public FormSettings(Dropbox mainClass)

              this.mainClass = mainClass;

              groupNoDropbox.Visible = !mainClass.DropboxInstalled;
              if (!mainClass.DropboxInstalled)

              textPath.Text = mainClass.dbPath;
              textHttp.Text = mainClass.dbHttp;

              int selIndex = 0;
              switch (mainClass.imageFormat.ToLower()) {
            case "png": selIndex = 0; break;
            case "jpg": selIndex = 1; break;
            case "gif": selIndex = 2; break;
              comboFormat.SelectedIndex = selIndex;

              checkUseMD5.Checked = mainClass.useMD5;
              checkShortMD5.Checked = mainClass.shortMD5;
              numLength.Value = mainClass.length;

              checkJpegCompression.Checked = mainClass.jpegCompression;
              numJpegCompressionFilesize.Value = mainClass.jpegCompressionFilesize;
              numJpegCompressionRate.Value = mainClass.jpegCompressionRate;

            string[] parts = mainClass.shortCutDragModifiers.Split('+');
            foreach (string part in parts) {
              switch (part) {
            case "Ctrl": checkDragModCtrl.Checked = true; break;
            case "Alt": checkDragModAlt.Checked = true; break;
            case "Shift": checkDragModShift.Checked = true; break;

            string[] parts = mainClass.shortCutAnimModifiers.Split('+');
            foreach (string part in parts) {
              switch (part) {
            case "Ctrl": checkAnimModCtrl.Checked = true; break;
            case "Alt": checkAnimModAlt.Checked = true; break;
            case "Shift": checkAnimModShift.Checked = true; break;

            string[] parts = mainClass.shortCutPasteModifiers.Split('+');
            foreach (string part in parts) {
              switch (part) {
            case "Ctrl": checkPasteModCtrl.Checked = true; break;
            case "Alt": checkPasteModAlt.Checked = true; break;
            case "Shift": checkPasteModShift.Checked = true; break;


              comboDragKeys.SelectedItem = mainClass.shortCutDragKey;
              comboPasteKeys.SelectedItem = mainClass.shortCutPasteKey;

              if (textPath.Text == "") {
            string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\Dropbox\\host.db";
            if (File.Exists(path)) {
              string dropboxPath = "";

              try {
            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(path))) {
              // new way of getting the user's dropbox path.
              // host.db contains a second line which is a base64 encoded string of the path.
              // don't ask me why, but they made config.db encrypted (config.dbx)
              reader.ReadLine(); // skip first line, random useless zeros
              dropboxPath = mainClass.base64Decode(reader.ReadLine());
              } catch { }

              if (dropboxPath != "")
            textPath.Text = dropboxPath.Replace('\\', '/') + "/Public/";