static void ShowMainMenu() { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Dufflin/Munder Cardboard Co. Sales Portal!\n" + "\n1. Enter Sales\n" + "2. Generate Report for Accountant\n" + "3. Add New Sales Employee\n" + "4. Find a Sale\n" + "5. Exit"); int menuSelection = 0; try { menuSelection = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine($"Please enter a number 1-5 to select an action. Please return to the main menu and try again.\n"); Program.BackToStart(); } switch (menuSelection) { case 1: Sale.EnterASale(); break; case 2: { Console.Clear(); var accountants = Company.AccountantEmployees; var salespeople = Company.SalesEmployees; Console.WriteLine("Which accountant would you like to generate the report for?"); accountants.ForEach(accountant => Console.WriteLine(accountant.Name)); var answer = Console.ReadLine(); var textInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo; if (answer.ToLower() == "angela" || answer.ToLower() == "oscar") { Console.Clear(); var s = 1; Console.WriteLine("Monthly Sales Report\n" + $"For: {textInfo.ToTitleCase(answer)}\n"); salespeople.ForEach(salesperson => { Console.WriteLine($"{s}. {salesperson.Name}\n" + $" Clients:"); salesperson.PrintClients(); s++; Console.WriteLine($"Total: ${salesperson.SumSales()}\n"); }); } else { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid accountant selection:\n" + "Angela\n" + "Oscar\n"); } Program.BackToStart(); break; } case 3: Company.addNewEmployee(); break; case 4: { Sale.FindASale(); break; } case 5: Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please enter a number 1-5"); break; } }