public static void DownloadAllCloudData() { bool cloudOnly = MonoMain.cloudOnly; bool cloud =; MonoMain.cloudOnly = true; = true; foreach (string file in DuckFile.GetFiles(DuckFile.profileDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { DuckFile.CreatePath(file); DuckFile.PrepareToLoadCloudFile(file); } foreach (string file in DuckFile.GetFiles(DuckFile.levelDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { DuckFile.CreatePath(file); DuckFile.PrepareToLoadCloudFile(file); } foreach (string file in DuckFile.GetFiles(DuckFile.optionsDirectory, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { DuckFile.CreatePath(file); DuckFile.PrepareToLoadCloudFile(file); } MonoMain.cloudOnly = cloudOnly; = cloud; }
public static void InitializeMods() { MonoMain.loadMessage = "Loading Mods"; Mod mod; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (ResolveEventHandler)((s, resolveArgs) => ModLoader._modAssemblyNames.TryGetValue(resolveArgs.Name, out mod) ? mod.configuration.assembly : (Assembly)null); ModLoader.AddMod((Mod)(CoreMod.coreMod = new CoreMod())); DuckFile.CreatePath(DuckFile.modsDirectory); ModLoader.LoadMods(DuckFile.modsDirectory); ManagedContent.InitializeContentSet <Thing>(ManagedContent.Things); ManagedContent.InitializeContentSet <AmmoType>(ManagedContent.AmmoTypes); ManagedContent.InitializeContentSet <DeathCrateSetting>(ManagedContent.DeathCrateSettings); ManagedContent.InitializeContentSet <DestroyType>(ManagedContent.DestroyTypes); ContentProperties.InitializeBags(ManagedContent.Things.Types); ModLoader.PostLoadMods(); }
public static void Initialize() { DuckFile._saveRoot = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + "/"; DuckFile._saveRoot = DuckFile._saveRoot.Replace('\\', '/'); DuckFile._saveDirectory = "DuckGame/"; DuckFile._levelDirectory = "Levels/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._levelDirectory); DuckFile._onlineLevelDirectory = "Online/Levels/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._onlineLevelDirectory); DuckFile._optionsDirectory = "Options/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._optionsDirectory); DuckFile._albumDirectory = "Album/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._albumDirectory); DuckFile._profileDirectory = "Profiles/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._profileDirectory); DuckFile._challengeDirectory = "ChallengeData/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._challengeDirectory); DuckFile._modsDirectory = "Mods/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._modsDirectory); DuckFile._scriptsDirectory = "Scripts/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._scriptsDirectory); DuckFile._workshopDirectory = "Workshop/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._workshopDirectory); DuckFile._customBlockDirectory = "Custom/Blocks/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._customBlockDirectory); DuckFile.CreatePath(DuckFile.customBlockDirectory); DuckFile._downloadedBlockDirectory = "Custom/Blocks/Downloaded/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._downloadedBlockDirectory); DuckFile._customBackgroundDirectory = "Custom/Background/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._customBackgroundDirectory); DuckFile.CreatePath(DuckFile.customBackgroundDirectory); DuckFile._downloadedBackgroundDirectory = "Custom/Background/Downloaded/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._downloadedBackgroundDirectory); DuckFile._customPlatformDirectory = "Custom/Platform/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._customPlatformDirectory); DuckFile.CreatePath(DuckFile.customPlatformDirectory); DuckFile._downloadedPlatformDirectory = "Custom/Platform/Downloaded/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._downloadedPlatformDirectory); DuckFile._customParallaxDirectory = "Custom/Parallax/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._customParallaxDirectory); DuckFile.CreatePath(DuckFile.customParallaxDirectory); DuckFile._downloadedParallaxDirectory = "Custom/Parallax/Downloaded/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile._downloadedParallaxDirectory); DuckFile._customArcadeDirectory = "Custom/Arcade/"; DuckFile._allPaths.Add(DuckFile.customArcadeDirectory); DuckFile.CreatePath(DuckFile.customArcadeDirectory); }
public static XDocument LoadXDocument(string path) { DuckFile.CreatePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); DuckFile.PrepareToLoadCloudFile(path); if (!File.Exists(path)) { return((XDocument)null); } try { return(XDocument.Load(path)); } catch { return((XDocument)null); } }
public static void SaveChunk(BinaryClassChunk doc, string path) { DuckFile.CreatePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); try { if (File.Exists(path)) { File.SetAttributes(path, FileAttributes.Normal); } } catch (Exception ex) { } BitBuffer bitBuffer = doc.Serialize(); FileStream fileStream = File.Create(path); fileStream.Write(bitBuffer.buffer, 0, bitBuffer.lengthInBytes); fileStream.Close(); DuckFile.SaveCloudFile(path); }
public static void SaveXDocument(XDocument doc, string path) { DuckFile.CreatePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); try { if (File.Exists(path)) { File.SetAttributes(path, FileAttributes.Normal); } } catch (Exception ex) { } string contents = doc.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contents)) { throw new Exception("Blank XML (" + path + ")"); } File.WriteAllText(path, contents); DuckFile.SaveCloudFile(path); }
public static string ApplyCustomData(CustomTileData tData, int index, CustomType type) { string key = tData.path + "@" + (object)tData.checksum + ".png"; if (tData.texture != null) { string str = DuckFile.GetCustomDownloadDirectory(type) + key; if (!File.Exists(str)) { DuckFile.CreatePath(str); FileStream fileStream = File.Create(str); tData.texture.SaveAsPng((Stream)fileStream, tData.texture.Width, tData.texture.Height); fileStream.Close(); } } else if (tData.path == null) { return(""); } Custom._customTilesetData[type][key] = tData;[type][index] = key; return(key); }
public override void Update() { if (this._pressWait > 0) { --this._pressWait; } if ( { if (!UIMenu.globalUILock && (Input.Pressed("QUACK") || Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.Escape))) { this._editModMenu.Close(); this.Open(); return; } } else if ( { if (this._transferItem != null && !this._needsUpdateNotes) { if (!this._transferring) { if (this._transferItem.result == SteamResult.OK) { WorkshopItemData dat = new WorkshopItemData(); if (this._selectedMod.configuration.workshopID == 0UL) { this._selectedMod.configuration.SetWorkshopID(; = this._selectedMod.configuration.displayName; dat.description = this._selectedMod.configuration.description; dat.visibility = RemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility.Private; dat.tags = new List <string>(); dat.tags.Add("Mod"); } else { dat.changeNotes = this._updateTextBox.text; } string pathString = + "/content/"; DuckFile.CreatePath(pathString); string path1 = pathString + "screenshot.png"; if (!File.Exists(path1)) { File.Delete(path1); Tex2D screenshot = this._selectedMod.screenshot; Stream stream = (Stream)DuckFile.Create(path1); ((Texture2D)screenshot.nativeObject).SaveAsPng(stream, screenshot.width, screenshot.height); stream.Dispose(); } dat.previewPath = path1; string str = DuckFile.workshopDirectory + (object) + "/content"; if (Directory.Exists(str)) { Directory.Delete(str, true); } DuckFile.CreatePath(str); UIModManagement.DirectoryCopy(, str + "/" +, true); if (Directory.Exists(str + + "/build")) { Directory.Delete(str + + "/build", true); } if (Directory.Exists(str + + "/.vs")) { Directory.Delete(str + + "/.vs", true); } if (File.Exists(str + + "/" + + "_compiled.dll")) { string path2 = str + + "/" + + "_compiled.dll"; File.SetAttributes(path2, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Delete(path2); } if (File.Exists(str + + "/" + + "_compiled.hash")) { string path2 = str + + "/" + + "_compiled.hash"; File.SetAttributes(path2, FileAttributes.Normal); File.Delete(path2); } dat.contentFolder = str; this._transferItem.ApplyWorkshopData(dat); if (this._transferItem.needsLegal) { Steam.ShowWorkshopLegalAgreement("312530"); } this._transferring = true; this._transferItem.ResetProcessing(); } } else if (this._transferItem.finishedProcessing) { Steam.OverlayOpenURL("" + (object); Directory.Delete(DuckFile.workshopDirectory + (object) + "/", true); this._transferItem.ResetProcessing(); this._transferItem = (WorkshopItem)null; this._transferring = false; } base.Update(); return; } if (this._gamepadMode) { if (this._hoverIndex < 0) { this._hoverIndex = 0; } } else { this._hoverIndex = -1; for (int index = 0; index < this._maxModsToShow && this._scrollItemOffset + index < this._mods.Count; ++index) { if (new Rectangle((float)(int)(this._box.x - this._box.halfWidth), (float)(int)(this._box.y - this._box.halfHeight + (float)(36 * index)), (float)((int)this._box.width - 14), 36f).Contains(Mouse.position)) { this._hoverIndex = this._scrollItemOffset + index; break; } } } if (this._transferItem != null) { if (this._updateTextBox != null) { Editor.hoverTextBox = false; this._updateTextBox.position = new Vec2((float)((double)this._box.x - (double)this._box.halfWidth + 16.0), (float)((double)this._box.y - (double)this._box.halfHeight + 48.0)); this._updateTextBox.size = new Vec2(this._box.width - 32f, this._box.height - 80f); this._updateTextBox._maxLines = (int)((double)this._updateTextBox.size.y / (double)this._fancyFont.characterHeight); this._updateTextBox.Update(); float stringWidth = DuckGame.Graphics.GetStringWidth(this._updateButtonText, scale: 2f); float height = DuckGame.Graphics.GetStringHeight(this._updateButtonText) * 2f; this._updateButton = new Rectangle(this._box.x - stringWidth / 2f, (float)((double)this._box.y + (double)this._box.halfHeight - 24.0), stringWidth, height); if (this._updateButton.Contains(Mouse.position) && Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed) { this._needsUpdateNotes = false; this._updateTextBox.LoseFocus(); } else if (Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.Escape)) { this._needsUpdateNotes = false; this._transferItem = (WorkshopItem)null; this._updateTextBox.LoseFocus(); new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._editModMenu).Activate(); return; } } } else if (this._hoverIndex != -1) { this._selectedMod = this._mods[this._hoverIndex]; if (Input.Pressed("SHOOT")) { if (this._selectedMod != null && this._selectedMod.configuration != null) { if (this._selectedMod.configuration.disabled) { this._selectedMod.configuration.Enable(); } else { this._selectedMod.configuration.Disable(); } this.modsChanged = true; SFX.Play("rockHitGround", 0.8f); } } else if (Input.Pressed("SELECT") && this._pressWait == 0 && this._gamepadMode || !this._gamepadMode && Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed) { if (this._selectedMod != null) { this._editModMenu.title = this._selectedMod.configuration.loaded ? "|YELLOW|" + this._selectedMod.configuration.displayName : "|YELLOW|" +; this._editModMenu.Remove((UIComponent)this._deleteOrUnsubItem); this._editModMenu.Remove((UIComponent)this._uploadItem); this._editModMenu.Remove((UIComponent)this._visitItem); if (!this._selectedMod.configuration.isWorkshop && this._selectedMod.configuration.loaded) { this._uploadItem.text = this._selectedMod.configuration.workshopID == 0UL ? "UPLOAD" : "UPDATE"; this._editModMenu.Insert((UIComponent)this._uploadItem, 1, true); } if (!this._selectedMod.configuration.isWorkshop && !this._selectedMod.configuration.loaded) { this._deleteOrUnsubItem.text = "DELETE"; this._editModMenu.Insert((UIComponent)this._deleteOrUnsubItem, 1, true); } else if (this._selectedMod.configuration.isWorkshop) { this._deleteOrUnsubItem.text = "UNSUBSCRIBE"; this._editModMenu.Insert((UIComponent)this._deleteOrUnsubItem, 1, true); } if (this._selectedMod.configuration.isWorkshop) { this._editModMenu.Insert((UIComponent)this._visitItem, 1, true); } this._disableOrEnableItem.text = this._selectedMod.configuration.disabled ? "ENABLE" : "DISABLE"; this._editModMenu.dirty = true; SFX.Play("rockHitGround", 0.8f); new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._editModMenu).Activate(); return; } Steam.OverlayOpenURL("§ion=readytouseitems&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod"); } } else { this._selectedMod = (Mod)null; } if (this._gamepadMode) { this._draggingScrollbar = false; if (Input.Pressed("DOWN")) { ++this._hoverIndex; } else if (Input.Pressed("UP")) { --this._hoverIndex; } if (Input.Pressed("STRAFE")) { this._hoverIndex -= 10; } else if (Input.Pressed("RAGDOLL")) { this._hoverIndex += 10; } if (this._hoverIndex < 0) { this._hoverIndex = 0; } if ((double)(this._oldPos - Mouse.positionScreen).lengthSq > 200.0) { this._gamepadMode = false; } } else { if (!this._draggingScrollbar) { if (Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed && this.ScrollBarBox().Contains(Mouse.position)) { this._draggingScrollbar = true; this._oldPos = Mouse.position; } if ((double)Mouse.scroll > 0.0) { this._scrollItemOffset += 5; this._hoverIndex += 5; } else if ((double)Mouse.scroll < 0.0) { this._scrollItemOffset -= 5; this._hoverIndex -= 5; if (this._hoverIndex < 0) { this._hoverIndex = 0; } } } else if (Mouse.left != InputState.Down) { this._draggingScrollbar = false; } else { Vec2 vec2 = Mouse.position - this._oldPos; this._oldPos = Mouse.position; this.scrollBarOffset += (int)vec2.y; if (this.scrollBarOffset > this.scrollBarScrollableHeight) { this.scrollBarOffset = this.scrollBarScrollableHeight; } else if (this.scrollBarOffset < 0) { this.scrollBarOffset = 0; } this._scrollItemOffset = (int)((double)(this._mods.Count - this._maxModsToShow) * (double)((float)this.scrollBarOffset / (float)this.scrollBarScrollableHeight)); } if (Input.Pressed("ANY")) { this._gamepadMode = true; this._oldPos = Mouse.positionScreen; } } if (this._scrollItemOffset < 0) { this._scrollItemOffset = 0; } else if (this._scrollItemOffset > Math.Max(0, this._mods.Count - this._maxModsToShow)) { this._scrollItemOffset = Math.Max(0, this._mods.Count - this._maxModsToShow); } if (this._hoverIndex >= this._mods.Count) { this._hoverIndex = this._mods.Count - 1; } else if (this._hoverIndex >= this._scrollItemOffset + this._maxModsToShow) { this._scrollItemOffset += this._hoverIndex - (this._scrollItemOffset + this._maxModsToShow) + 1; } else if (this._hoverIndex >= 0 && this._hoverIndex < this._scrollItemOffset) { this._scrollItemOffset -= this._scrollItemOffset - this._hoverIndex; } this.scrollBarOffset = this._scrollItemOffset == 0 ? 0 : (int)Lerp.FloatSmooth(0.0f, (float)this.scrollBarScrollableHeight, (float)this._scrollItemOffset / (float)(this._mods.Count - this._maxModsToShow)); if (!Editor.hoverTextBox && !UIMenu.globalUILock && (Input.Pressed("QUACK") || Keyboard.Pressed(Keys.Escape))) { if (this.modsChanged) { this.Close(); MonoMain.pauseMenu = DuckNetwork.OpenModsRestartWindow(this._openOnClose); } else { new UIMenuActionOpenMenu((UIComponent)this, (UIComponent)this._openOnClose).Activate(); } this.modsChanged = false; return; } } if (this._showingMenu) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this._showingMenu = false; } base.Update(); }
public static T LoadChunk <T>(string path) where T : BinaryClassChunk { DuckFile.CreatePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); DuckFile.PrepareToLoadCloudFile(path); return(!File.Exists(path) ? default(T) : BinaryClassChunk.FromData <T>(new BitBuffer(File.ReadAllBytes(path), 0, false))); }
public static LevelData LoadLevel(string path) { DuckFile.CreatePath(Path.GetDirectoryName(path)); DuckFile.PrepareToLoadCloudFile(path); return(!File.Exists(path) ? (LevelData)null : DuckFile.LoadLevel(File.ReadAllBytes(path))); }
public static FileStream Create(string path) { DuckFile.CreatePath(path); return(File.Create(path)); }
public override void Update() { if (this._doingPublish && this._currentItem != null) { if (!this._currentItem.finishedProcessing) { return; } if (this._uploading) { this._uploading = false; if (this._currentItem.needsLegal) { Steam.ShowWorkshopLegalAgreement("312530"); } this._upload.Close(); if (this._currentItem.result == SteamResult.OK) { this._notify.Open("Item published!"); } else { this._notify.Open("Failed (" + this._currentItem.result.ToString() + ")"); } this._doingPublish = false; } else if (this._currentItem.result == SteamResult.OK) { this._uploading = true; WorkshopItemData dat = new WorkshopItemData(); = this._nameBox.text; dat.description = this._descriptionBox.text; dat.visibility = RemoteStoragePublishedFileVisibility.Public; dat.tags = new List <string>(); if (this._levelType == LevelType.ArcadeMachine) { dat.tags.Add("Machine"); } else { dat.tags.Add("Map"); } dat.tags.Add(this._levelSize.ToString()); if (this._levelType != LevelType.Deathmatch) { dat.tags.Add(this._levelType.ToString()); } Editor.workshopName =; Editor.workshopDescription = dat.description; Editor.workshopAuthor =; Editor.workshopID =; if (this._addDeathmatchTag) { dat.tags.Add("Deathmatch"); Editor.workshopLevelDeathmatchReady = true; } else if (this._addMachineTag) { dat.tags.Add("Arcade Machine"); Editor.workshopLevelDeathmatchReady = true; } else if (this._levelType == LevelType.Deathmatch) { dat.tags.Add("Strange"); } dat.tags.AddRange((IEnumerable <string>)Editor.workshopTags); if (this._extraTags != null && ((IEnumerable <string>) this._extraTags).Count <string>() > 0) { dat.tags.AddRange((IEnumerable <string>) this._extraTags); } (Level.current as Editor).Save(); this._workshopID =; string pathString1 = DuckFile.workshopDirectory + (object)this._workshopID + "/"; string pathString2 = DuckFile.workshopDirectory + (object)this._workshopID + "-preview/"; DuckFile.CreatePath(pathString1); DuckFile.CreatePath(pathString2); string withoutExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this._filePath); string str = pathString1 + Path.GetFileName(this._filePath); if (File.Exists(str)) { File.Delete(str); } File.Copy(this._filePath, str); File.SetAttributes(this._filePath, FileAttributes.Normal); dat.contentFolder = pathString1; string path = pathString2 + withoutExtension + ".png"; if (File.Exists(path)) { File.Delete(path); } Stream stream = (Stream)DuckFile.Create(path); ((Texture2D)this._previewTarget.texture.nativeObject).SaveAsPng(stream, this._previewTarget.width, this._previewTarget.height); stream.Dispose(); dat.previewPath = path; this._currentItem.ApplyWorkshopData(dat); if (this._currentItem.needsLegal) { Steam.ShowWorkshopLegalAgreement("312530"); } this._upload.Open("Uploading...", this._currentItem); } else { this._notify.Open("Failed (" + this._currentItem.result.ToString() + ")"); this._doingPublish = false; } this._currentItem.ResetProcessing(); } else if (!this.opened || this._opening || (this._confirm.opened || this._upload.opened) || (this._deathmatchTest.opened || this._arcadeTest.opened || this._testSuccess.opened)) { if (this.opened) { Keyboard.keyString = ""; } this._opening = false; foreach (ContextMenu contextMenu in this._items) { contextMenu.disabled = true; } } else if (this._confirm.result) { if (this._levelType == LevelType.ArcadeMachine) { this._arcadeTest.Open("This machine can automatically show up in generated arcades, if you pass this validity test. You need to get the Developer trophy on all 3 challenges (oh boy)!"); } else { this._deathmatchTest.Open("In order to upload this map as a deathmatch level, all ducks need to be able to be eliminated. Do you want to launch the map and show that the map is functional? You don't have to do this, but the map won't show up with the DEATHMATCH tag without completing this test. If this is a challenge map, then don't worry about it!"); } this._confirm.result = false; } else if (this._testing) { Keyboard.keyString = ""; if (DeathmatchTestDialogue.success) { this._testSuccess.Open("Test success! The level can now be published as a deathmatch level!"); this._addDeathmatchTag = true; } else if (ArcadeTestDialogue.success) { if (this._arcadeTestIndex != 2) { ++this._arcadeTestIndex; ArcadeTestDialogue.success = false; ArcadeTestDialogue.currentEditor = Level.current as Editor; Level.current = this._arcadeTestIndex != 0 ? (this._arcadeTestIndex != 1 ? (Level) new ChallengeLevel(((Level.current as Editor).levelThings[0] as ArcadeMachine).challenge03Data, true) : (Level) new ChallengeLevel(((Level.current as Editor).levelThings[0] as ArcadeMachine).challenge02Data, true)) : (Level) new ChallengeLevel(((Level.current as Editor).levelThings[0] as ArcadeMachine).challenge01Data, true); this._testing = true; return; } this._testSuccess.Open("Test success! The arcade machine can now be published to the workshop!"); this._addMachineTag = true; } else if (DeathmatchTestDialogue.tooSlow) { this._notify.Open("Framerate too low!"); } else { this._notify.Open("Testing failed."); this._arcadeTestIndex = 0; } DeathmatchTestDialogue.success = false; ArcadeTestDialogue.success = false; this._testing = false; } else if (this._testSuccess.result) { this._doingPublish = true; if (this._currentItem == null) { this._currentItem = Steam.CreateItem(); } else { this._currentItem.SkipProcessing(); } this._testSuccess.result = false; } else if (this._deathmatchTest.result != -1) { if (this._deathmatchTest.result == 1) { this._doingPublish = true; if (this._currentItem == null) { this._currentItem = Steam.CreateItem(); } else { this._currentItem.SkipProcessing(); } } else if (this._deathmatchTest.result == 0) { DeathmatchTestDialogue.success = false; DeathmatchTestDialogue.currentEditor = Level.current as Editor; Level.current = (Level) new GameLevel(this._filePath, validityTest: true); this._testing = true; } this._deathmatchTest.result = -1; } else if (this._arcadeTest.result != -1) { if (this._arcadeTest.result == 1) { this._doingPublish = true; if (this._currentItem == null) { this._currentItem = Steam.CreateItem(); } else { this._currentItem.SkipProcessing(); } } else if (this._arcadeTest.result == 0) { ArcadeTestDialogue.success = false; ArcadeTestDialogue.currentEditor = Level.current as Editor; Level.current = (Level) new ChallengeLevel(((Level.current as Editor).levelThings[0] as ArcadeMachine).challenge01Data, true); this._testing = true; } this._arcadeTest.result = -1; } else { if (this._tagMenu != null) { return; } Vec2 vec2 = new Vec2((float)((double)this.layer.width / 2.0 - (double)this.width / 2.0) + this.hOffset, (float)((double)this.layer.height / 2.0 - (double)this.height / 2.0 - 15.0)) + new Vec2(7f, 276f); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Vec2> tagPosition in this.tagPositions) { if ((double)Mouse.x > (double)tagPosition.Value.x && (double)Mouse.x < (double)tagPosition.Value.x + 8.0 && ((double)Mouse.y > (double)tagPosition.Value.y && (double)Mouse.y < (double)tagPosition.Value.y + 8.0) && Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed) { Editor.workshopTags.Remove(tagPosition.Key); return; } } if (this.tagPositions.Count != this._possibleTags.Count) { bool flag = false; if ((double)Mouse.x > (double)this._plusPosition.x && (double)Mouse.x < (double)this._plusPosition.x + 8.0 && ((double)Mouse.y > (double)this._plusPosition.y && (double)Mouse.y < (double)this._plusPosition.y + 8.0)) { flag = true; } if (flag && Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed) { ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this); contextMenu.x = this._plusPosition.x; contextMenu.y = this._plusPosition.y; contextMenu.root = true; contextMenu.depth = this.depth + 20; int num = 0; foreach (string possibleTag in this._possibleTags) { if (!Editor.workshopTags.Contains(possibleTag)) { contextMenu.AddItem(new ContextMenu((IContextListener)this) { itemSize = { x = 40f }, text = possibleTag }); ++num; } } contextMenu.y -= (float)(num * 16 + 10); Level.Add((Thing)contextMenu); contextMenu.opened = true; contextMenu.closeOnRight = true; this._tagMenu = contextMenu; return; } } Editor.lockInput = (ContextMenu)this; this._descriptionBox.Update(); this._nameBox.Update(); this._acceptHover = false; this._cancelHover = false; if ((double)Mouse.x > (double)this._acceptPos.x && (double)Mouse.x < (double)this._acceptPos.x + (double)this._acceptSize.x && ((double)Mouse.y > (double)this._acceptPos.y && (double)Mouse.y < (double)this._acceptPos.y + (double)this._acceptSize.y)) { this._acceptHover = true; } if ((double)Mouse.x > (double)this._cancelPos.x && (double)Mouse.x < (double)this._cancelPos.x + (double)this._cancelSize.x && ((double)Mouse.y > (double)this._cancelPos.y && (double)Mouse.y < (double)this._cancelPos.y + (double)this._cancelSize.y)) { this._cancelHover = true; } if (this._acceptHover && Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed) { if (this._nameBox.text == "") { this._notify.Open("Please enter a name :("); } else { this._confirm.Open("Upload to workshop?"); } } if (this._cancelHover && Mouse.left == InputState.Pressed) { this.Close(); } base.Update(); } }
public override void Draw() { if ( { this._downloadModsMenu.DoDraw(); } if ( { this.scrollBarTop = (int)((double)this._box.y - (double)this._box.halfHeight + 1.0 + 16.0); this.scrollBarBottom = (int)((double)this._box.y + (double)this._box.halfHeight - 1.0 - 16.0); this.scrollBarScrollableHeight = this.scrollBarBottom - this.scrollBarTop; if (this.fixView) { *= 2f; *= 2f; this.fixView = false; } DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Vec2(this._box.x - this._box.halfWidth, this._box.y - this._box.halfHeight), new Vec2((float)((double)this._box.x + (double)this._box.halfWidth - 12.0 - 2.0), this._box.y + this._box.halfHeight), Color.Black, new Depth(0.4f)); DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Vec2((float)((double)this._box.x + (double)this._box.halfWidth - 12.0), this._box.y - this._box.halfHeight), new Vec2(this._box.x + this._box.halfWidth, this._box.y + this._box.halfHeight), Color.Black, new Depth(0.4f)); Rectangle r = this.ScrollBarBox(); DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(r, this._draggingScrollbar || r.Contains(Mouse.position) ? Color.LightGray : Color.Gray, new Depth(0.5f)); if (this._lobbies.Count == 0) { this._fancyFont.Draw("No games found!", new Vec2(this._box.x - this._box.halfWidth + 10f, (float)((double)this._box.y - (double)this._box.halfHeight + 0.0) + 2f), Color.Yellow, new Depth(0.5f)); } this._lobbies = this._lobbies.OrderByDescending <UIServerBrowser.LobbyData, bool>((Func <UIServerBrowser.LobbyData, bool>)(x => x.canJoin)).ToList <UIServerBrowser.LobbyData>(); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < this._maxLobbiesToShow; ++index1) { int index2 = this._scrollItemOffset + index1; if (index2 < this._lobbies.Count) { float x1 = this._box.x - this._box.halfWidth; float y = this._box.y - this._box.halfHeight + (float)(36 * index1); if (this._hoverIndex == index2) { DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Vec2(x1, y), new Vec2((float)((double)x1 + (double)this._box.width - 14.0), y + 36f), Color.White * 0.6f, new Depth(0.4f)); } else if ((index2 & 1) != 0) { DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Vec2(x1, y), new Vec2((float)((double)x1 + (double)this._box.width - 14.0), y + 36f), Color.White * 0.1f, new Depth(0.4f)); } UIServerBrowser.LobbyData lobby = this._lobbies[index2]; if (lobby != null) { this._noImage.texture = this.defaultImage; this._noImage.scale = new Vec2(1f, 1f); List <Tex2D> tex2DList = new List <Tex2D>(); string name =; string text1 = "|WHITE||GRAY|\n"; if (lobby.workshopItems.Count > 0) { WorkshopItem workshopItem1 = lobby.workshopItems[0]; if ( != null) { lobby.workshopItems = lobby.workshopItems.OrderByDescending <WorkshopItem, int>((Func <WorkshopItem, int>)(x => == null ? 0 : <WorkshopItem>(); if (!lobby.downloadedWorkshopItems) { lobby.hasFirstMod = true; lobby.hasRestOfMods = true; bool flag = true; foreach (WorkshopItem workshopItem2 in lobby.workshopItems) { ulong id =; if (ModLoader.accessibleMods.FirstOrDefault <Mod>((Func <Mod, bool>)(x => (long)x.configuration.workshopID == (long)id)) == null) { if (flag) { lobby.hasFirstMod = false; } else { lobby.hasRestOfMods = false; } } flag = false; } lobby.downloadedWorkshopItems = true; } string str1 = !lobby.hasFirstMod ? "|RED|Requires " + : "|DGGREEN|Requires " +; string str2 = lobby.hasRestOfMods ? "|DGGREEN|" : "|RED|"; if (lobby.workshopItems.Count == 2) { str1 = str1 + str2 + " +" + (lobby.workshopItems.Count - 1).ToString() + " other mod."; } else if (lobby.workshopItems.Count > 2) { str1 = str1 + str2 + " +" + (lobby.workshopItems.Count - 1).ToString() + " other mods."; } text1 = str1 + "\n|GRAY|"; if (!UIServerBrowser._previewMap.ContainsKey( { if ( != null) { if ( != "") { try { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); string str3 = this.PreviewPathForWorkshopItem(; DuckFile.CreatePath(str3); if (System.IO.File.Exists(str3)) { DuckFile.Delete(str3); } webClient.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(, str3); webClient.DownloadFileCompleted += new AsyncCompletedEventHandler(this.Completed); UIServerBrowser._clientMap[(object)webClient] =; } catch (Exception ex) { } } } UIServerBrowser._previewMap[] = (Tex2D)null; } else { Tex2D preview = UIServerBrowser._previewMap[]; if (preview != null) { tex2DList.Add(preview); } } } } if (lobby.wallMode == "1") { text1 += "Wall Mode. "; } if (lobby.requiredWins != "") { text1 = text1 + "First to " + lobby.requiredWins.ToString() + " "; } if (lobby.restsEvery != "") { text1 = text1 + "rests every " + lobby.restsEvery.ToString() + ". "; } if (lobby.customLevels != "" && lobby.customLevels != "0") { text1 = text1 + lobby.customLevels.ToString() + " Custom Levels. "; } DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Vec2(x1 + 2f, y + 2f), new Vec2((float)((double)x1 + 36.0 - 2.0), (float)((double)y + 36.0 - 2.0)), Color.Gray, new Depth(0.5f), false, 2f); if (tex2DList.Count > 0) { Vec2 zero = Vec2.Zero; for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 4; ++index3) { if (index3 < tex2DList.Count) { this._noImage.texture = tex2DList[index3]; if (tex2DList.Count > 1) { this._noImage.scale = new Vec2(16f / (float)this._noImage.texture.width); } else { this._noImage.scale = new Vec2(32f / (float)this._noImage.texture.width); } if (this._noImage.texture.width != this._noImage.texture.height) { if (this._noImage.texture.width > this._noImage.texture.height) { this._noImage.scale = new Vec2(32f / (float)this._noImage.texture.height); DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(this._noImage, x1 + 2f + zero.x, y + 2f + zero.y, new Rectangle((float)(this._noImage.texture.width / 2 - this._noImage.texture.height / 2), 0.0f, (float)this._noImage.texture.height, (float)this._noImage.texture.height), new Depth(0.5f)); } else { DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(this._noImage, x1 + 2f + zero.x, y + 2f + zero.y, new Rectangle(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)this._noImage.texture.width, (float)this._noImage.texture.width), new Depth(0.5f)); } } else { DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(this._noImage, x1 + 2f + zero.x, y + 2f + zero.y, new Depth(0.5f)); } zero.x += 16f; if ((double)zero.x >= 32.0) { zero.x = 0.0f; zero.y += 16f; } } } } else { DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(this._noImage, x1 + 2f, y + 2f, new Depth(0.5f)); } string text2 = name; if (lobby.maxPlayers != "") { text2 = text2 + " (" + lobby.lobby.users.Count.ToString() + "/" + lobby.numSlots.ToString() + ")"; } if (!lobby.canJoin) { string str = text2 + " |DGRED|("; if (lobby.version != DG.version) { switch (DuckNetwork.CheckVersion(lobby.version)) { case NMVersionMismatch.Type.Older: str += "They have an older version."; break; case NMVersionMismatch.Type.Newer: str += "They have a newer version."; break; default: str += "They have a different version."; break; } } else if (lobby.started == "true") { str += "This game is in progress."; } else if (lobby.numSlots != "" && lobby.lobby.users.Count >= Convert.ToInt32(lobby.numSlots)) { str += "Lobby is full."; } else if (lobby.type != "2") { str += "This game is not public."; } else if (lobby.hasLocalMods) { str += "This game is using non-workshop mods."; } text2 = str + ")"; DuckGame.Graphics.DrawRect(new Vec2(x1, y), new Vec2((float)((double)x1 + (double)this._box.width - 14.0), y + 36f), Color.Black * 0.5f, new Depth(0.99f)); } this._fancyFont.maxWidth = 1000; this._fancyFont.Draw(text2, new Vec2((float)((double)x1 + 36.0 + 10.0), y + 2f), Color.Yellow, new Depth(0.5f)); if (lobby.version == DG.version) { this._fancyFont.Draw(lobby.version, new Vec2((float)((double)x1 + 430.0 + 10.0), y + 2f), Colors.DGGreen * 0.35f, new Depth(0.5f)); } else { this._fancyFont.Draw(lobby.version, new Vec2((float)((double)x1 + 430.0 + 10.0), y + 2f), Colors.DGRed * 0.35f, new Depth(0.5f)); } DuckGame.Graphics.Draw(this._steamIcon, x1 + 36f, y + 2.5f, new Depth(0.5f)); this._fancyFont.Draw(text1, new Vec2(x1 + 36f, y + 6f + (float)this._fancyFont.characterHeight), Color.LightGray, new Depth(0.5f)); } } else { break; } } if (Mouse.available && !this._gamepadMode) { this._cursor.depth = new Depth(1f); this._cursor.scale = new Vec2(1f, 1f); this._cursor.position = Mouse.position; this._cursor.frame = 0; if (Editor.hoverTextBox) { this._cursor.frame = 5; this._cursor.position.y -= 4f; this._cursor.scale = new Vec2(0.5f, 1f); } this._cursor.Draw(); } } base.Draw(); }