.UnitZ; break; } Matrix worldRot = Matrix.CreateConstrainedBillboard(GlobalTransform.Translation, camera.Position, axis, null, null); effect.Parameters["xWorld"].SetValue(worldRot); } } else { Matrix rotation = Matrix.CreateRotationY(-(float) Math.PI * 0.25f) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(GlobalTransform.Translation); effect.Parameters["xWorld"].SetValue(rotation); } } else { effect.Parameters["xWorld"].SetValue(GlobalTransform); } foreach(EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes) { pass.Apply(); CurrentAnimation.Primitives[CurrentAnimation.CurrentFrame].Render(graphicsDevice); } } }
public virtual void Update(DwarfTime time, ChunkManager chunks) { lastPosition = Position; UpdateViewMatrix(); UpdateProjectionMatrix(); }
public override void Render(DwarfTime time, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch batch) { Rectangle fieldRect = new Rectangle(GlobalBounds.X, GlobalBounds.Y + GlobalBounds.Height / 2 - GUI.Skin.TileHeight / 2, GlobalBounds.Width - 37, 32); GUI.Skin.RenderField(fieldRect, batch); Drawer2D.DrawAlignedText(batch, CurrentValue, GUI.DefaultFont, Color.Black, Drawer2D.Alignment.Center, fieldRect); GUI.Skin.RenderDownArrow(new Rectangle(GlobalBounds.X + GlobalBounds.Width - 32, GlobalBounds.Y + GlobalBounds.Height / 2 - GUI.Skin.TileHeight / 2, 32, 32), batch); base.Render(time, batch); }
public override void Update(DwarfTime time, ChunkManager chunks) { base.Update(time, chunks); }
public override void Render(DwarfTime time, SpriteBatch batch) { Rectangle globalBounds = GlobalBounds; Color c = TextColor; if(IsMouseOver) { c = HoverTextColor; } Rectangle checkboxBounds = new Rectangle(GlobalBounds.Right - 32, GlobalBounds.Top + 1, 32, 32); GUI.Skin.RenderCheckbox(checkboxBounds, Checked, batch); Vector2 measure = Datastructures.SafeMeasure(GUI.DefaultFont, Text); Drawer2D.DrawStrokedText(batch, Text, GUI.DefaultFont, new Vector2(GlobalBounds.Right - measure.X - 32, GlobalBounds.Top + 5), c, StrokeColor); base.Render(time, batch); }
public virtual void OnContinuousUpdate(DwarfTime time) { }
public void Render(DwarfTime gameTime, ChunkManager chunks, Camera camera, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Shader effect, WaterRenderType waterRenderMode, float waterLevel) { bool renderForWater = (waterRenderMode != WaterRenderType.None); if (!renderForWater) { visibleComponents.Clear(); BoundingFrustum frustrum = camera.GetFrustrum(); foreach (IRenderableComponent b in RenderableComponents) { if (!b.IsVisible) { continue; } if (b.IsAboveCullPlane) { continue; } if (b.FrustrumCull) { if ((b.GlobalTransform.Translation - camera.Position).LengthSquared() >= chunks.DrawDistanceSquared) { continue; } if (!(b.GetBoundingBox().Intersects(frustrum))) { continue; } } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!visibleComponents.Contains(b)); visibleComponents.Add(b); } Camera = camera; } effect.EnableLighting = GameSettings.Default.CursorLightEnabled; graphicsDevice.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullNone; visibleComponents.Sort(CompareZDepth); foreach (IRenderableComponent bodyToDraw in visibleComponents) { if (waterRenderMode == WaterRenderType.Reflective && !(bodyToDraw.GetBoundingBox().Min.Y > waterLevel - 2)) { continue; } bodyToDraw.Render(gameTime, chunks, camera, spriteBatch, graphicsDevice, effect, renderForWater); } effect.EnableLighting = false; }