static bool Prefix(ref bool __result, DuckGame.Mod a) { if (a is Nametags.Mod) { __result = false; return(false); } return(true); }
public override void Draw() { if ( { this.scrollBarTop = (int)((double)this._box.y - (double)this._box.halfHeight + 1.0 + 16.0); this.scrollBarBottom = (int)((double)this._box.y + (double)this._box.halfHeight - 1.0 - 16.0); this.scrollBarScrollableHeight = this.scrollBarBottom - this.scrollBarTop; if (this.fixView) { *= 2f; *= 2f; this.fixView = false; } DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Vec2(this._box.x - this._box.halfWidth, this._box.y - this._box.halfHeight), new Vec2((float)((double)this._box.x + (double)this._box.halfWidth - 12.0 - 2.0), this._box.y + this._box.halfHeight), Color.Black, new Depth(0.4f)); DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Vec2((float)((double)this._box.x + (double)this._box.halfWidth - 12.0), this._box.y - this._box.halfHeight), new Vec2(this._box.x + this._box.halfWidth, this._box.y + this._box.halfHeight), Color.Black, new Depth(0.4f)); Rectangle r = this.ScrollBarBox(); DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(r, this._draggingScrollbar || r.Contains(Mouse.position) ? Color.LightGray : Color.Gray, new Depth(0.5f)); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < this._maxModsToShow; ++index1) { int index2 = this._scrollItemOffset + index1; if (index2 < this._mods.Count) { float x = this._box.x - this._box.halfWidth; float y = this._box.y - this._box.halfHeight + (float)(36 * index1); if (this._transferItem == null && this._hoverIndex == index2) { DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Vec2(x, y), new Vec2((float)((double)x + (double)this._box.width - 14.0), y + 36f), Color.White * 0.6f, new Depth(0.4f)); } else if ((index2 & 1) != 0) { DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Vec2(x, y), new Vec2((float)((double)x + (double)this._box.width - 14.0), y + 36f), Color.White * 0.1f, new Depth(0.4f)); } Mod mod = this._mods[index2]; if (mod != null) { Tex2D previewTexture = mod.previewTexture; if (this._noImage.texture != previewTexture) { this._noImage.texture = previewTexture; this._noImage.scale = new Vec2(32f / (float)previewTexture.width); } DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Vec2(x + 2f, y + 2f), new Vec2((float)((double)x + 36.0 - 2.0), (float)((double)y + 36.0 - 2.0)), Color.Gray, new Depth(0.5f), false, 2f); DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(this._noImage, x + 2f, y + 2f, new Depth(0.5f)); string str = "#" + (object)(index2 + 1) + ": "; string text; if (!mod.configuration.loaded) { text = str +; } else { text = str + mod.configuration.displayName + "|WHITE| v" + mod.configuration.version.ToString() + " by |PURPLE|" +; } this._fancyFont.Draw(text, new Vec2((float)((double)x + 36.0 + 10.0), y + 2f), Color.Yellow, new Depth(0.5f)); DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(!mod.configuration.isWorkshop ? (Sprite)this._localIcon : this._steamIcon, x + 36f, y + 2.5f, new Depth(0.5f)); if (!mod.configuration.loaded) { if (mod.configuration.disabled) { this._fancyFont.Draw("Mod is disabled.", new Vec2(x + 36f, y + 6f + (float)this._fancyFont.characterHeight), Color.LightGray, new Depth(0.5f)); } else { this._fancyFont.Draw("|DGGREEN|Mod will be enabled on next restart.", new Vec2(x + 36f, y + 6f + (float)this._fancyFont.characterHeight), Color.Orange, new Depth(0.5f)); } } else if (mod.configuration.disabled) { this._fancyFont.Draw("|DGRED|Mod will be disabled on next restart.", new Vec2(x + 36f, y + 6f + (float)this._fancyFont.characterHeight), Color.Orange, new Depth(0.5f)); } else { this._fancyFont.Draw(mod.configuration.description, new Vec2(x + 36f, y + 6f + (float)this._fancyFont.characterHeight), Color.White, new Depth(0.5f)); } } else { DuckGame.Graphics.Draw((Sprite)this._newIcon, x + 2f, y + 1f, new Depth(0.5f)); this._fancyFont.scale = new Vec2(1.5f); this._fancyFont.Draw("Get " + (this._mods.Count == 1 ? "some" : "more") + " mods!", new Vec2(x + 36f, y + 11f), Color.White, new Depth(0.5f)); this._fancyFont.scale = new Vec2(1f); } } else { break; } } if (this._awaitingChanges) { DuckGame.Graphics.DrawString("Restart required for some changes to take effect!", new Vec2((float)((double)this.x - (double)this.halfWidth + 128.0), (float)((double)this.y - (double)this.halfHeight + 8.0)), Color.Red, new Depth(0.6f)); } if (this._transferItem != null) { DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Rectangle(this._box.x - this._box.halfWidth, this._box.y - this._box.halfHeight, this._box.width, this._box.height), Color.Black * 0.9f, new Depth(0.7f)); string text = "Creating item..."; if (this._transferring) { TransferProgress uploadProgress = this._transferItem.GetUploadProgress(); string str; switch (uploadProgress.status) { case ItemUpdateStatus.PreparingConfig: str = "Preparing config"; break; case ItemUpdateStatus.PreparingContent: str = "Preparing content"; break; case ItemUpdateStatus.UploadingContent: str = "Uploading content"; break; case ItemUpdateStatus.UploadingPreviewFile: str = "Uploading preview"; break; case ItemUpdateStatus.CommittingChanges: str = "Committing changes"; break; default: str = "Waiting"; break; } if (uploadProgress.bytesTotal != 0UL) { float amount = (float)uploadProgress.bytesDownloaded / (float)uploadProgress.bytesTotal; str = str + " (" + (object)(int)((double)amount * 100.0) + "%)"; DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Rectangle((float)((double)this._box.x - (double)this._box.halfWidth + 8.0), this._box.y - 8f, this._box.width - 16f, 16f), Color.LightGray, new Depth(0.8f)); DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Rectangle((float)((double)this._box.x - (double)this._box.halfWidth + 8.0), this._box.y - 8f, Lerp.FloatSmooth(0.0f, this._box.width - 16f, amount), 16f), Color.Green, new Depth(0.8f)); } text = str + "..."; } else if (this._needsUpdateNotes) { DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Rectangle(this._updateTextBox.position.x - 1f, this._updateTextBox.position.y - 1f, this._updateTextBox.size.x + 2f, this._updateTextBox.size.y + 2f), Color.Gray, new Depth(0.85f), false); DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Rectangle(this._updateTextBox.position.x, this._updateTextBox.position.y, this._updateTextBox.size.x, this._updateTextBox.size.y), Color.Black, new Depth(0.85f)); this._updateTextBox.Draw(); text = "Enter change notes:"; DuckGame.Graphics.DrawString(this._updateButtonText, new Vec2(this._updateButton.x, this._updateButton.y), this._updateButton.Contains(Mouse.position) ? Color.Yellow : Color.White, new Depth(0.9f), scale: 2f); } float stringWidth = DuckGame.Graphics.GetStringWidth(text, scale: 2f); DuckGame.Graphics.DrawString(text, new Vec2(this._box.x - stringWidth / 2f, (float)((double)this._box.y - (double)this._box.halfHeight + 24.0)), Color.White, new Depth(0.8f), scale: 2f); } if (Mouse.available && !this._gamepadMode) { this._cursor.depth = new Depth(1f); this._cursor.scale = new Vec2(1f, 1f); this._cursor.position = Mouse.position; this._cursor.frame = 0; if (Editor.hoverTextBox) { this._cursor.frame = 5; this._cursor.position.y -= 4f; this._cursor.scale = new Vec2(0.5f, 1f); } this._cursor.Draw(); } } base.Draw(); }
public override void Update() { if (this._pressWait > 0) { --this._pressWait; } if ( { if (!UIMenu.globalUILock && (Input.Pressed("QUACK") || Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.Escape))) { this._editModMenu.Close(); this.Open(); return; } } else if ( { if (this._transferItem != null && !this._needsUpdateNotes) { if (!this._transferring) { if (this._transferItem.result == SteamResult.OK) { WorkshopItemData dat = new WorkshopItemData(); if (this._selectedMod.configuration.workshopID == 0UL) { this._selectedMod.configuration.SetWorkshopID(; = this._selectedMod.configuration.displayName; dat.description = this._selectedMod.configuration.description; dat.visibility = RemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility.Private; dat.tags = new List <string>(); dat.tags.Add("Mod"); } else { dat.changeNotes = this._updateTextBox.text; } string pathString = + "/content/"; DuckFile.CreatePath(pathString); string path1 = pathString + "screenshot.png"; if (!File.Exists(path1)) { File.Delete(path1); Tex2D screenshot = this._selectedMod.screenshot; Stream stream = (Stream)DuckFile.Create(path1); ((Texture2D)screenshot.nativeObject).SaveAsPng(stream, screenshot.width, screenshot.height); stream.Dispose(); } dat.previewPath = path1; string str = DuckFile.workshopDirectory + (object) + "/content"; if (Directory.Exists(str)) { Directory.Delete(str, true); } DuckFile.CreatePath(str); UIModManagement.DirectoryCopy(, str + "/" +, true); if (Directory.Exists(str + + "/build")) { Directory.Delete(str + + "/build", true); } if (Directory.Exists(str + + "/.vs")) { Directory.Delete(str + + "/.vs", true); } if (File.Exists(str + + "/" + + "_compiled.dll")) { string path2 = str + + "/" + + "_compiled.dll"; File.SetAttributes(path2, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Delete(path2); } if (File.Exists(str + + "/" + + "_compiled.hash")) { string path2 = str + + "/" + + "_compiled.hash"; File.SetAttributes(path2, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Delete(path2); } dat.contentFolder = str; this._transferItem.ApplyWorkshopData(dat); if (this._transferItem.needsLegal) { Steam.ShowWorkshopLegalAgreement("312530"); } this._transferring = true; this._transferItem.ResetProcessing(); } } else if (this._transferItem.finishedProcessing) { Steam.OverlayOpenURL("" + (object); Directory.Delete(DuckFile.workshopDirectory + (object) + "/", true); this._transferItem.ResetProcessing(); this._transferItem = (WorkshopItem)null; this._transferring = false; } base.Update(); return; } if (this._gamepadMode) { if (this._hoverIndex < 0) { this._hoverIndex = 0; } } else { this._hoverIndex = -1; for (int index = 0; index < this._maxModsToShow && this._scrollItemOffset + index < this._mods.Count; ++index) { if (new Rectangle((float)(int)(this._box.x - this._box.halfWidth), (float)(int)(this._box.y - this._box.halfHeight + (float)(36 * index)), (float)((int)this._box.width - 14), 36f).Contains(Mouse.position)) { this._hoverIndex = this._scrollItemOffset + index; break; } } } if (this._transferItem != null) { if (this._updateTextBox != null) { Editor.hoverTextBox = false; this._updateTextBox.position = new Vec2((float)((double)this._box.x - (double)this._box.halfWidth + 16.0), (float)((double)this._box.y - (double)this._box.halfHeight + 48.0)); this._updateTextBox.size = new Vec2(this._box.width - 32f, this._box.height - 80f); this._updateTextBox._maxLines = (int)((double)this._updateTextBox.size.y / (double)this._fancyFont.characterHeight); this._updateTextBox.Update(); float stringWidth = DuckGame.Graphics.GetStringWidth(this._updateButtonText, scale: 2f); float height = DuckGame.Graphics.GetStringHeight(this._updateButtonText) * 2f; this._updateButton = new Rectangle(this._box.x - stringWidth / 2f, (float)((double)this._box.y + (double)this._box.halfHeight - 24.0), stringWidth, height); if (this._updateButton.Contains(Mouse.position) && Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed) { this._needsUpdateNotes = false; this._updateTextBox.LoseFocus(); } else if (Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.Escape)) { this._needsUpdateNotes = false; this._transferItem = (WorkshopItem)null; this._updateTextBox.LoseFocus(); new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._editModMenu).Activate(); return; } } } else if (this._hoverIndex != -1) { this._selectedMod = this._mods[this._hoverIndex]; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { if (this._selectedMod != null && this._selectedMod.configuration != null) { if (this._selectedMod.configuration.disabled) { this._selectedMod.configuration.Enable(); } else { this._selectedMod.configuration.Disable(); } this.modsChanged = true; SFX.Play("rockHitGround", 0.8f); } } else if (Input.Pressed("SELECT") && this._pressWait == 0 && this._gamepadMode || !this._gamepadMode && Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed) { if (this._selectedMod != null) { this._editModMenu.title = this._selectedMod.configuration.loaded ? "|YELLOW|" + this._selectedMod.configuration.displayName : "|YELLOW|" +; this._editModMenu.Remove((UIComponent)this._deleteOrUnsubItem); this._editModMenu.Remove((UIComponent)this._uploadItem); this._editModMenu.Remove((UIComponent)this._visitItem); if (!this._selectedMod.configuration.isWorkshop && this._selectedMod.configuration.loaded) { this._uploadItem.text = this._selectedMod.configuration.workshopID == 0UL ? "UPLOAD" : "UPDATE"; this._editModMenu.Insert((UIComponent)this._uploadItem, 1, true); } if (!this._selectedMod.configuration.isWorkshop && !this._selectedMod.configuration.loaded) { this._deleteOrUnsubItem.text = "DELETE"; this._editModMenu.Insert((UIComponent)this._deleteOrUnsubItem, 1, true); } else if (this._selectedMod.configuration.isWorkshop) { this._deleteOrUnsubItem.text = "UNSUBSCRIBE"; this._editModMenu.Insert((UIComponent)this._deleteOrUnsubItem, 1, true); } if (this._selectedMod.configuration.isWorkshop) { this._editModMenu.Insert((UIComponent)this._visitItem, 1, true); } this._disableOrEnableItem.text = this._selectedMod.configuration.disabled ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE"; this._editModMenu.dirty = true; SFX.Play("rockHitGround", 0.8f); new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._editModMenu).Activate(); return; } Steam.OverlayOpenURL("§ion=readytouseitems&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod"); } } else { this._selectedMod = (Mod)null; } if (this._gamepadMode) { this._draggingScrollbar = false; if (Input.Pressed("DOWN")) { ++this._hoverIndex; } else if (Input.Pressed("UP")) { --this._hoverIndex; } if (Input.Pressed("STRAFE")) { this._hoverIndex -= 10; } else if (Input.Pressed("RAGDOLL")) { this._hoverIndex += 10; } if (this._hoverIndex < 0) { this._hoverIndex = 0; } if ((double)(this._oldPos - Mouse.positionScreen).lengthSq > 200.0) { this._gamepadMode = false; } } else { if (!this._draggingScrollbar) { if (Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed && this.ScrollBarBox().Contains(Mouse.position)) { this._draggingScrollbar = true; this._oldPos = Mouse.position; } if ((double)Mouse.scroll > 0.0) { this._scrollItemOffset += 5; this._hoverIndex += 5; } else if ((double)Mouse.scroll < 0.0) { this._scrollItemOffset -= 5; this._hoverIndex -= 5; if (this._hoverIndex < 0) { this._hoverIndex = 0; } } } else if (Mouse.left != InputState.Down) { this._draggingScrollbar = false; } else { Vec2 vec2 = Mouse.position - this._oldPos; this._oldPos = Mouse.position; this.scrollBarOffset += (int)vec2.y; if (this.scrollBarOffset > this.scrollBarScrollableHeight) { this.scrollBarOffset = this.scrollBarScrollableHeight; } else if (this.scrollBarOffset < 0) { this.scrollBarOffset = 0; } this._scrollItemOffset = (int)((double)(this._mods.Count - this._maxModsToShow) * (double)((float)this.scrollBarOffset / (float)this.scrollBarScrollableHeight)); } if (Input.Pressed("ANY")) { this._gamepadMode = true; this._oldPos = Mouse.positionScreen; } } if (this._scrollItemOffset < 0) { this._scrollItemOffset = 0; } else if (this._scrollItemOffset > Math.Max(0, this._mods.Count - this._maxModsToShow)) { this._scrollItemOffset = Math.Max(0, this._mods.Count - this._maxModsToShow); } if (this._hoverIndex >= this._mods.Count) { this._hoverIndex = this._mods.Count - 1; } else if (this._hoverIndex >= this._scrollItemOffset + this._maxModsToShow) { this._scrollItemOffset += this._hoverIndex - (this._scrollItemOffset + this._maxModsToShow) + 1; } else if (this._hoverIndex >= 0 && this._hoverIndex < this._scrollItemOffset) { this._scrollItemOffset -= this._scrollItemOffset - this._hoverIndex; } this.scrollBarOffset = this._scrollItemOffset == 0 ? 0 : (int)Lerp.FloatSmooth(0.0f, (float)this.scrollBarScrollableHeight, (float)this._scrollItemOffset / (float)(this._mods.Count - this._maxModsToShow)); if (!Editor.hoverTextBox && !UIMenu.globalUILock && (Input.Pressed("QUACK") || Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.Escape))) { if (this.modsChanged) { this.Close(); MonoMain.pauseMenu = DuckNetwork.OpenModsRestartWindow(this._openOnClose); } else { new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._openOnClose).Activate(); } this.modsChanged = false; return; } } if (this._showingMenu) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._showingMenu = false; } base.Update(); }